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Valley Spirit: June 25, 1862

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Also includes a speech on the Constitution and an article noting the opening of the Mississippi River

Slavery and the Union--Sound View of the Question from a Kentucky Union Journal
(Column 5)
Summary: Denies that there is any contradiction between the preservation of the Union and the continuation of slavery. Slavery is simply a states' rights issue, and while not deserving of any special protection, the authors argue, the loyal men in the South are entitled to regulate the institution as they see fit.
Origin of Article: Louisville Democrat
Editorial Comment: "We ask the especial attention of our readers to the following noble article from our Union contemporary of the Louisville Journal."

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Literature

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Description of Page: Literature and classified advertisements

-Page 04-

(Column 1)
Summary: Alludes to threats made against prominent merchants in Franklin County due to their political beliefs. The Spirit goes on to defend Democrats against accusations of disloyalty but maintains their right to disagree with the administration. The editors call upon the Transcript to condemn these actions and to the Republican party to inform the public in what spirit the party intends to conduct the upcoming election.
Full Text of Article:

There seems to be a spirit of mob violence manifesting itself at the present time in different sections of the country. From our exchanges we learn that it exists in almost all parts of the noble old State of Pennsylvania, and even in our own county we have heard intimations of the same. but a few days since we were told of threats that were made against several of our most highly respectable merchants in certain portions of the county. This spirit of lawlessness, we are fain to believe, only exists in the minds of the most degraded class of the community, for certainly no respectable and law-abiding citizen would countenance anything of the kind. We have a few words to say upon this subject in behalf of the Democratic party of Franklin County. Democrats to a man are law-abiding and peaceable citizens and opposed to every species of violence. They love the Constitution and Union with a patriotic devotion that knows no abating. We know the sentiments of the Democracy of this county, and as we know them we here give them under the solemn obligations we owe to our country and our God. We do not believe there is a single disloyal Democrat in the county, or one who does not with his whole heart desire to see the government vindicated and maintained against the assaults of treason, and the nation emerge from its present calamities to all its former greatness and glory. But whilst they are giving a loyal and patriotic support to every necessary measure to suppress this unholy rebellion, they will not tamely submit to indignities and outrages, for no other offence than the expression of their honest sentiments in opposition to the radical and dangerous measures now being agitated by political demagogues, in and out of Congress. They will not be coerced into an endorsement of all the partisan legislation of the miserable partisan majority in the present congress. Conscious of their own loyalty against which they challenge the investigation of the world, they will never relinquish their right as American freemen to freely discuss the measures and policy of their political opponents, approving such as they deem just and proper and condemning those that they deem wrong, and calculated to hinder the accomplishment of the great end which we all profess to have in view. This right they will never relinquish. Never! Never!!

We call upon the leaders of the Republican party to say how they intend to conduct the approaching political campaign. We desire to know whether, as in former times, we are to have a friendly discussion of the political issues of the day, or whether we are to have scenes of violence and terror tending to anarchy, and ending it may be in all the horrors of the French Revolution. The spirit of mob violence is a two-edged sword and usually cuts more ways than one. We respectfully suggest to the Repository and Transcript to put itself upon the record in condemnation of this fell destroyer of the peace and good order of society, and prove itself still to be what it has been in the past--the respectable organ of a respectable party.

Something to Rejoice Over
(Column 3)
Summary: Praises a letter written by Joseph Wightman, Mayor of Boston, protesting the threat by Massachusetts Governor Andrews not to send additional troops to the war effort without assurances that abolition would become part of the war effort.
Who are the Partizans?
(Column 4)
Summary: Affirms the willingness of Democrats to fight and die for the Union, but also argues that the effort of abolitionists to transform the war from a "war for the Union" into a "war for the Negro" has violated the justification for the war. This change in goals has forced Democrats to become more partisan in order to beat back the abolitionists.
Democratic State Convention
(Column 6)
Summary: Notes the preparations for the Democratic State Convention to be held on July 4th and argues that, in this time of "saddest gloom," the Democratic party can help bring order and unity to a country divided by war.
Origin of Article: Patriot and Union

-Page 05-

Description of Page: Includes market information from Chambersburg and Baltimore.

