Valley Spirit: July 30, 1862Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Front page is taken up with a list of items taxed by the federal government, printed with no commentary from the editors other than introducing it as such. |
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Stand Together
(Column 1)Summary: The editors urge all loyal men in the Union to follow the example of the border states in joining together in fidelity to the national compact. The entreat Union men to resist the injunctions of the "radical majority" in Congress to make the war into a "atrocious and bloody programme" of abolition. It is no time for party, the editors say, but all men must unite against abolitionist fanatics like General Fremont, Sumner, Lovejoy, and the New York Tribune.
Full Text of Article:A Negro-loving SenatorThe united effort of the loyal men of the nation is needed to meet and suppress this Rebellion. What tends to preserve the Union is salvation to the country, but what tends to break in upon it, is fraught with danger! The sole common bond of the Union is the Constitution.
If we look at the border line of this terrible struggle--to Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, there is really but one opinion among the Union men. They ask nothing of the General Government but fidelity to the national compact; absolutely nothing but what every United States officer is sworn to observe. Eighty thousand men in the field; the Home Guard larger still, to keep at bay the secession tiger that prowls about their homes; the language of their Representatives and Senators in Congress--all attest the sincerity of their unionism. All speak of a patriotism worthy of the olden time; and implore an infatuated radical majority, in the name of all that is dear to country, to desist from the atrocious and bloody revolutionary programme of emancipating the four millions of slaves at the point of the bayonet; but, in good faith, to stand solidly by the Constitution, and thus restore the Union as it was: that is, revive the social, commercial, religious, political intercourse that endeared our several political communities in the sacred relations of one nation.
But the radicals start up and insult common sense by representing a return to this Union as it was, as a restoration of Jeff. Davis and his compeers to power; and, in promoting their one scheme of emancipation, make nothing of overriding Constitutional barriers. If there be one principle settled distinctly by the Constitution, it is that to the States exclusively belong the determination of their local institutions. All this, however, goes for nothing with the radicals. They seem to care nothing for fundamentals. Now, of themselves, they are of little account. But the Secessionists at the South, at this hour get hold of this Abolition stuff, and reproduce it in their newspapers and speeches, falsely magnify it, charge it on the whole north, and thus succeed in arraying the Southern people in solid phalanx against what they term the "Abolition Lincolns." This is the constant testimony from the South. The last evidence is from a relative of a loyal Union man who has been in South Carolina all through the Rebellion, a son of Alderman Wilson, of Brooklyn, New York. His words are: "the Abolition policy of Congress does more to embitter the feelings of the Southerners towards the North than all the military expeditions that could be fitted out," and he relates how now the proclamations of Fremont, Hunter and Phelps, and the articles in the New York Tribune, are used to inflame the public mind. The people have become desperate. With them it is a matter of life and death. Other witnesses say the same thing. It is the constant object of the rebel leaders to hold up the idea that this is an Abolition war, and it seems to be the constant object of the radicals to keep them well supplied with detestable material to use as proof. If it was their object to create two confederacies, they could not work more effectually to do it than they are now doing.
Now, the remedy for all this is only in the people and through the ballot-box. It is no time for any other party than the party of the country, of the Union and the Constitution; and at this time all who override it, are unworthy of confidence. The good and true men of the country must unite against the reckless demagogues who seek to destroy confidence in all but Abolition Generals, like Fremont, and the abolition plan of emancipation; and must insist that their public servants, sinking the negro question, shall address themselves to the sole work of meeting and suppressing this rebellion. Before this gigantic work, how pitiful appear the questions of a race of mere shallow demagogues! Look at Sumner, blating out about Military Governors before he ever knew the facts; look at Lovejoy, with the negro eternally on his lips; look at the set about the army, who start such pitiful issues as that about the White House which Gen. McClellan has so scorchingly rebuked. What can be worse than the partizan caucus and the partizan schemes of the radical members of Congress? What can be worse than the partizan appeals of such portions of the Republican press as represented by the New York Tribune and the Chicago Tribune? It is enough to say that such schemes as Sumner doggedly presents in the Senate, and the presses that go with him continue to urge, tend directly to divide the loyal men, paralyze recruiting, and thus do detriment to the sacred cause of the country.
Let all true Patriots pledge themselves anew to stand by the Constitution and the Union, and to direct their utmost efforts to the preservation of the one, inviolate, and to the restoration of the other just as the statesmen and heroes of the Revolution transmitted it to us. This is a noble work, and appeals to the most exalted feelings that can move man to effort. To strive for this result by all the means in the power of the Government--by the war power as well as that of the Legislature--is one thing; to inaugurate revolutionary measures for which there is no warrant in the Constitution, is quite another matter. The one object is to restore, and bring back peace, fraternity and prosperity; the other is to destroy, and inaugurate interminable civil war.
