![]() Valley Spirit: July 23, 1862Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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An Address to the Union and Conservative Citizens of Pennsylvania
(Column 1)Summary: John Campbell writes that the Republicans have vastly underestimated the breadth of the current crisis and he argues that Democrats are better and more loyal citizens than the Republicans. He then complains that nearly every Democratic plank has been interpreted by Republicans as a sign of disloyalty. He recognizes that McClellan's retreat near Richmond was disastrous. However, Campbell blames the administration, not McClellan's, because it did not supply the general with more men.The New 'Union' Party
(Column 5)Summary: The Republicans are supposedly engineering a "Union" state convention, nominating "renegade" Democrats wherever they can find them. Democrats John Forney and John C. Knox were appointed as delegates, both "of the same class of treacherous trimmers." Forney and Knox are both accused of hating the Democratic party and of seeking its destruction.
Origin of Article: Patriot and UnionDavid Wilmot
(Column 6)Summary: David Wilmot has been nominated to defend his seat in the U.S. Senate by Pennsylvania Republicans. The editors remind the readers that Wilmot attended and approved of a meeting which proposed labeling the seceded states as territories, thus recognizing the fact of secession. Thus, they argue, he aided and abetted the Confederate cause.
Origin of Article: Patriot and Union
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Description of Page: Literature and classifieds |
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Description of Page: Literature and classifieds |
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The Republican State Convention
(Column 2)Summary: This editorial attacks the "Abolition-Republican-Peoples-Union-Loyal League-no party party," which had its convention on July 17. The editors criticize the Democrats who participated in the convention, including John C. Knox, John W. Forney, and William S. Ross. Mr. Ross was nominated for auditor general, while John Rowe was not nominated for anything. The editors predict that the people will repudiate this party for its radicalism, its corruption, and its refusal to address the real issues. In addition, they believe that Democrats will obtain a majority of 50,000 in the October elections."What Will They Do With It?"
(Names in announcement: John Rowe)
(Column 3)Summary: Attacks the Transcript's criticism of the Democratic convention. The editorial argues that the Transcript, by publishing several of the resolutions, actually advanced the Democratic cause. The people of Pennsylvania, predict the editors, will reject the Republican corruption, racial equalization, and illegitimate war goals.Republican County Convention
(Column 3)Summary: A call for a Republican convention for August 17 was signed by former Democrat B. F. Nead, despite, according to the editors, his rejection by the Republican organ, the Repository and Transcript.Complimentary
(Names in announcement: B. F. NeadEsq.)
(Column 1)Summary: The editors quote a Republican at the recent convention who made an uncomplimentary reference to the Democratic State Convention of the year before. Since Judge Nill and John Rowe, former Democrats, were at the Republican Convention this year, the editors speculate that a "renegade Democrat" must be able to "stand almost anything in the way of insult from his new friends."No-Partyism Illustrated
(Names in announcement: Judge Nill, John Rowe)
(Column 5)Summary: Notes that the recent Republican state convention attacked the Democrats for their partisanship, which the editors found ironic emanating from a party convention.
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(Column 1)Summary: The editors report that Sheriff McGrath has made a number of arrests in connection with a counterfeit ring that has been operating in the area, and there are rumored to be a number of others at large. The editors refrain from judging the persons arrested, and look forward to the trial for an airing of the cases. The editors praise District Attorney George Eyster and Mr. Taylor of the bank in their skill in helping solve this case.Rowdyism
(Names in announcement: Sheriff McGrath, George EysterEsq., Mr. Taylor)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that a group of drunken young men occupied the public square on Saturday night and kept up a loud commotion until the early morning. The editors criticize the local authorities for doing nothing about the disturbances.Severely Stabbed
(Column 1)Summary: An unidentified man was stabbed near Waynesboro on Saturday by a deserter; the soldier was arrested and brought into the jail. Earlier, a "highly respectable citizen" from the same area was shot by a deserter.Recruiting
(Column 1)Summary: About fifty men have signed up to form a new company under the call for new troops. The editors note that Franklin County is patriotic enough to supply its quota of troops without being called on in the draft.Slightly Ahead
(Column 1)Summary: David Long of Lurgan Township writes that the timothy in his field is over five feet tall, taller than the grass referred to in an earlier issue. The editors invite anyone who can beat this to write to the paper.The Annual Celebration
(Names in announcement: David Long)
(Column 1)Summary: The annual picnic of the Fayetteville Union Sabbath School will be held in Heintzleman's woods on Saturday, August 2.War News From the Army of Virginia
(Column 4)Summary: Reports on Union preparations in Warrenton, and of the destruction of the railway station in Gordonsville. Jackson is rumored to be in Staunton.
Full Text of Article:Meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee
Highly Important Movements.
Advance To Gordonsville.
