Franklin Repository: December 9, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: The page includes legal notices and a map of the operations of Gen. Banks in Texas. |
Rebel Accounts Of Chattanooga
(Column 1)Summary: Reprints articles from the Richmond Enquirer and the Richmond Whig on Bragg's recent "disastrous" defeat at Chattanooga.Slavery In The Cotton States
(Column 1)Summary: Calls for the end of slavery in the cotton states, based on the argument that peace with slavery undisturbed "is no longer practicable."
Origin of Article: The Baltimore AmericanEditorial Comment: "The Baltimore American . . . demands that the destruction of Slavery shall be thorough in the Cotton States as it is confessedly in the Border States."
Full Text of Article:The Pulpit And The WarThe Baltimore American, the ablest journal in Maryland, and one that is not obnoxious to the charge of radicalism, thus earnestly and cogently demands that the destruction of Slavery shall be thorough in the Cotton States as it is confessedly in the Border States. After noticing the fact that the Cotton States had precipitated the Nation into fraternal war; destroyed Slavery on the border and gathered the slaves into the Gulf States, it says:
"And now, in view of al this--in view of the wholesale, murderous swindle which the Cotton States have perpetrated in getting their quotas of negroes--the border States beg leave to protect against any peace or cessation of the fight in any shape which leaves the Cotton States to the quiet possession of their ill-gotten spoils. Peace, now, is just what they want. With millions of acres of wild and fertile lands at their command, and this additional force of cheap negroes there, with the poor whites killed off out of the way, and cotton at a high price, they would, indeed, revel in wealth; they would crowd into the most guilty of the Revolutionary States every element of prosperity, such as they never knew in the past. And so it would result that to 'rescue a remnant of Southern slavery' would be the very crowning good fortune over which they would exult, since, although they failed of achieving their so-called 'independence,' they would have accomplished the next most desirable thing--have gotten plenty of negro labor at cheap rates, without re-opening the African Slave Trade, and broken down all competition elsewhere.
"Now, we say, make no terms with the Rebellion whatever, except on the naked basis of submission; and let the 'fearful' consequences deprecated fall on those obstinate enough, or stupid enough, to invoke these 'consequences.' Let us have no 'remnant of Slavery' left, even if the conflict continues as much longer as it has already done. And if the President were to cease to direct his blows against the guilty Cotton States, for fear of distressing the enemy, he would hazard, and more, lose, the labor already undergone, and compromise the cause of the Republic and his own fame forever.
"Meanwhile, we reiterate the hope and trust that the war may be pushed to the uttermost; and, in urging this, we put in no reserve plea to deal tenderly with the Cotton States. They are the guilty ones, and if the infliction of war, which they invoked and caused, is now coming home to them, all the better, since they proposed, long ago, to make our own and other innocent communities bear the brunt of the conflict. Let the National troops drive these guilty communities, these original revolutionists, into a corner, and, once within control, let such men as Ex-General Toombs have their spoils wrenched from them; let Governor Brown be made to re-consider his former words, 'Go on with your cotton planting, for the war will never reach you!' Let them be made to fell that 'peace,' with Slavery undisturbed there, is no longer practicable; that, as they have broken up Slavery for us, they themselves shall never be permitted in quiet to thrive upon our misfortunes, as now they would gladly do.
"But, finally, there is no danger of this. The latest intimations from Washington as to the policy to be observed are conclusive on this point. The President and his advisers will stand firm; and, doing so, the days of Slavery are numbered everywhere. Could Toombs and his fellow-conspirators stop matters just where they are, conceding thus to the far Cotton States the palpable advantages they have gained, could Slavery there remain, we have not a doubt but that they would consider the war, so far, a good speculation in better fitting the Gulf States for the homes of a would-be 'aristocracy.' The 'poor whites' are--the bulk of them--dead. They no longer 'cumber the ground.' The tragedy the leaders set on foot is a frightful one, and it is still for themselves to say whether it shall be played to the end. And no simpler proposition could be made to relieve them at once than the one already advanced---the one steadily insisted upon by the Government--'Let them lay down their arms."
