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Staunton Spectator: September 25, 1860

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Description of Page: Page has a number of short quips on morality, especially regarding women and men. Article from the Frankfort Commonwealth about a Bell elector who switched to Breckinridge, column 6. Letter from Gov. Letcher regarding an extra session of the Legislature, column 7. Bottom right of page is illegible.

It Don't Pay
(Column 4)
Summary: Spectator laments what it sees as the decline of society into one in which people only act if it "pays" for them to do so. This has especially led to a deterioration in relations between the sexes as well as in domestic life in general.
Only a Few Weeks
(Column 6)
Summary: Exhortation from the Richmond Whig for people to get out and work for the victory of the Constitutional Union party, as there are only a few weeks left until the election
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig
Trailer: Richmond Whig
Our Platform
(Column 7)
Summary: Argues that the Constitutional Union platform is not new, but rather is based on tried and true principles of Union.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Page has a number of short political pieces, some from other newspapers.

Meeting at Churchville
(Column 1)
Summary: Bell/Everett club will be formed at a meeting in Churchville.
(Names in announcement: Esq. Hugh Sheffey)
Meeting in Middlebrook
(Column 1)
Summary: Bell/Everett club will be organized in Middlebrook.
Meeting in Waynesboro'
(Column 1)
Summary: Bell/Everett club will be formed at a meeting in Waynesboro.
Our Mass Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: A mass meeting of Bell clubs will be held on October 10.
Mint Spring
(Column 1)
Summary: A meeting will be held at Mint Spring to create a Bell/Everett club.
Col. John B. Baldwin
(Column 1)
Summary: Announcement that John Baldwin, who was scheduled to speak to the Staunton Bell/Everett club, will not be able to do so.
(Names in announcement: John Baldwin)
Meetings this Week
(Column 1)
Summary: List of places and times of Bell/Everett meetings this week in the county.
Col. Baldwin in Rockingham
(Column 1)
Summary: Announcement that Col. Baldwin will be happy to speak to meetings anywhere in Rockingham County if the people there will arrange for him to be brought from Harrisonburg.
(Names in announcement: Col. Baldwin)
(Column 1)
Summary: Spectator urges the Committee appointed by the Central Bell/Everett Committee of the county to organize Bell/Everett clubs in those neighborhoods which do not yet have them.
(Column 1)
Summary: Spectator reminds citizens that a "grand rally" will be held on October 10 to celebrate and support the Bell/Everett ticket.
Proceedings in Harrisonburg
(Column 2)
Summary: Account of a political meeting of both factions of Democrats, held in Rockingham and Harrisonburg, with excerpted piece from the Rockingham Register describing the ruckus which occurred.
Democratic Discussion on Tuesday Night Last
(Column 2)
Summary: Account of a meeting held at the county Court House with members of both factions of Democrats, at which fights broke out.
Full Text of Article:

On Tuesday night there was a discussion in the Court-house between Hon. Shelton F. Leake and Mr. Gallagher of Baltimore, the former for Breckenridge and the latter for Douglas. -- During this discussion and at its close, there was a repetition of the scene enacted at Harrisonburg the day before. Such a scene of noise and confusion, disorder and wrangling, cheering, shouting and stamping, was never before witnessed in this place, and it is hoped never will be again. After the discussion was over, a few of the "harmonious" brotherhood manifested their sincere fraternal affection by securing locks of hair from each other without taking time to go to the barbers. The ran into the embrace of each other with such impetuosity that fists and faces met in violent concussion.

It is generally conceded that Hon. Shelton F. Leake came off "second best" in this discussion. His friends say that he "was not himself," but fail to say who he was, if "not himself." We suppose that he had not recovered from the "indisposition" with which he was afflicted in Harrisonburg.

