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Staunton Vindicator: July 8, 1859

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Description of Page: International news

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Description of Page: List of letters remaining at the Staunton post office.

The Fourth
(Column 2)
Summary: Article praises the patriotic fourth of July services in Staunton.
(Names in announcement: Capt. Mallory, Col. Dushong, H.J. Gray, Maj. Washington, Col. Terrill, Gen. Harman, Mayor Trout, Capt. Harper, John D. Imboden, James Cochran, Lieut. Wertembaker)
Full Text of Article:

Last Monday was a stirring day in Staunton. What with the beating of drums, the waving of plumes, the flashing of bayonets, and the flying of colors, the good old town became so bewildered and unsettled that we verily believe it will take at least a month for it to regain its original natural and dignified appearance. The companies present were the Monticello Guard, a fine looking, well-uniformed and well-drilled company, commanded by Capt. Mallory, of Charlottesville; the Continental Morgan Guard, of Winchester, who, uniformed as the heroes of '76, and commanded by Major Washington--a near relative of the immortal Father of his country-- irresistibly carried the mind back to those days so dear to every American heart-- those times which tried men's souls; the Mountain Guard, commanded by Col. Bushong, from Spring Hill, in this county, as fine looking a body of men as we ever saw, but lately organized and consequently but imperfectly drilled; the uniformed officers of the militia of the county, and last, but not least, the West Augusta Guard, who well sustained the military reputation of Staunton. There were also several fine bands present on the occasion, whose excellent music added greatly to the attractions of the day.

The military and citizens, after parading the principal streets of the town, adjourned over to the Institution grounds, adjoining the premises of Mr. H. J. Gray, who had kindly offered the use of his yard for the purposes of the pic-nic. A speech was here delivered by Mr. Sheffey, the orator of the day, which we did not hear, but which is spoken of in terms of eulogy. The Declaration of Independence was then read for the benefit of all patriots with an insane desire to be bored, and the crowd passed to Mr. Gray's yard, where an immense amount of eating and drinking was done, and speeches delivered by Maj. Washington, Col. Terrill, Gen. Harman, Mayor Trout, Capt. Harper, John D. Imboden, Esq., James Cochran, Esq., Capt. Mallory, Lieut. Wertembaker, and others, in response to sentiments.

We were present at but small part of the celebration, and could not, if we had space, give a detailed account of the proceedings. From all we could see and hear, what with the eating, drinking, fighting, shouting, speechifying, and playing the devil generally, the day passed off to the excessive delight and satisfaction of all concerned, except some few poor devils with bunged eyes and skinned faces, who, we must confess, seemed prepared to "pitch into" the first fellow, who, in the excessive kindness of his heart, might wish him "many returns of the same happy day."

Commencement of the Wesleyan Female Institute
(Column 3)
Summary: The commencement of the Wesleyan Female Institute was grand.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.A. McCauley, Rev. O.P. Wingman, J.N. Davis, J.W. Wolf, Rev. B.F. Brooke, Prof. Turner)
Full Text of Article:

Institute Staunton Va. The annual commencement exercises of this flourishing institution came off the last week, in the presence of a large number, of its friends. It was gratifying to the excellent Principal and his co-laborers to see such a large number of strangers present, especially such a large delegation of Ministers, representing part of Maryland and a large extent of our Virginia Territory.--This unusual attendance and accompanying enthusiasm was properly construed as a harbinger of good to the institution, and will give a new impulse to ministerial effort in its behalf, and a fresh incentive to the indomitable Principal whose untiring energy has made the last year, the most successful, financial period in its history, its number of pupils 72, the largest number that has ever attended, except one year, and its standard of scholarships second to that of no other Female School in the State. The incipient exercise pertaining to this commencement was a baccalaureate sermon by Rev.. J. A. McCauley, of Fredericksburg preached on Sunday June, 26 before a very large and highly appreciated assembly. It was based upon John, Chap iv. verse 27th, "And upon this came his disciples and marvelled that he talked with the woman." The space allotted to this communication forbids a critical review by this chaste and beautiful sermon, yet to express the general sentiment of an intelligent audience I must say that his theme, "Christianity and Woman" was treated in a masterly style and abounded in numerous and sparking gems of thought, and glowing strains of genuine and impassioned eloquence. He closed with a fervid appeal in behalf of female education, and the Wesleyan Female Institute, alluded in feeling terms to his former connection with the Institute, and spoke with moving pathos as he referred to some of the bright flowers cultivated in this nursery of piety and learning, who now transplanted in a celestial world will ever bloom and blossom in immortal brightness.

