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Staunton Vindicator: March 25, 1864

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Description of Page: On this page are a reprinted list of deserters from the 52nd Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, advertisements, a poem, the text of President Davis's proclamation calling for a day of prayer and fasting, a serial entitled "The Cat-Tail Letters No. II, The Witherington Ruins, Jefferson County, Virginia," "Yankee News," war news, and other news items.

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Description of Page: Also on this page are other articles on the war, advertisements, and legal and political notices.

A New Call
(Column 1)
Summary: Lincoln has just issued a call for 200,000 additional men in the military, an action the editor of the Vindicator perceives to reflect desperation on the part of the North. The conflict that was to take a few men and a short amount of time has instead lasted three years, with "the Confederacy further from subjugation than at any period since the onset of the struggle." The people of the South have adjusted to the fact that the war will be long, but the people of the North are grumbling and dissatisfied.
A Caution
(Column 1)
Summary: The editor warns the farmers of the area of unauthorized persons collecting supplies, representing themselves as agents for General Lee's army or for the local quartermaster's office. The editor reminds readers that an authorized quartermaster and a regularly organized agency are present in the county to collect taxes in kind and impressed supplies.
Full Text of Article:

A Caution.

We have heard of several cases of what we believe to be downright roguery practised upon several of the unsuspecting farmers of our county, under the alleged pretense of gathering supplies for Gen. Lee's army. The party or parties engaged in this, presented themselves to the farmers and with the most sympathetic appeals requested them to contribute supplies, such as they could spare, for the purpose of relieving the immediate wants of the army of Northern Virginia, which they declared to be in great want, accompanying their appeals with the seeming candid assertion that they were not empowered to impress, but were authorized by General Lee to collect supplies by voluntary contribution, and at the same time declaring that unless they were successful in gathering supplies Gen. Lee's army would be compelled to fall back and consequently give up our State. The ordinary feelings of humanity, with the great desire of our people to see that army remain an invincible barrier to the unprincipled foe, induced several to comply and furnish them with what they could spare, thus heavily loading several wagons, which we believe were not intended for and will never reach Gen. Lee's army. We caution our farmers to be certain to whom they give, for Gen. Lee's army has never been in the great strait represented, for if it had been such applications would have been made through one or both of the Quarter Masters at this post.

Would it not be well for the farmers in this district to know to whom they pay their tithes, since there is an authorized Q.M. and a regularly organized agency among us for the recognition of the tithes. We call attention to the latter from the fact that we have heard it stated that a number are collecting the tithes in this district, who are unknown to the Post Quartermaster. We are sure that some of those [illegible] the tithes are authorized to do so, whose receipts are valid, of the others we know nothing. We merely speak of the above as a matter of caution to our farmers.

Our Status
(Column 2)
Summary: The editor reviews the status of the Confederacy and determines that present conditions should make Southerners hopeful. The editor reviews the status of each state, concluding that most of the Confederacy is intact. The aggressive legislation of the Confederate Congress addressing finances is encouraging, the favor with which foreign governments are beginning to view the Confederacy, and the ability of the military leaders and patriotism of the people are all positive signs of the South's well being.
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: The editor alerts readers to the notice of Captain Avis stating he is ready to receive men ages 45 to 50 in his service. They are required to enlist, and the editor encourages them to do so soon so they might be able to stay close to home. Otherwise, the late enrollees may have to go to distant fields.
The Underground Railroad Agents--Through Tickets--How to Make the Connections
(Column 3)
Summary: Former prisoners of war report that an underground railroad that helps deserters escape from the Confederate military service appears to exist. Apparently, it is funded with Yankee money.
Origin of Article: Enquirer
(Column 4)
Summary: Maggie Ruckman married Lieutenant Elisha Wilfong, of Pocahontas County and a member of the 31st Virginia Volunteers, on March 15, 1864, at the home of her father, near Hermitage, Augusta County. Reverend Jacob Hildebrand of the Tunker Church officiated.
(Names in announcement: Reverend Jacob Hildebrand, Miss Maggie Ruckman)
(Column 4)
Summary: Hester A. McGilvray married George Fitch, of the 5th Virginia Infantry, in Greenville on March 10, 1864, with Rev. Mr. Gaver officiating.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Mr. Gaver, Mr. George Fitch, Miss Hester A. McGilvray)