An Important Railroad Junction of the Rebels Destroyed.Washington, July 18--A letter from Warrenton says our troops are all in fine spirits at the prospect of active operations. Mention is also made of an important movement already made. The people of Warrenton are represented as courteous towards our troops; and the ladies, though rank Secessionists, treat them with dignified politeness. Warrenton and White Sulphur Springs have been recently infested by Rebel scouts, who were passed yesterday by a detachment of our cavalry without opposition.
Reports exist in camp, which are probably based on Rebel authority, that Jackson is at Staunton preparing for another visit down the valley. He will not have an undisputed march.
The command of General Hatch is reported to have penetrated as far as Rapidan Station, on the Virginia Central Railroad, seventy-four miles from Washington.
The following appointment have been made in General Bank's Corps d'armee: Brigadier-General Angur to the First Division, Brigadier-General Prince to the First Brigade and Brigadier-General Greene to the Second Brigade of the same Division.
Later from General Pope's Army.
Washington, July 18--We feel at liberty to state that yesterday a portion of the army of Gen. Pope entered the important town of Gordonsville, Virginia, unopposed, and duly destroyed all the railroad paraphernalia at that point--the junction of the Orange and Alexandria and Virginia Central Railroads. Three-fourths of the troops, munitions and supplies of ever[y] description for the Rebel army at Richmond, of necessity, passed through Gordonsville by rail. The blow is, therefore, a most important one, more especially as it is the first of a series which, we trust, will do more to cripple the efficiency of the Rebel army at Richmond than aught that has yet occurred.
Official Orders.
The following orders have been issued in this Department for its government:
Generad [sic] Orders, No 5.
H.Q. of the Army of Virginia, Washington, July 18, 1862. Hereafter, as far as practicable the troops of this command will subsist upon the country in which their operations are carried on. In all cases, supplies for this purpose will be taken by the officer to whose department they properly belong, under the orders of the commanding officer of the troops for whose use they are intended. Vouchers will be given to the owners, stating on their face that they will be payable at the conclusion of the war, upon sufficient testimony being produced that such owners had been loyal citizens of the United States since the date of the vouchers.
Whenever it is known that supplies can be furnished in any district of the country where the troops are to operate, the use of trains for carrying subsistence will be dispensed with as far as possible.
By command of Major-General Pope.
Geo. D Ruggles, Col. A A G and Chief of Staff.
General Orders, No 6.
H.Q. of the Army of Virginia, Washington, July 18th, 1862. Hereafter in all operations of the cavalry forces in this command, no supply or baggage trains of any description will be used, unless so stated specially in the order for the movement.
Two days cooked rations will be carried or the persons of the men, and all villages and neighborhoods through which they pass will be laid under contribution, in the manner specified by General Orders No 5 (current series) from these head quarters, for subsistence of men and horses.
Movements of cavalry must always be made with celerity, and no delay in such movements will be excused, hereafter, on any pretext.
Whenver the order for the movement of any portion of this army emenates [sic] from these headquarters, the time of marching, and that to be in the execution of the duty, will be especially designated: and no departure therefrom will be permitted to pass unnoticed without the gravest and most conclusive reasons. The commanding officer will be held responsible for a strict and prompt compliance with every provision of this order.
By command of Major-General Pope
Geo. D. Ruggles, Col. A A G and Chief of Staff. General Orders, No 7.H Q of the Army of Virginia, Washington, July 18, 1862; The people of the valley of the Shenandoah, and throughout the region of the operations of this army, living along the lines of railroad and telegraph, and along the routes of travel in the rear of the United States forces are notified that they will be held responsible for any injury done to the track, line or road, or for any attacks upon trains or straggling soldiers by bands of guerrillas in their neighborhood.
No privileges or immunities of war can apply to the lawless bands of individuals not forming a part of the organized forces of the enemy, nor wearing the garb of soldiers, who, seeking to obtain safety on the pretext of being peaceful citizens, start out in the rear of the army, attack and murder straggling soldiers, molest trains of supplies, destroy railroads, telegraph lines and bridges, and, commit outrages disgraceful to a civilized people and revolting to humanity.
Evil disposed persons in the rear of our armies who do not themselves engage directly in these lawless acts, encourage them by refusing to interfere or to give any information by which such acts can be prevented or the perpetrators punished. The safety of the life and property of all person[s] living in the rear of our advancing armies, depends upon the maintenance of peace and quiet among themselves, and upon the unmolested movements through their midst of all pertaining to their military service. They are to understand distinctly that this security of travel is their only warrant of personal safety. It is, therefore, ordered that, whenever a railroad, or telegraph line is injured by parties of guerrillas, the citizens living within five miles of the spot shall be turned out en masse to repair the damage, and shall besides pay to the United States in money, or in property, to be levied by military force, the full amount of the pay and subsistence of the whole force necessary to coerce the performance of the work during the time occupied in completing it.
