Valley Spirit: June 15, 1864Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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General Fremont's Letter of Acceptance
(Column 1)Summary: Publishes a letter in which General J. C. Fremont accepts the Cleveland Republican Convention's nomination for President.The Questions
(Column 2)Summary: Ponders where Lincoln, his party, and the nation will be in three years if Republicans continue to rule.McClellan-Grant
(Column 3)Summary: Points out that General Grant is no farther along in the move toward Richmond than General McClellan was two years ago.Plain Talk from a Republican Paper
(Column 5)Summary: Reprints criticism from a Republican paper about the Lincoln administration's handling of the war.
Origin of Article: Allentown DemocratThe Democratic National Convention at Chicago
(Column 5)Summary: Reprints description from a Chicago newspaper of the "gigantic" building being erected for the next Democratic convention.The Draft
(Column 6)Summary: Prints official dispatches reporting on the results of the recent draft. Notes that of the 14,721 eligible for the draft in eight states, only 7,325 were actually drafted since the rest were exempted for physical disabilities, for providing a substitute, or for being a "personal servant."Mrs. President Lincoln
(Column 6)Summary: Expresses concern that Mrs. Lincoln may have "the stuff" usually possessed by "strong-minded women contending for women's rights."
Origin of Article: Pittsburgh Post
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Description of Page: Poetry and fiction, columns 1-3; classified ads, columns 4-6 |
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Description of Page: Agricultural hints, column 1; classified ads, columns 2-6 |
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Description of Page: Suggestions for curing common ailments, column 6 |
The Baltimore Convention
(Column 1)Summary: Reports on the Republican Convention in Baltimore that renominated Lincoln for President.
Full Text of Article:Lincoln and JohnsonThe convention of office-holders, contractors and shoddyites, which met at Baltimore on Tuesday the 7th inst., renominated "A. Lincoln" for President and Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for Vice President. As the convention was packed by Mr. Lincoln and his friends, and its work cut out for it at Washington, the delegates had nothing to do but to record the wishes of their Master, and adjourn. The only trouble about it seemed to be who should have the honor of moving the nomination of his Highness, "Old Abe." Some half dozen contestants entered the ring, among whom was the famous Winnebago chief from Pennsylvania, General Cameron, who was most shamefully euchred out of the glittering prize. After a great deal of excitement and confusion, the honor (?) was finally divided between Mr. Delano, of Ohio and Mr. Raymond, of New York, and the convention proceeded to a vote which resulted, as a matter of course, in the unanimous re-nomination of Abraham Lincoln.
The platform adopted consists of a series of eleven resolutions, which are in effect as follows:
The first demands the suppression of the rebellion.
The second declares no compromise possible except upon unconditional surrender of the rebels.
The third declares that slavery must be utterly extirpated, and demands an amendment to the Constitution for that purpose.
The fourth thanks our soldiers and sailors for their services.
The fifth approves of Mr. Lincoln, the Emancipation proclamation, and the negro soldiers.
The sixth advises the administration to be harmonious.
The seventh demands protection to soldiers without distinction of color.
The eighth favors foreign immigration.
The ninth favors a Pacific railroad.
The tenth promises the repayment of the national debt, and favors proper taxation.
The eleventh declares that the Monroe doctrine shall be maintained.
After passing the usual resolutions of thanks to the officers, and to the Mayor and city Council of Baltimore, the Convention adjourned on Wednesday evening, many of the delegates leaving the same night yet for Washington to receive their reward from the man whom they had served so well.
