![]() Valley Spirit: March 15, 1865Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-4, fiction, columns 5-6 |
Effects of Emancipation by War
(Column 6)Summary: Argues that emancipation could have occurred without the enormous human and material costs of war.
Origin of Article: Albany ArgusFull Text of Article:The Albany Argus, in discussing this question, says:
"We shall have sunk more treasure than would have purchased the freedom of every black! We shall have wasted more lives than all those we have emancipated! We shall have exchanged our real liberties, for the mockery of freedom we give blacks! That race, loosened from its dependency, will be lost; and in the contest with the white, will dwindle and perish, as the Red man has done.
We had 400,000 slaves when the Union was formed, and we had nearly that number of freedmen when the war broke out. Left to State action, to the action of individual benevolence, to the operation of agricultural machinery, to the influence of developed wealth and civilization, the emancipation of the negro would have been a reality. The man would have become free, and the race would have been saved.
The Democracy believed in these modes of human progress. They rejected the theory of absolutism of the State--that creed which has risen into such frightful proportions, which is destroying all individualism or character, and turning freedmen into the abject subjects of a despotism. If all was gained to freedom that visionaries dream of, in the emancipation of the blacks, it would be more than lost again, in their creation of an absolute State, asserting all the prerogatives of an infallible church, and wielding despotic power, to extend, in the name of God, its bigoted creed.
If this war had been arrested, we should have had, not merely emancipation, but the elevation and preservation of the black. We should have given the freedom he needs to the white also. We should have extended the liberties of trades, extinguished monopoly and privilege, reduced the power of the State, and of all political bodies, to their minimum, so as to leave the individual free. This is Democracy, and that is progress.
War has reversed all this. It has sent the world back on its track. It has substituted force for reason, passion for intellect. It has turned the genius of men from inventions for production, to contrivances to mutilate and kill. It has wasted wealth and piled up debt. It has exaggerated the power of States, and corrupted the governing class and debased the governed.
It has lowered the prospects of all. It has loaded the poor so they cannot rise. It has swollen the coffers of the rich. It has made a mockery of the Constitution whose sacredness was the political religion of our people. Instead of allowing the negro to be developed into freedom, it has wrested him by force from his place, and must leave him to perish--planting the black man's grave by the side of the red man's on the outer border of white civilization."
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Description of Page: Report on the proceedings of the US Congress, column 7 |
The Draft
(Column 1)Summary: Suggests that the people of Franklin county are not rushing to the draft in order to beat back the South, but instead are advocates of peace and no longer maintain hope in the Lincoln administration.
Full Text of Article:The Damage BillThe excitement attendant upon the draft has been kept up to fever-heat in this district for several weeks past. It has brought to town daily large and anxious crowds of people. We presume this is about the state of affairs in all other places where the draft is being enforced. We cannot say that the people come here to rush to arms to give the "back bone of the rebellion" its last fracture, or to "rally once again" around the old flag. The "back bone" and the "old flag" seems to give them little concern for just now. They have more important business on hand and cannot afford to waste time with such obselete [sic] matters. They are here as "Peace Commissioners," ready to make peace with Jeff Davis, or "any other man," on any terms that will let them out of the draft! They would'nt [sic] mind patching up a peace and giving a liberal supply of "greenbacks" to boot if they could be saved from the draft. They are willing to sacrifice everything on earth, save themselves, to escape the draft. They have no hope from Old Abe any longer. They voted for him with the understanding that there were to be no more drafts and have been "slightly sold." It was, indeed, a melancholy spectacle to behold our long-faced Republican friends from the country wandering about our streets from day to day, for several weeks past, in search of some avenue through which to escape from the horrible draft! They had come to town to get out of the draft--to coax out, beg out, buy out or back out, anything so that they could get out, rather than risk their precious lives fighting for Abolitionism. Oh! no, that was carrying the joke a little too far. They were willing to do the voting for that abomination, but not quite ready to do the fighting. Sensible fellows to be sure, but rather to be pitied that they cut their wisdom teeth at so late a day. Every one of them had voted for Abe Lincoln, "the smutty joker," and Andy Johnson, "the inebriate," under the most positive assurance from their party leaders and their party papers, that the elevation to office of these two dignified individuals would be sufficient in itself to give the rebellion its death-blow. They had been assured and re-assured that no more drafts would be required if they voted for Lincoln and Johnson--they voted accordingly and were beautifully duped. Just before the election the Republican papers, all over the country, were filled with such stuff as this: "The re-election of Lincoln will be a dreadful blow to the rebels." "If Lincoln is re-elected the South will give up and the Union will be re-established in thirty days." "The re-election of Lincoln will end the war and no more drafts will be required." This is an honest sample of the sort of stuff so plentifully supplied confiding voters about election times.
