Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: Alexander K. McClure to [unknown], May 25, 1862

McClure expresses reluctance to leave home until he knows of the safety of the border near the Potomac and asks for news.


May 25


Dear Sir

Our people are nervously anxious about the safety of the border, because of the retreat of Banks.

I cannot [unclear: of come] conjecture what the real state of the case is, but I must not leave home until the safety of the Potomac line is assured. I have written the Governor returning the [unclear: ] 7000 judgement, & telling him to have Fuller send me [unclear: Fuller ] check to paynote here and to have you pay in [unclear: Binkeriger] & Farm & [illeg.]. He assured me that he would do so, & F. will keep an eye to it.

Write me how matters go, and telegraph me the war news honestly for our people are wild on the subject.



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