Valley Spirit: March 27, 1861Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Speech of Hon. John C. Breckenridge
(Column 2)Summary: Transcript of a speech delivered by John C. Breckenridge to the Senate on the resolutions of Mr. Douglas regarding forts and Federal property in the seceded states.The New Tariff
(Column 3)Summary: Outlines the portions of the Federal tariff that are of most interest to Pennsylvania.Important Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States
(Column 5)Summary: Reports the Supreme Court's decision regarding the application of a writ of mandamus by the Governor of Kentucky against the Governor of Ohio compelling him to surrender a fugitive who was accused of stealing a slave in Kentucky. The Court found for Kentucky.The Alternative
(Column 6)Summary: Blames Republicans for the crisis at hand and asserts there are but two choice at hand, peace and prosperity or war and ruin.
Origin of Article: PennsylvanianTrailer: Pennsylvanian
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Description of Page: Bishops discourse occupies remainder of page 2. |
The Biblical View of Slavery By Bishop Hopkins of Vermont
(Column 2)Summary: Bishop Hopkins offers biblical support for slavery.
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Description of Page: Anecdotes and advertisements |
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News of the Week
(Column 1)Summary: News regarding the secession crisis, including news from the Confederate States and the border states.On the Decline
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that little news of importance has come out of the South and the President still has not decided what course of action to take. Article asserts that the war spirit is dying out in both the North and the South.
Full Text of Article:The New Tariff BillThere is no news of any importance from the South. Affairs are progressing there much as usual. There has been no attempt, up to the present writing, either to reinforce or evacuate Fort Sumpter. The "Government" we now have seems to be acting on the oscillatory principle--"we will and we won't, we shall and we shan't, we'll be d----d if we do, and we'll be d---d if we don't" They are evidently in a dilemma and which horn they intend to take hold of Old Abe's latest anecdote does not disclose. The Commissioners from the Southern Confederacy are still hovering about Washington and have bearded the "Government" lion in its den without being in the least terrified by its "long military cloak and Scotch cap" or hung for their temerity. Mr. Buchanan was strongly urged and loudly condemned for not hanging their predecessors as traitors, but it seems "things are not now as they used to was [sic];" the so-called traitors have attained a very respectable standing in Republican circles at Washington, and nary "bill of indictment for treason" has been sent up against them. There [sic] latest instructions are to negotiate for the purchase of the City of Washington. In reply to this proposal Old Abe is reported to have told the following anecdote:--"When a boy I caught too [sic] cats and tied their tails together and hung them over a split rail. I left them in this condition all night and on returning to them in the morning there was nothing left of them except their tails hanging over the rail." "Now gentlemen," said Old Abe with a knowing wink, "you can perceive the application there will be nothing left of Washington four years hence worth purchasing." The commissioners were satisfied and pushed their negotiations no further.
The latest intelligence form the land of Cotton is to the effect that the secession States are busy ratifying the Constitution and preparing to defend themselves in case of war by raising large imaginary armies. The real war-spirit, if ever existed, seems, however, to be dying out North and South, and the Sons of Mars, in both sections, are assuming the position of the valiant Dutchman who declared that he would "as lief live as die and liefer too." Even the sanguinary McPherson has ceased his blustering about "blood letting" and now coos in strains as gentle as a sucking-dove. The Republicans are coming down handsomely. They would just as soon not fight and all their recent swaggering about "seeking the bubble reputation even at the cannons mouth meant nothing more than that the regular army might stand the brunt of battle when there was any fighting to be done. Perhaps the famous exploit of their Commander-in-Chief, at Baltimore, has destroyed confidence in his pluck and may account for the simmering down on the party of the rank and file. We are happy at all events to perceive that the fighting mania is on the decline and that the outrage of the Republican party, like Bob Acres, is "oozing out at their elbows" This is just right, and we must commend their discretion which is always the better part of valor.
