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Staunton Vindicator: November 30, 1860

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Tale of a woman who eloped in column 4. Connecticut Blue Laws listed in columns 3&4. Moral tales in column 7.

Outlawry in Kansas
(Column 3)
Summary: Article about Montgomery, the "abolition bandit."
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Article about a young woman who was in a carriage driven by "a drunken negro" that was caught in the middle of a river. The woman was able to save the black man and swim to shore.
For the Vindicator, The Hon. S. A. Douglas.
(Column 5)
Summary: Supports Douglas, who is working to keep the Union together.
Interesting Correspondence
(Column 6)
Summary: Letter to Gov. Letcher of Virginia from James Brisbin of Pennsylvania and the governor's response. The letter concerns the abolition of slavery.
Trailer: James S. Brisbin, Please Answer

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Short joke about fugitive slave law in column 2. South Carolina Legislature news in column 6. Short piece on troops in Virginia in column 6.

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Staunton banks have suspended specie payments.
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: The lay members of the M. E. Church--Baltimore Conference will meet in Baltimore to discuss the slavery issue on December 5.
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Howe Peyton went South to New Orleans and Texas on November 27.
(Names in announcement: Esq. Howe Peyton)
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: The new M. E. church will be finished soon, and the dedicatory speech will be given by Rev. Reiley.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. McK. Reiley)
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Rev. Wheeler of the Methodist Church declared that the separation of the Baltimore Conference was inevitable.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.R. Wheeler)
"M. E. C."
(Column 2)
Summary: Criticizes a letter from "M. E. C." that objects to the separation of the Baltimore Conference from the General Convention of the M. E. Church.
Virginia and South Carolina
(Column 4)
Summary: Editorial supports Virginia's refusal to attend South Carolina's proposed Southern Conference.
Full Text of Article:

Virginia and South Carolina

The spirit of cringing subserviency to the behests of the Cotton States manifested by a few of the Democratic press, is totally at variance with the sentiments of the people of Virginia. We were much surprised, and no little fretted at a suggestion in the Alexandria Sentinel a few days ago, to the effect that the State should go to South Carolina, "apologise" for not yielding to her proposition for a Southern Convention last Winter, and implead her to counsel with us now.---The idea of Virginia apologising to South Carolina or any other State for doing that which she believed to be right, is a proposition so ridiculous in itself and so suggestive of a spirit of conscious inferiority, that we can hardly think our able contemporary meant that which his language conveys. We are one of those who believe Virginia did what was precisely right in refusing a conference with the Southern States on that particular occasion, and under those peculiar circumstances. John Brown had invaded Virginia, violated her laws and insulted her sovereignty. Virginia believed she could vindicate her violated laws, and defend her honor by her own inherent agencies. While she treated the commissioner South Carolina was pleased to send with the courtesy and dignity due his mission, she respectfully declined the aid of her sister States in that emergency, believing that she knew her rights and knowing dared maintain them. This she did most triumphantly in bringing the chief offender and his confederates to a speedy trial and a just and significant punishment. John Brown and his party were hung, the violated law was satisfied, and the honor of the State vindicated. Virginia then saw, as she now sees, a remedy within the Union for the defense of her constitutional rights and the maintenance of her sovereign character unimpaired. Whilst the tender of South Carolina on that occasion was doubtless designed in the spirit of sisterly affection, still we cannot dismiss from our mind that it had the appearance of an insult, or of a covert attempt to take advantage of the excited state of public sentiment to carry out her purposes of dissolution. Virginia acted with that dignity, character and self-reliance--that proud sense of self-reliance, which rises above the craven sensation of danger when honor and right are at stake--which have ever distinguished her. She would have been untrue to herself--false to her sons, her honor and her history, had she listened to any offers of aid in that hour of her trial. It seems to us, therefore, that any allusions adverse to and condemnatory of the action of the State on that occasion are unjust, and made without due reflection. It is enough for such outlawed and revolutionary sheets as the Charleston Mercury to pour their streams of foul-mouthed abuse on her, without the press within her own limits taunting her with the insulting suggestion of apologising to South Carolina! Shame on the thought.

South Carolina and her confederates of the Cotton States in their scheme of precipitating a revolution, meet with but little sympathy in Virginia. In her character as a Sovereign State, nothing, we believe, is farther from her purpose than to affiliate and coalesce with them in their reckless and criminal purpose to break up, without sufficient cause, this, the greatest and best government the world has ever seen.

Meeting on Monday
(Column 5)
Summary: Editorial on the Union meeting and the resolutions adopted there. The editor would have used stronger language, but he agrees with the general principals expressed.
(Names in announcement: Gen. Harman, Mr. Skinner, Mr. Hill, Mr. Michie, Esq. Baylor, Capt. Harman, Capt. Koiner, Col. Baldwin, Gen. Harper)
(Column 6)
Summary: The Vindicator believes that the Cotton States will secede, not because of any perceived oppression, but because they have a "wilful, deliberate and criminal purpose to dissolve the Union, establish a Southern Confederacy, and then re-open the African Slave Trade." The Middle States should remain aloof from the seceders schemes.
Virginia Gun Factory
(Column 5)
Summary: Imboden, Harman and McCue are establishing a factory to make the repeating gun just invented by Lorenzo Sibert.
(Names in announcement: Capt. J.D. Imboden, J.M. McCue, M.G. Harman, Lorenzo Sibert)
Vote of Virginia
(Column 5)
Summary: Final election returns for Virginia. Nine Bell and six Breckinridge electors were elected.
For the Vindicator
(Column 7)
Summary: Letter to the editor objecting to the secession of the Baltimore Conference of M. E. Church from the General Convention.
Trailer: M. E. C.

-Page 03-

Augusta County Union Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: Transcript of Union Meeting
(Names in announcement: Gen. Harman, Mr. Skinner, Mr. Hill, Mr. Michie, Esq. Baylor, Capt. Harman, Capt. Koiner, Col. Baldwin, Gen. Harper)
[No Title]
(Column 2)Married
(Column 5)
Summary: Married on November 28.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thos. Ward White, Jesse T. Hutcheson, Emily S. Link)
(Column 5)
Summary: Christena Miller died in Sangersville on October 30 at age 3.
(Names in announcement: Christena Mary Miller, Daniel Miller, Hannah Miller)
(Column 5)
Summary: John Miller died in Sangersville of Diptheria on November 5 at age 7.
(Names in announcement: John Burner Miller, Joseph Miller, Barbara Miller)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Poetry and advertisements