Valley Spirit: July 13, 1864Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Report on the sinking of the Confederate ship 'Alabama,' column 4; dispatches about skirmishing in Maryland, column 6 |
The New Enrollment Act
(Column 1)Summary: Provides transcript of the most recent military enrollment act to be passed by the US Congress.Lincoln Upon the Battle-Field
(Column 2)Summary: Tells about a rumor that President Lincoln ordered a comical song sung when he recently visited places where soldiers have died.
Origin of Article: Essex StatesmanGeneral Sturgis
(Column 3)Summary: Accuses Republican newspapers of hypocrisy, since they have often called for the removal of Democratic army officer who failed to achieve victories but have not held Republican officers to the same standards.Proclamation by Gov. Curtin
(Column 5)Summary: Prints a copy of a proclamation made by Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Curtin that calls for 12,000 more men to volunteer for service.Latest Telegraphic News!
(Column 6)Summary: Describes how Confederate troops captured and burned two passenger trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, taking a number of officers and soldiers prisoner, including Major General Franklin.
Full Text of Article:[By the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraphic Line--Offices in Shryock's Book Store and at the Depot.]
Reported Expressly for THE VALLEY SPIRIT. Rebels at Magnolia on the Philadelphia and Baltimore R.R.
Two Trains Captured and Burned.
General Franklin taken Prisoner.
Fighting Near Washington.
Residence of F.P. Blair Reported Burned, &c., &c.Havre de Grace, Md., July 11.
About 200 rebel cavalry under command of Harry Gilmore, appeared at Magnolia Station 18 miles south of this point, on the Phila. and Balt. Railroad and captured the 8:30 a.m. passenger train, from Baltimore, by firing a volley into it, causing the train to stop. The 10 o'clock express train from Baltimore also shared the same fate. Conductor Breyson of the express was robbed of his watch and money as was Conductor Munshower of the first train.
The rebels fired the trains and also the freight house at Magnolia, which were consumed. One of the engines was fired up, reversed and started towards Gunpowder Bridge, for the purpose of setting fire to that structure, but it is very probable that no damage resulted to the bridge from the fact that a heavy guard was stationed to protect it.
Passengers were not, as far as learned, molested, except in a very few cases.
The rebels started in a southerly direction toward General Cadwalader's residence, a few miles south for the purpose of destroying it, and this has no doubt been accomplished.
Passengers are arriving here in every kind of vehicles and many on horseback.
A battery and a half of nine guns from the Philadelphia Navy Yard, arrived here to-day and one section proceeded to near Magnolia, where the rebels were discovered in force, causing the section to return.
What are the future intentions of the rebels in this vicinity, are of course conjecture, but the general impression is that they will retreat under cover of the darkness.
The Steam Ferry boat Maryland is safe and the town and ferry are well defended by the presence of the gunboat Currituck, whose guns command all the approaches. Large detachments of troops and marines from the Philadelphia Navy Yard are here with other forces, and the country is scoured by our scouts.
There is no truth in the reported burning of the Conowago bridge over the Susquehanna ten miles north of this.
The telegraph north of this point is badly damaged, but the railroad is not thought to be injured to any great extent.
Harry Gilmore avows his intention of going into Baltimore.
To-night artillery firing has been heard since 8 p.m. in a southwest direction, perhaps at Beech river.
Philadelphia, July 11.
Information has been received by President Fulton, of the P.W. & Baltimore railroad that [sic] the gunpowder bridge has not been destroyed. The rebels were attacked by a gunboat as they were about to set it on fire and driven off. An engine was recaptured and is now on the way to Havre de Grace. It is supposed that the rebels are retreating.
Baltimore, July 11--Evening.
The news from Washington is alarming. The Star says the skirmishing on the Rockville road had commedced [sic] at an early hour this forenoon and was continued by the advance of the rebels to a point about 4 miles west of Tennallytown. Their progress on that road was stopped and they disappeared in some other direction. Subsequently we hear of them skirmishing about noon on and around the 7th street turnpike near the Claggett farm and the residence of F.P. Blair. It is reported to-day that the rebels have burned the residence of Mr. Blair.
