Valley Spirit: July 11, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Bitternuts for Conservatives
(Column 01)Summary: Argues that the Republican party opposes the Constitution and supports abolition, as manifested in their positions at their convention.Mass Meeting of the Democracy of Philadelphia
(Column 02)Summary: Discussion of an enthusiastic Democratic meeting held in Philadelphia on June 30th to ratify the nominations of Douglas and Johnson. Includes speeches given by Senator Forsyth of Alabama and Senator Herron of Louisiana.A Patriotic Letter
(Column 06)Summary: Reprint of two letters, one from Douglas to Richardson of Illinois and one from Alexander Stevens of Georgia. Douglas argues that the Union can only be preserved if Congress adheres to the doctrine of non-intervention. Stevens also asserts the importance of non-intervention.
Editorial Comment: Douglas's letter, which was read after his nomination at Baltimore, "breathes the true spirit of a patriot."
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Speech of the Hon. A.S. Herron of Louisiana
(Column 01)Summary: Reprint of a speech given by Senator Herron of Louisiana to the Democratic meeting in Philadelphia in which he criticizes the secessionists and supports Douglas.
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Who Are to Blame?
(Column 01)Summary: Argues that the secessionists had no right or authority to disorganize the party with their nomination.Douglas's Letter of Acceptance
(Column 06)Summary: Reprint of Douglas's letter of acceptance of the Democratic nomination, in which he states that the Union must be preserved.
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The Ball in Motion!
(Column 01)Summary: Report of the meeting on July 7th of the Democratic party of Chambersburg, during which a Douglas-Johnson club was organized.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Wilson Reilly, James Nill, Hamsher, D.W. Rowe, Esq. William Kennedy, H.C. Keyser)Full Text of Article:The FourthTHE BALL IN MOTION!
In response to the call published last week, a large meeting of the Democracy of the borough of Chambersburg was held at the Public House of A. J. Brand, on Saturday evening, July 7th inst., for the organization of a Douglas Johnson club.
The meeting was called to order by Hon. Wilson Reilly, on whose motion James Nill was chosen President. On motion of Mr. Hamsher, D. W. Rowe, was selected as Secretary. Judge Nill, on taking the chair, addressed the meeting at length on the exigencies of the party, reviewing the action of the Charleston and Baltimore Conventions.
William Kennedy, Esq., then presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, In these troublous times in our national history, it becomes the duty of every good citizen to avow his belief before the world; and whereas, the Democracy of Chambersburg have assembled in in council, to-night, to sustain the time honored doctrines of the party, therefore, be it,
Resolved, that, as the Democratic State Convention which assembled at Reading, and the National Democratic Conventions which met at Charleston and Baltimore, during the present year, reaffirmed the principles for which the party has battled in the past, and to which she is irrevocably committed for the future, it is the duty of every Democratic organization to recognize such platform as the creed of the party, and that every failure to give adhesion to those principles, by individuals or organizations, places those individuals and organizations outside the Democratic Family.
Resolved, That we heartily endorse the Nominations of Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, for the Presidency, and Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, for the Vice Presidency; recognizing in them the only regular Democratic Nominees, for those high offices, no before all the people, and pledging to them, one and all of us, a faithful, earnest, and uncompromising support.-- We do so believing that their election, and the triumph of the principles on which they stand, will give peace to the country and permanency to our institutions.
Resolved, That in the nomination of Henry D. Foster, for Governor, the Democracy have presented to the people of Pennsylvania, one of their most talented, fearless, and incorruptible fellow citizens. One in every way worthy the support of conservative, national men, one whom it will be a duty and a privilege to sustain, and a pleasure to elect.
Resolved, That we unhesitatingly repudiate the action of a part of the Pennsylvania State Central Committee which met at Philadelphia, on Monday, July 2nd, in offering a pretended compromise on the electoral ticket of this State, believing it to be a cheat and a fraud on the nominees of the party, and the favorites of the masses, a proposition disgraceful to the proposers, and insulting to the regular organization; that we desire no compromise with the enemies of the Democracy, whether they be northern Republicans or southern Disunionists. Believing the ultimate aim of each to be a dissolution of the Union; and that we desire to have a full electoral ticket, pledged unequivocally to the support of the nominees of the party, Stephen A. Douglas and Herschell V. Johnson.
Resolved, That these resolutions be signed by the officers of the meeting, and published in the Chambersburg Valley Spirit.
After the passage of the resolutions, Hon. Wilson Reilly, on request, addressed the meeting in earnest support of Judge Douglas.
On motion, the president appointed D. W. Rowe, H. C. Keyser, and W. Kennedy, Esq's, a committee to prepare a constitution for the government of the club.
On motion of Mr. Keyser, the president was requested to write out his address* of this evening for publication in the Valley Spirit.
Mr. B. F. Nead moved that when the meeting adjourn, it adjourn to meet at the Public House of John Reilly, on Friday evening next, which was carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
Attest JAMES NILL D. W. ROWE, President. Secretary.*Judge Nill has complied with this request; his very able speech will appear in our next number.--EDS. VAL. SPIRIT.