The amount of gullibility to be found in the Republican party is truly astonishing. The leaders of the party seem to understand this well and shape their course accordingly. No matter how monstrous the falsehood, they are ready to put it forth knowing that their blind and bigoted followers will gulph it down with greediness, and when the deception is discovered they are just as willing to undergo the operation a second time, as if they really found a pleasure in being deceived. There has not been a month since the war commenced but it was to end in a blaze of glory, according to Republican logic. This story has been told until it has become thread-bare, but is repeated again to-day for the thousandth time and as readily believed. No party has ever insulted the intelligence of the people, with falsehoods and deceptions, as persistingly and as barefacedly as the Republican party. The Draft officer and the Tax collector are, however, realities with which the people are fast becoming acquainted and in whom they can believe. Their visits are not "few and far between," and as they call around every few weeks they can give precise information, to any doubting Republican, that the war still goes bravely on at the cost of three thousand lives and three millions of dollars a day! If this does not bring them to their senses they can make a point by claiming exemption from the draft on the plea of "Manifest mental imbecility."
(Column 1)Summary: Prints extract from the House of Representatives' consideration of a bill to appoint assessors to valuate the damage sustained by border counties such as Franklin county. Suggests that no help from the legislature will be forthcoming.
Full Text of Article:Relief for the BorderThe special order in the House of Representatives, of the evening session on Thursday last, was the act appointing assessors to make a valuation of the damage sustained by rebel raids in the border counties. We make the following extract from the published proceedings:
The first section of the bill was defeated in committee of the whole, and came before the House for discussion.
Mr. Sharpe spoke at length, stating that the object proposed was simply to obtain and procure a record of the losses in such a form that it could be furnished by the Governor to the national authorities. It was not designed to take one cent from the State Treasury.
Mr. McClure referred to the sufferings of the border people, who from the accident of locality, had alone felt the burden of war in this State. They now ask no special privilege but only desired their losses recorded in an official form. Future Legislatures would see that the treasury of the Commonwealth was protected against any unjust claims. The time might come when the nation would deal justly with those who had suffered unequally. Preceding Legislatures had set the example of appraising the damages, and it would be but simple justice to accord to the people a history of their sacrifices.
Mr. Brown on behalf of the widow, the orphan and the broken households throughout the State protested against their taxes being increased to pay the wealthy men who had suffered at Chambersburg.
From this, it will be perceived that the Legislature is not disposed to do anything even looking to the relief of the plundered people of the border.
(Column 2)Summary: Condemns members of the Pennsylvania legislature for not supporting relief measures for border counties.
Full Text of Article:The Constitutional Amendment in KentuckyWe would direct special attention to the letter of our Harrisburg correspondent published in the present issue of the Spirit. The letter gives a full account of the doings of the Legislature concerning the bill to appoint Commissioners to make a valuation of the damages sustained from rebel raids by the border counties. No one can read these proceedings and not be amazed at the bitter and vindictive character of the opposition manifested by the Republican members against this righteous measure. We are well satisfied that the Republican party in this State will one day regret their unfair and unmanly opposition to this measure, and their making it a party question--for such clearly they have made it. It will come home to them in some form of retaliation and that, perhaps, sooner than they expect, for no people after calm reflection can sustain a party displaying such heartless[ness] against a ruined and suffering people. Humanity revolts at such gross inhumanity. Could we take the men who have opposed this bill from family to family and let them witness for themselves the destitution and misery they are suffering, we feel convinced that, unless every spark of humane feeling is dead in them, they would blush with shame for having defeated this measure of relief. We wish to say nothing more on this subject, at this time, and what we have said is more in sorrow than in anger. Our people must suffer on patiently and expect no relief until we have a Democratic Legislature at Harrisburg. At the hands of that party they can expect justice and mercy--that some wise provision for their relief will be planned and carried out. The people must, however, bear in mind that with the Republican party rests the responsibility of having defeated this bill looking to an indemnity for the losses they have sustained by a public enemy. Let them ask themselves of their two enemies which is the worst--the one that destroys or the one that withholds aid and sympathy in their sufferings?