(Column 2)Summary: Excerpts a Thanksgiving day sermon preached by Rev. G. D. Carrow in Lancaster.Brief War Items
(Column 2)Summary: Reports brief items of war news including Grant's capture of a total of 400 rebel cannons in the last seven months and Union casualties (killed and wounded) in the battle at Chattanooga at 4,500 with 6,450 captured rebels.Political Intelligence
(Column 4)Summary: Reports news of politics including Gen. McClellan's intention to run as a Democratic candidate for president in 1864.Personal
(Column 5)Summary: Discusses news including a list of Lincoln's nicknames for members of his cabinet and other politicians.
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements. |
Opinion of Judge Stong
(Column 3)Summary: Argues that the Constitution provides the government the right to hold a draft.
Editorial Comment: "Judge Strong, of the Supreme Court, a life-long Democrat and a supporter of his associate Woodward at the late election, delivered an opinion affirming the constitutionality of the conscription law, in opposition to the decision of the majority of the court as delivered by Lowrie, Woodward and Thompson. As the opinion of Judge Strong will be the judgment of the court when Judge Agnew takes the place of Lowrie, we give the concluding and material portion of it."The Prayer At Gettysburg
(Column 4)Summary: The Repository reprints the prayer of House Chaplain, Rev. Thomas Stockton, given at the Gettysburg ceremonies. He thanked God for helping the Union army battle its enemy.A Spanish Congratulation
(Column 5)Summary: Discusses the letter written by the citizens of Barcelona to congratulate Lincoln on the "issue of the Emancipation Proclamation."Confederate . .
(Column 5)Summary: Reports that "Confederate currency has so depreciated that the Richmond people say, 'If you go to the market you have to take your money in the basket, and carry your beef in the pocket book.'"
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements. |
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements. |
[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: Describes the intention of U. S. Senator Lane to introduce a bill to repeal the $300 commutation clause of the conscription bill and to raise the pay of non-commissioned officers and privates fifty percent.[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: Confirms McPherson's election as Clerk of the House of Representatives. McPherson received 101 votes to Emerson Etheridge's 69.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward McPherson)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that Colfax was chosen Speaker of Congress on the first ballot with 101 votes to 42 for the opposition, Cox. The Copperheads unsuccessfully attempted to prevent the representatives from several states from voting.The Army Of The Potomac
(Column 2)Summary: The Repository complains of the inaction of Gen. Meade and the Army of the Potomac for not engaging Lee and his army in battle on November 30.Gen. Banks In Texas
(Column 2)Summary: Describes Gen. Banks's successful campaign in Texas against Gen. Magruder. The Repository points out the significance of Texas with its large population loyal to the Union and large number of runaway slaves.The Duty Of The Governor
(Column 3)Summary: Responds to the Spirit's complaint that Governor Curtin neglected his duties in fulfilling Pennsylvania's quota for the draft. The Repository argues that Curtin fully pursued his duties, leaving the federal government to take action to successfully execute the draft in Pennsylvania.(No Title)
(Column 4)Summary: Argues that "amalgamation" is common in the South and "very rare" in the North. A Southern correspondent concerned with the number of mixed marriages occurring wanted "amalgamation" outlawed. The Repository claims that the grooms are Southerners or foreigners because "amalgamation" is no stranger to a social system that includes slavery. In the free North, on the other hand, mixed marriages are "very rare."
Full Text of Article:[No Title]A clerical correspondent writes us from the Southern coast protesting against the rapid tendency to amalgamation. He says that he has been called upon to perform the marriage service repeatedly where the bride was mulatto, quadroon or octoroon, and he calls upon Congress to arrest this unnatural mingling of the races, which, to use his own language, "threatens the annihilation of the white race in the United States."
