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Staunton Vindicator: January 22, 1859

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Thrilling Scene in Border Warfare
(Column 3)
Summary: Fort Scott was attacked by Montgomery and Brown, and southern Kansas is on the border of civil war.
(Names in announcement: Captain Montgomery, John Brown, Deputy Marshall Campbell, Mr. Diamon, Mr. Rice, Mr. Gallaher, Dr. Blake Little, George A. Crawford, Governor Ransom, Sheriff Bull)
Origin of Article: St. Louis Republican
Praise Your Wife
(Column 5)
Summary: Article rightfully implores men to praise their wives.
Full Text of Article:

"So, praise your wife, man!"

A Good Hit
(Column 6)
Summary: Humorous article tells of gathering in New Orleans of congressmen. Burlingame tried to befriend southern members but met with a retort from a southerner.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Burlingame)
A White Heiress Elopes with a Negro
(Column 6)
Summary: A white woman from Pontiac eloped to Detroit with a black man. Her father is an abolitionist.
(Names in announcement: Sarah Judson)
Origin of Article: The Detroit Free Press
Full Text of Article:

"The father is rich, and the girl an heiress, which makes it very nice for the African of her choice."

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Congressional news

Will the Opposition Run a Candidate in this District?
(Column 1)
Summary: The Democracy proposes to answer whether the Opposition will hold a convention by asking all Democrats to come out on Court Day to let the people decide.
The Mount Vernon Fund
(Column 1)
Summary: Staunton supporters of Mt. Vernon Fund propose to have a fund raising drive on February 22, Washington's birthday, with Stuart as guest speaker.
(Names in announcement: A.H.H. Stuart)
(Column 2)
Summary: Article criticizes "rowdyism" in Baptist ceremonies because of its devastating effect on community harmony.
Full Text of Article:

"A stranger from a Western State, who happened to be present, asked 'if that was the way people behaved at church in Stunton,' remarking at the same time that it spoke very badly for the morals of the place."

The African Slave Trade
(Column 2)
Summary: Criticizes Seward's proposal before Congress to send Americans to Africa to suppress the slave trade.
(Names in announcement: Seward)
Full Text of Article:

"We do not think that so learned a body as the Senate of the United States is prepared to stultify itself by sacrificing so many lives as would be sacrificed in this enterprise, for the sake of preventing the capture of a few man-eating Africans."

(Column 2)
Summary: The next meeting of the Staunton Lyceum will be held the 22nd; the subject: "Is it expedient to re-open the slave trade?"
Full Text of Article:

The next meeting of the Staunton Lyceum will be held in the school-room of J. M. Crank, on Saturday night the 22d, at 7 o' clock P. M. Subject,--"Is it expedient to re-open the slave trade."

Thomas J. Michie, Esq.
(Column 2)
Summary: A number of Augusta citizens support Michie for the Court of Appeals position.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Michie)
Col. J.B. Baldwin
(Column 2)
Summary: A number of citizens of Augusta, Rockbridge, and Augusta counties support Baldwin for candidate for Court of Appeals.
(Names in announcement: J.B. Baldwin, Green B. Samuels)
Trot Them Round
(Column 3)
Summary: Members of the Metropolitan Concert Company left town without paying their bills. Watch out for them!
Meeting at January Court
(Column 3)
Summary: The Democracy of Augusta supports a district convention for the nomination of a Democratic candidate for Congress and hopes to participate fully.
(Column 4)
Summary: Letter from "Old-Line" ridicules meeting of Know-Nothings for electing as head of the meeting a "fat, chunky, old-fashioned Irishman."
We call attention to the communication of our correspondent "Old Line."
(Column 3)
Summary: Letter agrees with Old-Line that Mr. Guy does not suffice as Chairman of a Know-Nothing meeting.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Guy)

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Description of Page: Train schedule and advertisements

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