(Column 3)Summary: More information about the new tariff.One of the Effects
(Column 3)Summary: Asserts that one effect of the Morrill tariff will be to lower tariffs in Southern ports relative to Northern ports, thus invigorating trade on the Mississippi.American and Foreign Trade
(Column 3)Summary: Reports on the balance of American and foreign trade.From Washington
(Column 4)Summary: Reports approval for an 8 million dollar loan as well as the status of Major Anderson's troops at Fort Sumter.Recognition of the Confederated States--New Tariff
(Column 4)Summary: Reports that the National Intelligencer has come out against coercion.
Origin of Article: National IntelligencerSuicide of a Murderer
(Column 4)Summary: Reports that a condemned murderer committed suicide in New Jersey.Texas
(Column 4)Summary: Reports that the State Convention has declared the gubernatorial chair open in view of Gov. Houston's resignation.United States Senate--Special Session
(Column 5)Summary: Reports minutes of special Senate session. Barely legible.The Prospect
(Column 5)Summary: Discusses the issues surrounding the imminent surrender of Fort Sumter.[No Title]
(Column The United States Forts at Key West)Summary: Reports Federal efforts to maintain the forts on the Florida Reefs.Later From California
(Column 6)Summary: News from California.
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Description of Page: Column 6 ads. |
Fire in the Valley Spirit building
(Column 1)Summary: Reports a fire in the shoe store in the Valley Spirit building.Graduated
(Names in announcement: Mr. Craft, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Bishop)
(Column 1)Summary: Victor Miller graduated from Jefferson Medical College.Franklin County Teacher's Association
(Names in announcement: Victor Miller)
(Column 3)Summary: Program of courses for county teachers.Spring Election
(Names in announcement: C. Glenn, J. Kuhn, J. McMullen, W. Newman, J. Reid, J. Boult, A. McElwain, J. Goff, G. Eby, L. Row, H. Omwake, T. Euterline, P. Soucher, T. Richards, Joseph Eckhart, W. Hoshenberry, William Stine, G. Bets, H. Atkerton, J. Brown, J. Coble, A. Wingert, J. Cook, D. McFadden, L. Deatrich, H. Kindig, D. Fahrnoy, L. Bow, P. Shoemaker, A. McElwain, John Atherton, J. McElwain, J. Smith, F. Fry, T. Bud, A. Stoler, S. Eby, J. Burns, B. Wolff, Dr. T. Budd, L. Osgood, M. Wilson, L. French, J. Walk, A. McGaffrey, A. Bell, M. Hayes, M. Logan, F. Nesbitt, William Hayman, J. Bout, T. Richards, W. Hockenberry)
(Column 3)Summary: List of Municipal election results in Franklin County. Many names illegible.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Fletcher, George Finck, S. Miller Shiletto, B. Nead, Shannon Taylor, Charles Gelwicks, Rufus McLeliand, George Jarrett, Samuel Worley, William Guthrie, J. Boyd Wright, Jacob Jarrett, Samuel Boyd, Jonas Palmer, Samuel West, Abraham Hater, R. Moore, J. Byers, C. Evans, John Weaver, H. Holby, Andrew Beard, Frederick Mish, Jacob Oyer, Josiah Allen, Michael Coble, E. Rankin, James Davison, Henry Ditch, Jacob Deihl, Jacob Shook, Samuel Lasher, F. Snively, Lemuel Snively, Daniel Kohn, Jacob Whitmer, Alexander Gordon, H. Batzley, Archibald FlemingJr., Henry Agnew, James House, A. Rankin, James Reilly, William Fleming, Abraham Kuhns, J. Miley, Henry Stoner, John GilbertJr., Nicholas Bonebreak, John Price, John Funk, Valentine Gilbert, Jacob Miller, John Bonebreak, Jeremiah Potter, John Welty, James Embly, Valentine Keckler, Emannuel Stoner, Joseph Cooper, William Haner, George Bender, John Bell, John Coon, George Fourthman, John Johnston, William Crouse, John McCosh, Joseph Rock, A. Rees, George Dull, Josiah Mentzer, George