![]() Valley Spirit: April 5, 1865Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-5 |
Governor Curtin
(Column 6)Summary: Praises Governor Curtin for standing up for the rights of Pennsylvania against President Lincoln's draft quotas.
Origin of Article: Bellefonte WatchmanThe Inaugural Boiled Down
(Column 6)Summary: Provides a satirical look at President Lincoln's second inaugural address.The Radicals and the Negro
(Column 7)Summary: Notes with disdain that Radical Republicans have turned a fight to restore the Union into a fight for emancipation. Laments in particular the recent activities of Senator Charles Sumner, who is trying to have a "colored gentleman" admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court. Suggests that these Republicans do not have the true interests of blacks at heart.
Origin of Article: Pittsburgh Post
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Description of Page: Additional dispatches reporting on the success of the Army of the Potomac, column 6 |
(Column 1)Summary: Celebrates reports of the Union victory in and occupation of Richmond.
Full Text of Article:The Financial Panic--Fall in PricesUnder our Telegraphic head will be found the very latest intelligence of the operations of the army investing Petersburg and Richmond. The official despatches of President Lincoln from City Point are brief but satisfactory, containing a succinct account of the results of the great struggle which commenced on Friday last and culminated in the occupation of Richmond by a portion of our army under Gen. Weitzel on Monday morning at 8.15. Victory, entire complete and decisive has crowned our banners and Lee has been compelled to yield the rebel capital to our victorious army after one of the most desperate struggles of the war.
General Grant is now in hot pursuit of the retreating rebels and there is every probability that he will succeed in overtaking and utterly destroying the only great army of the "Confederacy," in point of numbers. Until the pursuit is ended and the smoke of battle cleared away, we are unprepared to indicate, with any degree of certainty, all the results likely to follow our recent brilliant successes. We feel assured, however, that the "backbone" of the rebellion has at length been broken beyond repair, and that though the war may continue for some time, yet the probability is that it will soon end. In the near future we behold visions of a restored Union and a prosperous, reunited and happy people.
(Column 1)Summary: Speculates that the recent fall in the price of gold is only temporary since the volume of paper money has not decreased with it.A History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps
(Column 2)Summary: Condemns a recently published history of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps for containing an introductory chapter that is critical of the Democratic party.
Origin of Article: Lancaster IntelligencerAn Idiot Soldier Boy Shot
(Column 3)Summary: Tells the story of a New York boy, aged sixteen, who was paid to serve in the Army of the Potomac as a substitute. The boy did not realize what he was getting himself into, and, not long into his service, he deserted. He was later executed for desertion.Republican Question Before the Election
(Column 4)Summary: Asks what would happen to the government if President Lincoln died and Andrew Johnson became president.Glorious News! Richmond is Ours!
(Column 7)Summary: Prints official government dispatches reporting on the occupation and evacuation of Richmond.
Full Text of Article:Richmond Ours!
Enthusiastic Reception of our Army by the People!
The City on Fire!
The "Backbone" Broken!
Gen. Grant in Pursuit of Lee's Retreating Army.Washington, April 3.
To Major General Dix:
The following telegram from the President announcing the evacuation of Petersburg and probably Richmond has just been received by this department.
E. M. Stanton.
City Point, April 3To Hon. E.M. Stanton:
This morning General Grant reports Petersburg evacuated, and he is confident Richmond also is. He is pushing forward to cut off if possible the retreating army.
A. Lincoln
Washington, April 3, 10.45 A.M.To Major General Dix:
It appears from a dispatch of Gen. Weitzel, just received by this department, that our forces under his command are in Richmond, having taken it at 8.15 this morning.
E.M. Stanton, Sec'y of War.
Washington, April 3-12M.Major General Dix:
The following official confirmation of the capture of Richmond and announcing that the city is on fire has just been received by this department:
City Point, VA., April 3-11 A.M.
General Weitzel telegraphs as follows: We took Richmond at 8.15 this morning. I captured many guns. The enemy left in great haste. The city is on fire in one place. We are making every effort to put it out. The people received us with enthusiastic expressions of joy.
General Grant started early this morning with the army towards the Danville road, to cut off Lee's retreating army if possible.
President Lincoln has gone to the front.
(Signed) T.S. Bowers, A.A.G.
E.M. Stanton, Sec'y of WarThe Associated Press Report of Operations up to Saturday, April 1st.
Hd.Qrs. Army of the Potomac,
April 1, 1865The greater portion of this army has not been engaged with the enemy to-day; the time being occupied in erecting works on the rear line, and repairing the roads connecting the different corps.
The late rains rendered it impossible to to [sic] move the wagon trains as fast as the troops advanced; one train taking forty-eight hours to move five miles, one thousand men assisting, but through the untiring industry and perseverence of the officers in charge of the Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments, the army has been almost as well supplied as while in their old quarters.
