![]() Valley Spirit: April 3, 1861Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Entirely New Plan of Evacuation.
(Column 1)Summary: Reports a plot to rob the New York Exchange Bank that entailed tunneling beneath its foundations.
Origin of Article: New York TimesTrailer: New York TimesThe Republican Disunionists
(Column 3)Summary: Alleges that a faction of the Republican party wishes to let the South go with no effort to address the grievances of which the South complains.
Origin of Article: Boston CourierScheme for Smuggling
(Column 3)Summary: Asserts that people are having goods shipped into Savannah to avoid paying the tariff and then smuggling them North.The Confederate States and Foreign Nations
(Column 4)Summary: Item notes the departure of Southern commissioners who are going abroad to seek the recognition of foreign powers. The article asserts that it is usually the mother countries that are the last to recognize the off-shoot.From Washington
(Column 4)Summary: Items of news from Washington, many involving administrative appointments and news regarding the secession crisis.Adjournment of the Senate
(Column 4)Summary: Expresses relief at the adjournment of the Senate because it rids Washington of many Republicans.Later from Pensacola
(Column 5)Summary: Item reports the construction of batteries at Pensacola.Lincoln before the Senate
(Column 5)Summary: Criticizes Lincoln's refusal to turn over the dispatches that have passed between the government and Fort Sumter to the Senate.Alarm Felt in Washington
(Column 6)Summary: Reports rumors of military movements on the Federal and Confederate sides.Southern Financial Resources
(Column 6)Summary: Enumerates economic advantages of the Southern Confederacy.Threatened Nullification at the North
(Column 6)Summary: Alleges that Northern anger at the Merrill tariff may restore nullification to the North.
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Description of Page: Poetry, fiction, and anecdotes |
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Description of Page: Fiction, anecdotes, and advertisements |
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News of the Week
(Column 1)Summary: News predominately regarding the secession crisis, including alleged troop movements and military decisions, political appointments, and other political news.Names of Delegates
(Column 2)Summary: The Chairmen of the Democratic County Committees are asked to submit the correct list of delegates to the State Convention to the State Committee Chairman for publication.The Methodist Church and Slavery
(Column 3)Summary: Reports the similar stands on slavery taken by the Baltimore and East Baltimore conferences of the Methodist Church, which met in Staunton, VA and Chambersburg, PA respectively. Both wished to keep the church neutral on the slavery question, contrary to the General Conference.
Full Text of Article:The Trumball ResolutionsEver since the adoption, by the last General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of a new chapter in their discipline on the slavery question much dissatisfaction with and opposition to the chapter, has existed in the Baltimore and East Baltimore Annual Conferences, among the members and ministers of the church. These two conferences which have recently closed their labors, the one at Staunton, Va., and the other at this place, have each taken very decided action on this troublesome subject. The East Baltimore Conference disposed of the subject by repudiating the chapter, declaring it unconstitutional, and of no binding effect upon the Church, demanding its repeal by the next General conference, and the leaving of the slavery question to be disposed of by those Annual Conferences where the institution exists, and in case its demand is not acceded to by that body at its next session, that then its connection with the Northern portion of the Church will be severed.
The Baltimore Conference, by its action, assumes an independent attitude towards the Northern portion of the Church, declares the offensive chapter a nullity, demands its removal from the discipline by the General Conference, and the leaving of the slavery question to the adjustment of the Annual Conferences, where the institution exists, and bases their return to the connection upon a compliance with these conditions.
The following are the resolutions adopted by the East Baltimore Conference, the ayes and noes were ordered on the question of their adoption with the following results--ayes 165, noes 9:--
WHEREAS, the late General Conference, by the adoption of the new chapter on Slavery, has given serious offense to a large number of our members upon the Border, disturbing the peace of our Societies and tending to the disruption of the Church: therefore,
Resolved, That in the judgement of the East Baltimore Conference, the substitution of the new for the old chapter on Slavery, was an unnecessary and injurious change, and it ought, therefore, to be repealed.
Resolved, That there can be no administration under said new chapter in this Conference.
Resolved, That we respectfully ask the several Annual Conferences, at their ensuing sessions, with a view to the harmony of the whole Church, to give their assent to the following: That the next Gen. Conference be, and is hereby requested to repeal the chapter on Slavery, and, instead, thereof, empower each Annual Conference, within whose bounds Slavery exists, to make such regulations upon this subject as in their judgement may best subserve the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom among them.
Resolved, That the Bishops be, and are hereby requested to submit the above resolutions to the several Annual Conferences for their concurrence.
The Western Virginia Conference at its late annual session at Wheeling adopted the following preamble and resolutions on the subject:--
Whereas, The General Conference at its late session at Buffalo has inserted a new chapter in our Book of Discipline on the subject of slavery; and whereas, there exists some difference of opinion as to its meaning; and whereas uniformity in administration and harmony among ourselves are very desirable: Therefore,
1. Resolved, That we deeply regret the action of the General Conference changing the chapter on slavery, we regarding such action as unnecessary.