There is one point in connection with this matter upon which we have no hesitation in expressing ourselves freely. The charge of disloyalty made against the people of this section of the State we fling back with scorn into the vile throats that uttered it. There never was a people more sorely tried and who have stood more staunchly by the Government than the people of the border counties. There is not a man to be found among us who would aid the rebels in any way. When Lee's army passed through this section it could not obtain a single recruit, a guide or a particle of information though pressingly sought for. We know too that the Democrats of this place counted their numbers, and noted their movements from day to day and at great risk sent scouts on foot through their pickets to convey the information to the military authorities at Harrisburg and elsewhere. There is one, to us sorrowful, fact that should convince the most obdurate blockhead that we are not friends to the rebels--had we been such our town would not have been burnt.
As to the charge of treating soldiers badly, we have only to say that whenever they can find a soldier who will say that our people have not treated him with friendship and liberality then we will take some pains to show how much we have done for the soldiers, but while the charge rests solely on the unscrupulous assertion of a Republican member of the Pennsylvania Legislature we deem it unworthy of notice.
(Column 2)Summary: Notes that the constitutional amendment to abolish slavery failed in the Kentucky legislature.The Effect of the War
(Column 3)Summary: Wonders when the laboring classes will open their eyes to the fact that their current economic straits are the result of oppressive Republican policies.
Full Text of Article:Bobbing AroundTo say nothing of the enormous prices of all the necessaries of life, including clothing and provisions, by reason of the depreciation of the currency and the inordinate cupidity of the speculators, the extravagant increase in the rent of dwelling houses is beginning to be an onerous burden on the poor and laboring classes. This increase is already twenty-five, fifty, and, in some instances, as high as a hundred per cent, over former rates, and if the present state of things continues a few years longer, it will be next to impossible for any laboring man or mechanic in moderate circumstances to get a house to shelter his family. This is no fancy picture, says the Lancaster Intelligencer. The fact must be as apparent as the light of the noonday sun to every man, woman and child of common sense in the community. Hence it is evident that the taxes which property holders complain of, growing out of the war, are levied with compound interest on the renters, and they (not the wealthy class) have to pay the piper. And yet, strange to say, not a few of these same down-trodden working men are still found in the ranks of Abolitionism, whenever election day comes round, kissing the hand that smites them, and shouting lustily for Abraham Lincoln and the freedom of the negro! Such conduct is unaccountable on the part of the laboring classes. When, oh when, will the people get their eyes open, so as to see the oppression under which they and their children after them will be made to sweat and toil and suffer?
(Column 3)Summary: Notes with disdain that Frederick Douglass and his wife attended a reception at the White House after the President's inauguration.That Other Inaugural
(Column 4)Summary: Reports that Vice President Andrew Johnson had been drinking before his formal inaugural address and therefore gave an "incoherent" speech.
Origin of Article: New York HeraldHarrisburg
(Column 5)Summary: Report from the Pennsylvania legislature explains how Republican members killed legislation dealing with border county claims.
Trailer: BrutusLatest by Telegraph!
(Column 6)Summary: A letter from General Sheridan describes how General Custer's division, having defeated Early, entered and captured Charlottesville, Virginia, while destroying and capturing substantial quantities of Confederate munitions and supplies.
Editorial Comment: Reported for the Valley Spirit/ by the Western Union Telegraph Line,/ Office at the Railroad Depot.
Full Text of Article:Latest by the Mails! The War
General Sheridan's Operations.Washington, March 13.
Major General Dix, New York:
The following report of Gen. Sheridan's operations has been received by this department:
E.M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
City Point, VA., March 13.Hon. E.M. Stanton, Sec'y of War:
The following dispatch just received.
U.S. Grant,
Lieutenant General.
