Valley Spirit: September 12, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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County Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: Urges all Democrats to sign the list for the Democratic Union County meeting to be held on September 15th. The meeting is for all supporters of the fusion movement.Gen. Lane
(Column 02)Summary: The Spirit calls on papers to stop making unscrupulous attacks on Gen. Lane, Breckindidge's candidate for Vice President. They also include a speech given by Lane, in which he states that he is pro-Union but only if all states are equal.Campaign Song
(Column 03)Summary: Satirical song about Abe Lincoln written in pseudo-black dialect.Address of the Democratic State Executive Committee of Pennsylvania
(Column 03)Summary: William H. Welsh, Chairman of the Executive Committee, calls on all Pennsylvania Democrats to vote in the upcoming election.Franklin County Teacher's Association
(Column 03)Summary: The Executive Committee of the Franklin County Teachers Association met and prepared a program of exercises for the meeting in Chambersburg on November 21.Wants A Mother
(Names in announcement: T. Enterline, J.C. Atherton, W.H. Kendig, C.G. Glenn, J.W. Coble, J.F. Boult, T.M. Richards., Mr. Fahrney, W.H. Newman, Samuel Gelwicks, George Eby, H.S. Shade, G.W. Bats, Joseph Eckert, J.L. Dietrich, John Croft, Peter Swisher, Isaac Miller, J.B. Eckerman, R.A. Moore, D.S. McFadden, T.M. Richards, H. Omwake, A.B. Wingert, Henry Atherton, W.H. Hockenberry, J.S. Smith, J.W. Hays, L.J. Wolfe, I.N. Snively, Samuel Eby, J.M. Reed, M.D. Reymer, P.M. Shoemaker, A.B. Stohler, J.S. McElwain, B.F. Fry, A. McElwain, W.H. Blair, W.B. McClure, J.W. Kuhn, A.H. Witherspoon, J.R. Gaff, A.B. Stohler, Jacob Cook, H.B. Kendig, J.M. Bonebrake, J.H. Montgomery, Dr. S.G. Lane, Miss K.A. Wilson, Miss E. Dison, M.J. Miller, Jane Walk, Miss S.F. Reynolds, M.E. Parker, W.H. Newman, J.R. Gaff, J.G. Youst, Elizabeth Witherspoon, Hannah Royer, Miss M.K. Hays)
(Column 05)Summary: A new-born baby was abandoned and found by Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver)
(Column 05)Summary: The writer says that he knows of a man who wants to buy property in the area in hopes that it will increase in value once the railroad is built. He goes on to state that many outsiders have shown more interest in the railroad than have long-time residents, who "show but little enterprise in securing the golden harvest to be reaped ten or twenty years hence."
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The Northern Disunionists
(Column 01)Summary: Argues that the Republicans should not blame southerners for disunion since so many Republicans have long sought to break up the Union. The abolitionists realize that it is impossible to abolish slavery under the current system of government. Instead, they hope to drive the South to secession and then blame southerners for destroying the Union.
Full Text of Article:Why He EmigratedWe hear a great deal from the Black Republicans in denunciation of the disunionists of the South. We think that reproof, like charity, ought to begin at home. And if our Black Republicans were to look at home for disunionists to reprove and condemn, their efforts would be rewarded by the discovery of a larger number of more malignant, more mischievous and more determined enemies of the union, as our fathers made it, than Yancey ever beheld in his most exaggerated dreams.
For many years a large number of persons at the North have made abuse of the South almost their sole occupation. Not content with the freedom they enjoyed, they have made constant war upon the institution of slavery. Their numbers have, at various times been swelled by accessions to their ranks from the disaffected elements of the great parties into which the country was generally divided. But it was not until the formidable old Whig Party lost its great and patriotic leaders CLAY and WEBSTER, and fell to pieces, that the Northern Disunion Party assumed proportions that filled the lover of his country with alarm.
For the last five years the air of the North has been surcharged with envenomed assaults upon the South. Every insulting epithet that malignant ingenuity could invent, has been applied to the Southern people. We need not repeat these epithets. They are seen in every Republican newspaper and they are heard whenever a Republican orator opens his mouth. They can be uttered but for one object, and that object must be to exasperate the South to the point of withdrawing from the Union.