(Column 02)Summary: Discussion of the celebration of the Fourth of July in Chambersburg, including a parade and target exercise by the local volunteer militia.The Rosedale Female Seminary
(Names in announcement: Lieutenant Dobler, Judge Chambers)
(Column 02)Summary: Discussion of graduation at the Rosedale Female Seminary.Trip to Cowan's Gap
(Names in announcement: Rev. H. Reeves, Mattie Walker, Miss Tolbert)
(Column 03)Summary: Eight residents of Chambersburg took a trip on June 23rd to view the route for the proposed railroad from Chambersburg to Cowan's Gap. They pronounced the route excellent.Extensive Fire
(Names in announcement: Emanuel Kuhn, Captain J.M. Brown, Jacob Brown, Hon. Wilson Reilly, Wm. McGrath, A.N. Rinkin, John McDowell, William Seibert, Mrs. Cowan, Wm. Haxtet)
(Column 03)Summary: A fire destroyed the home of Samuel Ott on July 10. It originated in a stove in the attic, which was used for cooking during the summer.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Ott, Mrs. Rosenburg, Joseph Deckelmayer, John Dittman)Full Text of Article:The Opposition in Motion--On Tuesday afternoon, (yesterday, after part of our paper had already been printed.) a fire broke out in the residence of Mr. Samuel Ott, near the corner of Maine and Washington streets, and was not arrested until it had consumed four buildings in that neighborhood. The fire originated from a stove on the attic of Mr. Ott's house.--A widow lady, Mrs. Rosenburg, occupied the upper portion of one of Mr. Ott's houses, and had the stove placed in the attic story for the purpose of cooking through the summer; in this stove she had kindled a fire and left it and went down stairs, and in fifteen minutes after, the whole upper part of the house was in flames.
The fire spread rapidly over the two buildings owned by Mr. Ott, which were totally consumed, and to the residence and confectionary establishment of Mr. Joseph Deckelmayer, and the property of Mr. John Dittman adjoining. The upper portion and back building of Mr. Deckelmayer's house was burnt out and the lower story & other room so much damaged by fire and water as to require to be re-built. The roof was destroyed on the building owned by Mr. Dittman and the house otherwise very much damaged. By the noble exrrtions of our firemen and citizens the flames were arrested at this point, when every one at the scene of conflagration predicted the destruction of the whole square of buildings.
(Column 04)Summary: The Republicans of Chambersburg gathered together to form a Lincoln Club on July 7.
(Names in announcement: A.J. Stevens, Dr. H.K. Byers, H.C. Greenawalt, John Crawford, John Bigham, J.B. McElroy, W.E. Cramp, F. Crawford, John McLainEsq.)Full Text of Article:Caledonia Springs--Some of the opposition met at Fayetteville on last Saturday evening, made a temporary organization of a Lincoln Club by appointed J. B. McElroy, pres., and W. E. Cramp, Sec.--The president appointed F. Crawford, A. J. Stevens and W. E. Cramp a committee to report officers for a permanent organization, also a committee. John McLain, Esq., Dr. H. K. Byers, H. C. Greenawalt, John E. Crawford and John G. Bigham to draft Resolutions and By-laws for use of the Club. Adjourned to meet at the public house of John Brown at 8 o'clock, P. M. on the 22d inst. We notice these proceedings for the purpose of prompting our Democratic friends of Fayetteville to action in forming a Douglas Club. There is abundant material there to form a strong Club, and we have no doubt they will proceed at once with the work. Our Democratic friends throughout the county should at once call meetings in every township for the formation of Douglas Clubs.
(Column 04)Summary: The unnamed writer celebrated the fourth of July at Caledonia Springs.Barn Burnt
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Cooper, Hutchinson)
(Column 04)Summary: The barn of B.F. Neely was destroyed by fire.Ladies' Mount Vernon Association
(Names in announcement: Esq. B.F. Neely)
(Column 04)Summary: List of money given in contributions in Franklin County to the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association in June 1860.Sabbath School Celebration
(Column 04)Summary: Discussion of meeting of the Presbyterian Sabbath School of Chambersburg. Included is a resolution that was adopted at the meeting in which they thank the members of the Presbyterian Sabbath School of Hagerstown for an outing where "North and South met together in fraternal spirit around one alter."Deaths
(Names in announcement: Esq. John Cree, Jas. Gilmore, Esq. O.N. Lull)
(Column 04)Summary: Mary Stuart died on June 25th at 72 years of age.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Mary Stuart, Robert Stuart)
(Column 04)Summary: Mary McDowell died on July 4th at 79 years of age.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Mary McDowell, W.E. McDowell)
(Column 04)Summary: Jane Hicks died at Annapolis.
(Names in announcement: Jane Hicks)
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White Men Must Rule America: Now is the Time to Subscribe: The Weekly Day-Book for 1860
(Column 06)Summary: Ad for the New York Day-Book, which combats the "modern heresies of Abolitionism."
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