Hd. Qrs. Middle Military Division,
Columbia, VA., March 10.Lieut. General Grant Commanding armies U.S.
General, in my despatch dated Waynesboro', I gave a brief account of the defeat of Gen. Early by Custer's Division. The same night this Division was pushed across the Blue Ridge and entered Charlottesville at two P.M. The next day the mayor of the city and the principal citizens came out and delivered up the keys of the public buildings. I had to remain at Charlottesville two days; this time was consumed in bringing over from Waynesboro' our ammunition and pontoon trains, the weather was horrible beyond description and the rain incessant. The two divisions were during this time, occupied in destroying the two large iron bridges, one over the Ravenna river and the other over Muses creek, near Charlottesville, and the railroad for a distance of eight miles in the direction of Lynchburg. On the 6th of March I sent the first division, Gen. Devin commanding, to Scottsville, on the James river, with directions to send out light parties through the country and destroy all the merchandize, mills, factories, bridges etc. on the Ravenna River, these parties to join the division at Scottsville. The division then proceeded along the canal to Duggettsville 15 miles from Lynchburg, destroying every lock and in many places the bank of the canal. At Duggesttsville we hoped to secure the bridge to let us cross the river as our pontoons were useless on account of the high water. In this, however, we were foiled, as both this bridge and the one at Hard Rocksville were burned by the enemy upon our approach. Merrit accompanied this division. The third division started at the same time from Charlottesville and proceeded down the Lynchburg Railroad to Amherst Court House, destroying every bridge on the road and in many places miles of the track. The bridges on this road are numerous and some of them 500 feet in length. We have found great abundance in this country for our men and animals; in fact the canal had been the great feeder of Richmond. At the Rockfish river the banks of the canal was cut, and at New Canton, where the dam is across the James river; the guard lock was destroyed and the James river let into the canal carrying away the banks and washing out the bottom of the canal. The dam across the river at this point was also partially destroyed. I have had no opposition, everybody is bewildered by our movements. I have had no news of any kind since I left. The latest Richmond papers was of the 4th, but contained nothing. I omitted to mention that the bridges on the Railroad from Swoop's Depot on the other side of Stanton to Charlottesville, were utterly destroyed, also the bridges for a distance of ten miles on the Gordonsville Railroad. The weather has been very bad indeed, raining hard every day, with the exception of four days, since we left. My wagons have from the state of the roads, detained me up to the present. We have captured 14 pieces of artillery, 11 at Waynesboro' and 3 at Charlottesville. The party that I sent back from Waynesboro' started with 6 pieces but they were obliged to destroy 2 of the 6 for want of animals. The remaining 8 pieces were thoroughly destroyed.
We have captured up to the present time 12 canal boats laden with supplies, ammunition, rations, medical stores, &c.
I cannot speak in too high terms of Generals Merrit, Custer and Devin and the officers and men of their commands. They have waded through mud and water during this continuous rain and are all in fine spirits and health.
Commodore Hollins, of the rebel navy, was shot near Gordonsville, while attempting to make his escape from our advance in that direction.
Very respectfully your ob'dt serv't,
P.H. Sheridan,
Major General Commanding.
(Column 6)Summary: Dispatches from the front detail General Sheridan's march through the Shenandoah Valley and into Staunton and Charlottesville, Virginia.
Origin of Article: AgeFull Text of Article:The War.
[From the Age, of March 11.]We have at length received accurate information of general Sheridan's cavalry expedition, southwest along the Shenandoah valley. Sheridan's force consisted of five brigades of cavalry, numbering about six thousand men. He left his camp near Winchester early on the morning of February 27th. His troops marched southwest along the turnpike that runs through the valley. On the 27th Sheridan passed through Kernstown, Middletown and Strasburg, crossed Cedar creek, and at nightfall reached Woodstock, thirty miles from Winchester. Here the Federal troops bivouacked. On the 28th they resumed their march, passing through Edenburg and crossing the north fork of Shenandoah, near New Market. Nine Federal soldiers were drowned in crossing the stream. At dusk the army encamped at a point just south of New Market and twenty seven miles from Woodstock. On March 1 the Federal cavalry marched through Harrisonburg, crossing Middle river, and encamping 4 miles northeast of Staunton, having marched twenty six miles during the day. It was here that the Confederate pickets were first discovered.