Does it need an argument to prove that this must be the object of these constant declaimers against slavery? What else can be their object? They know very well that they can never set one single bondman free by all their furious declamation against slavery. They know that fierce denunciation will never induce the people of the Southern States to abolish slavery. They know that Congress cannot abolish it. They know that the Constitution of the United States, guarantees the Southern people the peaceable possession of their slaves, and they know that the South will never surrender her constitutional rights.
These Northern nigger-eaters are determined to break up the Union. But they wish to conceal their agency in the work of dissolution. Hence, instead of openly avowing their purpose, they go at it "behind the bush." They do not preach disunion openly, but they employ every means at their command to drive out the South and throw upon that section the odium of dissolving the Union. They want the damning work done, but they also want to escape the responsibility of doing it.
Their cunning will not serve them. Their purpose is apparent, and if they accomplish it they will have to answer to their names, when the roll of traitors is called. They cannot escape by the "stop thief" yell of "YANCEY! YANCEY!" for the impartial historian will record the fact that though Yancey may have lighted the funeral pile of the Union, it was them that built it and placed the blazing torch in his hand.
(Column 02)Summary: Claims that Lincoln emigrated from Kentucky to Illinois because he was so ugly that he frightened away the slaves. As a result, the slaveholders of Kentucky requested that he leave. The abolitionists nominated him for president because they hope that he can scare away all the slaves in the country.Treason in the Camp
(Column 03)Summary: States that Chambersburg residents shouldn't be fooled by the Times, which recently switched its support from Lincoln to Douglas. The Times took this action, according to the Spirit, because it is actually a Republican paper that is attempting to sow discord in the Democratic party by supporting a straight Douglas ticket.The Right Talk
(Column 04)Summary: The Post calls for all good Democrats to reject Forney's movement and support the Cresson compromise, which they believe will ultimately help Douglas. If the party splits, Lincoln will undoubtedly win the state.
Origin of Article: The Pittsburgh PostEditorial Comment: The Post is the leading Douglas paper of Western Pennsylvania. The Spirit not only endorses the Post's position but "adopt[s] it as our own."Beware the Deception
(Column 05)Summary: The Times claims that a man circulated a notice in Chambersburg that claimed to be a call for a meeting of the Union Democrats, but was in fact a meeting to endorse Breckinridge. They warn good Democrats not to be deceived. [See notice and list of signees on page 5].
Origin of Article: The TimesSpecial Notice
(Column 05)Summary: The Times claims that the supporters of Breckinridge and Lane will be meeting disguised as Union Democrats. They don't support Democratic principles, but the principles of secession, disunion, and treason.
Origin of Article: The TimesEditorial Comment: The Spirit believes that the Times has slandered the good names of Democrats who support the Cresson compromise in this article and the one above by claiming that they [the Cresson supporters] support disunion and treason.What Next?
(Column 06)Summary: The Spirit claims that the Times has changed its publicly stated position so often that it's not clear what they will do next week.
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The Honorables
(Column 01)Summary: Criticizes the Times for insinuating that the supporters of the Cresson compromise are less honorable men than those who support a straight Douglas ticket. The Spirit believes that the Times is run by snobbish gentry who show off their learning by quoting Latin and citing Shakespeare.Mr. Welsh's Address
(Column 01)Summary: Urges all readers to look at the speech of Mr. William Welsh, Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, which is on page one.Douglas at Harrisburg
(Column 01)Summary: Stephen Douglas gave a speech at Harrisburg that was relatively poorly attended, largely because the supporters of the straight Douglas ticket managed the affair.An Efficient "Organ"
(Column 01)Summary: Criticizes the Times for not printing articles either in favor of state and local Democrats or against the Republicans.Congressional Conferees
(Column 01)Summary: W. P. Schell is certain to be placed in nomination as the Congressional candidate.John W. Forney
(Column 02)Summary: The Gazette claims that Forney is actually a Republican pretending to support Douglas.