The re-nomination of Lincoln in the present exigencies of the country is an insult to the intelligence of the American people. He has proven himself totally unfit for the position he holds. He is weak, incapable, vacillating, a time-server, without either wise comprehension of the present or sagacious forecast of the future. Through his mismanagement and imbecility during three years of bloody civil war, the resources of the country have been wasted, thousands of lives have been uselessly sacrificed and millions of treasure squandered, leaving the prospect of peace and a restored Union, as far as human for[e]sight can go, as distant now as at the beginning. He has lent himself to the schemes of the bold bad men around him, in whose hands he is a mere tool to carry out their wicked designs. He has prostituted the war from the high and noble object for which it was commenced to the basest and most ignoble partisan purposes. By his selfishness and partisan policy, he has chilled the ardor and enthusiasm of the people which at the first so nobly responded to the calls of patriotism, and in consequence is now compelled to fill the decimated ranks of the army by means of a merciless conscription. He has trampled upon the Constitution which he was sworn to "preserve, protect and defend." He has violated the personal liberty of the citizen by his arbitrary arrests and unwarranted and unlawful searches and seizures. He has attempted to stifle the voice of an antagonistic public sentiment by the suppression of free speech and a free press. He has suspended the privileges of the write of habeas corpus, and denied to citizens the right of trial by jury. He has arrested citizens without warrant or process of law, tried them for pretended offences before military commissioners, and inflicted punishments upon them unknown to our Constitution and Laws. In short, in the language of General Fremont, "the ordinary rights secured under the Constitution and the laws of the country have been violated, and extraordinary powers have been usurped by the Executive."
Such is the public record of the man who is a second time presented to the American people for their suffrages for the first office in their gift. Unless the spirit of '76 is totally extinct in the hearts of a majority of the people, he will be most ingloriously defeated.
(Column 3)Summary: Questions the fitness of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson for the offices of President and Vice President.The Baltimore Resolutions
(Column 4)Summary: Notes with pleasure that while Lincoln was praised during the Baltimore Republican convention, his cabinet was not.
Origin of Article: The AgeGrant and McClellan
(Column 4)Summary: Notes that General Grant is planning on taking the same route to Richmond that General McClellan had chosen before he was removed from command two years ago.Truth from an Unexpected Quarter
(Column 5)Summary: Praises General J. C. Fremont for denouncing Lincoln in his recent acceptance of a Republican Presidential nomination.
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 2-6 |
Chambersburg Races
(Column 1)Summary: Expresses concern that the Chambersburg races last week were not well attended. Says that John Caseman, High Constable, may be partly to blame for interfering and suggesting that racing on public streets may be in violation of borough ordinances.The Pennsylvania Reserves
(Names in announcement: John Caseman)
(Column 1)Summary: Lists engagements in which the Pennsylvania Reserves have taken part.The 2d Pennsylvania Artillery
(Column 1)Summary: Provides update on the 2nd Pennsylvania Artillery.
(Names in announcement: Lieut. B. F. Winger, Capt. Jones, Capt. Strawbridge, Maj. Anderson)Full Text of Article:Price of BeefThis regiment for a long time doing garrison duty in the fortifications of Washington, went to the front a short time since and has already made its debut in battle. All accounts agree that it acted with undaunted courage and coolness under fire. It will be recollected that a large number of the men composing the regiment were recruited in this country by Lieut. B. F. Winger, and it is gratifying to the friends of the brave fellows here, to know that they have fought bravely as become Franklin County boys. We learn that the loss of the regiment in battle was very great, but have been unable to ascertain the name of the sufferers excepting the following officers wounded: Maj. Anderson; Capt. Jones, Co. L., mortally; Capt. Strawbridge, Co. I, and a considerable number of privates, none of whom, however, are from this section and consequently we do not append their names.
(Column 1)Summary: Says that the Repository was wrong to criticize the town butchers for raising the price of beef.
Full Text of Article:Counterfeits and Altered NotesThe last issue of the Repository contained an unjust attack on the butchers of town for raising the price of beef. Beef is high, but it is not higher in proportion than all other necessaries of life, and we can see no good reason why the butchers should be singled out and made special object of attack. Beef cattle have gone up enormously in price, as the writer in the Repository ought to know. Butchers now are compelled to pay from $6 to 7 per hundred, live weight, for cattle, when they used to buy them at $2.50. How then can any reasonable man expect them to retail their meat at old prices.
With the same propriety we might assail our Dry Goods Merchants for charging 40 cents per yard for Muslin that was formerly sold at 10; or our Grocers for selling Coffee at 50 cents per pound that we used to buy at 12 1/2. We dislike these high prices as much as any one, but we cannot see the justice in selecting a particular class of our business men and holding them up to the public gaze as extortioners, when they are doing no more than their neighbors around them.