(Column 3)Summary: Attacks Senator Howe of Wisconsin, who protested the expulsion of all blacks from the army camp of Brigadier General Williams. Howe suggested that he would rather exchange generals like Williams for black people, as black people would be of more service to the country. The editors interpret this as another sign of the willingness of the Republicans to privilege blacks at the expense of whites.Speaking for the Constitution
(Column 3)Summary: Notes the speech of Republican Senator Trumbull of Illinois, who questions the imprisonment of men accused of disloyalty in the North. Though the editors note that Trumbull is a "Republican of the darkest stripe," they nonetheless applaud his position on this issue.Becoming Sensible
(Column 3)Summary: Quotes Representative Sherman of Ohio who doubts that there is enough money for the federal government to pay for all the slaves in the country.Letter from the Army
(Column 4)Summary: A letter from an unnamed correspondent from the 77th Reg't Penn. Volunteers. Writing from Nashville on July 20, the author states that he was detailed to take a number of the sick and wounded from the regiment to a hospital. Since leaving the regiment he has heard nothing of its whereabouts. He reports that Sam Snively of the battery is with them, as are Stark, Wade, D. Davis, and Henikan of Franklin County from Company A; Sam Pittman has returned to his company.
(Names in announcement: Sam Snively, Stark, Wade, Davis, Heniken, Sam Pittman)Trailer: M.Proclamation of Gov. Curtain--Twenty-one New Regiments for Nine Months
(Column 6)Summary: A reprint of Gov. Curtain's call for twenty-one new regiments to be drawn from Pennsylvania, to meet President Lincoln's call for new troops. Enlistment will be for nine months in new regiments and twelve months in old regiments. The proclamation includes a breakdown of the number of companies expected from each county. Franklin and Fulton counties, listed together, are expected to generate five companies.Hudson Bros. and Mr. Rogers
(Column 6)Summary: These vocalists have offered their services to the Ladies Aid Society to hold a benefit concert for sick and wounded soldiers on Tuesday evening in Franklin Hall. The editors "trust" that every family will be represented at this concert.
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(Column 1)Summary: Urges all able-bodied young men to respond to the call to volunteer for the new regiments that Franklin County is called on to supply. The editors argue that it is much more patriotic and noble to volunteer than to be drafted, and that the large number of young men who have not yet volunteered should put aside their excuses and do so.Our Patriotic Ladies
(Column 1)Summary: The Ladies Aid Society, working out of the Associate Reformed Church, has been occupied with the "noble, patriotic and christian" task of providing clothing and other goods for sick soldiers. The editors praise them highly, and argue that the ladies of Chambersburg will compare favorably to those of any other community.
Full Text of Article:Franklin CountyWe visited, on Friday last, the Associate Reformed Church, which is occupied during the week by the Ladies Aid Society. We found the room pretty well filled with ladies, engaged in the noble, patriotic and christian duty of providing clothing, and other comforts, for our sick and wounded soldiers. We might say much in praise of our ladies, but this is an age in which noble deeds bring their own reward. We will say this much, however, the ladies of Chambersburg will compare with any in existence, in their efforts to provide for the wants, and relieve the suffering of our sick and wounded in the army. They have enlisted in the good cause their nimble fingers and their noble, warm and patriotic hearts with a will. All honor then to our ladies who have thus nobly evinced their patriotism and vindicated that judgment which the poet has pronounced upon their sex, and which the world has applauded.
"When pain and anguish wring the brow,
A ministering angel thou."
(Column 1)Summary: Notes that War Meetings have already occurred across the county for the purpose of encouraging recruits, and the editors argue that if enlistment is delayed, the war may well be carried into Franklin County.
Full Text of Article:Ladies of MercersburgThe call for nine-months volunteers is being responded to in this county with patriotic alacrity. The people of the towns throughout the county are holding War Meetings and using every means to encourage enlistments. The necessity for reinforcing our army is felt, and appreciated, by every man in the county, for should this rebellion be allowed to go on much longer our neighborhood cannot escape the horrors of war if the threats of the rebels mean anything. There are scores of men ready and willing, in every section of the county, to serve their country but they are waiting to be asked. That is not the way to show their patriotism--they must come forward voluntarily at the tap of the drum.
(Column 1)Summary: The quartermaster general of the State has acknowledged the receipt of a box of hospital stores from the Ladies' Aid Society of Mercersburg.The Bounty
(Column 1)Summary: The Board of County Commissioners voted at a late meeting to pay a bounty of $50 to each volunteer. If drafting is resorted to, no bounty will be paid.Patriotic Liberality
(Column 2)Summary: The members of Columbus Lodge of the International Order of Odd Fellows gave $25 to the Ladies' Aid Society to help relieve the wants of sick and injured soldiers. The lodge also sent $25 to the Odd Fellows Union Relief Fund in Philadelphia. It is reported they have another fund on hand for similar purposes.War Meeting!--Great Enthusiasm!