We beg our correspondent to quiet his fears on the subject. He cites some half a dozen cases to vindicate his apprehensions; but not one of them presents the union of a northern man with the southern negress. All the happy grooms were either southerners or foreigners, and they have been adopting no novel social system. Slavery has never fastened its desolation on any land without carrying the social evil of amalgamation with it; and the crime has been peculiar to the chivalric and opulent rather than to the lowly. Had our correspondent cast a thought as to the origin of the mulatto, quadroon and octoroon brides of whom he speaks, he might have cherished a reasonable suspicion that amalgamation is not just dawning upon the world, but has blotted and blurred the whole social organization of the South ever since slavery came with its endless train of crime.
In the North, where the negro race is free and not the legitimate prey of a brutal master's lust, amalgamation is very rare, and embraces only the most abandoned of both sexes; and we regard the destruction of Slavery as the only hope of dealing a death-blow to that unnatural evil. Slavery has been its parent, its shield, its apologist and stripped it of its hideous moral deformity by bringing virtuous wives and daughters and sensual sons in daily contact with it; and when its great foundation is destroyed, the whole structure of social pollution will fall with it. The remedy is not in Congress, but in the moral tone of the people, and that seems to be progressing well toward a better and brighter Nationality, free from the blistering stains of both legalized and lawless mingling of the distance races of the Continent.
(Column 4)Summary: Argues against recent Democrat accusations that Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of Tennessee, received the salaries for several political offices (governor, senator, and general). The Repository doubts Johnson received any payment for his efforts.[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: Ridicules the Spirit's apparently inconsistent feelings toward the Confederacy.[No Title]
(Column 5)Summary: Notes the excellent health of Thaddeus Stevens, a member of Congress who owns land in Franklin.Army Of The Potomac. Meade Retires To Brandy Station. He Retreats Unmolested. The Rebel Works Too Strong To Assault
(Names in announcement: Hon. Thaddeus Stevens)
(Column 5)Summary: Describes the actions of the Army of the Potomac.Married
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 3rd, by Rev. Howe, Solomon Monn, of Green Twp., married Jane Miller, near Funkstown.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Wesley Howe, Mr. Solomon Monn, Miss Jane Miller)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 3rd, by Rev. Smith, Rev. Miller, of Hagerstown Circuit, United Brethren In Christ, married Amanda Yaukey, daughter of Daniel Yaukey, of Quincy Township.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. C. Smith, Rev. Emanuel Miller, Miss Amanda C. Yaukey, Mr. Daniel Yaukey)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 1st, by Rev. Barnhart, William Barker, of Abingdon Va., married Julia Krider, of Chambersburg.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thomas Barnhart, Mr. William K. Barker, Miss Julia B. Krider)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 3rd, by Rev. Dickson, John Banghart, of Mentour co., Pa., married Mary Britwiser, of Chambersburg.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Dickson, Mr. John S. Banghart, Miss Mary Britwiser)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov. 23rd, in Guilford Township, Rebecca, only daughter of William and Mary Ferguson, died of diphtheria at the age of 5 years, 4 months and 13 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Rebecca Margaret Ferguson, William Ferguson, Mary Ferguson)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov. 15th, near Waynesboro, Michael Little died at about 66 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Michael Little)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov. 27th, near Waynesboro, of diphtheria, Elisabeth, aged 10 years, 4 months and 11 days, and Mary, aged 8 years, 7 months and 26 days, daughters of Jacob Hess.Died
(Names in announcement: Elisabeth Hess, Mary Hess, Jacob Hess)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov.21st, in Waynesboro, Charles Dickel Sr. died at the age of 73 years, 3 months, and 4 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Charles DickelSr.)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 5th, in Guilford Township, J. Renfrew died of Typhoid Fever in his 48th year.Died
(Names in announcement: John T. Renfrew)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov. 23rd, near Mercersburg, S. Johnston died at the age of 71 years.Died
(Names in announcement: Samuel Johnston)
(Column 5)Summary: On Nov. 19th, in Franklin Grove, Ill., of pulmonary consumption, Carrie, wife of Dr. Hewitt and daughter of Henry Miller, of Greencastle.Died
(Names in announcement: Dr. G. W. Hewitt, Carrie D. Hewitt, Mr. Henry Miller)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 6th, George, son of Henry and Catharine Carl, died at the age of 8 years and 18 days.Died
(Names in announcement: George Henry Carl, Henry Carl, Catharine Carl)
(Column 5)Summary: On Dec. 5th, Lizzie, infant daughter of David and Sarah Flack, died at the age of 3 months and 5 days.