Panic stricken refugees arriving to-day from the vicinity of Edward's Ferry report them crossing north at that point yesterday ad to-day in large numbers, some saying 12,000 and others 30,000 strong.
Philadelphia, July 11.
The following was received by H.F. Kenney, Superintendent of the Baltimore R.R:
I was conductor of train No. 17. The rebels attacked the train at Magnolia. They went through the train after we had stopped capturing all officers and soldiers on the train, among them was Maj. Gen. Franklin. They went through most of the passenger's pockets capturing watches and money. They unloaded baggage and set fire to my train, burning three first class passenger cars, one second class car and baggage car and engine H. Clang, and one freight car and a Northern Central engine that was on the siding.
Signed, J.R. Munshower,
Philadelphia, July 11.It is reliably ascertained that two passenger trains which left Baltimore this morning were captured and burned by the rebels at Magnolia 17 miles from Baltimore. They also burned all the property of the railroad company in that vicinity.
Headquarters Dep't Susquehanna,
Harrisburg, July 11.To all Telegraph Stations on the C.V.R.R.
Gen. Kelley telegraphs from Cumberland that there is no truth in reports that John Morgan and Imbeden are following Hunter's forces. Hunter's forces occupy Martinsburg and that line of our forces occupy Hagerstown.
The enemy still occupy the South Mountain passes in Maryland and are in some force at Middletown, whilst his main force is making demonstrations on Baltimore and Washington.
Jno. S. Schultze,
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Description of Page: Poetry and fiction, columns 1-5, classified ads, columns 5-6 |
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Description of Page: Reports on the new ownership of several Pennsylvania newspapers, column 5; ads, column 6 |
The Situation--Call for Troops
(Column 1)Summary: Sounds alarm about the advancement of Confederate troops toward Washington. Urges all men--including critics of the Lincoln administration--to volunteer for service to beat back the rebel troops.
Full Text of Article:The Clergy and the DraftThe military situation is alarming. The movements of the enemy along the border, which for more than a week past have kept our people in dread suspense, are at last being developed. It is now positively certain that the enemy is in considerable force and is moving on Baltimore and Washington, but whether as a real movement having for its object the capture of these cities or as a feint to cover some other design we are as yet unable to determine. Their advance on Sunday evening was said to be within fifteen miles of Baltimore (one report says seven miles) and within thirteen miles of Washington. They cut the Northern Central Railroad at Cockeysville, and a late despatch says they penetrated to the Baltimore and Wilmington railroad, captured two trains of cars and made prisoners of the passengers among whom was Major General Franklin. Gen. Wallace, who commands at Baltimore, undertook to resist their advance with about 10,000 men at Monocacy, near Frederick, but was defeated and driven back in disorder. Among the prisoners taken was Brig. Gen. Tyler.
We publish in another column the urgent call of Gov. Curtin for men. He tells us the danger is imminent--that the authorities at Washington have authorized him to muster in men by companies, which they peremptorily refused just the day before. We believe the case has not been over-stated by the Governor. It is the duty of patriotic citizens to respond promptly to the call of the Governor in this emergency. You must forget for the time being that you have been stigmatized as "traitors," "copperheads," "rebel sympathizers," &c., by the men who are now calling on you for help. You must forget all this and rally once more in defense of your imperiled country. The peril is great, and any action to be effective must be prompt and decisive. As appropriate on this point we make the following extract from the Age:
It seems to be well established, that the movement of the confederates is made in large force, and it may become--it may already be--the duty of every citizen to enter the ranks and aid in defence of his State. How well that duty will be discharged by the disloyal--"the left wing of Lee's army"--is abundantly shown by the action of Governor Seymour. Already eight organized regiments are under orders, and, if necessary, he can in a few days send ten times that number.