Knepper, A. Mann, John Thompson, Samuel Stoop, William Rock, Charles Smith, William Fleagle, John Duey, H. Wertz, Jacob Seerist, James Alexander, John Crimer, James Gamble, James Linn, George Maxee, Robert Campbell, William Bark, Daniel Stake, Robert McCormick, John Crouse, Harris Findley, Frederick Long, Samuel Binley, John Seibert, David French, Robert Kerr, James Mills, W. Shields, Benjamin Vassayve, John Magee, John Cressler, George Wingler, Michael Gable, James Hamilton, John Dies, John Plasterer, William Bard, William Reber, William Chains, James Linn, Jacob Vanderal, Daniel Coever, David Spencer, Joseph Cressler, David Middlekauff, James Blair, Hugh Smith, George Fetierhoof, George Bowers, Jacob Lehman, John Crawford, Frederick Byers, Jacob Snyder, Henry Small, Jacob Vanderaw, Henry Miller, George Bowers, C. McKnight, Andrew Statler, McFerren, McGarvey, G. Wolf, J. Murphy, John McDowell, Robert Parker, George Ripley, William Auld, Michael Keyser, William Reed, William Boyd, J. Keyser, D. Martin, Jacob Brewer, David Smith, Jacob Brewer, George Miller, Joseph Beaverman, John McLaughlin, M. Smith, A. Rhes, John Shriver, Lewis Hinkle, James Duffield, A. McCalleb, Emanuel Secrist, Isaac Hull, A. McCalleb, John Cook, John Thomas, Isaac Winger, Jacob Bair, J. Philips, Jacob Zimmerman, J. McCalleb, John Walker, William Harris, William Barclay, James Witherdew, Jonathan KeseyJr., Matthew Wineman, James McCordy, S. Brown, Rufus Noble, S. McCurdy, John Witherow, John Miller, William Forbes, Isaac Thompson, William McClellan, John Besore, William McClellan, Isaac Gips, John Break, Fred ZullingerJr., John Moore, Simon Shields, Samuel Henrie, Henry Franciscas, Andrew Wingert, John Wyncoop, John Sirine, Thomas Pomeroy, Daniel Burkholder, David Burkholder, Michael Bohr, Josiah Fickes, John Landis, Samuel Sentman, Montgomery Martin, Esrom Weaver, Abraham Swonger, Michael Reed, Michael Miller, William LytleJr., Miller Feres, William McClure, Robert Kirkpatrick, Jacob Grove, Joan Youst, Samuel Shirely, A. Etter, John Ditzlar, George Dies, Joseph Wallace, Samuel Lebman, Robert Barr, Martin Hintzleman, Walter Crawford, James Crawford, Smith Werdebaugh, Jacob Haulman, Henry Simmons, John Greenewalt, John Hossler, John Ceil, Henry Brubaker, James McDowell, David Vance, John Henninger, Jacob Blottenberger, Michael Riebison, Henry Summers, William McKinnie, David Trout, Frederick Smith, Hartman Dickbout, Peter Sherror)Full Text of Article:[No Title]--The following is the list of Officers elected in the different districts in our county:
Chambersburg--North Ward: Justice of the Peace, Thomas L. Fletcher; Judge, George Flack; Inspectors, S. Miller Shilleto, B. F. Nead; Assessor, R. Shannon Taylor; Ass't Assessor, Charles Gelwicks; Constable, Rufus K. McLelland.
Chambersburg--South Ward: Justice of the Peace, George Jarrett; Judge, Samuel M. Worley; Inspectors, Wm. D. Guthrie and J. Boyd Wright; Ass't Assessor, Jacob Jarrett; Constable, Samuel R. Boyd.
Hamilton Township: Judge, Jonas C. Palmer; Inspectors, Samuel West and Abraham Huter; Assessor, R. A. Moore; Ass't Assessors J. Byers, C. Evans; Supervisors, John H. Weaver and H. Holby; School Directors, Andrew Beard, Frederick Mish and Jacob Oyer; Auditor, Josiah Allen; Twp. Clerk, Michael Coble; Constable, Andrew Beard.
Antrim Township: Judge, E. D. Rankin; Inspector, James K. Davison; Assessor, Henry Ditch; Ass't Assessors, James Davison and Jacob Deihl; School Directors, Jacob Shook and Samuel Lesher; Auditor, F. B. Snively; Township Clerk, Lemuel Snively; Supervisors, Daniel Kuhn and Jacob Whitmer; Justice of the Peace, Alexander Gordon; Constable, H. Batzley; Treasurer, Archibald Fleming, Jr.