When the news of Sheridan's repulse reached here last evening a part of the 5th Corps was at once despatched to his aid and it is expected that to-night or in the morning we shall receive good news from that quarter.
It appears that Sheridan was moving on the road leading to a place called the Five Forks, which is about 3 miles from the Southside Railroad, where two brigades of Picket's Division, which had been moved out in a great hurry, came down on a road which runs from Sutherland Station to the one on which we were. Sheridan's cavalry having for the greater part passed the junction. This movement of the enemy threatened to cut him off. He, however, discovered his danger in time to get his command off with only a slight loss; at the same time taking about 1000 prisoners. Both the Lees were present, but one of them at a respectful distance. On being reinforced this morning by the 5th Corps, the enemy fell back so rapidly that their dead and wounded fell into our hands, as well as those of our own unavoidably left behind yesterday afternoon. The attack made on the enemy's line in front of the 24th Corps, was by Foster'd Division and about 200 prisoners were brought in, the 148th New York taking most of them. Some 300 or 400 yards of ground was taken from them and our present line so much further advanced.
At 4 A.M. this position was assaulted and a few of our men captured, but in a very short time it was retaken with about 50 prisoners and a stand of colors.
Our loss up to the present time will not exceed 2500, while that of the enemy on some parts of the line at least, was greater than our own but of course the total cannot be given.
Major Dickinson, of the 15th New York heavy artillery, is reported wounded and a prisoner.
The sharp shooters brought into the 5th Corps headquarters this morning, 15 cavalrymen belonging to Wm. Henry Lee's command. They had been on picket and were cut off by the force which was sent to the assistance of Sheridan.
Hd. Qrs. Army of the Potomac,
April 1--Midnight.A courier from Sheridan has just arrived with the most cheering news. The combined forces of cavalry and Warren's infantry advanced against the enemy this afternoon, driving them several miles and capturing about four thousand prisoners, and a number of guns. They retreated to the Five Forks where they were flanked by a part of the 5th corps which had moved down the White Oak road. It was here the large number of prisoners were taken. The rebels then retreated south, along the White Oak road and were vigorously pursued by General Sheridan while McKenzie's cavalry, from the Army of the James, advanced west on the Fork road towards the South Side road and when the messenger left was only about three miles from it and would undoubtedly reach it before morning. Thus the last great line of railroad the rebels have to supply their capital and Lee's army is about to be severed and it is firmly believed that they will immediately leave their present positions at Petersburg and Richmond. Sharp cannonading is now going on near the centre of the line held by the left of the 6th corps.
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Description of Page: Summary taken from the Repository of recent state legislation of interest to Franklin County, column 1, classified ads, columns 2-7 |
The Spring Election
(Column 1)Summary: Lists the results from the recent election of election judges. Those townships that elected an "abolitionist" judge are: Antrim, Greenvillage, Fayetteville, Hamilton, Dry Run, Metal, Mercersburg, Peters, Loudon, Warren, North Ward, and South Ward. Those that elected a Democratic judge are: Guilford, Letterkenny, Concord, Sulphur Spring, Lurgan, Welsh Run, Quincy, St. Thomas, Orrstown, Mt. Rock, and Washington. Also takes issue with the Repository's classification of Mr. Coon as "Union." Says it is true that Coon is for the Union, but "not in the Repository's meaning of the term."Citizen Prisoners
(Names in announcement: Mr. Coon)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that D. M. Eiker, J. Porter Brown, and George R. Kaufman, who escaped from a rebel prison in Salisbury, have arrived safely in Nashville, Tennessee. Also notes that Charles H. Kinsler, also formerly a prisoner in the South, died from typhoid fever in Philadelphia last week.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: D. M. Eiker, J. Porter Brown, George R. Kaufman, Charles H. Kinsler)
(Column 2)Summary: Thanks Captain Thomas Myers of the 107th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, for sending the Valley Spirit copies of Raleigh, North Carolina newspapers. Points out to readers who "grumble at paying $2.50 per year for our paper" that the subscription costs of those papers are much higher than the Valley Spirit's.77th Regt. P. V.
(Names in announcement: Captain Thomas Myers)
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that Sergeant R and the rest of the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers only learned that their regiment had been mounted from reading the Valley Spirit.Rev. S. H. C. Smith
(Column 2)Summary: Newspaper from the previous place of employment for Rev. S. H. C. Smith offers a tribute to the minister, who is the new pastor of the M. E. Church in Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith)Origin of Article: Mifflintown True DemocratAccident
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that on last Tuesday, while hauling cornfodder with James D. Rea, William Gilbert was thrown from a wagon when his horses took fright. After hitting a stone wall, Gilbert was left with a bruised side and a badly cut head. He was treated by Dr. John D. Rea.
(Names in announcement: James D. Rea, Dr. John D. Rea, William Gilbert)Origin of Article: Star of the Valley
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-7 |