Valley Spirit: March 1, 1865Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-3, fiction, column 6 |
The President's Message on the Peace Conference
(Column 4)Summary: Says President Lincoln's latest message to Congress is proof that his attempts at peace were insincere. Argues that he lured southern leaders to peace talks on the promise of peace by reunion, only to then demand the abolition of slavery as well.
Origin of Article: World(No Title)
(Column 5)Summary: Accuses Catholics of being sympathetic with the southern cause and of being the "natural allies" of slavery.
Origin of Article: Louisville DemocratFull Text of Article:Political Preachers and Their Falsehoods[From the Louisville Democrat.]
A correspondent of a radical paper has made a discovery and revelation which is quite startling. Intervention is to come, and the quarter it is to come from is designated. The Roman Catholic Church is at the bottom of the movement. We have noticed that this church is suspected of disloyalty in inffluential [sic] places. The clergy of this church have not preached loyalty as an essential article in the faith, and hence they are suspected of being no better than they ought to be.
Now it is found out and disclosed to the world that the Catholic powers sympathize with the rebellion, and have been caucusing as to what had best be done, on the other side of the Atlantic.
It will be observed soon that there are other enormities beside slavery--Catholicism is one of them. There is room for another irrepressible conflict when the present one is over.
We have wondered what has been sending Blair back and forth, and Singleton, too, between Richmond and Washington; what has converted the heads of the dominant party into "peace sneaks," why commissioners can come now to Washington, when, some time ago, Stephens was refused the privilege of coming to Washington. What is the matter? We see Dr. Gwin is down in Mexico--a very bad rebel that Gwin--and he is placed in a situation to cut a figure of some sort. What do he, Napoleon and Maximilian mean by this snug little arrangement right on our borders? Then those vessels of war on the lakes do not promise tranquil[l]ity there. But these signs are not sufficient to convert a party to the policy of their opponents in such a hurry, with no explanation. True, it is wise to offer terms of peace and Union in the hour of success; but who expected the dominant party to be wise?
Perhaps Abraham Lincoln knows something that other people do not know; and as he is a good deal smarter than the rest of his party he may anticipate the evil to come, which they don't see, or would not appreciate if they did.
The fact is, we can't expect to keep other people out of this muss long, but it is not worth while to ascribe what comes to Catholic powers, because they are Catholic. Statesmen don't act on such principles now. Catholic France aided Protestant Colonies against a Protestant King and Parliament. Catholic nations war upon each other, and have Protestant aid in the contest. This suggestion is intended to get up a new agony. Protestantism is in danger. Start the cry and bring in sectarian bigotry to aid loyalty that does not fill the armies as it used to. The Pope was a very dangerous individual some years ago. He was going to gobble up the liberties of the country, and a powerful organization was got up duly equipped with signs, grips and passwords. The anti-Democratic party has always been hobby-riding. American systems, banks and tariffs, were once their stock in trade. Subsequently they had anti-Masonry, then the Pope and foreigners. They generally rode one hobby to death, and then got up another. Nativeism [sic] promised well for a while; but anti-slavery smothered it out for a time. Still the old hobby was quite a pet; and it is considered worth while to saddle and bridle it again in the anti-Catholic shape. It may serve a purpose to rouse up sectarian resentment if foreign intervention is apprehended. Set it all down to the Catholics--the natural allies of slavery. These anti-Democratic parties can't do without hobbies. They must have bugbears and hobgoblins--things outside of any object recognized in the Constitution and spirit of our Government. The rebellion has been a godsend to them. How they could have lived to this time in peace and without some new hobby, had it not been for civil war, it is impossible to tell. Getting tired of the rebellion, they are now looking up an old hobby, anti-Catholicism, and rubbing it down to see if it will not bear another ride. They are getting it ready to ride alone with the rebellion, or after the latter subsides.
