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Franklin County: "A deserter from the Rebel army" to Thaddeus Stevens, December 18, [1863?]

Desires the exemption of deserters from the Rebel army and deserters from Rebel states from service in the Union army.

Thaddeus Stevens

Dec 18


Hon Thad Stevens
Dear Sir

I write you concerning the exemption of the refugees & deserters from the Rebel army. I think it worse than barbarism that the government have made no provision for us poor union men of the south in the conscription act. We have left property and all and come here for protection because we would not fight against the best government God ever gave to man. I need not detail to you the sufferings we have endured you have read enough of them. You know our fate if taken prisoners and 8 out of every 111 get taken during a campaign we have gotten to a land of liberty with our wives & little ones with nothing for them to live on only what we can make for them and why the congress has overlooked us I cannot imagine; no government has ever forced men who come for protection into the army where there is no show for their lives at all and I cannot believe the government I love is going to do it. I am satisfied the matter has been overlooked. I hope you will take some part for us poor suffering men & families and you will cause joy among us

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I know all it wants is for some one to introduce it in the house. I am satisfied their will not be a vote against our exemption only by copperheads. if their was not plenty of men here we would not think as hard of but the government cant begin to use the men here if the war should last 20 years and why in the name of humanity justice & right their has been no provision for us in the conscription act I cannot for my life see.

I deem it unnecessary for me to write more your great mind can comprehend the whole subject. By complying with the above you will do us poor men and act of justice that will be reciprocated some future day.

With great respect

A deserter from the Rebel army

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