The Fourth
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors observe that there are no official plans for celebrating the Fourth of July and that individuals will be making their own entertainment. They hope that "the individual don't mistake whiskey for patriotism," and criticize the drunkenness that has characterized previous fourths of July.
Full Text of Article:

We have not learned that any arrangements have been made for a general patriotic celebration of the coming Fourth of July, in this place. We presume it is intended that each individual shall display his patriotism on his "own hook." This will answer, for want of a better arrangement, if the individual don't mistake whisky for patriotism. We never like to see an American citizen make a beast of himself on the fourth of July. If there is one day in the whole year that he should respect and observe decently it is this day. Heretofore this day has been given up pretty much to drunkenness and riotous jollification by quite too large a portion of our community. We trust that this may not be the case on the coming Fourth, and that if any are found desecrating the day in such unbecoming manner that they be set down as doubtful patriots and bad citizens. That man has but a poor appreciation of our glorious institutions who thinks that he can only display his love for them by getting drunk on the Fourth of July. We hope to see the day celebrated in a becoming manner by our citizens one and all--men, women and children--free from excessive and dissipation of every sort, but with no lack of that exhibition of patriotism, and harmless jollification, that the "Glorious Fourth" forever demands.

Our Sunday Schools, we understand, are making preparations for having their usual picnics which is a very proper and delightful way of celebrating the Fourth. We wish the young folks a happy time devouring the good things got up for the occasion and hope they may enjoy themselves hugely.

An Extraordinary Letter
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors publish a letter allegedly discovered in a house in Virginia occupied by Union troops, from Daniel Dechert, a former resident of Franklin County. The letter claims that Dechert, editor of the Hagerstown Mail, of Hagerstown, Maryland, has supplied maps of Franklin County to the Confederates. The editors claim they knew of Dechert's sympathies with the South but were taken aback by this display of disloyalty.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Dechert)
Full Text of Article:

The following letter is said to have been recently found in the house of a certain Dr. Funsten, near Front Royal, lately used as Brig. Gen. S.W. Crawford's headquarters:

Daniel Dechert, Proprietor,

Office of the Hagerstown Mail,

Hagerstown, April 26, 1861.

Dr. Funsten--Dear Sir--I have dropped Gen. Harper a note, and also forwarded him a map of our county. The map of Franklin county I will forward him, and all the information he may desire thereto, in a day or two.

The "Union Shriekers," or Black Republicans here, are gaining on the fears of the people. Many good Southern Rights men are now wavering, owing to these excited apprehensions, and our cause is daily losing strength. I will hope the lower portion of the State will remain [illegible] and, in the end, we will escape from the chains that bind us to Black Republicanism.

You will do me a great kindness, and one that I will not be likely to forget soon, if you interest yourself with Gen. Harper in procuring me a good weapon of defense. Only yesterday I was threatened with a mob, who said they would compel me to hang out the "Stars and Stripes."

Very truly yours,

Daniel Dechert

The above letter is so extraordinary in its character, that when we first heard of it, we felt inclined to doubt its authenticity. But we have since been assured that its genuineness is unquestionable. We forbear denouncing this treasonable letter as its notorious character merits, from regard for the feelings of his relatives in this place who are deeply mortified in consequence and heartily unite with every loyal citizen in denouncing it as an act of the basest treachery and ingratitude. Though we have not seen or spoken to Mr. Daniel Dechert for four years, yet from what we heard of his course since the commencement of the troubles in the country we were satisfied that he was controlled by a faction of Secessionists in Hagerstown and that his sympathies were with the South; but that he would be guilty of an overt act of treason in writing such a letter as the above, was more than we could have believed.

