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Franklin County: Bob Taggart to Captain John Taggart, August 12, 1862

Taggart writes about the Union capture and occupation of Coggins Point in Virginia.

Captain John Taggart, 9th Penn. Reserve Infantry

August 12th 1862

Coggins Point Southside James River

Dear John

We are on the South side of the James at a place called "Coggins Point" doing [unclear: picket ] duty. It was from this place that the rebels shelled our camps over a week ago. It is now in our possession well fortified and protected on both sides by Gunboats. The movements now being made puzzle us all. The 1st and 2d Brigades which we left on the other side have shippped for we don't know where. Our knapsacks and baggage are on board barges. Preparations seem to be making for a big move. If such is the intention I hope we will not be left as rear guard. Our Brigade could hold this place against ten thousand men, but the getting off might [unclear: farther ] us.

Received your letter containing By Laws and [unclear: Seem's] Photograph. The former well gotten up the latter a perfect picture. The mail carrier returns immediately and it is the only chance I will have to answer. I write this in "Old Ruffin's" barn. He fired the first gun on Sumter, in return for which our boys are now subsisting on his place, and have appropriated

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to themselves his large library, and every article of house and kitchen furniture. He was a man of note here. Editor, Agriculturist, Senator, Doctor, etc. etc. His plantation is large and supplies our Brigade right handsomely with corn potatoes, apples, peaches and such like. Holland left a recruiting service yesterday. The mail is waiting. My love to all.

Your Affectionate Brother


I am still acting Adjutant Have not yet gone to the Camp . The appointments are made for the Regiment and confirmed by General McClellan seem perfectly satisfactory. Corporal Morrison, Company A -- brother of Lawyer Harrison -- is appointed Sergeant Major. He is an intelligent and [illeg.] very exemplary man. He and I have just been enjoying a tin of good black tea sweetened with white sugar from Pittsburgh. It was delicious. The Gunboats have opened fire on something ahead of us. Understand it is on a rebel battery which opened on one of the transports in the river. Bob

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