(Column 6)Summary: Defends the Democratic party against charges that it has taken a stand against the church. Explains that the party is a "strong protector of religion," which is why it has condemned preachers for using the pulpit for political purposes.
Origin of Article: Clinton DemocratEditorial Comment: "Our able contemporary, the Clinton Democrat thus truthfully and forcibly sets forth the position of the Democracy in relation to the Church."The Internal Revenue Bill
(Column 7)Summary: Explains the recent changes made in the internal revenue bill, including the amount of taxes to be paid on brandy, tobacco, and snuff.
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Description of Page: Report on the proceedings of the US Congress, columns 6-7, dispatches concerning troop movement in Charleston, South Carolina, and Maryland, column 5 and 7 |
A Gloomy Picture
(Column 1)Summary: Urges blame to be placed upon the Lincoln administration for accumulating a huge wartime debt and leaving the nation in a "wretched" economic state.An Eve, and a Duty
(Column 2)Summary: Accuses Republican leaders of accumulating huge profits by giving their friends lucrative war contracts.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: Applauds Governor Curtin for defending Pennsylvanians against the "subordinate" officials in the Lincoln administration who are arresting citizens "without authority of law."
Origin of Article: AgeThe Black Millennium
(Column 3)Summary: Reports on a meeting of freedmen in Savannah, Georgia, during which former slaves were promised land and other forms of aid from US General Saxton.
Origin of Article: Savannah RepublicanFull Text of Article:Pennsylvania Hospital for the InsaneThe Savannah Republican of February 5, contains a report of a "freedmen's meeting" held in that city. The place of meeting was the Second Baptist church, and the Republican informs us that "while the people were gathering"--
The organ was played by a colored man, accompanied with male and female singers; the instrumental and vocal music afforded evidence of the truth that Africa will yet excel in the imaginative arts.
After prayer by "Rev. Mr. French, Chaplain U.S.A., General Saxton was introduced. He told the negroes they were free, and added--
And now I want to tell you, you may own the soil. [Deep sensation.]
In the proclamation of the President, and in the order of General Sherman, are the means to make you Freemen and to own the soil you live on. All these beautiful, fruitful islands spoken of are yours.
The Northern young men--especially the married ones--who voted for Mr. Lincoln will doubtless be delighted to learn that while they are subject to a ruthless and inexorable conscription, their freed "brothers" in Georgia will not be forced to enlist. General Saxton said:
You are not to be forced into the army service. If you want to enlist I will be glad to have you do so.
* * * * *It is the duty of the young man, who is able, to enlist in the service of the country. I mean the young man without wife or family. The first duty is to take care of the family. He that has a large family should first provide for them. The young man, without family, should enlist at once. But you will not be forced to enlist. Not only does the government give you a chance to enlist but it gives you a bounty of $300, and wages, and clothes and rations as other soldiers have.
The General then told the negroes how to possess the land:
I have been appointed by Gen. Sherman as Inspector of Plantations; and will aid you in the getting of 10 acre farms as homes. Now, do you know how much a 40 acre lot is? or how to measure it? Pace off four hundred paces one way; and four hundred the other way; and you have 40 acres; only be sure that you step long, so as to have a good big tract. [Cheers.] If the land where you wish to go is so located, that you do not wish to have the whole 40 acres in one lot, you can pace off in the same proportions. You ought to have some wood land. I recommend each family to have ten acres of wood land, and thirty acres of tillable land? Two hundred paces each way will give ten acres &c. When you go on the large plantations you will find a great many forty acre lots, and should divide accordingly.
You are to have a certificate that this land has been given you according to General Sherman's order. The officer having the matter in charge will explain all to you.
There need not be any hurry, keep cool, but busy, kind, and patient; and bye and bye you will have the deed given you. Go and settle on the land at once, and in the proper time you will have the deeds.
Saxton, who is evidently something of a theologian, let in a little light upon his hearers, in regard to slavery:
God cursed the south on account of slavery, He cursed Egypt for making bondmen of the Israelites, and He will curse any nation that has slavery. I wish I could explain all this to you, but I have not the time to do it.