Capt. H. S. Wishart
(Column 1)
Summary: A letter from Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, vindicating Capt. H. S. Wishart of charges that Wishart voluntarily left command of his company as it advanced in Shiloh. Capt. Wishart, a doctor, was obliged to remain behind with several cases. Stumbaugh emphatically denies any accusation that Wishart acted in a cowardly manner and decries the efforts of unnamed individuals who are attempting to defame him.
(Names in announcement: H. S. Wishart)
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: The commencement of the Young Ladies' Seminary will be held Wednesday in Franklin Hall, and the concert will be held Thursday at 8 pm.
Origin of Article: Commencement of the Young Ladies' Seminary
Secesh Prisoners
(Column 2)
Summary: A second trainload of Confederate prisoners passed through Chambersburg on the way to Camp Curtain in Harrisburg. The sixty or so men are primarily from Georgia and Louisiana. Citizens of Franklin County talked freely with the prisoners, and the editors claim that both sides were favorably impressed. If the South sent more prisoners and fewer blacks, say the editors, it would work out to everyone's satisfaction.
Col. Campbell
(Column 2)
Summary: A notice in the Patriot and Union that Col. Campbell has passed through Harrisburg on his way home to Franklin County, after a stay in St. Joseph's Hospital in Philadelphia. Col. Campbell, commanding the "57th regiment of infantry" (after the dissolution of his artillery regiment), was wounded in the groin at the battle of Fair Oaks. As he was being carried off the field, he was hit a second time in the wrist, the ball traveling through him and killing the man behind him.
(Names in announcement: Col. Charles T. Campbell)
Origin of Article: Harrisburg Patriot and Union
Editorial Comment: "We find the following notice of our gallant townsman, Col. C. T. Campbell...."
Arrived At Home
(Column 2)
Summary: Capt. S. R. McKesson arrived at home on Saturday. His health is improving and he hopes to rejoin his regiment in a few weeks.
(Names in announcement: Capt. S. R. McKesson)
From the Valley of Virginia
(Column 3)
Summary: A number of news reports from the armies in the Shenanodah Valley, most of which concern the army's uncertainty as to the location of Stonewall Jackson's forces. The report also includes details of Confederate cavalry raids on the Union forces outside of Richmond, and a story of an execution by Union troops in New Orleans of a man who desecrated the Stars and Stripes.
Full Text of Article:

Gen. Fremont and Gen. Shields' Commands--Fremont About to Advance--The Seventh Indiana at the Battle of Port Republic--The Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania--A Large Haul of Arms, &c.--The Bridge Over the Potomac Finished--The Rebels Threaten a Repetition of the Jackson Raid, & c.

Winchester, VA., June 19

A number of sick and wounded from General Shields' command arrived here to-day. It is stated that they are to be sent forward to Frederick or Harrisburg.

Nothing interesting has been announced from Gen. Fremont's Department.

Advices from Front Royal state that General Shields has succeeded in concentrating all his troops at Strasburg. The rear guard of his army left Luray about an hour before it was entered by Ewell's advancing column. Ewell is now believed to be in occupancy of Luray, with a heavy force.

Arrivals, to-night from New Market, bring intelligence that General Fremont was about to advance to New Market, seven miles south of Mount Jackson, and opposite the gap in the Massanutten Mountain, through which the road leads to Luray. Jackson is believed to have a considerable force of light troops in Harrisonburg, while another body is at or near Port Republic. Prisoners report that White's division of fifteen hundred are within supporting distance of Port Republic.

The Seventh Louisiana Regiment was opposed to the Seventh Indiana at the battle at Port Republic. The deadly effect of our fire can be imagined when the former left the field with only 36 unhurt. This is the evidence of a prisoner from that regiment. The combat was hand to hand or at pistol range. Col. Carroll's Artillery used nothing but canister and grape, and when the enemy came too near to use these with effect, the canoniers used their revolvers with telling effect upon their assailants. Col. Carroll led three successive regiments up to the support of the Seventh Indiana and drove the enemy back until they were flanked and compelled to retreat. It is reported here that Col. Carroll goes to Washington to correct some misunderstanding in relation to his orders previous to the engagement.

