![]() Valley Spirit: March 21, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
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Description of Page: Poetry, travelogue, fiction, and a speech from the Pennsylvania Democratic Convention. |
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Description of Page: Poetry, fiction, and moral stories. |
Old House in Juden Strasse: The Rewards of Integrity
(Column 01)Summary: Story of the origin of the Rothchild's fortunes in the integrity of their ancestor ["The Jew"], who kept the trust of a German prince.Jewish Women in Morocco
(Column 03)Summary: Describes the physical attributes of Jewish women in Morocco.
Origin of Article: Richardson's Morocco
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Description of Page: Poetry and advertisements |
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The Fruits of Republicanism
(Column 01)Summary: Stevens and Hazlett, convicted in the Harper's Ferry raid, were executed, which the Valley Spirit applauds.Are They Afraid?
(Column 03)Summary: Attacks Representatives Hickman, Haskin and Adrain for not backing up their corruption charges against President Buchanan.Borough Extension
(Column 05)Summary: Letter arguing that the borough should be extended to bring the tax dollars into Chambersburg and to give Chambersburg room to expand spatially and economically.
Trailer: ProgressAn Amalgamation Case...
(Column 06)Summary: Story from Connecticut describing an interracial marriage.
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(Column 01)Summary: Local election results.
(Names in announcement: T.L. Fletcher, Samuel Reisher, H.B. Davison, W.C. Murry, J.W. Fletcher, W.H. Boyle, R.F. McClellan, Samuel Etter, George Ludwig, A. Martin, G.W. Heagy, George Bittner)Full Text of Article:Gettysburg Railroad--The election in this Borough on Friday last was unusually animated so far as the South Ward was concerned, in the North Ward matters were conducted with more moderation. The contest for Justice among our uptown neighbors was quite interesting. T. L. Fletcher was the "regular nominee" of the Republican party. Mr. Samuel Reisher, not liking the manner of the nomination, placed himself on the track as an independent candidate and made a very creditable run--beating the "regular nominee." Mr. H. B. Davison, the Democratic candidate, however, came within a few votes of beating them both and was, of course, elected with the balance of the Democratic ticket in that Ward. The tickets elected in the respective Wards of this borough stand as follows:--North Ward--Judge: W. C. Murry; Inspectors, J. W. Fletcher and W. H. Boyle; Constable, R. F. McClellan; Assessor, Samuel Etter. South Ward--Judge, George Ludwig; Inspectors, A. Martin and G. W. Heagy; Justice of the Peace, H. B. Davison; Constable, Geo. Bittner. If the Election officers in the townships over the county, will furnish us with the names of those elected, particularly the Justices and Constables, we will publish them without any charge, and will feel obliged to any one who will interest himself in procuring them for us.
(Column 01)Summary: A survey was conducted for a rail route between Chambersburg and Gettysburg. The results were more favorable than expected.
Full Text of Article:Handsome Establishment--A company of gentlemen were engaged, last week, in a survey and examination of a route for the contemplated Railroad between this place and Gettysburg. They have found the location for the road more favorable than was anticipated. From this place to the South Mountain the road will be almost straight and of very easy grades. A gap has been discovered in the Mountain through which the road can pass at a grade of less than fifty feet to the mile. The survey will be continued on the other side of the Mountain and it is thought, from a cursory examination, that a location for the road can be found as favorable as on this side. The survey will be pushed on energetically and in the course of a few weeks we will have the pleasure of placing the report of the Engineer before our readers.
(Column 02)Summary: A building on Main Street was remodeled, and a clothing store moved into it.Personal Property
(Names in announcement: Hiram White, Judge Thompson, A.J. White, David Hoeser)
(Column 02)Summary: Property sale of Daniel Trostle's tavern.Sudden Death
(Names in announcement: Daniel Trostle)
(Column 02)Summary: Daughter of local blacksmith died suddenly at a job at a paper mill.The Insurgents
(Names in announcement: Catherine Shuman, John Shuman, Jacob Heyser)
(Column 02)Summary: The brother of Hazlett, one of John Brown's raiders who was executed in Virginia, stopped in Chambersburg to try to obtain the rifle Hazlett left there. Ex-Sheriff Brown refused to give it to him.Extension of the Borough
(Names in announcement: Ex-Sherrif Brown)
(Column 03)Summary: The Spirit welcomes communication on the matter of the extension of the borough, but asked that writers refrain from "personal allusions."Execution at Charlestown, Va.