Fusion Meeting
(Column 2)
Summary: Further description of the meeting of Democratic factions.
(Names in announcement: William Burke, Michael Harman, Jacob Baylor, Alexander Cochran)
Our Club Meeting
(Column 3)
Summary: Report of a meeting of the Staunton Bell/Everett Club.
(Names in announcement: J.B. Imboden, James Bumgardner, R.L. Doyle)
Speaking at the Breckinridge Club
(Column 3)
Summary: Report of a meeting held at the Staunton Breckinridge club.
(Names in announcement: Alexander Cochran, Howe Peyton)
A Great Deal in Appearances
(Column 3)
Summary: Story about a man who came from Highland County to Staunton just to hear Douglas speak, but on seeing Douglas's appearance vowed to vote for Bell and Everett instead.
(Names in announcement: Alexander Stuart)
Greatness of Staunton
(Column 3)
Summary: Article singing the praises of Staunton, especially of the women of Staunton.
Delegates to the Farmers' Assembly
(Column 3)
Summary: List of local delegates to the Farmers' Assembly in Richmond.
(Names in announcement: S.B. Finley, G.W. Mowrey, William Tate, J. Wayt Bell, James Walker)
Mr. Stuart's Speech in Wheeling
(Column 4)
Summary: Report on Alexander Stuart's speech in Wheeling.
(Names in announcement: Alexander Stuart)
Origin of Article: Botetourt Journal (Bridgeport, Ohio)
Speech of Col. J.B. Baldwin
(Column 4)
Summary: Excerpted article from Lexington Gazette on a speech of Col. Baldwin.
(Names in announcement: Col. Baldwin)
Origin of Article: Lexington Gazette
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Announcement of a meeting of the Bell/Everett club of Mt. Sidney.
(Names in announcement: H.M. Bell)
A Sensible Negro
(Column 4)
Summary: Story about a slave woman freed by her master who voluntarily re-enslaved herself.
Origin of Article: Lexington Gazette
Full Text of Article:

Mary Elizabeth, a free woman of color, twenty-two years of age, who was emancipated by the will of Wm. Miller, sr., dec'd, voluntarily enslaved herself at the present session of the Circuit Court of Rockbridge, under the Act of Assembly of February, 1856, which authorizes the voluntary enslavement of free negroes. -- Lex. Gazette.

For the Spectator
(Column 5)
Summary: Proceedings of a meeting at Deerfield held for the purpose of organizing a Bell/Everett club.
(Names in announcement: William Guy, Baxter Crawford, W.W. Montgomery, John Sellington, Thomas Clayton, Charles Dunlap, Thomas Montgomery, R.L. Doyle, Jacob Beck, J.W.H. Coursey, J. Marvin, James Guy, James Ramsay, K. Craig, M. Kerchner, Thomas Cross, J. Mann, J.W. Clayton, James Kincaid, John Cale, W.L.D. Rodgers)
Trailer: Jacob Beck, President; J.W.H. Coursey, Secretary
Bell Club Formed at West View
(Column 5)
Summary: Report of a Bell Club formed at West View.
(Names in announcement: Bolivar Christian, Dr. John Edmondson, F.M. Swoope, F. St. Clair Roberts, James Calhoun, Dr. William Walters, Henry Eidson, William Tate, Peter Eidson, Samuel Bell)
Trailer: John Edmondson, Chairman; F. McF. Swoope, Secretary
Speech of Mr. Michie
(Column 5)
Summary: Excerpted article about September speech of Thomas Michie of Staunton, who defended the Yancey wing of Democrats against the Douglas wing.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Michie)
Origin of Article: Lexington Gazette

-Page 03-

Wheeling Correspondence
(Column 1)
Summary: Describes Alexander H.H. Stuart's visit and speech in Wheeling.
(Names in announcement: Alexander Stuart)
Trailer: "L"
The Loch Willow School
(Column 1)
Summary: Author comments favorably on the Loch Willow School and on the Hotchkisses, who run it.
(Names in announcement: J. Hotchkiss, N.H. Hotchkiss)
Trailer: An Old Pupil
(Column 2)
Summary: Married on September 20.
(Names in announcement: Rev. G.W. Statton, Jacob Shiver, Elizabeth Strasberg)
(Column 2)
Summary: Married on September 13. Mr. Samuels is from Augusta, and Miss Burkholder is from Rockingham.
(Names in announcement: Joseph Samuels, Rev. M. Lohr, Fannie Burkholder)
(Column 2)
Summary: Married on September 20. Mr. Garber is from Augusta, and Miss Miller is from Bath.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Jas. Wolff, Martin Garber, Elizabeth Miller)
(Column 2)
Summary: Jacob Burkholder died on July 25 of diphtheria at age 9.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Burkholder, Rev. Martin Burkholder, Rebecca Burkholder)
(Column 2)
Summary: Tilman Burkholder died July 30 of diphtheria at age 5.
(Names in announcement: Tilman Burkholder, Rev. Martin Burkholder, Rebecca Burkholder)

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