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Semi-Weekly Dispatch: June 7, 1861

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: List of officeholders at the national, state, and local levels, column 1; prospectus of the Semi-Weekly Dispatch, column 1; advertisements, column 2; poem, column 3; article about the Civil War reprinted from the London Saturday Review, column 3; article from the Toronto Globe, column 4; article about the Whiteworth Rifled Canon, column 5

[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports that thirty-two Union men from Berkley County fled to Williamsport on the previous Thursday to avoid being conscripted into the Confederate army. The men left behind their families and possessions. On Saturday, a Unionist was shot in Berkley County for being a spy.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Brief summary of minor news items from the war, column 1; report of the death of Senator Douglas, column 1; article from the Philadelphia Bulletin about the loyalty of California to the Union, column 3; advertisements, column 5

The Murder of Col. Ellsworth
(Column 2)
Summary: Reprints an article in which the editor of the Charleston Mercury compares the man who assassinated Colonel Ellsworth with Sergeant Jasper, whom the Dispatch refers to as "one of South Carolina's noblest names."
Origin of Article: Charleston Mercury
Editorial Comment: "The following clap-trap article from the Charleston Mercury will serve to show the depth of infamy to which the supporters of treason have fallen."
The Judgeship
(Column 3)
Summary: Promote William McLellan, Esq., of the Chambersburg Bar as a candidate for judge.
(Names in announcement: Wm. McLellanEsq.)
Trailer: MANY
Southern Climate and Northern Soldiers
(Column 4)
Summary: Asserts that the Southern forces should not count on the hot weather in the South to deter Northern troops, since troops from New England fought "many glorious battles" in the South during the Revolutionary War.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Prices current, column 3; advertisements, columns 3-5

Stabbed with a Bayonet
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that on the previous Thursday, the fifer of Company D of the Fourteenth Regiment was stabbed in the lower part of the back with a bayonet, and the resulting wound will probably prove mortal. The fifer was stabbed by the First Lieutenant of the company, with whom he is said to have had "some misunderstanding" for some time.
The Independent Rangers
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports tat there is general good feeling towards the Independent Rangers in Chambersburg, "caused by their gentlemanly deportment."
The Pennsylvania Column
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the people of Pennsylvania are all looking to Chambersburg, as movement of troops from that place is expected. Quotes the Harrisburg Telegraph as saying the movement will be made this week.
The Heroes of Fort Sumter
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that the troops who fought at Fort Sumter arrived at Camp M'Clure on the previous Tuesday. The Dispatch heralds the bravery of these men.
Chambersburg Lodge, I.O. of O.F.
(Column 2)
Summary: Reprints the resolutions adopted at the regular meeting of the Lodge on May 28. The resolutions pledge support to the "Brothers" fighting for the Union and allow those fighting an exemption from dues.
War Frauds in Pennsylvania
(Column 2)
Summary: Applauds Governor Curtin for taking action to halt the fraud in distribution of supplies to Pennsylvania's soldiers and chastises those in the press who have magnified the incidences of fraud that did exist.
Origin of Article: N. Y. Tribune

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Poem, column 1; advertisements, columns 2-5

Desperation of the Rebels
(Column 1)
Summary: John Forney of the Philadelphia Press writes that the disunionists must fight, even though their leaders realize they have made a mistake in leaving the Union. Forney also argues that the South is divided while the North is united in a common cause.
Origin of Article: Philadelphia Press