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Staunton Vindicator: August 04, 1865

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Soldier's Complaints
(Column 05)
Summary: The paper reprints an article from the Richmond Whig which reports that many northern soldiers are complaining to their home communities about the delay in mustering out. The article supports and sympathizes with the desire of the soldiers to return home. "The people of the South are quiet, peaceable and loyal, and propose to continue in that frame of mind the remainder of their days on earth. So far as they are concerned, therefore, there is not the shadow of necessity for the presence of a single Federal soldier in their midst."
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig
A Sensible Negro
(Column 05)
Summary: The paper prints the substance of a reported speech by an ex-slave urging all freedmen to return to work for their old masters. The speaker praises the kindness of his master and attacks the notion that "the way to be gentlemen and ladies is to have nothing to do." The speaker argues serving ex-masters is the only way to gain access to homes, land, and supplies.
Full Text of Article:

A friend furnishes the Winnsboro' News with the following as a substance of a speech made by a negro man in a neighboring town, on the Fourth of July:

My Colored Friends: I belong to the same man I belonged to when I can first remember. He has always treated me kindly, and he is a perfect gentleman, because I have always tried to do my duty to my master. I expect to stay with him as long as we both live. I intend to do the very best for him I can, and I feel that in promoting his interest I am doing but good service to myself.

Now, many colored people are of the opinion that the way to be gentlemen and ladies is to have nothing to do. Now I tell you, people that will do nothing will cut a poor figure in the world after awhile, for they will have nothing to go on. No true gentleman is lazy. If you wish to be gentlemen and ladies you must work, and in order to do this successfully you must have something to work with--you must have a home, land and means of cultivating it. If you leave your former master you can't have these. I have no doubt you have all the necessaries of life in greater abundance than you can have after you leave your masters.

My advice is for you to go home, stay there, do all you can to please and profit your masters, and Heaven's richest blessings will come upon you.

-Page 02-

[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper claims that they are currently incurring large expenses in procuring new type. It asks that all customers pay up past-due accounts.
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The editors announce plans to expand the paper by issuing a "whole sheet printed from the best quality of new type." Printing a whole sheet will allow more space for advertising, general reading, and "news matter."
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper comes out against going to war with French forces in Mexico over the Monroe Doctrine. "When once this contest commences, the war we have just passed through may be but child's play to it."
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper announces that an election will take place in Staunton by order of the Governor on August 9th. The voters will select a Mayor, Councilmen, Attorney, Clerk of the Hustings Court, Commissioner of the Revenue and Town Sergeant, for the Corporation of Staunton. No new oaths are required, and all those in Staunton who voted in the County elections are eligible.
(Column 02)
Summary: Mr. Arthur A. Spitzer, formerly of Staunton, married Miss Mary Virginia, oldest daughter of the late Michel DeLarue, at the bride's residence in Bowling Green, Caroline County, Virginia, on July 30th. The Rev. J. G. Parish presided.
(Names in announcement: Arthur A. Spitzer, Mary Virginia DeLarue, Michel DeLarue, Rev. J. G. Parish)