Origin of Article: Bedford GazetteLetter from Mercersburg
(Column 02)Summary: Disagrees with Sellers and Kennedy, the editors of the Times, who stated that Democrats signed their names to a notice for a Breckinridge meeting that was disguised as a union (i.e. fusion) meeting. The writer states that he signed his name as a good Douglas man who supports the Cresson compromise.Union Meeting
(Column 03)Summary: Invitation from the men listed above to join them at a meeting of the Franklin County Democratic party on September 15th for the purpose of showing support for the Cresson compromise. The list of names includes all those already listed in the September 5th issue plus the additional names included here.
(Names in announcement: David Adams, G.W. Amstbarger, John Ashwa, Wm. Auld, Wm. Auld, Josiah Bakener, John Bakener, Daniel Baker, Robert Bard, Esq. Wm. Barles, George BarnhartJr., George BarnhartSr., Henry Barnhart, John Bartles, Solomon Baughey, John Bear, Samuel Bear, Jerome Beaver, John BeaverSr., John Beinindafer, John Bell, John Bell, Samuel Bemisdarfer, George Bender, Jacob Bender, Joseph Bender, John Berger, John Besore, Jacob Besore, Henry Besure, Wm. Bickle, Charles Bikle, Jacob Bohrer, James Boner, Peter Bosmon, E.D. Brambaugh, J.W. Braun, Jos. Brewer, J.B. Brumbaugh, P. Burkholder, Benjamin Burkholder, Isaac BurrallSr., Isaac BurrallJr., John Butts, Rufus Byers, Charles Bynard, Henry Byres, C.T. Campbell, Jonas CanodeSr., Jonas Canode, Emanuel Canode, Robert Carson, Isaac Cleigston, Daniel Cole, George Colenstein, George Colliflower, Joseph Cooper, B.A. Cormany, Levi Couley, A. Covalaski, Amos Cox, Harvey Crawford, J.H. Crebs, Denis Cretin, William Crilly, William Crilly, Wm. Crouse, Jerimiah Crouse, Jas Culbertson, Wm. Culbertson, Cornelius Daley, George Davis, George Deck, Jos. Deckellmeyer, Andrew Dickerhoof, S.H. Dickhout, Jacob Docker, Abraham Donalson, Jacob Donolson, F.W. Dosh, J. Wyeth Douglas, J.N. Drury, John Drury, Wm. DrurySr., Wm. DruryJr., J.M. Drury, C.D. Dullabum, Adam Dysart, Wm. Early, J.A. Eberle, John Elliott, Geo. Elliott, Wm. Elliott, Martin Elliott, Jacob Elliott, George Ely, Jacob Falkner, Henry Fank, Thos. Filbert, Daniel Firmwalt, John Fishoorn, W.F. Flanigan, W.F. Flanigan, Jacob Frackmayer, George Freet, A. French, Jacob Fries, David Funk, Jacob Funk, Samuel Funk, D. Garlinger, Daniel Garlinger, John Garlinger, William Gearhart, Andrew Gift, James Giles, Jacob Giles, Adam Glass, Robert Gold, Peter Grumbine, Adam Grumlich, Wm. Guthrie, Alexander Gyler, George Gyler, David Hahn, Michael Hanstine, G. Harbaugh, George Harbaugh, John Harbaugh, Philip Hass, W. Hatwick, Daniel Haulman, Jacob Hawbecker, David Hawbecker, Daniel Hawbecker, Jonathan Hawk, Reuben Hawk, George Hawker, Edward Haynes, David Heidler, Peter Helfrick, Peter Helfrick, Frederick Heofl, David Heoflich, George Hicks, Christian Hoffman, T.H. Hollingsworth, John Homes, Wm. Horner, Thomas Hornish, George Hornish, George Hoschlander, Nicholas Houser, Henry Jockman, John Johnston, W. Johnston, Jonas Jones, David Jones, John Jones, Andrew Justice, Henry Keyer, John Keyser, A. Keyser, John King, Daniel King, Gustav Koehler, Gottlieb Koehler, Alex Krepper, M. Kuss, Julius Ladd, William Lange, John Lawrence, J. Lawton, Daniel Leavy, John Lechron, Simon Lechrone, Lewis Lesher, Christian Lesher, T. Lindsay, Wm. Linn, Robert