A general court martial, of which Col. Ruger, Third Wisconsin, is President, and Lieut. Patterson, Second Massachusetts, is Judge Advocate, is now in session here. Charges against officers for absence without leave, selling or disposing of horses and other government property and privates for similar acts are to be tried.

It is stated that there are now absent by authority, from this command, 1575 men and 75 commissioned officers, greatly reducing our limited numerical strength.

The Twenty ninth Pennsylvania has been detailed as a Provost Guard of Hagerstown, Williamsport and Martinsburg.

Col. Alexander, aid to Governor Peirpont, is now here, looking after the sick and wounded of the Virginia regiments. The State jurisdiction has been re-established in Morgan and Berkely counties, and will shortly be extended to Jefferson and Frederick. The election in Berkely last month gave 800 majority for Gov. Peirpont.

A considerable haul of guns, pistols and ammunition was made in Berryville yesterday. The arms were all loaded with ball cartridges. The office of the 'Berryville Conservator' was confiscated several days ago for Rebel publications, and the effects removed hither to aid in army printing.

A large amount of loose and fixed ammunition, left here it is supposed by Gen. Shields, was discovered by the ordnance officer in the old stone churuch [sic] today. It was probably overlooked by the enemy in their late visit to this place, to whom it would have been a valuable acquisition.

The first instance of the arrest of a colored man for abetting the enemy occurred to-day. It had been stated that he volunteered as guide and spy for Jackson in his late advance hither. He is confined for further investigation.

General Sigel has been in command of this Department during the temporary absence of Gen. Banks, who returns to-morrow.

Gen Slough's Brigade was reviewed yesterday, preparatory to future movements. The appearance and exercises of the various regiments and batteries were highly creditable to themselves and their commander.

The bridge over the Potomac at Harper's Ferry has been rebuilt, and the cars run regularly to the West. At the instance of the Government, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company are repairing the Winchester and Potomac road, and travel will be resumed upon it by Thursday. [T]his will greatly facilitate the transportation of much needed army supplies.

The occupation of the valley by our present forces has not restored a feeling of security to to [sic] the loyal residents, and the Secessionists insist upon it that Jackson will shortly pay us another visit in his usual style. The more judicious portion of the latter regret this, as they can see no possibility of his retaining it should he succeed in forcing us to retreat.

From all indications daily intelligence is received from and despatched to Jackson's army. The house of a leading Secessionist was searched yesterday, upon information that a mail had been deposited there the previous night, but without success.

(Column 6)
Summary: Nannie C. Richards Wolf, daughter of Jacob and Hannah J. Wolf, died on June 14 at the age of 10 months.
(Names in announcement: Nannie C. Richards Wolf, Jacob Wolf, Hannah J. Wolf)
(Column 6)
Summary: John Skinner of Fannett Township announces his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for sheriff.
(Names in announcement: John Skinner)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Five columns of classified advertisements.

Who Are the True Patriots and Who are the Traitors?
(Column 1)
Summary: Quotes a resolution from an 1844 meeting of the American Anti-Slavery Society that argues that since any union of slave and free communities necessarily taints the latter with the former, that abolitionists should agitate to dissolve the Union. This, say the authors, proves that the abolitionists' current professions of love for the Union are hypocritical, and that it is in fact the Democratic party, though attacked as traitors, who have been the strongest supporters of the Union all along.
Origin of Article: Patriot and Union

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Classified advertisements

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Description of Page: Five columns of classified advertisements