But while thus prompt to answer the summons which they have never failed to heed, it would be idle to deny that they regard it as an onerous one. They believe that the necessity which now compels them only exists because of the criminal mismanagement of the war, and it will be with no alacrity or enthusiasm that they will again go to the field. They are weary, very weary, of this costly and ghastly war, protracted as it has been to gratify the fanaticism and "avarice and passion of the men in authority." They know that it might have long since been ended, or at least that it might have been so conducted that no Northern State could ever be menaced with invasion. But there are thousands in this city who think very differedtly [sic] from all this; who are, in profession at least, thorough going war men; who believe that everything has been for the best, and even rejoice that the war has not been brought to a close, because its continuance seems to promise the annihilation of slavery. These men, moreover, contend that one half of their fellow citizens have no right even to live here in the North, and, if they had had the power they would have hanged the very Commander in Chief, who is now hurrying troops to their relief.
(Column 2)Summary: Criticizes ministers for suggesting that they should be exempt from the draft. Points out that the clergy have been active in the political affairs of the war since its beginning."Bolstering Traitors"
(Column 4)Summary: Author defends the Valley Spirit's willingness to report on Union military setbacks, which the Repository has recently criticized as an act "bolstering traitors."Address to the People of Pennsylvania
(Column 4)Summary: Prints copy of Governor Curtin's recent call for more volunteers for service.Here and There
(Column 5)Summary: Criticizes ministers for pushing men to fight but not enlisting themselves.
Full Text of Article:More TaxesWhen our cavalry, on the recent raid under Wilson and Kautz, reached Petersburg over Stoney creek they surprised a rebel Parson haranguing the troops who, on the approach of our men, precipitously fled into the forest. Just the moment he so ingloriously skedaddled he was chuck full of patriotism, with the blood of revolutionary ancestors overflowing in his veins, and was telling his listeners, among other things, that it was "a glorious achievement to die for one's country!" The correspondent adds:
"He also told the pickets to shoot him a few Yankees so that he might have the pleasure of burying them without form or prayers, and in various other ways this divine individual manifested a decidedly unchristianlike disposition."
We have a good many "divine individuals" in the North who manifest the same "unchristianlike disposition" and are the perfect counterparts of this rebel Parson. They take every occasion, in and out of the pulpit, to excite their hearers to deeds of hate and carnage, in place of preaching "peace and good will among men," but are exceedingly careful to keep their own precious carcasses clear of all danger. If they are not of the class denounced in the Scriptures as "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" then we know of nothing to which these terms can be applied with appropriateness.
(Column 5)Summary: Criticizes the 5 percent tax on all income from 1863 that Congress recently passed.[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Relates an incident in which the new Secretary of the Treasury was the subject of derogatory humor in the Senate.
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Description of Page: Page missing |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 4-6 |
Local and Personal: The Rebel Invasion
(Column 1)Summary: Describes the confusion in town that has greeted the news of rebel troops advancing toward Greencastle.
Full Text of Article:LostSince our last issue our town and surrounding country, and in fact the entire valley, has again been thrown into an intense state of excitement in anticipation of the advance of the rebel army, then on the Potomac, into and through Cumberland Valley. At the date of our last all had become quiet, business was partially resumed, and many of our farmers had returned with their stock. This state of affairs was however of short duration. On Wednesday evening an announcement was made by the military authorities here, that the rebels had driven the Union forces from Hagerstown, and had advanced to and occupied Greencastle. The bells of the town were rung as a notification to the farmers of the vicinity that the Philistines were coming, so that they might remove their stock to a place of safety; when commenced a scene of the wildest confusion beggaring any attempt at description. Horses, cattle, wagons and carriages, were rushed through the streets in one general, confused and hurried stream; men, women and children ran to and fro in every direction; the military were ordered under arms, and every preparation was made for the defense of the town that the force at the command of those in authority would admit of; batteries were placed in position supported by infantry and made ready for action; barricades of a formidable character were erected to check the advance of the foe, and the citizens called on to take up arms and assist in the defense of the town. Things indeed began to look warlike; the infernal clang of bells kept up the confusion and intensified the excitement, and it seemed, for a time, as if--a nameless place had broke loose. Some of our weak-nerved "loyal" leaguers, carpet bag in hand, broke for the Railroad at a high rate of speed, and things for the time were pretty well mixed. During the night quiet and order again resumed their sway, and nothing was to be seen or heard, save the patrol pacing his beat; the tired soldier rested on his arms ready and eager to meet the enemy and drive him back. Nothing occurred on Thursday to cause fresh alarm, and in the evening the welcome intelligence was received that the enemy were withdrawing in the direction of Frederick city, and all apprehensions of an attack here were dismissed; a joyful feeling of relief was felt by all, at this news; countenances that had been clouded by gloom and despondency, became again placid and serene, and everything assumed a bright and cheerful aspect. The public serenity was again disturbed on Friday morning in consequence of a despatch that the rebels had returned and were burning Hagerstown, but it was soon ascertained that the burning was confined to some government stores, by a small detachment sent back for that purpose.