General Early had but a small force at Staunton, his main body being at Charlottesville, forty miles east of Staunton. The Virginia Central Railroad connects Charlottesville and Staunton. This is not the Richmond and Lynchburg railroad. General Lee, upon hearing of Sheridan's advance along the valley, reinforced both Lynchburg and Charlottesville, so as to meet the Federal troops whichever way they should turn. Early, upon Sheridan's approach, abandoned Staunton, having first removed all the public property. He retreated east along the Central railroad towards Charlottesville. After Sheridan's troops had been in camp four miles northeast of Staunton, for three hours, he ordered his army under arms, and at midnight on March 1 attacked Staunton. The enemy were gone, however, and the few pickets that had been left in Staunton were easily driven out. Without any delay, a brigade of Federal cavalry turned east from Staunton and marched along the railroad towards Charlottesville. They advanced seven miles; destroyed a railroad bridge over Christian's creek, and then returned to Staunton, where Sheridan's main army was bivouacked.
On March 2d Sheridan ordered Custer's two brigades of cavalry to march from Staunton towards Charlottesville. They marched east along the railroad and a common road, and at Fishersville, seven miles east of Staunton, met the Confederate pickets. The pickets retreated six miles to Waynesboro', where the main force of the enemy was posted. Early ordered a retreat from Waynesboro' to Charlottesville. It was not made quickly enough, however. By a skillful movement, Custer succeeded in cutting off a portion of the Confederate troops and took them prisoners. The contest was short and comparatively bloodless, the Federal loss being very slight. Twelve hundred Confederate prisoners, seven cannon, and one hundred wagons, were captured. General Early was not taken, but withdrew with the balance of his army in good order towards Charlottesville. The roads being in a shocking condition, the cannon and wagons were destroyed by their captors. On March 3d, General Custer, with the main force of Sheridan's cavalry, advanced along the road to Charlottesville as far as Greenwood, fifteen miles from Charlottesville. A brigade of Sheridan's force brought the prisoners to Winchester, arriving there on Tuesday last. We have no information of Sheridan's progress since March 3d. The rumors, however are that he has withdrawn from Greenwood and gone westward towards Lynchburg. Whilst the Federal guard with their prisoners were returning to Winchester, they were attacked by the Confederate cavalry. The Confederates were defeated, however, with a loss of twenty-seven prisoners.
A Federal naval expedition consisting of thirteen vessels, on Monday last sailed up the Rappahannock. Its object was to capture a large amount of tobacco stored near Fredericksburg, which was to be smuggled into the Federal lines. The expedition sailed up the river without accident, and without opposition; the troops landed at Fredericksburg. The tobacco, said to amount to about ninety-five tons, was found and captured. The railroad bridge and buildings at Fredericksburg were destroyed. One hundred Confederate prisoners are reported captured. The vessels sailed down the Rappahannock with the tobacco on board.
Upon the evacuation of Charleston the Confederates abandoned all the towns along the sea-coast. Georgetown had no garrison when Dahlgren's fleet reached it. The capture was, therefore, bloodless. Everything of value had been removed from the city. The Harvest Moon, Dahlgren's flagship that was blown up by a torpedo, is a total loss. Everything on board went down with her.
A brigade of three thousand negro troops has been recruited in Charleston. There are ten thousand Federal troops in Charleston, that have lately arrived. They are a reinforcement for Sherman.
The steamer Amazon, a Savannah river boat, recently run the guantlet [sic] of the Confederate pickets on that river and came down to Savannah. Her captain voluntarily gave himself and his boat to the Federal authorities.
Railroad communications is re-opened between Columbia and Charlotte.
[From the Age of March 13.]
