Valley Spirit: May 27, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Includes an article on the Peace Convention of 1861, plus a selection of the exemptions for physical disability under the new conscription act. |
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Description of Page: Includes letters republished from other national papers that condemn abolitionists and Loyal Leagues; a report on arrests by Provost Marshals elsewhere in Pennsylvania; and war news from the Mississippi. |
Freedom of Speech and of the Press
(Column 1)Summary: The editors discuss the meaning of the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press as intended by the framers of the Constitution. They then turn to editorials from Republican papers in New York and in Harrisburg that encourage the formation of Union Leagues to put down treason in the North. What these leagues are designed to do, say the editors, is to repress Democrats, who are merely exercising their guaranteed rights under the Constitution. The suppression of free speech by such groups, and by military authorities, is "the first step in the road which leads to despotism," conclude the editors.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: The editors report that some unnamed people had hoped that the returning soldiers would commit some unspecified acts of violence. If these men had actually mingled with the soldiers upon their return, they would have found among the soldiers an "almost unanimous expression of conservative sentiment."[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: The editors observe that the thirty three "Union Leaguers" who paraded on Saturday were so satisfied with their turnout that they plan to do it again.(No Title)
(Column 2)Summary: The editors note the article published in the Transcript that expressed the hope that the returning soldiers would burn the Spirit.
Origin of Article: Repository and TranscriptFull Text of Article:[No Title]What a pity that the three months' men did not annihilate the Spirit! and thus spare many good men who are deceived by its misrepresentations, falsifications and incendiary dictums!--Repository and Transcript.
We think we can say, in all sincerity, that, no matter how high the waves of political excitement may run, we hope no such misfortune may befal[l] our neighbor of the Transcript.
(Column 3)Summary: The editors call for Democrats to organize against the "Loyal Leagues" being established across the county.[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: The editors observe that the large number of officers and enlisted men who have been passing through town on leaves of absence indicate that the army is not about to make a move on the enemy. What the intention of the government is with the Army of the Potomac is merely conjecture at this point.
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Description of Page: Four columns of classified advertisements |
Democratic Meeting
(Column 1)Summary: The Democrats of Chambersburg and the surrounding area will meet in Franklin Hall on May 30. The Hon. William H. Miller, Representative of the 14th Congressional District, and the Hon. George W. Brewer will address the meeting.The Reception of the 126th Regiment
(Names in announcement: William H. Miller, Hon. George W. Brewer)
(Column 1)Summary: The editors describe and praise the ceremonies celebrating the return of the 126th Reg't Penn. Volunteers to Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Kinney, Col. Elder, Judge Chambers, Judge Nill, Rev. S. J. Niccolls)Full Text of Article:General CampbellLast Saturday was a grand gala-day for Chambersburg--a day of happiness and rejoicing and good cheer. Early in the week, persons from a distance came to town, in the expectation that our brave boys of the 126th Regiment would reach home by that time; and most of them remained until the close of the week, though it was ascertained on Thursday that they would not arrive until Saturday. Early on the morning of the latter day, the people from the country began pouring into town from every direction. The Hotels were soon filled to overflowing, and their yards and the neighboring streets lined with vehicles of every description. And then the towns-people began to run out their flags and close their places of business, as the Court House bell announced that the train was on its way from Harrisburg, bringing home the loved ones whose coming had been so anxiously awaited. It was soon manifest that the people--men, women and children--fathers, mothers, wives, sisters, brothers and friends--were resolved to give the returning volunteers such a reception as they deserved--independent of politics and the small politicians. At the third ringing of the bell, which was the signal that the train had reached Shippensburg, the crowd wended its way towards the Depot, w[h]ere every available space was soon filled. About half-past ten, the bell on the Catholic church announced that the train had turned the curve three miles from town, and then the excitement became intense. The train halted at "the intersection;" and the procession, consisting of the Provost Guard, the cadets of the Academy, under command of Mr. Kinney, thirty-four little girls dressed in white and bearing the national colors, representing the States of the Union, a carriage containing Colonel Elder, and another with Judges Chambers and Nill, received the volunteers, who were under command of Lieut. Col. Rowe, on Broad Street. The procession moved up Second Street to Market, out East Market to "the point," in East Queen to Second, up Second to Catharine, down Catharine to Main, down Main to the Diamond, out West Market to New England Hill, and then countermarched to the Diamond, where the address of welcome was delivered by Rev. S.J. Niccolls. Along the route the pavements were thronged with spectators, and dainty little flags and cambric fluttered from every window as the procession passed-beauty doing honor to valor. After the address and some music by the Band and the little girls, the soldiers were invited to partake of a collation in the Hall, prepared by the ladies of the town. The Hall was beautifully decorated with evergreen and flowers; the walls were adorned with the national colors and many such inscriptions as: "Welcome to our brave defenders, "Tyler's brave boys," "Welcome 126th," "Honor to the brave," &c., &c. There were seven long tables, running the entire length of the Hall, and these tables groaned under a profusion of all the substantials and delicacies the country could afford. A noted feature in the procession was the band wagon containing a number of the wounded in the late battles.
After the collation, Companies B. C. E. and K. again took the cars for their respective home, Greencastle, Waynesboro and Mercersburg, where similar receptions awaited them.
