Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: R. M. Manly to N. C. Brackett, August 3, 1868

Manly asks Brackett about schools in the Shenandoah Valley in general, and his plans for the upcoming school year.

Reverend N. C. Brackett

August 3d ----- 1868

Dear Sir:

I am anxious for the earliest information, practicable, in regard to your purposes and expectations in behalf of Freedmen's Schools in the Valley. Please write me what places you will occupy and with what force, so that I may be making timely arrangement for those which you will not occupy. If you are not able yet to determine, certainly, on all points, give the best you know. Of course I only inquire in regard to Virginia.

I expect to be able to help feeble schools that are about to perish with a small cash allowance monthly. This will not come from the Bureau but from an outside charity.

Very Respectfully

R.M. Manly
Superintendent Education

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