For some time past a Federal expedition has been concentrating at Newbern, North Carolina. It left there a few days since and advanced along the south bank of the Neuse river towards Kinston. Kinston is thirty miles northwest of Newbern, and twenty miles south of Goldsboro'. The expedition was led by Generals Schofield and Terry, and its object was to get to Goldsboro', and destroy the railroad which runs south from Weldon. The Confederates were at Kinston, under Generals Bragg and Hoke, and had been reinforced by A.P. Hill with troops from Richmond. On Wednesday last, the Federal advance was intrenched within four miles of Kinston. The Confederates attacked the intrenched camp, and after an obstinate contest drove the Federal troops three miles towards Newbern. Fifteen hundred Federal prisoners and three cannon were captured. On Thursday the two armies confronted each other twenty three miles from Newbern. It was thought that the Federal troops would retreat to Newbern. This contest proves conclusively that on Wednesday last, Sherman was not at Goldsboro'; nor at Raleigh, norwest of Goldsboro'; nor at Fayetteville, west of Goldsboro'. He could not have been near any of these places, without making the retreat of the Confederates from Kinston imperative.
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 3-7 |
The Spring Election
(Column 1)Summary: Reminds Democrats that the annual spring election takes place next Friday and urges them to go to the polls.Annoying Complaints
(Column 1)Summary: Blames the fact that some readers have not received their Valley Spirit on postmasters who refuse to deliver a Democratic paper.Town Election
(Column 1)Summary: Lists the names of Democrats nominated in each ward for next week's election. In the South Ward: John Bert (Judge); J. Newton Shellitto (Inspector); Jeremiah Senseny (Justice); and S. R. Boyd (Constable). In the North Ward: G. W. Nitterhouse (Judge); Dr. W. H. Boyle (Inspector). Nominated for Burgess: C. M. Duncan. For Town Council: Alex Martin and Charles Evans. For School Directors: B. S. Schneck and T. B. Kennedy. For Assessor: John West. For High Constable: John Spitle.The Draft
(Names in announcement: John Bert, J. Newton Shellitto, Jeremiah Senseny, S. R. Boyd, G. W. Nitterhouse, Dr. W. H. Boyle, C. M. Duncan, Alex Martin, Charles Evans, B. S. Schneck, T. B. Kennedy, John West, John Spitle)
(Column 1)Summary: Describes the scene around the Provost Marshal's office during the latest draft and expresses hope that peace is soon to come.
Full Text of Article:After 'Ile'During the past week the Provost Marshal's office has been crowded by conscripts, some of them putting in substitutes, others claiming exemption for physical disability and other causes, and the larger number donning the blues for service. A large number left daily for the rendezvous and, judging from appearances, the present draft will put more men into the army than any former one. We hope the necessity which requires these men to be taken from their homes will soon have passed away, and that peace and union will soon be restored to a bleeding and distracted land.
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that the oil fever is "the most contagious and wide spread malady of the time." Predicts that by spring, everyone in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio will be boring holes in the ground searching for oil.
Full Text of Article:GraduatedThe oil fever is the most contageous [sic] and wide spread malady of the time. It beats yellow Fever, measles and even negro on the brain. Some of our older citizens will remember the merino sheep excitement, and the prospective in growing silk, but silk and wool, California and cotton, all fade away before the slippery greasy king whose throne was first built in Venango county, but whose domain now extends throughout Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. People are boring for "ile" even in the eastern part of the State, expecting to strike either "ile," a molasses quarry or castile soap. With the opening of spring, the excitement promises to be unparalleled, and everybody will be boring holes in the ground.
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that S. S. Huber and Johnston McLanahan of Franklin county graduated from Jefferson Medical College on March 10.How True
(Names in announcement: S. S. Huber, Johnston McLanahan)
(Column 3)Summary: Calls the private soldier who "endures all the hardships and faces all the dangers of the war" the real patriot.
