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Staunton Vindicator: May 7, 1869

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Disgusted with the Conservative convention, which dissolved its ticket and left conservatives to fend for themselves. Editor still urges voters to vote down the constitution and take matters into their own hands.
Full Text of Article:

The Conservative Convention met in Richmond on the 28th ult, the proceedings of which, in substance, will be found in another column.

It was composed of gentlemen, who in 1867 were earnest advocates of the then policy of the Conservatives, who had since gone off after the nine, or in advocacy of the policy of those who nominated Walker, Lewis & Co, and a few who remained true to the declared principles of the party. As a consequence, the majority report of the Committee was adopted, which virtually yields the field to the Republicans.

It accepted the resignations of the Conservative Candidates, without nominating a new ticket, and renounced the principles of 1867, in the fear of some dire Radical calamity they know not what. It advises voting against such clauses of the Constitution as many be presented separately without knowing what clauses will be submitted to a separate vote, and not a word of advice does it give as to voting for or against the remainder of the Constitution. Had they given any further advice it would evidently have been to vote for the expurgated Constitution and for Walker.

It has disorganized the Conservative party, by withdrawing its candidates and destroying its platform and now calls upon them to do wonderful execution as guerrillas.

Under this action each man is forced to determine for himself what is best. Whether to vote for or against the expurgated Constitution. Whether he will vote for Walker or Wells, or neither.

As to ourselves we remain just where we were. We are opposed to the Underwood Constitution, out and out. Each and every portion of it is objectionable--oppressive. It is a bundle of abominations, and, as we have all along advised, we again advise all to vote against each and every portion of it. Vote the whole thing down. This done, it will matter little whether Walker or Wells receives the greater number of votes.

We can not make a choice between the candidates in the field, and do not advise any. They are both Republicans and opposed to us in principles. If any can make a choice, we will not urge an objection. In each and every such case it will be deemed a choice between evils forced upon them by the action or rather in-action of the Conservative Convention.

Each man, by this in-action, is forced to be a captain unto himself and must pursue the course he deems best. We trust that each may prove a Mosby and rout the enemy at every point, that not a vestige of the Underwood abomination may be palmed upon us.

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper reports that the hay scales have been repaired. The weigh-master, John M. Carroll, can always be found at George E. Price's store.
(Names in announcement: John M. Carroll, George E. Price)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Dr. C. R. Harris will repeat his lecture delivered before the Harrisonburg Literary Society entitled, "The Influence of the Fine Arts on the Moral Sensibilities." It will be held on May 7th in the Methodist Church. Admission is 25 cents.
(Names in announcement: Dr. C. R. Harris)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The Augusta and White Sulphur and Alum Springs will open on June 1st under the direction of the expert proprietor, Mr. Hefelfinger. "These Springs are in easy reach of the business portion of our community, to whom we commend them, should their families need a respite from town life."
(Names in announcement: Hefelfinger)
(Column 02)
Summary: S. F. Houser and Miss Hattie G. Hess, daughter of William Hess, were married on April 29th at the residence of the bride's father near Midway by the Rev. C. Dameron.
(Names in announcement: S. F. Houser, Hattie G. Hess, William Hess, Rev. C. Dameron)
(Column 02)
Summary: James W. Brooks and Miss Sarah A. Fauber, both of Augusta, were married at Churchville on April 29th by the Rev. J. J. Engle.
(Names in announcement: James W. Brooks, Sarah A. Fauber, Rev. J. J. Engle)
(Column 02)
Summary: David S. Houser of Augusta and Miss Eliza Jane Golliday of Nelson were married in Buckingham County at the residence of Capt. John Donald on April 15th by the Rev. Mr. Whithers.
(Names in announcement: David S. Houser, Eliza Jane Golliday, Capt. John Donald, Rev. Whithers)
(Column 02)
Summary: George Thomas Cleveland, son of O. E. and S. E. Cleveland, died on May 1st. He was 2 years old.
(Names in announcement: George Thomas Cleveland, O. E. Cleveland, S. E. Cleveland)

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