Greencastle Borough: Assessor, Henry Agnew; Ass't Assessors, James Hause, A. B. Rankin; School Directors, James H. Reilly, Wm. Fleming; Constable, Abraham Kuhns.
Washington Township: Judge, J. G. Miley, Henry X. Stoner; Inspector, John Gilbert, Jr.; Assessor, Nicholas Bonebreak; Ass't Assessors, John Price and John Funk; School Directors, Valentine B. Gilbert, Jacob. J. Miller and John W. Bonebrake; Auditor, Jeremiah Potter; Supervisors, John Welty, James Embly and Valentine Kenkler; Constable, Emanuel Stoner.
Waynesboro: Constable, Joseph Cooper; Assessor, Wm. F. Haner; Ass't Assessors, Geo. Bender and John Bell, Sr.; School Directors, John W. Coon, George Fourthman and John H. Johnston, 1 year; Auditor, Wm. B. Crouse.
Quincy: Justice of the Peace, John McCosh; Consaable, Joseph Rock; Judge, A. F. Rees; Inspectors, George Dull, Josiah Mentzer; Assessor, George Knepper; Ass't Assessors, A. A. Mann and John Thompson; Auditor, Samuel Stoop; Supervisors, Wm. Rock and Charles Smith; School Directors, Wm. Fleagle and John Duey; Clerks, H. C. Wertz and Jacob C. Secrist.
Fannett Township: Assessor, James H. Alexander; Ass't Assessor, John Crimer and James F. Gamble; School Directors, James W. Linn and George Mazee; Supervisors, Robert Campbell, Wm. Berk and Daniel D. Stake; Auditors, Robert McCormick; Township Clerk, John Crouse; Constable, Harris Findley.
Concord; Judge, Fred'k Long; Inspectors, Samuel W. Binley and John Seibert.
Morristown: Judge, David French; Inspectors, Benjamin Vanscyve, John Magee.
Southampton Township--Orrstown District: Judge, John Cressler; Inspectors, George W. Wingler and Michael Gable.
Mount Rock: Judge, James Hamilton; Inspectors, John Dice and John Plasterer; Assessor, Wm. G. Bard; Ass't Assessors, Wm. REber and Wm. M. Chains; Supervisors, James Linn, Jacob Vanderal; School Directors, Daniel Coover, David Spencer and Joseph G. Cressler; Auditor, David Middlekauff; Township Clerk, James Blair; Constable, Hugh Smith.
Guilford Township: Justice of the Peace; George Fetterhoof; Constable, George Bowers; Assessor, Henry S. Miller; Ass't Assessors, Jacob Lehman, John Crawford, Sr.; School Directors, Frederick Byers, Jacob Snyder; Supervisors, Henry Small, Jr., Jacob Vanderaw and Samuel Lantz; Township Clerk, Henry F. Miller; Auditor, Jeremiah Herman; Treasurer, George Sowers; Judge, C. H. McKnight; Inspectors, Andrew Statler, Pharez McFerren.
St. Thomas: Judge, David B. Haulman; Inspectors, Wm. F. Beamer, John W. Keyser; Assessor, George W. Betz; Ass't Assessors, Wm. D. Dixon, Samuel Stouffer; School Directors, John Gillan and John Croft; Supervisors, Jno. Noodle and Jacob C. Wingert; Township Clerk, David McLaughlin; Auditor, John A. Sellers; Constable, D. S. Hassler; Justice of the Peace, Patrick McGurvey.
Mercersburg District: School Directors, D. M. P. Shannon, 3 years, O. L. Murray, 3 years, Jacob B. Kreps, 2 years, H. K. Eberly, 2 years; Assessor, G. W. Wolf; Ass't Assessors, J. H. Murphy and John McDowell; Auditor, Robert Parker; Burgess, George G. Rupley; Constable, George W. Wolf.