(Column 2)Summary: A meeting of citizens of Franklin County was held at the Court House on Wednesday to arrange measures for raising Franklin County's quota of troops. Hon. James Nill was called as chair, George W. Ziegler and B. F. Nead were elected vice-presidents, and John Stewart and W. Kennedy were chosen as secretaries. Col. A.K. McClure offered a resolution offering a bounty of $50 for every recruit and suggested that an executive committee be appointed to organize meetings and speakers in every township. George Brewer added a resolution authorizing the county commissioners to impose a tax to raise the funds necessary; and Christian S. Eyster Esq added a resolution asking the commissioners to appropriate $25,000 for that purpose. After speeches by Messrs McLellan, McClure, Brewer, Sharpe and Eyster, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. J. McD. Sharpe, A. K. McClure and F. M. Kimmell were appointed as the Executive Committee, while Hon. George W. Brewer, A. K. McClure and C. S. Eyster Esq. were appointed as the committee to petition the legislature to allow the commissioners to raise the needed funds. A subscription paper was passed around, and Col. D. O. Gehr was appointed Treasurer. As the subscriptions were entered, Lieut. John Stewart of the Chambers Infantry made an appeal to the young men of the town to enroll. The company already has about 60 names in it. The list of subscribers and their subscriptions was: James Nill, $500; G. W. Zeigler, $500; William McLellan, $500; J. C. Austin, $500; J. Allison Eyster, $500; C. M. Burnett, $500; A. D. Cauffman, $500; D. O. Gehr, $500; A. K. McClure, $500; G. W. Brewer, $500; J. McD. Sharpe, $250; D. K. Wunderlich, $200; B. F. Nead, $200; Wilbur F. Eyster, $50; J. W. Deal, $50; Lewis Wampler, $20; William Gelwicks, $50; U. Washabaugh, $100; B. Y. Hamsher, $50; J. M. Brown, $100; Ed Culbertson, $200; J. Hoke & Co., $100; Richard Woods, $20; J. Henninger, $20; Miller Shellito, $20; Oaks & Linn, $100; H. Greenawalt, $100; Dr. J. C. Richards, $100; Chambersburg Band, $50; J. B. McLanahan, $200; Rev. J. F. Kennedy, $10; Rev. S. J. Nicholls, $40; George J. Balsly, $50; S. M. Worley, $25; Dennis Creyton, $10; F. A. Zarman, $25; H. R. Davison, $25; W. S. Everett, $20; Fred. Henninger, $15; Fred. Smith, $20; J. A. Cook, $30; Dr. Byers, $20; J. Cauffman, $20; ? H. Eyster, $30; T. J. Nill, $40; Henry Bishop, $10; D. A. Fahnestock, $20; G. H. Merklein & Co., $10; Henry Seirer, $20; Col. J. A. S. Cramer, $5; J. W. Fletcher, $10; Philip Hammon, $25; T. M. Richards, $5; Wilson Reilly, $20; Jer. Cook, $10; A. McIlwaine, $10; Allen McGrath, $5.
(Names in announcement: J. C. Austin, George J. Balsly, Henry Bishop, George W. Brewer, J. M. Brown, Capt. J. M. Brown, J. S. Brown, C.M Burnett, Dr. Byers, A. D. Cauffman, J. Cauffman, Benjamin Chambers, George Chambers, William L. Chambers, Willliam Clugston, J. A. Cook, Jer. Cook, Col. J. A. S. Cramer, Dennis Creyton, Ed Culbertson, H. R. Davison, J. W. Deal, W. S. Everett, Christian S. EysterEsq., J. Allison Eyster, Jacob S. Eyster, L. H. Eyster, Wilbur F. Eyster, D. A. Fahnestock, J. W. Fletcher, Col. D. O. Gehr, William Gelwicks, William Gelwicks, H. Greenawalt, Henry Greenawalt, Philip Hammon, B. Y. Hamsher, Fred. Henniger, J. Henniger, J. Hoke, Hon. John Huber, Rev. J. F. Kennedy, W. KennedyEsq., F. M. Kimmell, Col. A. K. McClure, Allen McGrath, A. McIlwaine, J. B. McLanahan, William McLellan, G. H. Merklein, B. F. Nead, Rev. S. J. Nicolls, Hon. James Nill, T. J. Nill, George Palmer, Wilson Reilly, Dr. J. O. Richards, T. M. Richards, G. O. Seilhamer, Henry Seirer, J. McD. Sharpe, Miller Shellito, Fred. Smith, John Stewart, Lieut. John Stewart, John StewartEsq., Lewis Wampler, U. Washabaugh, Richard Woods, S. M. Worley, D. K. Wunderlich, F. A. Zarman, George W. Zeigler)
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