Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. H. Piper to R. M. Manly, December 19, 1866

Piper clarifies an apparent mistake about the number of students at his school in Staunton. The name of the school is not given in the letter.

R. M. Manly

December 19, 1866

Staunton Virginia

Dear Sir

Your [unclear: Mission] was received the 17th and in reply will beg that there must be some mistake somewhere, but where I am unable to say -- [deleted: ] the Whole number enrolled and the average number in attendance are the most important questions. [illeg.] will [unclear: ans]. The whole number of Colored pupils enrolled is 360, average attendence last month 230. If I was able to write more I would give you full particulars concerning our school. I am most sick a bit. Will write you again soon.

With much respect
I am sir your obedient servant

J. H. Piper

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