When the General had said all that he had to say, he took his seat, according to the report--
Amid much applause, and ascriptions of praise to God, and the President, General Sherman and General Saxton.
[Powers Eternal! such names mingled.]
The next speaker was Chaplain French. His speech, as was proper, was in a pious vein, and contained much "cute" Yankee advice. We give some extracts, from which it will be seen how close the negro millen[n]ium is at hand:
Your status as yet is not fully defined; it is somewhat like that of the Israelites, had left Egypt, and had not reached Canaan their future, permanent home, but were in the wilderness. They had to make a long journey to reach their homes. You, more favored, are freed on the very soil you are to possess and cultivate as your own. The first provision for the Israelites, on reaching the land of promise, was a homestead. This was the arrangements of Providence. Such also are the arrangements of our government for you, and that too, on a liberal but just scale.
Not long ago since, and the government, with the entire army and Navy, were pledged to keep you in slavery. But now, our government, with its five hundred thousand bayonets and immense navy, is equally pledged to preserve you in your freedom. General Sherman and his mighty army has left you and will carry freedom to others, but the government has sent, in their stead, General Grover, who is now here, with many thousand brave troops to protect, not only the citizens of Savannah, but to protect you in your freedom. [Shouts, &c., abundantly] You see, then how abundantly the Lord has provided for you.
But there is another great work to be done. This Southern country is to be taken care of after the war, by soldiers, and these soldiers in part at least will be colored men, who must help to protect not only the interests of the government, but your rights and liberties. Your young and able bodied men must therefore, enter the war school, the army at once. I would advise, however, that those who have families should first secure comfortable homes for them, and when this is done, that they enter the service of the country immediately. You see here today the General and many other officers with stars and bars on their shoulders. Now, white men think a great deal of these honors; but if I were in your place, I would rather have forty acres of land under my feet that I could walk on as my own than to be covered all over from head to foot with stars. Let white men fight for these honors, but be sure and get your lands--and you must be in a hurry about it, too, for only this morning I heard of a flat boat coming down the river full of people who have asked for a pass to go right down, without even landing in the city. I like to see this wide awake spirit. You must not wait for the General to send a large steamboat to take you down in grand style. No, no; go at once, and if there is no other way get a rail and swim down on that. [Many hearty shouts.] I see already the fire burning in your eyes, and many a one appearing to say "I want to leave the church now and go." Well, I shall not be surprised to hear of some of you getting wagons and boats, and hoes and seeds, and when inquiry is made for you, if it should be said "Oh! they are down already on their farms."
(Column 4)Summary: Provides a statistical breakdown of the patients that have been admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane since it opened in 1844. Of the 4,323 total patients admitted for insanity, 727 were the result of ill-health of various kinds, 286 from intemperance, 149 from loss of property, 5 from dread of property, 64 from "disappointed affections," 45 from "intense study," 94 from "domestic difficulties," 35 from fright, 227 from grief over the loss of friends, 35 from "intense application to business," 146 from "religious excitement," 12 from "political excitement," 1 from "metaphysical speculations," 8 from "want of exercise," 1 from engagement in a duel, 17 from "disappointed expectations," 6 from nostalgia, 2 from stock speculations, 37 from want of employment, 3 from mortified pride, 1 from celibacy, 2 from "anxiety for wealth," 15 from use of opium, 6 from use of tobacco, 3 from use of "quack medicines," 169 for "puerperal state," 12 from uncontrolled passion, 1 from "tight lacing," 4 from exposure to cold, 38 from exposure to direct rays of the sun, 1 from exposure to intense heat, and 4 from "exposure in the army."