During the entire period we managed to keep as cool as possible under the circumstances, feeling very incredulous as to the intention of the raiders to advance this far, and indeed, we kept our equanimity quite well until we observed on the street on Wednesday, a portly gentleman with a linen coat who resides in Hagerstown, his cheeks blanched with terror, fleeing in the direction of the hyperborean regions. We knew him as one of the most reliable "raid barometers," having observed him in our midst on every previous occasion of a rebel incursion, and we must confess that we became somewhat scared when we saw him, but were reassured and got our courage up again on observing that our reliable local "raid barometers" indicated fair weather.
We can scarcely yet estimate the force of the enemy occasioning all this alarm along the border. The city dailies are failed with letters and dispatches giving ridiculous reports of the enemy's movements, his strength, positions and imaginary battles fought, but to the people here along the border, they excite nothing but ridicule, most of them being manufactured in Harrisburg by a somewhat notorious correspondent of one of the sensation dailies, who never gets within fifty miles of the scene of action. All that we know for certain is, that a considerable force of the enemy advanced up the Shenandoah Valley, drove Gen. Sigel from Martinsburg and a portion of them crossing into Maryland advanced as far as Hagerstown. Sigel is now on Maryland Heights which is invested by the enemy, and it is to be hoped he can maintain his position until relieved. The enemy is commanded by Early, Ewell or somebody else, and is variously estimated at from 5,000 to 40,000, and may be possibly the latter number as, if as we believe, his design is to advance on Baltimore and Washington, he would scarcely attempt so hazardous a movement with a less number.
At the present writing everything is again quiet; many of our farmers have already returned and others are still returning with their stock; business is being resumed and there is every indication that the war, in our midst, is over for the present.
It will be seen by a reference to our news columns that the enemy is menacing Baltimore with a large force, and, for the present, our valley is safe.
(Column 2)Summary: Notes that Jacob Foreman of Waynesboro lost his pocket book and the eighty dollars it contained in Shippensburg last Thursday.Letter From the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry
(Names in announcement: Jacob Foreman)
(Column 3)Summary: Provides the latest news on the movement and activity of the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry in Virginia, including the deaths of Lieut. R. Waters of Company K and Lieut. Lott of Company B.
(Names in announcement: Lieut. R. Waters, Lieut. Lott)Full Text of Article:Near Petersburg, Va.,
Correspondence of the Valley Spirit.
Messrs. Editors: Knowing that many of the readers of the Spirit have sons and brothers in the 21st Pa. Cavalry, and knowing that others feel an interest in the regiment, I propose to let you hear from us occasion[al]ly.
