Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to R. M. Manly, November 11, 1867

Jackson's letter alludes to a resolution in the matter between John Scott and Mary Rowell, and he references an "embarrasing" assumption about an engagement with Miss Rowell, but the meaning of the letter is unclear.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub District, Virginia Reverend R. Manly
Superintendent Education &c

November 11 1867

Staunton, Virginia,


Your endorsement on Mr. Kennedy's letter of November 8 is a relief as it settles definitively the [illeg.] current time as to the schools and Mr. Scott. My only object (having no preference) is that the school shall succeed & it will but there has been an [unclear: unwilling] movement caused by hope Mr. Scott and others would be engaged which has embarrassed

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myself and Miss Rowell. The board money I have arranged & have advanced for Wood &c myself.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant

Thos P. Jackson

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