Full Text of Article:Since the opening of this institution in 1844, no less than 4,323 patients have been admitted within its walls. Of this number, 4,044 have been discharged, leaving 279 patients still in the hospital at the beginning of the present year. The annual report of Dr. Kirkbride, who has control of this asylum, contains some singular and interesting figures. Of the 4,323 patients admitted into the institution since its opening, 727 appear to have become insane from ill-health of various kinds; 286 from intemperance; 149 loss of property; 5 dread of poverty; 64 disappointed affections; 45 intense study; 94 domestic difficulties; 35 fright; 227 grief, loss of friends, etc.; 35 intense application to business; 146 religious excitement; 12 political excitement; 1 metaphysical speculations; 8 want of exercise; 1 engagement in a duel; 17 disappointed expectations; 6 nostalgia; 2 stock speculations; 37 want of employment; 3 mortified pride; 1 celebacy [sic]; 2 anxiety for wealth; 15 uss [sic] of opium; 6 use of tobacco; 3 use of quack medicines; 169 puerpal state; 12 uncontrolled passion; 1 tight lacing; 54 injuries of the head; 278 mental anxiety; 4 exposure to cold; 38 exposure to direct rays of the sun; 1 exposure to intense heat; 4 exposure in the army.
Of the whole number of patients admitted from the beginning, 323 were farmers; 217 merchants; 176 laborers; 174 clerks. The other occupations are not so heavily represented. For instance, there are 45 physicians; 41 lawyers; 25 clergymen; 36 teachers; 78 carpenters; 36 machinists; 26 weavers; 29 blacksmiths; 30 hotel keepers; 38 tailors; 75 shoemakers. Of the females admitted, 205 were seamstresses or mantuamakers; 229 domestics; 99 daughters of farmers, and 180 widows of farmers; 107 daughters of merchants; 40 widows of merchants, and 128 wives of merchants.
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Description of Page: List of drafted men already published in the Repository, column 1, Classified ads, columns 4-7 |
(Column 2)Summary: Asks the borough council to explain why the street lamps of Chambersburg are not lit. Suggests that it is dangerous to walk around at night without them.A Bad Practice
(Column 2)Summary: Warns readers against turning the wick of their lamps down low. Says that it poisons the air, which can result in the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs.107th Regiment Penna. Volunteers
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that in a recent engagement at Dabney's Mills near Petersburg, the following men in Companies H and K, 107th Pennsylvania Regiment, were wounded. Company H (recruited by Capt. John T. Dick): Privates William A. Murphey, James Morris, Thomas Durkin, Levi Sloughenbaugh, Joseph McBride, James Roney, and Henry Mitch. Company K (recruited by Capt. A. J. Brand): Privates Henry E. Canhan, George Robison, George Trover, John Tressler, and Archibald Blythession.The Twenty-Second
(Names in announcement: Capt. John T. Dick, Capt. A. J. Brand, William A. Murphey, James Morris, Thomas Durkin, Levi Sloughenbaugh, Joseph McBride, James Roney, Henry Mitch, Henry E. Canhan, George Robison, George Trover, John Tressler, Archibald Blythession)
(Column 2)Summary: Notes that Chambersburg residents celebrated the anniversary of George Washington's birthday with a street parade of the soldiers stationed in the town. Bells were rung in honor of recent victories, and a national salute was fired by the battery.Married
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. P. S. Davis married Lieut. James Thomas Long and Susan A. Greenawalt on February 23.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. P. S. Davis, Lieut. James Thomas Long, Susan A. Greenawalt)
(Column 5)Summary: Joseph L. Whitehead and Susan Wolf were married on February 26 by Rev. Thomas Barnhart.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thomas Barnhart, Joseph L. Whitehead, Susan Wolf)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. William McElroy married Henry Myers and Sarah Harman on February 23.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. William McElroy, Henry Myers, Sarah Harman)
(Column 5)Summary: Catharine Sackman died on February 18 at age 39 years, 5 months and 22 days.
(Names in announcement: Catharine Sackman)
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-7 |