The regiment, though lately reorganized, has many members who are veterans in the service of their country, and consequently the scenes of carnage and bloody strife through which the regiment has recently passed was nothing new to many, but to many of us a battle-field was a thing only of imagination. The regiment was dismounted at Washington, D.C., on the 21st day of May; the reason given was the great need of horses by the government to supply some of the veteran cavalry regiments, who had worn their horses out by the many successful raids which have distinguished that branch of the service, during the present campaign. We soon came to the conclusion that the government was not only in great need of horses, but also needed a regiment about the size of ours, with muskets in their hands; for scarcely had we turned our horses in to the Quarter Master at Washington, than we were ordered to be armed with these weapons of warfare and immediately sent to the front. The men were somewhat dis[s]atisfied with this order but a few words from our brave Colonel soon banished all dis[s]atisfaction, and the men, like veterans, who seemed to realize the crisis through which our country was passing, shouldered the arms whose use they knew but little about, and took up the line of March for the scene of active hostilities. We embarked at Alexandria, Va., on three transports and were soon steaming down the bay as merry as if going on some pleasure excursion. We soon entered the mouth of the Rappahannock, whose banks being infested with guerrillas, our Captain thought it best to lay to for the night. Nothing of interest occurred during our trip up the river except the drowning of one man of Company H, who fell overboard, and all efforts to save him proved of no avail. We landed at Port Royal, a small but ancient looking town, on the southern bank of the Rappahannock, on the 28th of May. Here we rested for the night, but early next morning found us marching along one of the roads of the "Old Dominion" in sand shoe-mouth deep. These marches over the "sacred soil" must be participated in to be properly appreciated. After a long and tiresome march of four days, in which we crossed the famous Mattapony, (formed by the junction of four small streams bearing the names of the four syl[l]ables composing the name of the river,) and Pamunkey rivers and passed over much of the ground which was recently the scene of Gen. Grant's great battles and brilliant victories. This has been called the sacred soil, but heretofore, we, who hail from a northe[r]n clime could not see it, but now every lover of his country must own that the term is applicable, for it is made so by the many patriots whose blood crimsons every field and whose bones here find a resting place. Worn down by long marches and short rations, we arrived at Gen. Meade's headquarters and were immediately ordered out to support a battery then engaged with the enemy in an artillery duel; this was on the first day of June and the same night we slept on our arms; the next day we rested till evening, when the 2d and 9th corps having moved farther to the left, leaving our right exposed, the enemy began to press upon us when we had a slight engagement with them in which Lieut. R. Waters of Company E was instantly killed by a shell. When we saw this young patriot fall by our side and saw his men bearing his bloody corps to the rear, we then began to realize that we were at the "front." This was our only loss--the reader may say it was very light, we do not think so, and to his bereaved young wife the loss is irreparable. The next day we were again engaged, being under a heavy fire during the entire day, in which we lost about sixty-five men in killed and wounded, among the latter was our beloved leader. A full list of names have already been published in the papers. The next day, being relieved, we commenced marching farther to the left, and nothing occurred to us of interest for several days, marching and fortifying being our constant employment.
On the night of the 12th we again took up the line of march for the James river, and reached that noble stream on the 16th, marching mostly at night. In this march we passed the White-oak Swamp, famous for being the place where John Smith was captured by the Indians, and in whose behalf the dusky but noble Poccahontus so generously interposed and saved his life.
We crossed the James on a transport some distance below Harrison's Landing and immediately took up the line of march for Gen. Grant's new line of operations. All day and all night we march through impenetrable clouds of dust and until night-fall beneath the rays of a scorching southern sun. During the night we passed Prince George's C.H., and had it not been for the legal pa-papers [sic] and calf-bound volumes which strewed the ground, we might have mistaken it for a country [illegible]kirk," and imagined that we were in the classic lowlands of Scotland. We could distinctly hear the booming of cannon and the rattle of musketry which they called skirmishing with the enemy, but I thought it sounded like fighting. We came up to where the 2nd and 9th corps were encamped and there halted, it not yet being daylight, we spread our blankets and were soon in the "arms of tired nature's sweet restorer." In the morning we found ourselves in close proximity to the "Johnnies," though there was some formidable works between us; works of the enemy's own construction which they were generous enough to abandon for his own and our safety. Here, too, was an ancient camp where the rebs used to teach their deluded followers the art of war, that they might be effective in tearing down this "temple of liberty," which