(Column 03)Summary: News story of the execution of Stevens and Hazlett.Married
(Column 03)Summary: Married February 23.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, Duncason, E. Rogers)
(Column 03)Summary: Married March 6.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, Jacob Brake, Susan Kune)
(Column 03)List of Retailers
(Column 05)Summary: List of retailers who paid mercantile tax in Chambersburg.List of Retailers: Antrim Township
(Names in announcement: Christian Burkhart, Mark Felheimer, A.J. White, Frank Elliott, J.B. Miller, Jacob Daum, Joseph Spangler, D.S. Fahnestock, J. Mickey, M. Aughinbaugh, James Black, Jacob Hutton, J.R. Hutton, J.D. Jacobs, William HeyserJr., D.W. Beaver, J.S. Ludwig, George Lohner, A. Reinemann, Joseph Deckellmayer, Isaac Hutton, George Dittman, Mark Murphy, George Ludwig, William Wallace, Jacob Nixon, William Gelwicks, J.L. Dechart, J.R. Kirby, A. Lutz, Thomas Metcalfe, John Schofield, Allen Smith, J.S. Grier, J.D. Grier, C.W. Kyster, George Deitz, C.W. Kyster, G.W. Hengy, William Seibert, William Matthews, Jacob Heyser, G.S. Heck, J. Hoke, A.R. Hurst, A.R. Paxton, Lewis Wampler, George Miles, T.J. Wright, Conrad Wagoner, C. Peiffer, Samuel Seiber)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Antrim who paid mercantile taxFannet Township
(Names in announcement: Michael Sellers, Robert Johnston, Henry Spigler, John Kissecker, James Brown, James Riley, Daniel Young, Joshua Yous, E.D. Rankin, Melchi Snively, A.L. Irwin, S.W. Rupley, John Rowe, A. Koons, John Hostetler, George Zeigler, W.M. Carl, A. Gates, H. Appensellers, Joseph Loucheim, James Barr, W. McCrory, Frank Elliott, John Rearich, C.W. Eyster, Benjamin Eby)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Fannet Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Green Township
(Names in announcement: D. Madden, Peter Piper, Wm. Elder, William Mackey, S.E. Hockenberry, W.R. Pomroy, William Johnston, John Cramer, J. Ferguson, W.P. Skinner)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Green Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Guilford Township
(Names in announcement: Robert Black, Samuel White, Thaddeus Stevens, R.A. Renfrew, Daniel Monn, Michael Good, John Haber, Matthew McKee, J.B. Goshart, Edward Hays, Samuel Snively)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Guilford Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Hamilton Township
(Names in announcement: Abraham Dull, J. Hosser, John Stouffer, Jacob Stouffer, John McKnight, Jacob Hoffman)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Hamilton Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Lurgan Township
(Names in announcement: Philip Weaver, Jacob Deatrich, David Ovelman, Abraham Hufer)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Lurgan Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Letterkenny Township
(Names in announcement: Samuel R. Flickinger, Thomas Pomroy, Michael Miller)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Letterkenny Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Montgomery Township
(Names in announcement: Jacob Reitzell, John Ramsey, W.G. McLellan, James Spear, James Slyder, A.M. Hunter, John Myers, George Westhafer)
(Column 05)Summary: List of merchants in Montgomery Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Metal Township
(Names in announcement: Jonathan Keefer, S. Martin, D.A. Crayton, John Rummel, Edward Hays, George Pensinger, E.B. Wingert, J.B. Creigh, J.M. Brewer, J.G. Brewer, J. Wisherspoon, A.L. Coyle, W.L. Haden, D.M.B. Shannon, Wm. McClure, G.G. Ruply, W.D. McKinstry, Christian Schaffer, Addison Imbrie, Matthew Smith, T.C. Grove)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in Metal Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Peters Township
(Names in announcement: John Kasey, R.W. McAllen, J.W. Walker, J.S. Nimmons, Samuel Walker)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in Peters Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: St. Thomas Township
(Names in announcement: John McLaughlin, James Scott, David Hays, J. Carson, Samuel Vance, John Beaver, W.D. Newman, David Unger)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in St. Thomas Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Southampton Township
(Names in announcement: S.M. Linn, H. Keefer, Wm. Stitzel, Albertus Hicks, John Miller, Jacob Krider)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in Southampton Township who paid mercantile tax.List of Merchants: Quincy Township
(Names in announcement: D. Middlecoff, Peter Foust, John Ramp, John Keyner, Jacob Metz, P.N. Hoffman, John Newcomer, William Nicklas, C.W. Kyster)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in Quincy Township who paid mercantile taxes.List of Merchants: Warren Township
(Names in announcement: Henry Besore, Lewis Elliott, Thaddeus Boggs, George Harbaugh, George Small, John Bimendorfer, Henry Good, Peter Knepper, George Knepper, E.J. Small, F.A. Cook, Holker Hughes)
(Column 06)Summary: List of merchants in Warren Township who paid mercantile taxes.List of Merchants: Washington Township
(Names in announcement: John Zimmerman, Jacob Zimmerman, O. McCulloch)
(Column 06)Summary: List of towns in Washington Township that paid mercantile tax.
(Names in announcement: Ferdinand Forthman, P. Zindorff, Joseph Price, M. Stoner, F.J. Trexel, William Tritle, William Miller, Thomas Filbert, Jacob Wolf, Lewis Fisher, William Brotherton, D.J. Kyler, Jerome Beaver, Jacob Welsh, G. Reader, Thomas Smith, George Frick, Robert Clugston, D.H. Russell, George Stover, Joseph Funk, Josiah Besore, John Downey, Fred Speck, Henry Besore, M.D. Plantz, David Lohr, Samuel Frantz, John Hoover, Samuel Rosenstock, John Harbaugh, W.H. Unger, Margaret Zullinger, Daniel Good, George Balsley)