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Semi-Weekly Dispatch: April 22, 1862

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 1 and 2

Parson Wm. G. Brownlow
(Column 3)
Summary: Gives a history of Parson Brownlow's life and prints two of his speeches, one that he gave at Harrisburg and the other that he presented at Independence Hall. Parson Brownlow, an ardent Unionist from East Tennessee who once edited the Knoxville Whig and was arrested by the Confederates for treasonous utterances, was recently allowed to travel to the North, though he was compelled to leave his family behind.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: News from General McClellan's arm, official dispatches from General McClellana dn General Hunter, news of the fight at Yorktown, column 2; news from Fort Pulaski, column 3; reports from Norfolk, Corinth, Fort Pillow, and the Merrimac, column 4

The Democratic Presidential Candidate
(Column 1)
Summary: Denounces the men at the North who have followed Breckinridge even though he is presently leading a regiment in Kentucky that is fighting against and killing Northerners.
Arrest of Simon Cameron
(Column 1)
Summary: Announces that the former Secretary of War, Mr. Cameron, has been arrested upon suspicion of giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Beauregard has asked permission from General Grant to bury his men that fell at Pittsburg Landing. Scoffs at Beauregard's claim that he is "asking only what I have extended to your own countryment under similar circumtances" in light of the "barbarities" carried out by the Southern troops following Bull Run.
Origin of Article: Press
Who Were the Heroes of the First Siege of Yorktown
(Column 1)
Summary: Points out that none of Washington's men at Yorktown during the Revolution hailed from the South. Remarks that soldiers from the same regions as Washington's men are now prepared to fight to preserve the same independence that Washington fought for.
The Fall of Fort Pulaski
(Column 3)
Summary: Report from a special correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch located in Savannah of the "consternation" that the capture of Fort Pulaski has afforded the residents of Savannah.
Origin of Article: Richmond Dispatch
Rebel Generals
(Column 5)
Summary: Lists the generals commanding Southern force that have died or been taken prisoner in the war.
Cotton Growing in Cochin China
(Column 5)
Summary: Relates that the Chinese are growing cotton in Lower Cochin China that rivals that produced in the American South. Reports that France expects to purchase enough cotton from that region to make itself entirely independent of the cotton grown in the Southern United States.
[No Title]
(Column 5)
Summary: Notes that all the Breckinridge Democrats in Congress voted against levying a one dollar tax on each slave, but voted for a tax of one dollar on the dog of the poor man.

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Description of Page: advertisements, columns 3-5

Glorious News from the 77th at Pittsburg Landing
(Column 1)
Summary: Excerpts two letters from the Surgeon of the 77th Pennsylvania that describe the part that the regiment took in the recent fight at Pittsburg Landing. Continues with a brief report of Colonel Stumbaugh's address to his men.
Letter from Capt. S. R. McKesson
(Column 2)
Summary: Prints a letter from Captain McKesson to his wife, written on the battlefield.
(Names in announcement: Capt. S. R. McKesson)
Trailer: Your husband, S. R. M'Kesson
Letter from Lieut. J. R. Frey
(Column 2)
Summary: Prints a letter written after the battle of Pittsburg Lieutenant by Lieutenant Frey to his parents, who reside in Chambersburg. Mr. Joseph Frey is his father.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Joseph Frey)
Trailer: J. R. Frey
Court Proceedings
(Column 2)

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Description of Page: Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5