2. Resolved, That in our judgement, as a Conference, the new chapter is not to be regarded as law; that no administrative or judicial action can be had under it against any member or minister; and that we are left under it to be governed by the Scriptures, amenable as individuals for our administration only to God and our Annual Conference.
3. Resolved, That we utterly condemn any attempt, in any way whatever, to interfere with the legal relations of master and servant, and that we will seek to promote, as did our fathers, their best interests by preaching to them the unsearchable riches of Christ, and by teaching them their reciprocal duties as taught in the Holy Scriptures.
The Philadelphia Conference, which concluded its labors on Saturday last, adopted the following resolution in reference to the subject of the New Chapter on slavery. The vote on the adoption of the resolution relating to the action of the East Baltimore Conference stood as follows:--yeas 174, nays 135.
WHEREAS, It is indispensably necessary for allaying the excitement and restoring peace and harmony in the Southern borders of our Conference, that the new Chapter on Slavery inserted in our Discipline by the last General Conference be repealed, and that the Annual Conference be left to make their own regulations on this subject, therefore,
Resolved, That we concur in the resolutions of the East Baltimore Conference, requesting the General Conference, at its next session, to repeal the chapter on slavery; and instead thereof, empower each annual Conference, within whose bounds the institution exists, to make such regulations upon this subject as in their judgement may best subserve the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom among them.
(Column 3)Summary: Reports the introduction of the Trumball Resolution at the end of the Senate session, a resolution that supports coercion.The Two Tariffs
(Column 4)Summary: Asserts that the high Northern tariff coupled with the low Southern tariff will be disastrous for Northern commerce. This is causing protectionists who were formerly in favor of the tariff to agitate for its repeal.Arkansas
(Column 4)Summary: Reports the decision of the Arkansas Convention to secede with the approval of a popular vote. The item alleges that the Confederacy made many efforts to sway the Convention's outcome.[No Title]
(Column Business Waiting)Summary: Alleges that the threat of Civil War will cause the unusually vigorous business sector to suffer greatly.The True Policy
(Column 5)Summary: Asserts that the Republicans were anxious for war with a Democrat in the White House, but now that a Republican will take the blame for a disastrous war, many aren't so eager.The President in Trouble
(Column 5)Summary: Another article critical of Lincoln's refusal to make public the contents of dispatches between Washington and Sumter. Article alleges that Lincoln has more allegiance to the Republican party than to the nation.Freights Reduced
(Column 5)Summary: Reports that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has reduced the cost of shipping.Extra Session of Congress
(Column 6)Summary: Reports the states that have yet to elect their new representatives.Swift Retribution
(Column 6)Summary: Reports an effigy of Lincoln burned in Wilkesbarre because of his reluctance to reinforce Fort Sumter. This action fulfills a prediction by the Spirit that Lincoln will need Democrats to protect him from his own party.The Republican Party Sketched by Mr. Breckinridge
(Column 6)Summary: Article advocating compromise contains a speech by Breckinridge ridiculing the Republican policy during the secession crisis.[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Reports that Lincoln has made a disproportionate amount of appointments from the staff of the New York Tribune.
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Postmasters Appointed
(Column 1)Summary: Announces appointment of local postmasters. No postmaster for Chambersburg has been named yet.Promoted
(Names in announcement: T. Pilkington, Bernard Fohl, James Rankin, William Mackey, S. Hockenberry, James Chambers, Jacob Kendig, David Welch, A. Edwards, David Buehler, William Kleer, McPherson)
(Column 1)Summary: Announces the promotion of Dr. Kennedy to the position of Assistant Surgeon in the U.S. Navy.A Bully Team
(Names in announcement: Dr. Steward Kennedy)
(Column 1)Summary: Item reports the hauling of a vast quantity of wood by Mr. Reed using a team of horses owned by Mr. Eby.Fencing School
(Names in announcement: J. Reed, W. Dixon, S. Linn, Jacob Eby)
(Column 1)Summary: Item calls attention to the fencing school opened by Maj. Hershberger.
(Names in announcement: H. Hershberger)Full Text of Article:Pastor Elected--Major H. R. Hershberger has established a Fencing School in this place that we are gratified to learn is liberally patronized. No man is better qualified to give instructions in the Art of Fencing than Maj. Hershberger, and there is in exercise that young men can engage in so harmless and so conducive to health as that of Fencing. Fencing is considered a gentlemanly accomplishment while boxing is looked upon as brutal. As our Gymnasium has proved a failure there is no better place for our young men to spend an hour of healthful recreation than in Mr. Hershberger's Fencing Class. Apply at the Armory of the Chambers Artillery.