(Column 1)Summary: Explains how readers can spot counterfeit greenbacks.Wounded
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry suffered severely in a recent engagement near Cold Harbor. Colonel William H. Boyd was among the wounded, while Captain J. H. Harmony is the only soldier known to have been killed.
(Names in announcement: Col. William H. Boyd, Captain J. H. Harmony)Full Text of Article:A New HistoryCol. Wm. H. Boyd 21st Pa. Cavalry was severely wounded in one of the recent engagements near Coal Harbor, in which his regiment, acting as Infantry, participated. He was brought to his home near this place, on Saturday last, and we understand is doing well notwithstanding the severe character of his injury. The ball penetrated near the collar bone and still remains not having been yet extracted. The Colonel reports his regiment as suffering very severely in the engagement, the casualties numbering over one hundred and fifty. We have not learned the name of the killed and wounded with the exception of Captain J.H. Harmony, who we are informed by a letter from a member of the regiment, was killed.
(Column 2)Summary: Urges readers to buy a copy of the newly published "History of the Pennsylvania Reserves."M. E. General Conference
(Column 2)Summary: Reports on the failed attempt by delegates to the Methodist Episcopal General Conference in Philadelphia to make the selection of presiding elders more democratic.Died
(Column 4)Summary: Christian Stoner died on June 5 at age 59.Died
(Names in announcement: Christian Stoner)
(Column 4)Summary: On May 17, John Burkholder died at age 73 years and 10 days.Died
(Names in announcement: John Burkholder)
(Column 4)Summary: Anna Margaret Neff, wife of David Neff, died on June 7 at age 52 years, 11 months and 4 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Anna Margaret Neff, David Neff)
(Column 4)Summary: Elizabeth Bender died on May 23 at age 35 years, 4 months and 20 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Bender)
(Column 4)Summary: On May 11, Annie E. Charlton, daughter of James and Catharine Charlton and formerly of Chambersburg, died in Columbus, Ohio. She was 21 years, 3 months and 11 days old.Died
(Names in announcement: Annie E. Charlton, James Charlton, Catharine Charlton)
(Column 4)Summary: Sarah C. McKean, daughter of the Widow Stambaugh and formerly of Culbertson's Row in this county, died on May 2 in Clinton County, Iowa. She was 22 years, 5 months and 28 days old.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Sarah C. McKean, Widow Stambaugh)
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Description of Page: Official dispatches regarding troop movement and skirmishing in Kentucky, Arkansas, and South Carolina, columns 1-2, Classified ads, columns 3-6 |
The Race for Glory
(Column 3)Summary: Notes that a Pennsylvanian named William D. Kelley is waging a campaign to have the state recognized for providing the soldier--a black soldier--from whom the first blood allegedly was shed in this war.
Origin of Article: AgeFull Text of Article:Mr. William D. Kelley is indignant. He does not care much whether the Federal taxes are so imposed that Massachusetts gets off nearly scot free, whilst Pennsylvania pays twice as much as she ought; but when it becomes a question of who "drew the first blood," a negro or a Yankee, all his passion are aroused. He really cannot permit his favorite to be deprived of this great honor. When the future historian inquires of his muse who was the protomartyr in "the crusade for liberty," Kelley insists that she shall answer that he was black. He is proud of his State, and this is the way he defends her:
Mr. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, wished it to be understood that the 18th came before the 19th of April, and it was the blood of a colored man from Pennsylvania that was first shed in this war.
He is determined that all the glory shall not be monopolized by Massachusetts, and this is the share he demands for Pennsylvania. No matter that her soil has been invaded, her farms wasted, her granaries robbed, whilst Massachusetts laughed at a safe distance; no matter that hundreds of her children have been disgraced, deposed, dishonored, or refused opportunity for distinguishment; no matter that McClellan is maligned[,] Fitz John Porter degraded, Franklin placed in a subordinate command, Patterson vituperated, Negley and Andrew Porter dropped; no matter that a Governor has been snubbed and a Commonwealth derided; her's [sic] is the great, everlasting glory of producing a negro who was killed on a day preceding the 19th of April. Surely this ought to suffice any Pennsylvanian, however greedy of distinction for his State he may be.--Age.
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-6 |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-6 |