Little, Cornelius Little, David Logan, Samuel Long, Adam Long, William Lowe, Geo Ludwig, Augustus Luiz, A.B. Maddan, Dutton Madden, Jas. McAler, Robert McClain, Robert McClain, John McCurdySr., Jacob McFerren, Patrick McGaffigan, Jere McGagbey, Patrick McGeary, Michael McGuire, Henry McHenry, Hugh McKane, A.G. McLanahan, John McLauchan, Wm. McLaughlin, Daniel McLaughlin, David McLaughlin, J. Franklin Metz, Benjamin Metz, John MetzJr., John Miller, John Miller, S.H. Miller, Emmanuel Miller, Jacob MillerSr., J.B. Miller, William Miller, Jacob MillerJr., David Miller, W. Mish, William Mollinger, George Morganthall, John Nail, Joseph Newman, Samuel Nicholaus, Samuel Null, John Null, John Ochig, John Onwake, Wm. Otenberger, Geo. Pence, Christopher Pentz, Martin Pfoutz, Jacob Pfoutz, William Piles, Adam Piper, George Ports, William Quincy, John Rearigh, Wm. Reed, Henry Reilly, Henry Remley, R. Renfew, Fred Renninger, Jacob Rhoats, John Richardson, Henry Rinehart, Jas. Robinson, John RobinsonJr., John Robinson, Joseph Rosenberg, John Ross, J.W. Royston, S. Mills Royston, John Rummel, Wm. Rutlidge, Levi Sanders, John Scott, Henry Scott, Jacob Seibert, David Seitz, John Shafer, John Shanks, Wm. Shanks, Edward Shanks, Samuel Sheffler, Henry Shillite, John Shrader, Arwine Shrader, Charles Shrader, Henry Shrealy, H.M. Sibbett, Jacob Smith, Conrad Smith, S.R. Smith, Peter Smith, Wm. Smith, Christian Smith, Noah Snider, Hiram Snider, Daniel Snider, Robert Snider, Ferdinand Socks, Gottlieb Solle, D. Sourbeck, Samuel Spear, Jerimiah Sponseller, Henry Sponseller, Wm. Stahl, Valensine Stake, Andrew N. Staley, Henry Startsman, Wm. Startsman, Peter Stenger, Jacob Stenger, John Straighthoof, William Straighthoof, Henry Strealy, John Strealy, Daniel Sweitzer, Daniel Sweizer, Samuel Sword, L. Talheln, Isaac Tanner, J.J. Thomas, Henry Tosten, James Tosten, John Trone, John Trumpeur, Jas Warden, George Warden, J. Henry Welsh, J.R. Welsin, Peter Wiles, George Wiles, John Wills, J.E. Wills, Wm. Wilson, James Wilson, John Wishard, Amos Wolf, J.R. Wolfensparger, Samuel Zeigler, John Zeigler, A. Zeigler, Henry Zettle)Full Text of Article:A UNITED DEMOCRACY.
And an Undivided Support to our State
and County Ticket.TURN OUT! TURN OUT!! Saturday, September 15th, 1860.
The undersigned, members of the Democratic party of Franklin County, would cordially invite all their brethren to meet them in County Meeting, to be held in the Court House, at Chambersburg, on Saturday, September 15th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of reasserting their fealty to the time-honored principles of the Democratic Party. And further for the purpose of endorsing the action of the State Convention, held at Reading, and signifying our fixed determination to vote for and sustain the Electoral Ticket put in nomination by the Convention. And further for the purpose of endorsing the measures of harmony and compromise recommended by the State Committee at Cresson. And further, to express our confidence in the Democracy and integrity of HENRY D. FOSTER, the nominee of the Democratic party of Pa., for the office of Governor, and to pledge our united exertions to place him in that gubernatorial chair which his talents and accomplishments would so much adorn. And further, for the purpose of expr
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