On Monday the examination commenced under the supervision of the examining committee consisting of Rev. O.P. Wirgman, J. N. Davis and J. W. Wolf. It was conducted with great fairness, no special parts having been selected with a view to display; indeed the common sentiment of the committee and spectators was that it was entirely too rigid, yet, it but reflected the more credit upon the young ladies who get along with surprising facility, evincing a thorough mode of instruction, which drilled them in studying principles rather than skimming over and "cramming" a few lending points. The young ladies excelled in the very department where we ordinarily expect more or less failures; the department of Mathematics. Having attended the examinations and commencements of several literary institutions, I must do the young ladies, and the [text missing] principal, the justice to say that I never saw so rigid an examination in Geometry and Conic sections, and never saw any class of pupils acquit themselves with more facility and credit. In the varied departments all the classes did well and to particularize, might seem to indicate undue partiality, yet I must speak in terms of the highest commendation of the graduating class, and the two talented sisters who figured very conspicuously and with great honor to themselves in their respective classes. The examination closed on Wednesday, and that evening at 8 o'clock the young ladies and their friends repaired to the Baptist Church, where they were entertained by a Literary Address delivered by Rev. B. F. Brooke, D. D., of Baltimore.

The regular commencement exercises closed on Thursday evening before an overflowing and intelligent auditory. The department of music had a good representation, who did themselves and their indefatigable instructor, Prof. Turner, great credit, and who enlivened the occasion by interspersing the exercises with delightful and thrilling strains of vocal and instrumental music. The programme for Thursday evening was made up of English and Latin Salutatory, reading of essays, dialogues, conferring degrees, and valedictory. The English Salutatory was read by Miss Amanda E. Deleplane, of Kingsley, Va., the "Salutatio in lingua latina" by Miss Mattie E. Arbogast, of Lexington, Mo., and Valedictory by Miss Lizzie Ruse, of Loudoun co., Va. These young ladies received the degrees, the 1st honor being awarded to Miss Mattie E. Arbogast for excellence in Latin and French, and the other graduates sharing equally in honor. This graduating trio leaves the institution wreathed in rosy chaplets wrought by diligence and laudable emulation, and if their future career be estimated by their collegiate standing, they will ever reflect a bright halo to linger around and bless the portals of their Alma Mater. The various pieces of original composition evinced a high degree of belles lettres cultivation, and the dialogues were well conceived and readily expressed. the only criticism to be made upon this part of the exercises was the want of vocal power in most of the young ladies. Very often it was difficult to hear in remote parts of the room, yet this applies to all schools, and arises, doubtless, from fright conjoined with natural difference. In this respect, Miss Sallie Veitch is a good model, and we trust her manner will be imitated the next commencement.

In conclusion--this institution occupies at present a more permanent basis than ever, is more successful than ever, promises more than before, and consequently inspires its friends with renewed hope, and will excite all to renewed effort. It especially commends itself to the Ministers, whose institution it is, and to whose fostering care it looks for continued support with the same solicitude and filial confidence that marks the child-like trust daily exemplified around the altars and hearthstones of their own household.

Trailer: FREUND.
Federal Court
(Column 2)
Summary: A Special term of the Federal Court for the Western District commenced last Wednesday.
(Names in announcement: Judge Brockenbrough)
The Fair
(Column 2)
Summary: The ladies of the M.E. Church raised $466 at their Fair.
Full Text of Article:

We are gratified to learn that the ladies of the M. E. Church realized the handsome sum of $466, at their late Fair. Much credit is due them for their efforts in aiding in the erection of their new house of worship. We have been requested by the ladies to return their thanks to the Charlottesville Band, for the delightful music they discoursed on the occasion.

Mr. Wise's Letter
(Column 1)
Summary: Article calls attention to and praises a letter written by Gov. Wise on the question of the rights of naturalized citizens.
(Names in announcement: Gov. Wise)
The Pennsylvania Democracy
(Column 2)
Summary: Article comments that the Pennsylvania Democracy will support legislation that protects the rights of slaveholders.
(Names in announcement: Gov. Wise, Mr. Hiekman, Mr. Douglas)
Origin of Article: New York Herald
Editorial Comment: "The Democracy should accept and work with the generous offers of support from its friends up north."
Congressional Protection versus Squatter Sovereignty
(Column 1)
Summary: Expresses disbelief that there is even a question about whether or not slavery in the territories should be protected by Congress.
Election Returns
(Column 7)
Summary: It is now official that Letcher has won the election.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Letcher)
[No Title]
(Column 7)
Summary: The Hon. Edward Everett's wife died last Saturday.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward Everett)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Letter from Henry Wise to Mayer says that naturalization is a pact between the United States and the foreigner: allegiance for protection.
(Names in announcement: Henry Wise, Mr. Cass, Max L. Mayer)

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(Column 2)
Summary: Married on June 23, 1859.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Davis, J.S. Maupin, Kate S. Oder)
(Column 2)
Summary: Mary Hutcheson died at the age of 20 on May 20, 1859.
(Names in announcement: Mary Margaret Hutcheson, Mildred Hutcheson, Alexander Hutcheson)
(Column 2)
Summary: Elizabeth Johnson died on June 24 at age 83.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Breckinridge, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, John B. Johnson)
(Column 2)
Summary: On July 7, 1859, the infant William Cowan died.
(Names in announcement: Robert Cowan, William Cowan)

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