Freedmen's Bureau Records: N. C. Brackett to R. M.
Manly, March 11, 1867
Brackett reports on the schools in the Shenandoah Valley, but does not mention
those in Augusta County, specifically.
Chaplain R. M. Manly
Superintendent Education Richmond Virginia
March 11, 1867
Staunton Virginia
The schools in this Valley have gone on about as usual during the past month. I have not received any report from Harpers Ferry for some unknown reason, but supposing the numbers there & have been about as usual, the number of pupils in our day schools was nine hundred and sixty two, the average of the evening school three hundred and thirteen. We have secured the house at Lexington, and I think it will be paid for in a year or so. The only flaws where there has been serious opposition is Front Royal. Mr. [unclear: Meckerson] reports that the people there grow worse rather than better. I think I shall discontinue the school at Shepherdstown West Virginia and see if the town will not attend to it according to the laws of the state.
Yours very truly
N.C. Brackett