(Names in announcement: Lizzie Flack, David Flack, Sarah Flack)
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements and market reports. |
The Army Of The Potomac--Rumored Appointment of Gen. Pleasanton to the Command in Place of Gen. Meade
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that rumor of Gen. Pleasanton's appointment to command the Army of the Potomac. Apparently both Gen. Sedgwick and Gen. Warren were offered the appointment, but refused it.Longstreet Retreating from Knoxville--Foster and Sherman Pursuing
(Column 1)Summary: Reports Gen. Foster's telegraph that Longstreet was in full retreat.President's Proclamation
(Column 1)Summary: Announces Lincoln's request to pray and give thanks for the rebel retreat from East Tennessee.
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements. |
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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements. |
Gossip With Our Friends
(Column 1)Summary: Mentions the excellent fall for farmers and criticizes selfishness.Supplies For Richmond Prisoners
(Column 3)Summary: Lists the names of people who donated food and supplies to the prisoners held in Richmond. As mentioned in a previous issue, J. K. Reed organized the donations.New Officers
(Names in announcement: Dr. J. K. Reed, Mrs. M A. Reid, Mrs. Keefer, Mrs. J. S. Nixon, Mrs. Huber, Hon. Jason Black, Mr. John Lesher, Capt. Jason Brown, J. S. Nixon, Jacob Stouffer, Mr. Kauffman, Mr. Eyster, Mr. James L. Black, Mr. Hoke, William Wallace)
(Column 3)Summary: Reports that the newly elected officials took their offices. Taylor retained John Glosser as clerk and assists William G. Mitchell in his office of Clerk of the Courts. Stricker took office as Register and Recorder and Good as Commissioner.Tobacco Culture
(Names in announcement: Major K. Shannon Taylor, John Glosser, William G. Mitchell, Mr. Strickler, Mr. Good)
(Column 4)Summary: Reports on the profitability of tobacco in Pennsylvania. The Greencastle Pilot described an experiment by Hoover, who grew several varieties of tobacco on J. B. Witmer's farm. The experiment seems to prove that tobacco could be a profitable crop to grow in Pennsylvania.Fire Company Election
(Names in announcement: Christian Hoover, J. B. Witmer)
(Column 4)Summary: Details the semi-annual election of the Hope Fire Company, held last Monday. S. Miller Shillito was re-elected president and B. F. Snyder as secretary.Legal Intelligence. Common Pleas--Writs Issued
(Names in announcement: S. Miller Shillito, B. F. Snyder)
(Column 4)Summary: Lists the following writs issued in the Court of Common Pleas the previous week: McFerron vs. Middower--Replevin for sorrel horse of the value of $100; M. Keefer, by her friend Wampler, vs. B. Keefer--Subpoena in Divorce; Myers vs. Rowland--Foreign Attachment in debt not exceeding $300; Saylor vs. Brenner--Summons in assumpsit; Lehman vs. Shugart and Baughman--Replevin for one iron grey horse of the value of $100.
(Names in announcement: William McFerron, Middower, Maria Keefer, Lewis Wampler, Benjamin Keefer, Martin Myers, Eliza Rowland, Abraham Saylor, L. B. Brenner, Christopher Lehman, Joseph Shugart, Jacob Baughman)