If any soldier or legitimate follower of the army be fired upon from any house, the house shall be razed to the ground and the inhabitants sent prisoners to the head-quarters of this army. If such an outrage occur at any place distant from the settlements, the people within five miles around shall be held accountable and made to pay an indemnity sufficient for the case. Any persons detected in such outrages either during the act or at any time afterwards shall be shot without waiting civil process.
No such acts can influence the result of this war, and they can only lead to heavy affliction to the population to no purpose. It is, the e[illegible]fore, enjoined upon all persons, both for the security of their own property and the safety of their own persons that they act vigorously and cordially together to prevent the perpetration of such outrages.
Whilst it is the wish of the General commanding this army, that all peaceably disposed persons who remain at their homes and pursue their accustomed avocations shall be subjected to no improper burthen of war, yet their own safety must of necessity depend upon the strict preservation of peace and order among themselves, and they are to understand that nothing will deter him from enforcing promptly and to the full extent, every provision of this order.
By command of Major-General Pope
G D Ruggles, Col. A A G and Chief of Staff.
(Column 5)Summary: A meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee will be held on July 20 in Philadelphia.Died
(Column 6)Summary: Elizabeth Foust died near Roxbury on July 3 at the age of 41.Died
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Elizabeth Foust)
(Column 6)Summary: Carrie Keefer died on July 20 in Fayetteville at the home of C. B. Weldy, Esq., at the age of 16 years, 10 months and 7 days.A List of Grand and Traverse Jurors
(Names in announcement: Miss Carrie Keefer, C. B. WeldyEsq.)
(Column 6)Summary: List of grand and traverse jurors for a Court of Oyer and Terminer, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and a Court of Common Pleas to be held in Chambersburg on Wednesday, August 11.List of causes for trial at August Term
(Names in announcement: William B. Gabby, Jacob Albert, Joseph Burkholder, William Deardorf, David Eberly, Frederick Foreman, James Ferguson, Jacob S. Flemming, Thomas Gillan, Jacob Heckman, William Heneberger, Henry L. Hege, Jacob Harshman, John Jeffries, Peter Knepper, James McCurdy, John Miller, Francis H. McClay, Jacob Newcomer, Christian RoyerJr., William Rock, Davis Steward, Henry H. Stoner, John Unger, Caleb Atherton, Jeremiah Ashway, John Agle, John Ashway, Nicholas Bonebrake, William Boyd, Philip Berlin, John Baughman, Christian Bomberger, Jacob Breechbill, Jonathan Beam, John Bryan, Joseph Crebs, Daniel Clippinger, William Cline, Henry Cover, George Deihl, Jacob Ditch, Henry Etter, John Flickinger, George Glass, Daniel Garlinger, Philip Gantz, John S. Hassler, Jacob Harchelroad, William Hade, Jonathan Jacoby, John B. Kaufman, John KeaseySr., William Kreps, John Kees, Thomas Lindsay, Samuel Lantz, Philip Lehmaster, Abraham Metz, James B. Orr, William Pentz, James Roberts, William Reamer, W. W. Skinner, Peter Shearer, Isaac Winger, John Welker, Joseph Winger, John WillhelmJr., Jacob Vandersand, George W. Ziegler, J. W. Craig)
(Column 6)Summary: A list of the cases to be tried at the August court term: John S. Kerr vs. Abraham Wingert; David W. Secrist vs. Andrew S. Monn; James Weagley vs. Mary Ditch; John Small, et al. vs John Ruthrauff et al.; Jacob Zimmerman et al. vs. Emanuel Secrist et al.; Robert Taylor vs. David Teeter; James Gilbert vs. Joseph W. Heister; A. D. Caufman vs. C. W. Eyster and Co.; Sarah Angle et al. vs. Emanuel Brosins; William Gutshall vs. Jacob Hargleroad; Mary Roemer vs. Christian Hostetter; John Scheichter vs. William McClure, et al.; David McNulty vs. David Gilds.
(Names in announcement: John S. Kerr, Abraham Wingert, David W. Secrist, Andrew S. Monn, James Weagley, Mary Ditch, John Small, John Ruthrauff, Jacob Zimmerman, Emanuel Secrist, Robert Taylor, David Teeter, James Gilbert, Joseph W. Heister, A. D. Caufman, C. W. Eyster, Sarah Angle, Emanuel Brosins, William Gutshall, Jacob Hargleroad, Mary Roemer, Christian Hostetter, John Schleichter, William McClure, David McNulty, David Gilds)
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Description of Page: Literature and classifieds |
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Description of Page: Literature and classifieds |
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Description of Page: Five columns of classified advertisements |
Message of the President on the Confiscation Bill.
(Column 1)Summary: A reprint of Lincoln's message to Congress regarding the confiscation bills sent to him by Congress. Lincoln substantially approves of most of the sections, and argues that it is not a great leap to claim that those in rebellion against the government forfeit their property to the government. When that property is slaves, says Lincoln, they should be freed rather than resold. Lincoln had some objections to the terms under which land would be expropriated, and suggested remedies to bring them within constitutional limits.