the hands of their fathers had helped to rear. Here were many huts constructed of pine logs and had the appearance of being very comfortable quarters. Fighting seemed to be going on all along the line, and we thought we might soon have to try our hands again; accordingly on the 18th we started for the front and were soon under the fire of the rebel artillery, we crossed a large field which had been the scene of a bloody action the previous evening, and quite a number of our dead were yet dying upon the field and seemed to be mostly of the 2d Pa. heavy artillery. On a little farther in the woods the effect of our own batteries was plainly visible, in the heaps of dead Johnnies which covered the ground, and we, who a few weeks before, would have been shocked at the sight of mangled bodies, could look upon this scene and feel proud that the "Yanks" had been so successful. Very soon the enemy's shells commenced exploding among us and our well filled ranks were fast depleting. Our General thought that the sooner we got out of this the better; did he order us to fall back, not he, this is not Gen. Griffin's style; "forward!" was the command and gallantly did the 21st advance against a shower of leaden hail--many of our brave comrades fell, but nothing daunted, we rushed on until we reached a cut in the Petersburg and Weldon R.R., from which the fr[e]ightened rebels fled in confusion before our unbroken lines; here we halted some time and kept up a constant fire on the enemy who had fallen back behind their works. Late in the evening we charged upon their works, but owing to our not being supported on the right and left, the charge was unsuccessful in the main, but we succeeded in gaining a position within two hundred yards of the enemy's works, which we held until morning, when we were relieved; here we were not over fifty yards from the enemy's skirmishers who kept a constant fire upon us. I never felt the full force of that beautiful sentiment, "The earth is my mother, I will repose on her bosom," until now; indeed, we dig holes in her bosom with our bayonets that we might embrace her more closely. We got some intrenching tools and before morning we had a formidable line of works thrown up; at daylight we were relieved and fell back to the railroad; it was here that Lieut. Lott of Company B was wounded which wound has since caused his death; he was a brave officer and his death is mourned by the entire regiment. In this engagement we lost about one hundred and twenty-five men killed and wounded, among the latter our 1st Major and Lieut. Colonel. On the evening of the 20th we left here and marched to the left of our line, where the regiment again distinguished itself by retaking some rifle pits, out of which our men had been driven a short time previous; we occupied the ground until morning when we handed the pits over to the troops who had been driven out the night before. Since then we have not been engaged except in throwing up fortifications; we have been resting and enjoying our newly earned reputation and fresh laurels.
All correspondents should address this regiment as follows: "2d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, Washington, D.C.," and they will come through all right.
The glorious Fourth passed off here without any patriotic demonstration except the occasional roar of a cannon. General Grant has a one hundred pound "Blakely" which is known as the Petersburg Express, and threw a message into Petersburg every fifteen minutes throughout the day.
It will not be expected of me to give any news of the army as the "dailies" keep your readers posted and give you much more reliable information than I am able to do. We have many rumors here constantly, the latest of which is that there is to be a cessation of hostilities for six months; this may be so, but I don't think it will take that long to starve the rebels in their present condition. Many prisoners come into our lines daily and all seem to think that they are pretty nearly "played out;" they said General Lee said he intended astonishing the world on the 4th of July, consequently we thought he was going to surrender, for certainly this would be the most astonishing thing he could do at this time. We are being strongly reinforced, seventy-five thousand troops having arrived here within the past two weeks.
I see the Sanitary Fair has been quite successful in Chambersburg, and I am convinced if the good people of the "Green Spot" could be here and see the immense amount of labor that this benevolent commission is performing, they would labor with increased zeal in its cause.
I will close for the present and will write you again.
Yours, P.
Trailer: P.Married
(Column 6)Summary: Rev. J. W. Wightman married John Price and Cornelia Gordon on May 2 at the home of the bride's father.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. W. Wightman, John Price, Cornelia Gordon)
(Column 6)Summary: Naran McCann Martin, daughter of Joseph Martin, died on June 21 at age 11 months and 8 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Naran McCann Martin, Joseph Martin)
(Column 6)Summary: Emma Mahaffey died on June 14 at age 16 years, 6 months and 8 days.Died
(Names in announcement: Emma Mahaffey)
(Column 6)Summary: William Gilman, formerly of Franklin County, died in Ottawa, Illinois, on June 30 at age 80 years and 4 months.
(Names in announcement: William Gilman)
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-6 |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-6 |
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Description of Page: Dispatches reporting on troop movement around Baltimore, columns 1-2; classified ads, columns 3-6 |