![]() Valley Spirit: March 18, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Includes two columns of classified advertisements and miscellaneous fiction and non-fiction. |
(No Title)
(Column 7)Summary: Reports that black soldiers in Boston protested their segregation into separate units. The editors state that no black troops have been raised yet in their community and that it would take a draft to do it.
Full Text of Article:We learn from the Boston papers, that the 'Americans of African descent' in that vicinity are not satisfied with the proposition to form them into separate military organizations under white officers. They claim that it makes to[o] great a distinction in point of equality, which they will not submit to. If equality is the point to be gained in this war, they demand that it should be recognized in the army. In this, however, they seem to forget that the white soldier might object to such an amalgamation. In this neighborhood, there has, so far been no effort to procure negro recruits, that we have heard of, and it is currently said that such an effort, if made, will be useless. They will have to be drafted, if obtained at all.
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Party and Party Spirit
(Column 1)Summary: The editors object to the Transcript's invocation of Washington's farewell address to criticize partisanship. It is true, the editors of the Spirit and Times say, that Washington condemned partisanship. However, he rejected parties based on sectional rivalries, much like the Republican party now in power. If Washington was alive today, the editors claim, the Transcript would denounce him as a copperhead.Jackson Democracy
(Column 3)Summary: The editors point out that secessionism first arose under the Presidency of Andrew Jackson, who, they argue, contained it within constitutional bounds. Jackson warned that governmental powers must be strictly contained or they will overwhelm and absorb the Constitution. If the Constitution was all that Jackson needed, they argue, it should be all that Lincoln needs as well.The New Hampshire Election
(Column 4)Summary: The editors note that, while none of the three candidates for governor in New Hampshire gained a majority, the two Democratic candidates outpolled the Republican. It also looks as if a Democratic Congressman will be elected. The editors interpret this swing from a solid Republican state as good evidence that the North is turning away from Republican radicalism.Democratic Meeting in the South Ward
(Column 5)Summary: The Democrats of the South Ward of Chambersburg are requested to meet at the Public House of J. W. Taylor on Wednesday evening to nominate a ticket for the spring election.Spring Election
(Names in announcement: J. W. Taylor)
(Column 5)Summary: The editors request that their friends in the various townships send them the results of the spring elections as soon as they take place, so that the numbers may be published in the issue after the election.Preaching
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. Dr. Dorsey will preach in the Union Church in Waynesboro next Sunday. He has accepted a call from the Lutheran congregations composing the Waynesboro Charge, and he will be moving to town shortly.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. Dorsey)Origin of Article: Waynesboro Village RecordDeath of a Soldier
(Column 5)Summary: Harry McCloud, a soldier of Company I, 57th Reg't Penn. Volunteers, died at the house of Christian Eakles in Chambersburg on Saturday and was buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, with military honors. He was a native of New York.At Home
(Names in announcement: Harry McCloud, Christian Eakles)
(Column 5)Summary: Dr. Samuel Lane, Surgeon of the 5th Penn. Reserves and a member of the "Examining Board" is at home on a few days furlough.A New Counterfeit
(Names in announcement: Dr. Samuel Lane)
(Column 5)Summary: The editors warn of a new counterfeit note in circulation, drawn on the New Castle County Bank in Delaware. A rural scene with a farmer, a dog in the front and two houses in the background distinguishes the note.The "Amende Honorable"
(Column 5)Summary: The editors publish an apology from the editors of the Pilot, saying their recent article regarding unsound money was not meant to slight the Bank of Chambersburg. They agree that the Bank is solid, and since it pays out greenbacks, it cannot be accused of the practice of paying out with notes from suspect banks in the other parts of the state.
Origin of Article: PilotHandsome Drum
(Column 6)Summary: A beautiful drum is on display at Shryock's book store, on which is inscribed a dedication to John Stoner, Drum Major of the 77th Reg't Penn. Volunteers, for his bravery displayed at Stone River, in January 1863. It was originally purchased by Capt. C. B. McKesson for $30, and a subscription has been started by members of the 77th to raise that amount.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: John Stoner, Capt. C. B. McKesson)
(Column 6)Summary: A memorial resolution passed by the Olive Branch Encampment, No. 13, I. O. O. F., on March 9, commemorating the death of T. J .C. McGrath, a member of the encampment. It was signed by J. Spangler and recorded by William H. Boyle.Town Lots in the Market
(Names in announcement: T. J. C. McGrath, J. Spangler, William H. Boyle)
(Column 6)Summary: The editors applaud the Town Council for considering extending Catharine Street from where it connects to second street, all the way through lots owned by Dr. Schneck to the Franklin Railroad. This would open up 25 or 30 streetside lots for development and would increase the tax base available to the community, so needed after the heavy outlay for borough enlargement. Dr. Schneck is now advertising the lots for sale, and the editors believe that, since people have money and want a safe investment, this would be a good choice.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Dr. Schneck, Hannes Schmidt)
(Column 6)Summary: At a meeting of the Caledonia (Illinois) Encampment, No. 43, I. O. O. F., on February 20, a resolution was passed commemorating the death of Patriarch William Stouffer, who died in Danville, Kentucky on January 21 while serving as Captain of Company C, 92nd Illinois Volunteer Regiment. Stouffer was a member of the Chambersburg Lodge and Caledonia encampment.
(Names in announcement: William Stouffer)
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Description of Page: Includes market information and five columns of classified advertisements. |
(Column 2)Summary: Daniel W. Metz of Lasalle County married Rebecca Branthaver of Franklin County on March 2.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Welfley, Daniel W. Metz, Rebecca Jane Branthaver)
(Column 2)Summary: Jeremiah Lusend and Mary Vellus were married on March 6.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. M. M. Wolf, Jeremiah Lusend, Mary Vellus)
(Column 2)Summary: Richard Woods and Mary S. Geyer, both of Chambersburg, were married on March 16.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, Richard Woods, Mary S. Geyer)
(Column 2)Summary: Samuel Hunter Otenberger died on March 6 near Loudon, aged 5 months and 17 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Samuel Hunter Otenberger)
(Column 2)Summary: Dr. Charles Hassell died on March 6 in Fairview, Southampton Township, aged 80 years, 5 months and 23 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Dr. Charles Hassell)
(Column 2)Summary: Catharine Henry, youngest daughter of Samuel and Rachael Jane Henry, died on March 4, aged 1 year, 1 month and 4 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Catharine Henry, Samuel Henry, Rachael Jane Henry)
(Column 2)Summary: Robert Trimble died on March 12 in Guilford Township, after an illness of several years, aged 63 years, 2 months and 10 days.
(Names in announcement: Robert Trimble)
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Description of Page: Classified advertisements |