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Valley Spirit: 04 18, 1866

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The Civil Rights Bill
(Column 1)
Summary: The Radicals may appear to have triumphed in their effort to pass the Civil Rights Bill, admits the editorial, but, it maintains, their struggle will ultimately prove futile since they have no control over the actual execution of the law. That task belongs to the Judiciary, a branch of the federal government which is not functioning in the former rebel states. It is up to the Radicals, therefore, as to which course they shall choose to pursue-either they must admit the former rebel states back into the Union and grant them full equality or they must "take further and final steps toward degrading the States into Territories."
Facts Worth Remembering
(Column 2)
Summary: Despite having a pro-Southern sentiment prior to the sectional conflict, says the editorial, Harper's Weekly did an about-face following the outbreak of the war, portraying the secessionists in a villainous light. As a result of the journal's apparent decision to become a propaganda organ for the Abolitionists, the piece reports, its popularity among Southerners has plummeted, an outcome the Spirit's editor finds particularly appropriate.
Adjournment of the Legislature
(Column 2)
Summary: A brief piece announcing the adjournment of the Legislature, a proclamation the editor relishes since it means that the body is "now powerless" to conduct any "further mischief."
The Democratic Meeting
(Column 3)
Summary: Reports on the Democratic meeting held on April 10th in the Court House, which the article characterizes as "one of the largest and most enthusiastic political meetings ever held in that building."
(Names in announcement: William Boyd, Fred K. Smith, John C. Brake, Jacob Cook, William Reber, Andrew Burgess, Joseph M. Doyle, J. L. P. Datrich, Judge Kimmel, McD. Sharpe, W. S. Stenger, G. W. Brewer)
Wholesome Truth
(Column 3)
Summary: The article rails against the notion of granting blacks suffrage because, the author argues, they are incapable of handling the responsibilities that come with the franchise. Should they obtain the ballot, he warns, the consequences would surely be detrimental to the South's post-war recovery..
Origin of Article: Louisville Journal
Editorial Comment: "The Louisville Journal thus pertinently discusses the question which the Radicals will suffer nobody to forget."
Truth From The Record of 1864
(Column 4)
Summary: Using an extract from a debate that occurred in the Senate in 1864, the Spirit strives to convince readers of the Republicans' disregard for the returning soldiers' welfare.
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: It is reported that a horrible murder took place in Richmond county, Va., on April 3rd, when a white man killed a black women, who was employed as a cook, and three children with an ax.
County Superintendent
(Column 5)
Summary: A letter endorsing the candidacy of Philip M. Shoemaker for County Superintendent, a man, the writer contends, whose election to the post would "give universal satisfaction."
(Names in announcement: Philip M. Shoemaker)
Trailer: Quincy
[No Title]
(Column 6)
Summary: According to the Richmond Whig, members of that city's "colored aristocracy" showed considerable disdain for the procession of "common niggers" that paraded through Richmond's streets on April 3rd.
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig

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Local and Personal
(Column 1)
Summary: A listing of the cases heard during the past week by the various courts. Common Pleas. Emanuel Secrist v. John Zimmerman-surviving Executor of Jacob Zimmerman, dec'd-Ejectment for 34 acres of land in Warren township. Verdict for Def't. Thomas Macon v. Caroline Morgan, Charles Woolward, William Stewart, and Isaac Moore-Trespass. Verdict for plaintiff $1 damages. Quarter Sessions. Com. v. William French and William Mort-False Pretense, William Mort, not arrested. French and the other Defendant, who was a man over sixty years of age, was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Verdict not guilty, but that Defendant pay the costs of prosecution. Benjamin Culbertson, the prosecutor, was defrauded by Mort out of a horse by means of forged note signed "William Martin," and payable at the banking house of Kerr, Dunlap, & Co., at Carlisle, which Mort represented as a check. French was with Mort at the time and joined in representing the check as good. The defense was that the man was ignorant, unable to write his name and unacquainted with business and that he was imposed on by Mort, who gained the old man's confidence by representing himself as a soldier who served with French's son in the army. Com. v. Charles Miller-Assault and Battery. A true bill. Defendant pleaded not guilty. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to a fine of ten dollars and costs. The Defendant, who is a black man from this place, was charged with cutting the fingers of the prosecutor, William Cunningham, with his knife in a fight, and biting his throat severely. Com. v. Jacob Kelley, Monk Purvard, and others-Riot and Assault. A true bill. The Defendant, Monk Purvard, was arraigned in court and pleaded not guilty. Verdict, not guilty, but that he must pay the costs of prosecution. Com. v. Jane Plaskill-Assault and Battery. A true bill. The Defendant pleaded not guilty. Verdict not guilty, but that Defendant pay one-half the costs, and the prosecutor the other half. Com. v. Rebecca Baer-Larceny. A true bill. Defendant pleaded not guilty. Verdict, not guilty. Com. v. Samuel Roland, Joseph Roland, Jr. Joseph Roland, Sr.-Assault and Battery. Defendants pleaded not guilty. Verdict, that Defendant Samuel Roland and Joseph Roland, Sr., are guilty and that Joseph Roland, Jr., is not guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and costs of prosecution. Com. v. Charles Skelley-Arson. A true bill. Defendant arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and costs, and undergo imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement in the Penitentiary for a period of four years. Com. v. Jacob Barncord, Jr.,--Assault and Battery. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs. Com. v. John E. Jones-The Defendant is one of the supervisors of Metal township. He was indicted for neglecting to repair roads. Verdict, not guilty, but the costs to be paid by Prosecutor and Defendant. Com. v. Charles Smith and James Thomas-Larceny of Jewelry to the amount of $30, the property of Mary C. Wolfe. Defendants pleaded guilty, and were each sentenced to pay $1 and costs and subject to imprisonment in the Penitentiary for one year. Bills Ignored. Com. v. Daniel Grove. Com. v. David Divelbise. Com. v. Washington Winters. Com. v. Mary Ann Cox. Com. v. Stephen Skinner. Com. v. George Lewis. Com. v. George Burns. Com. v. William Carty. Com. v. Franklin Cook and Theodore Cook. Cases in which Nolle Prosequi was entered with leave of Court. Com. v. John Burkholder. Com. v. William Cloudy. Com. v. David B. Little. Com. v. Jeremiah Miller. Com. v. Henry Stumbaugh. Com. v. C. K. Stumbaugh. Com. v. James Wilson. Com. v. William Bratton. Com. v. James Dixon. Com. v. William Flory. Com. v. Alexander Osborn. Com. v. John Logan.
(Names in announcement: Emanuel Secrist, John Zimmerman, Thomas Mason, Caroline Morgan, Charles Woolard, Charles Stewart, Isaac Moore, William French, William Mort, Charles Miller, Jacob Kelley, Monk Purvard, Jane Plaskill, Rebecca Baer, Samuel Roland, Joseph RolandJr., Joseph RolandSr., Charles Skelly, Jacob Barncord, John E. Jones, Charles Smith, James Thomas, Daniel Grove, David Divelbise, Washington Winters, Mary Ann Cox, Stephen Skinner, George Lewis, George Burns, William Carty, James Calornet, Theodore Cook, John Burkholder, William Cloudy, David R. Little, Jeremiah Miller, C. K. Stumbaugh, Henry Stumbaugh, James Wilson, William Bratton, George Goettman, James Dixon, William Flory, Alexander Osburn, John Logan, William Cunningham, Mary C. Wolfe)
Licenses To Keep Inns or Taverns.
(Column 1)
Summary: The following people received licenses to keep Inns or Taverns.
(Names in announcement: John Fisher, William McGrath, Jacob Sellers, Margaret Montgomery, Daniel Trestle, John Gordon, Susan Elliot, J. R. Tankersley, William BrattonJr., William F. Reamer, Charles Gillan, James Mullen, John Treher, Charles Lowe, Jacob Elliot, John Adams, John Wallach, Francis Bowden, V. B. Gilbert, John Mullen, Henry Yingling, H. M. Jones, Ephraim Shank, Jeremy Small, S. R. Boyd, J. S. Brown, Margaret Holland, Elizabeth Ellison, John Kyner, Jeremiah Zullinger)
(Column 3)
Summary: On April 10th, T. G. Cochran, of Philadelphia, and Lizzie Lester were married by Rev. S. H. C. Smith.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith, T. G. Cochran, Lizzie Lester)
(Column 3)
Summary: On April 5th, John R. Cliffinger, 26, died.
(Names in announcement: John R. Cliffinger)