Montgomery Township: Justice of the Peace, Wm. Auld and Michael H. Keyser; Assessor, Wm. Reed; Ass't Assessors, Wm. Boyd and Jno. K. Keyser; School Directors, D. B. Martin, Jacob Brener; Supervisors, David Smith and George Miller; Judge, Joseph Bosserman; Constable, John McLaughlin; Inspectors, M. Smith and A. R. Rhes.
Welsh Run: Judge, John Shriver; Inspectors, Lewis Hinkle and James Duffield.
Warren: Justices of the Peace, A. S. McCulloh; Inspectors, Emanuel Secrist and Isaac Hull; Assessor, A. S. McCulloh, Ass't Assessor, John B. Cook; School Directors,, John H. Thomas and Isaac Winger; Supervisor, Jacob Bair; Auditor, J. M. Philips; Constable, Jacob S. Zimmerman; Township Clerk, J. C. McCulloh.
Metal Township: Judge, John Denny Walker; Inspector, Wm. S. Harris and Wm. Barclay; Assessor, James Witherow; Ass't Assessors, Jno. Keasy, Jr. and Matthew Wineman; School Directors, James McCurdy, S. O. Brown; Auditor, Rufus Noble; Clerk, S. O. McCurdy; Treasurer, John H. Witherow; Constable, John M. Miller.
Letterkenny Township: Constable, William Forbes; Assessor, Isaac H. Thompson; Ass't Assessors, Wm. G. McClellan and John Besore; School Directors, Wm. G. McClellan, and Isaac Gipe; Supervisors, John S. Break, Fred Zullinger, Jr.; Clerk, John J. Moore; Auditor, Simon P. Shields; Judge, Samuel Henrie; Inspectors, Henry Franciscus and Andrew B. Wingert.
Lurgan Township: Justice, John Wyncoop; Constable, John Strine; Assessor, Thomas Pumroy, Sr.; Assistant Assessors, Daniel Burkholder and David Burkholder; School Directors, Michael Bohr and Josiah Fickes; Supervisors, John Landis and Samuel L. Sentman; Clerk, Montgomery Martin; Auditor, Esrom D. Weaver; Treasurer, Abraham Swonger; Judge, Michael Reed; Inspectors, Michael D. Miller, Wm. Lytle, Jr.
Greentownship: Justice of the Peace, Miller Feree; Assessor, Wm. McClure; Ass't Assessors, Robert Kirkpatrich and Jacob Grove; Supervisor John Youst; School Directors, Samuel Shirely and A. H. Etter; Auditor, John Ditzlar; Clerk, George Dice.
Greenvillage: Judge, Joseph Wallace; Inspectors; Samuel Lehman, (of S.) Joseph Wallace; Constable, Robert Barr.
Fayetteville: Judges, Martin Hintzleman, Walter B. Crawford.
Peters: Justice of the Peace, James Crawford and J. Smith Werdebaugh; Constable, Jacob Haulman; Assessor, Henry Simmons; Ass't Assessor, John Greenawalt, John S. Hessler; School Directors, John S. Cell, 3 year, Henry Brubaker, 3 years, James D. McDowell, 1 year; Supervisors, David Vance, John Henninger; Auditor, Jacob Blottenburger; Clerk, Michael Richison.
Mercersburg: Judge, Henry Summers; Inspectors, Wm. A. McKinnie, David Trout.
Loudon: Judge, Frederick Smith; Inspectors, Hartman Dickhout, Peter Sherr.
(Column 4)Summary: Reports a party thrown at the National Hotel in Mrs. Crittenden's honor.
Origin of Article: National IntelligencerA New Style of Sensation Preachers
(Column 5)Summary: Describes a sermon delivered by the Indian preacher White Cloud in New York.
Origin of Article: New York Express
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Description of Page: Advertisements |
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Description of Page: Difficult to read. Remainder of page ads. |
Letter from a Western Office Seeker
(Column 1)Summary: Satire in the form of a letter from an alleged Lincoln supporter seeking an office in the government. The letter is written in the lowest grammatical style and implies the ignorance of Lincoln's supporters.Affairs at the South
(Column 2)Summary: Items of news from the Southern states involving political and military issues.