Valley Spirit: November 21, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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White and Black Labor
(Column 04)Summary: Warns that, if the "irrepressible conflict" occurs, then free blacks will move into northern towns and cities "where they will seek employment as a resource from starvation, and, in doing that, they will compete with free white laboring men and women."
Origin of Article: Philadelphia Evening Journal
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The Secession Movement
(Column 01)Summary: The Spirit reprints numerous extracts from Southern papers dealing with the secession question. While they believe that the South has "just ground for complaint," they don't think that secession "is the best remedy to right her wrongs." They invite the reader to peruse the extracts and "judge for themselves how portentous are the dangers which threaten the Union." The Spirit blames the Republican press for the desire to "plunge the country into civil war."
Full Text of Article:Election ReturnsWe present in the columns of the Spirit, this week, copious extracts from our exchanges, all over the country, in relation to the secession movement in the South. We give the news on both sides as we find it. While one portion of the Southern people appear determined to set up for themselves, another portion, evidently the minority, tell us the disunion sentiment is rapidly losing ground and that the "great panic" will subside without "firing a shot." Our readers can peruse the extracts and judge for themselves how portentous are the dangers which threaten the Union.
That the South has just ground for complaint, and much danger to apprehend from a sectional administration of the Government, cannot be doubted or denied; but we do not believe that secession from the Union is the best remedy to right her wrongs. We put in no protest against her war-like preparations, we do no object to her arming her citizens, we have no fault to find with her for placing herself in a complete state of defense ready for any emergency that may arise requiring her to protect her honor, safety or property. That course is all right--that is patriotic. Thus far the South has now advanced and if she maintains her stand there she will find plenty of "aid and comfort" in the North. It is certainly much to her credit that amidst all the excitement and turmoil which prevails among her populace not a single act of resistance to the laws of the United States has yet been committed. While this is her position, and so long as she maintains this attitude, she will not only command the admiration of the North but will find no lack of willing hands and sympathising hearts to assist her in repelling any and every aggression that may be essayed against her constitutional rights. If the South, however, has made up her mind that we are bad neighbors and is determined to cut loose from us and nullify the laws of the land, without a good and sufficient cause to show for it, she may place herself beyond the pale of sympathy or support from any quarter and will have to depend on her own resources to "carry the war into Africa."
While we have no hesitancy in asserting that there is a strong feeling among the masses in the North in favor of the South, and no disposition to meddle with her affairs, we would not at the same time desire to conceal the fact that a portion--and a very large and influential portion too--of the northern people would readily plunge the country into civil war if they thought they could thereby inflict injury on the slave-owner. The tone of the Republican press, pretty generally, indicate this state of feeling. Their deep unmitigated hatred of the slave-holder is the moving spring of their policy--not because they desire the freedom or happiness of the slave--that is [sic] words without meaning to them--but because the Southern States are strongly Democratic in sentiment they would drive them out of the Union. The language of irritation and menace which the North is so fond of applying to the South is not very well calculated to allay excitement and restore good feeling between us and our Southern brethren. If the North would act in good faith towards the South and not set the bad example of nullifying the plain provisions of the Constitution and the laws of Congress this trouble would not now exist and peace, confidence and prosperity would be restored to the country. The blame lies at the door of the North--let us act righteously towards the South and we will bear nothing more of Secession or Nullification.
(Column 01)Summary: The Spirit still has not received the official election returns from Pennsylvania.Interesting Exposures
(Column 02)Summary: The election results make it apparent that the Douglas camp fraudulently gained the nomination of the Democratic convention.Northern Nullification
(Column 02)Summary: Northern Republicans have nullified the fugitive slave act, which is the law of the land, by seizing fugitive slaves out of the custody of the Marshals who were supposed to return them to their masters. Southerners, on the other hand, have not yet violated any laws.Hard Times
(Column 03)Summary: While many northerners voted for the Republicans in hopes of bringing about good times, the opposite has occurred. Lincoln's election has led to a loss of business confidence. In addition, the South is draining the North of specie. The North is unable to balance its trade because the South isn't buying Northern manufactured goods.The President's Position
(Column 03)Summary: President Buchanan can be counted on to protect the Union if any states violate the Constitution.Secession Movement in the South
(Column 04-06)Summary: Numerous excerpts from Southern papers that provide both pro- and anti-secession statements.
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(Column 01)Summary: George D. Prentice, editor of the Louisville Journal, gave a slimly attended lecture on Politics and Politicians.Horse Thieves About
(Column 01)Summary: Josiah Atherton and another man stole two horses. Atherton was caught, but the other man got away.Nichols Monument
(Column 01)Summary: The Columbus and Chambersburg Lodges, I.O.O.F. are going to erect a monument to Post Grand Master Aaron Nichol over his grave in the Cedar Grove Cemetery.A Week of Special Prayer
(Names in announcement: Aaron Nichol)
(Column 02)Summary: "It has ben proposed to observe the week commencing with the first Tuesday in January next, as a season of special prayer for the conversion of the world."Repaired
(Column 03)Summary: The iron bridge in Gas Alley has been repaired. This was necessary because "this very public thoroughfare was rendered impassible for some time by the unsafe condition of the bridge."Military Excursion
(Column 03)Summary: "The Chambers Artillery, under command of Capt. Housum, made a very pleasant excursion to Greenvillage on Saturday last. They had a very find parade, and a good time generally, and returned home in the evening delighted with their visit to the village."[No Title]
(Column 04)Summary: Geoffrey J. Levalle was shot with a horse-shoe nail in a fight with T.B. Kershaw. "The nail was found in his brain, where it had been for nearly a month."Married
(Column 04)Summary: Married on November 11th at the Methodist E. Parsonage.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. W. Harden, David Miller, Susan Curtis)
(Column 04)Summary: Died on November 13th, aged 71 years.Died
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Anna Burkholder)
(Column 04)Summary: Charlotte Watson died on October 22nd, aged 46 years.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Charlotte Watson, Dr. W.H. Watson)
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Unjust Taunts
(Column 02)Summary: Southerners believe that the North is using its greater strength to injure the South. Northerners "treat with derision and scorn the just complaints of the South, and pronounce her threats of secession a humbug and a trick."