Jackson's Present Position and Prospects
(Column 1)
Summary: A reporter writing from Winchester, Virginia, speculates on the location of Stonewall Jackson's army, and reports rumors that he has been reinforced. The writer doubts that Jackson will do well in a second attack against the Union forces, but at the same time suspects that he might try anyway.
Origin of Article: Philadelphia Inquirer
Full Text of Article:

A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing from Winchester, Va., says:

Gen. Fremont's scouts all agree in reporting that at least a portion of Jackson's force have returned from the south side of the Shenandoah where they met Shields, to Harrisonburg, and that they now hold that place. Another account says that Jackson has pickets down the Harrisonburg road toward Mt. Jackson for a distance of eight miles. It is asserted that his pickets and Fremont's met yesterday afternoon. The former, being in greater force than the latter, is said to have driven them some distance. This requires confirmation. I regard it, however, as highly probable that Jackson was feeling Fremont's present position and strength, and that such a skirmish did occur, without any decided advantage to either party. The Secessionists here are confident that he will attempt to return down the Valley in a short time. They say they know that he has been reinforced largely. All our people who come from Fremont's advance, including his best scouts, agree in the statement that Jackson's force has been considerably augmented. The Secessionists claim that it reaches now thirty eight thousand men.

Where do these reinforcements come from?

The only solution I can give of what seems to be an indisputable fact is that some of the forces have been withdrawn from the sea-coast defences of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and sent to this valley. It is certain they cannot spare troops from Richmond in its present beleaguered condition. On the contrary, private Secession advices from Richmond state that Davis would call Jackson to Richmond at once, so sorely is he pressed, were it not that there is such a universal outcry against him by every Virginia Rebel in the Valley, and secondly, because he knows the moment Jackson is withdrawn from our front, Banks and Fremont with consolidated forces, would move at once upon Staunton, thereby controlling the Virginia Central, and from thence to Lynchburg, control the Virginia and Tennessee road. Thus the two leading railroad avenues from which Richmond derives the only support which can possibly reach her half starved soldiery and resident population, would be in the possession of our forces. Moreover, there would be no line of retreat left for demoralized troops in case of a forced evacuation of Richmond.

The withdrawal of the sea-coast forces from South Carolina, etc., is confirmed by the telegraphic despatches announcing the arrival of a large portion of Beauregard's army at Charleston. Doubtless, the number announced, 30, 000, is an exaggeration. They have come to take the place of those sent to Richmond and to Jackson.

Our Government fearful of such an interchange of troops from one place to another, has ceased simultaneous attacks to be made on Galveston, Mobile and Charleston, intending thereby, to compel the reserve forces in Texas, Alabama, and South Carolina, to be retained at home. I, therefore, doubt whether Beauregard has sent a single man to Richmond. The sea-coast defence forces have been sent quietly leaving only enough men to amuse Hunter with a show of opposition, and have reached Richmond and Southern Virginia ten days since, and now that Hunter and the South Atlantic and Gulf Squadron are moving actively, Beauregard must supply the vacuums thus created from his own army.

What Could Jackson Effect by Another Raid?

I think, nothing, except hard fighting and a terrific loss of life on both sides. I feel at liberty to say that he will not find a little band of five thousand men and sixteen pieces of artil[l]lery to meet him. I can also say that he will meet a force fully equal to his own, as well equipped and commanded by Generals who have fought him, separately or unitedly, a half dozen or more times and who know the Valley now as thoroughly as he does. He has lost his most accomplished cavalry leaders, Sheets and Ashby. He has lost nearly a whole battery of artillery. Fully one thousand of his best troops have been killed and fifteen hundred wounded in the recent engagements in this valley. Fremont has taken about eight hundred prisoners. So his aggregate losses would reach a total of 3300. Is it possible that, when he has left the Valley, thus decimated by inferior forces, he can hope to return here and effect any important result against forces seasoned and hardened as most of ours have been, in actual conflict, equal in number to any force he can bring, and better appointed? Yet I do not doubt that, from the dash and enterprise of the man, he will try "his hand at the job." He will find it a "huge job."