Origin of Article: Cincinnati GazetteMarried
(Column 5)Summary: On March 9, Rev. Dr. B. S. Schneck married David B. Greenawalt and Annie C. Harmony, daughter of John Harmony.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. B. S. Schneck, Capt. David B. Greenawalt, Annie C. Harmony, John Harmony)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. J. W. Burd married Adam Youst and Mary A. Baker on March 7.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. W. Burd, Adam Youst, Mary A. Baker)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. S. McHenry married James Blatenburg, of Mt. Carroll, Illinois, and Sarah Ann Haulman on March 9.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, James Blatenburg, Sarah Ann Haulman)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. S. McHenry married Samuel S. Reisher and Sarah Miller on March 9.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, Samuel S. Reisher, Sarah Miller)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. F. Dyson married William P. Zeigler and Anna Keller on February 25.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, William P. Zeigler, Mrs. Anna Keller)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. F. Dyson married Malanthin N. Findley and Emma J. Switzer on March 8.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, Malanthin N. Findley, Emma J. Switzer)
(Column 5)Summary: George A. Minnich and Mary A. Wilderson were married on March 9 by Rev. F. Dyson.Married
(Names in announcement: George A. Minnich, Rev. F. Dyson, Mary A. Wilderson)
(Column 5)Summary: On March 7, Rev. D. Gardemann married Sergeant Lewis N. Isabell, of the US Army, formerly of Port Huron, and Kate Haine.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. D. Gardemann, Sergt. Lewis N. Isabell, Kate Haine)
(Column 6)Summary: Michael Harmony is ordered to appear before the Court of Common Pleas on the second Monday of April, in the matter of a divorce filed for Anna Mary Harmony by her next friend, Phillip Ludwig.
(Names in announcement: Samuel BrandtSheriff, Anna Mary Harmony, Michael Harmony, Phillip Ludwig)Trailer: Samuel Brandt, Sheriff[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Joseph White is ordered to appear before the Court of Common Pleas on the second Monday of April, in the matter of a divorce filed for Mary Catharine White by her next friend, Franklin Huber.
(Names in announcement: Samuel BrandtSheriff, Mary Catharine White, Franklin Huber, Joseph White)Trailer: Samuel Brandt, Sheriff[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Philip Smith is ordered to appear before the Court of Common Pleas on the second Monday of April, in the matter of a divorce filed for Katorah Smith by her next friend, John W. Reges.
(Names in announcement: Samuel BrandtSheriff, Katorah Smith, John W. Reges, Philip Smith)Trailer: Samuel Brandt, SheriffCauses for Trial at April Term 1865
(Column 6)Summary: Lists cases to be heard during the April term of the courts. In the first week: John McCurdy and wife vs. Andrew McCurdy; John McCurdy and wife vs. David Vance; Abraham Saylor vs. L. B. Brenner; William Rodgers vs. William Keyser; J. Bomberger vs. Frederick Walk; Philip Karper vs. Benjamin Cook, et al; David Witherspoon vs. Rebecca Currey's Ex'r; William Stumbaugh vs. Uriah P. Smith; John Richardson vs. John Plum. During the second week: Weagley vs. Bonebrake; Houghwout & Co. vs. Wunderlich, Nead & Co.; Elizabeth Jane Trindle vs. Mary Ann Clark; Jacob S. Lynn vs. Jacob Hisey and wife; Morrow R. Skinner vs. Samuel Bitner; Jscob S. Brown vs. Samuel M. Worley, et al; George Gaff's use vs. John H. Tritle; John Miller et al vs. William Skinner, et al; Morrow R. Skinner vs. Samuel Bitner; William Wilhelm vs. D. S. Reisher; Mary C. Miller vs. John H. Hartle; Jacob Glass vs. Henry Kyle and wife; Simon Bitner vs. John Waldsmith; Henry Kyle vs. Jacob Glass; Luther Speilman vs. J. C. R. Eckman; R. C. McCurdy vs. John S. Cowan.
(Names in announcement: John McCurdy, Andrew McCurdy, David Vance, Abraham Saylor, L. B. Brenner, William Rodgers, William Keyser, J. Bomberger, Frederick Walk, Philip Karper, Benjamin Cook, David Witherspoon, Rebecca Currey, William Stumbaugh, Uriah P. Smith, John Richardson, John Plum, Weagley, Bonebrake, Houghwout, Wunderlich, Nead, Elizabeth Jane Trindle, Mary Ann Clark, Jacob S. Lynn, Jacob Hisey, Morrow R. Skinner, Samuel Bitner, Jacob S. Brown, Samuel M. Worley, George Gaff, John H. Tritle, John Miller, William Skinner, William Wilhelm, Mary C. Miller, D. S. Reisher, John H. Hartle, Jacob Glass, Henry Kyle, Simon Bitner, John Waldsmith, Luther Speilman, J. C. R. Eckman, R. C. McCurdy, John S. Cowan)Trailer: K. S. Taylor, Prothonotary
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-7 |