(Column 1)Summary: Announces the election of Rev. Philips to pastor of the German Reformed Church in Carlisle, replacing Rev. Kramer.Mail Agent
(Names in announcement: Rev. Samuel Philips, A. Kramer)
(Column 1)Summary: Announces appointment of Mr. Wood as the mail agent on the Cumberland Valley and Franklin Railroad.East Baltimore Conference
(Names in announcement: Mr. Lafayette Wood)
(Column 2)Summary: Table gives statistics of the East Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.A Splendid Exhibition Coming to Chambersburg
(Names in announcement: William Harden)
(Column 4)Summary: Reports an exhibition, the Pan-tec-na-thec-a exhibition, consisting of five panoramas, coming to Franklin Hall in Chambersburg.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]--We are pleased to announce to our readers that Morrison's Grand Pan-tec-na- thec-a, one of the largest and most splendid exhibitions in the world, will visit this place and exhibit at Franklin Hall, for four nights, commencing Monday, April 8th.
We copy the following description of this exhibition from the New York papers. It will be seen that the attractions offered surpass anything ever yet brought to Chambersburg.
This Great Exhibition consists of five splendid Panoramas, painted in a new and novel style with Dioramic effect on a scale of magnificence never before attempted. They present to view as distinctly and plainly as though one stood on the spot represented the following scenes:
The City of Washington--the Capitol, with the new Dome and Marble Extension--the inside of the Capitol--the new Senate Chamber, with its gorgeous decorations--the Hall of Representatives--the Public Buildings of Washington--the Patient Office--the U. S. Treasury--The Smithsonian Institute--The President's House and Grounds--and the famous East Room in the President's House where all the Levees are held--showing all its furniture, marble mantles, magnificent mirrors, and glittering chandeliers, even to the colors and pattern of the two thousand dollar carpet that covers the floor.
Then come five splendid views of Niagara Falls--showing them in every aspect in summer and winter--the Lake of a Thousand Isles on the River St. Lawrence--the Hudson River--and the entire scenery of the White Mountains, from the snow covered Dome of Mount Washington to the old man of the Mountain-- magnificent scenes in New England, Virginia, Minnesota, and California, with three beautiful views in Mammoth Cave--showing the great Gothic or Arched Gallery-- Echo River--Lake Lethe and the Fairy Grotto with its Starry Dome, magnificent columns and limpid waters, making the scene on great resplendency of Gem-Work. Blazing Carbuncies, Rubies and Molten Gold. But the Great Feature in this Exhibition is the Voyage across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Liverpool with Storm at Sea, in which all the incidents of a three thousand miles travel on the water are presented to view, with a distinctness and vividness mocking reality, and leading the spectators to believe themselves on the briny deep.
The Great Phenomenon of the Moon Rising from the Sea, is to be witnessed by all, while in the Storm at Sea all the elements in their majesty are to be seen and heard with such startling reality as to cause old men to shiver and the young children to cling closer to their parents.
Arriving at Liverpool we have a view of that city--then a splendid view of the great City of London--with the River Thames and Bridges--the New Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Church, &c.
Leaving London, the beautiful scenery of the River Rhine is presented to view-- the Swiss Alps--Scenery in Italy--Ruins of Pompeii--the whole exhibition concluding with a grand view of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, as it appeared in the year '79 when it destroyed the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
This Magnificent Entertainment was first exhibited in London for 280 consecutive nights, was visited by more than half a million of people. It has recently been brought to America, and exhibited in the New England States, where it has been visited by admiring thousands.
The Exhibition will be shown in this place precisely the same as in Loudon, and all who visit it are guaranteed two hours of amazement, wonderment and delight.
(Column 4)Summary: Item reports a revival of millennialism in many parts of Canada.[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: Reports that Senator Granger was hung in effigy by Abolition Republicans at Calais.Married
(Column 4)Summary: Married on March 26.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Alleman, James Newman, Charlotte Stair)
(Column 4)Summary: Married on March 21.Died
(Names in announcement: Michael Dice, Rev. M. Snyder, John Snyder, Elamina Dice)
(Column 4)Summary: July Ann McConnell died on March 25th, aged 26 years.Died
(Names in announcement: Jacob Reichard, July Ann McConnell)
(Column 4)Summary: Henry Colby died on March 27th, aged 2 years.
(Names in announcement: Henry Colby, George Colby, Ann Colby)
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Pork Packing in the West--Annual Statement
(Column 1)Summary: Pork packing statistics for the states of the Old Northwest.
Origin of Article: Cincinnati Price Current[No Title]
(Column Legal Notices)Summary: List of cases to be tried in County Court in April.
(Names in announcement: John Kerr, Abraham Wingert, J. Hughes, Thadeus Stevens, William McLellan, Perry Rice, John Early, Samuel McDonald, George Roemer, Philip Doyle, Mrs. B. Doyle, Frederick Smith, Magdalena Swartz, John Taylor, George Pool, Marsha Gordon, Sarah Jordon, Leonard Frederick, John McDowell, John Riley, George Wiles, James Downey, William Maxwell, James Downey, Jacob Beader, William Maxwell, Polly Piper, Jas. & Cath. Dyarman, Thadeus Boggs, Jacob Robinson, Gelwicks, Charles Gilian, Lewis Wolf, George Weaver, Frederick Cresler, John Myers, Mary Ann Secrist, William Skinner, William Foltz, William Raby, George Anderson, George Deitz, Catharine Bowman, John Ditzler, John Lindsay)