The day passed off very peaceably and quietly. We believe we have seldom or never seen such a large crowd in town, with so little drunkenness, rowdyism or disdurbance [sic]. The returned soldiers, to a man, conducted themselves in a manner that comported with the honorable name they have won; and despite the predictions of rowdyism, indulged in by some of their professed friends, they proved that under their bearded and sun burnt faces there was still to be found that high sense of justice, honor and manliness, which always characterizes the American citizen soldier.
(Column 1)Summary: Brigadier General C. T. Campbell, having recovered from his wounds from the first battle of Fredericksburg, has been assigned to duty in the Department of the West and ordered to report to General Pope.Released Again
(Names in announcement: Brigadier General C. T. Campbell)
(Column 1)Summary: Daniel Dechert, who weeks ago was rearrested in Hagerstown by the military authorities and taken to Winchester, Virginia, was unconditionally released.Synopsis of the Proceedings of the Franklin County Educational Association
(Names in announcement: Daniel Dechert)
(Column 2)Summary: The Franklin County Teachers' Association held its 7th semi-annual convention in Mercersburg, starting Wednesday, May 20. Mr. D. M. B. Shannon was called to the chair; Messrs. J. R. Gaff, C. B. Wolff and D. D. Forney were appointed a committee to report presiding officers. At the Wednesday evening session, Mr. T. M. Richards opened with a prayer. The committee on presiding officers reported the following: President, Hon. J. O. Carson; Vice-Presidents, Rev. John R. Agnew and Major A. J. North. Mr. J. R. Gaff reported on Orthography; Mr. D. S. McFadden read several extracts from "The Teacher's Manual" by Henry Dunn on the subject of reading; remarks on the subject of orthography and reading by Andrew McElwain. The subject was further discussed by Messrs. Wolff, Forney, Gaff, A. McElwain, and others. Remarks on textbooks were made by various members. Thursday morning session: Called to order by vice-president Rev. Mr. Agnew; prayer by Rev. Mr. Creigh. Messrs. A. McElwain, C. B. Wolff, A. B. Stoler and T. M. Richards were appointed to invite the teachers of the different "Literary Institutions" of the area to attend the meetings. Mr. Richards gave an exercise in "Round Numbers." Orthography was again taken up, and Rev. J. Agnew gave his experience of teaching orthography and reading to a child "that was particularly dull" when he was a missionary among the Indians. C. B. Wolff read from McGuffey's Sixth Reader. The chair appointed John R. Gaff, C. B. Wolff, T. M. Richards, A. B. Stoler, H. C. Phenicie and J. S. McElwain to a committee on resolutions. Afternoon session: Remarks on written arithmetic by A. McElwain. Illustrations on the subject of Alligation by J. Eckhart. Remarks on written arithmetic by A. B. Wingert. Illustrations on Alligation by C. B. Wolff. The committee on resolutions reported a number of resolutions that were subsequently adopted, including one that thanked the friends and patrons of the Common Schools for helping "the dissipation of prejudice and opposition to our Common School system in the district here represented;" another which pledged the association's support for the restoration of the Republic; and another which blamed the present state of the country on "a want of moral and religious training, and we regard it as the teacher's duty to inculcate the principles of sound morality and religion; also to teach the principles of free Government, and obedience to law and order." Thursday evening session: Prayer by Rev. Mr. Creigh. On a motion by A. McElwain, Rev. J. R. Agnew gave a demonstration of his Terraecoelian Globe, which he invented, which facilitates the teaching of astronomy. A. B. Wingert then read an essay on "The Responsibilities of the Teacher," and Messrs. Gaff, Wolff and J. S. McElwain were appointed a committee to obtain a copy of that essay for publication. J. S. McElwain explained his method for teaching Geography, which was then the subject of "a spirited discussion" by the Association. Friday morning session: Prayer by Mr. Agnew. Further remarks on Geography. Reports on Algebra by C. B. Wolff and Jos. Eckhart. English Grammar taken up and discussed by A. McElwain and C. B. Wolff. It was moved to meet again in Chambersburg on the second Wednesday of November, and the meeting was adjourned.Correction
(Names in announcement: D. M. B. Shannon, J. R. Gaff, C. B. Wolff, D. D. Forney, T. M. Richards, J. O. Carson, Rev. John R. Agnew, Major A. J. North, D. S. McFadden, A. McElwain, Rev. Mr. Creigh, A. B. Stoler, H. C. Phenicie, J. S. McElwain, J. Eckhart)
(Column 2)Summary: The editors note that they "neglected to mention" in their report on the return of the 126th, that a portion of the parade consisted of "thirty three individuals, decorated with red, white and blue badges, with the words 'Loyal Union League' inscribed on them." The editors also report that they heard several soldiers poking fun at the "brave thirty-three."Hospital Broken Up
(Column 2)Summary: The government hospital at Smoketown, established after the battle of Antietam, where a large number of wounded were quartered, has been broken up, with the few remaining invalids being sent to Frederick.
Origin of Article: Boonsboro' Odd FellowMarried
(Column 3)Summary: Adam Bawer and Ellen Warden of Chambersburg were married on May 21.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. M. Wolf, Adam Bawer, Ellen Warden)
(Column 3)Summary: Lieut. Jacob L. Deitrick and Ellen Eby, both of Greencastle, were married on May 21 in the Lutheran Parsonage in Chambersburg.Register and Recorder
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Steck, Lieut. Jacob L. Deitrick, Miss Ellen C. Eby)
(Column 4)Summary: John Mullan of St. Thomas Township announces his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the office of register and recorder.
(Names in announcement: John Mullan)
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Description of Page: Classified advertisements |