![]() Valley Spirit: 10 03, 1866Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Forney To The Radicals
(Column 3)Summary: The brief poem mocks the Republicans' policies.
Origin of Article: Lancaster IntelligencerFull Text of Article:When the fields ran blood--
those years of grace
That gave us power, wealth and place--
We patriot words did utter.
Said "Abraham was the government;"
And those who dared to show dissent,
Should have no bread and butter.
Of "Loyalty" our tongues were glib;
Our fingers in the public crib;
How shoddy then did flutter!
Each "Loyal" bird stuck in his bill,
Of treason corn to take his fill,
Abe had bread and butter!
But now my friends, the table's turned,
We have got our fingers badly burned,
Since Andy dares to utter--
The policy--that strife should cease;
The South come home again in peace;
We've lost our bread and butter!
No pensioned place we now can hold,
We're thrown out shivering "in the cold,"
Or kicked into the gutter.
Our Negro doctrine--curse the luck--
T'was this the heavy blow has struck.
And lost us our bread and butter!
But come, my friends, let's still be bold;
We'll call hard names, and lie, and scold,
And bark, and growl, and mutter.
The "Chronicle " and "Press " shall lead,
The little dogs we used to feed,
When we had bread and butter!
No, no, my friends, we must not yield;
Ben Bethel Butler's in the field!"
I maudlin speeches stutter.--
If I lost the ballot, take the sword!
The "Loyal" cannot well afford,--
To lose their bread and butter!
Get power and place; for these your ends,
"Throw Conscience to the Devil," friends;
And any falsehood utter.
"T'is dirty work ," you'll say I know,
But then we fat and sleek will grow,
When we get bread and butter!
And when we gain our "Loyal" ends,
We must be mindful of our friends.
And make their hearts to flutter,--
The "Negro" he is our boat,
We'll get for him the right to vote,
And give him Bread and Butter!
COLUMBIA, Sept. 8, 1866
Trailer: ColumbiaThe Soldiers' and Sailors Convention
(Column 3)Summary: Contains a copy of an address presented at the opening of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention in Cleveland.White Sol[d]iers, Listen To a Copperhead
(Column 6)Summary: Offers an anecdote about a white soldier who tried to claim his bounty but discovered, to his dismay, that Congress has failed to appropriate enough money to pay out all white soldiers' claim, having chosen to pay the extra bounties for black veterans instead.
Origin of Article: Lacrosse DemocratFull Text of Article:The Itinerant MiscegensWe have had, on a previous occasion, to make use of the ejaculation--How the Rump loves the boys in blue." There are some of these latter who still adhere to the fortunes of that party--men who have learned the "loyal" catechism by role, and with whom the words, "Copperhead," "traitor," "rebel," &c. pass for an answer to every argument, a response to every appeal. Parrot-like they repeat them over and over and then march to the polls and vote loyally and--blindly, for their bitterest foes. We have a few words to say to these men, to all soldiers, indeed, with white faces and white hearts--a trio of companions sketches them for their study--a little plain talk for them to listen to, and think over.
The Rump, at Washington, voted those of you who had been in service of a certain time an extra bounty of $50 to $100 each.
The same butt-end of New England Puritanism voted every negro soldier $300 extra bounty.
The Praise-God Barebones Convention of fanatics and fools, designating itself a Federal Congress, also voted to each one of its members nearly $4,000 extra pay.
Well--a white soldier, who fought at Bull Run, and went with Grant, every step of his blood progress from the Wilderness to Richmond, leaving an arm at Petersburg, sacrificing health and physical constitution for love of country presents his papers, his vouchers to the proper official at Washington. Of course he receives his money! Congress has voted it--it is the generous acknowledgement of faithful service by a "loyal" legislative body loving the boys who "wore the blue!"
The Paymaster General or whatever official attends to such matters, looks over the papers, peers in the man's face, sees blue eyes, a white skin, and fair hair, and says.
"My good man, we can't do anything for you--the fact is Congress failed to appropriate the money necessary to meet the little claims of the soldiers but, of course, if you are a "loyal" man you won't mind that accident: won't be much disappointed!"
"Well,--now--let me see! Come around in about two, three or five years, and we may have some money which can be used for you, white trash. The fact is, it takes so much money to pay the extra bounties of the colored troops--the extra pay and mileage of Congressmen, and the interest on Government bonds, that I do not see who we can get to your case, much short of that time!"
D--n Congress!
"Tut; tut, my man: you must not swear in a government office; be patient; wait awhile; you will get the money some time: good morning; go to work, and the little plum will drop after a while; let it ripen; wait my man; wait a little longer."
As the soldier is turning away, up steps a fat, greasy, insolent negro, with a swagger and strut suited to his position in the reconstructed Union! He is a specimen "American citizen of African descent." He has huge heels which stand out from the remainder of his feet like the rudders of Mississippi rafts. His lips are huge masses of discolored meat. His eyes rolling orbs of whiteness. His teeth shown in continued mirth. The covering of his cranium, crispy wool. The aroma and fragrance proceeding from his carcass, is delightful to the nostrils of Thaddeus Stevens. He flings his paper on the desk before the paymaster; he squats himself in and easy chair; rams his hands into his pockets; chuckles, laughs, and finally says:
"Well, boss, dares de papers, I speeks Ise titled to some bounties, and here I is? I'listed in Maryland in 1864, to go for a Massachusetts deacon's son who didn't want to go for a soger, cause carryin' a gun made him sick--ki! but it didn't make him sick to furnish such gunboats as dese (showing his shoes) to us coons! I guess not! Ki--gor--a--mighty, boss, I nebber got shot--when the battle was comin' on, gorra, how sick I used to get--de Cappen was a good Abolitioner, and he'd say--'Augustus, you may set down till you feel your courage comin' to you'--but, boss, I never could feel like fightin' while dem guns was bangin' away. I only staid in de war seven or eight months, de rest of the time I was doin' guard duty at Point Lookout, killin' de dam rebels that walked over de dead line! Ki, massa, dat was fun! And now I wants my extra bounty, and what good Mr. Sumner says we are so jussy titled to."
Says the Paymaster General: "My good friend, Augutus Ceasar Johnson, here are $300--these are glorious times; this is an age of progress; political and social equality are just before you; your son may yet be President of the united States. You and those of your color will recieve the snug little sum of $20,000 in extra bounties--the white trash not a cent! The down trodden colored man receives a portion of his due, and the white trash, as I had occasion to remark a few moments ago, should be thankful and wait! But, Mr. Johnson, I perceive Hon. Mr. Snooks, of Massachusetts, coming. I must, therefore, wish you a very good morning, Mr. Johnson, brave defender of our country!
Hon. Mr. Snooks, white livered, be-whipped, sanctimonious Apostle of the "Massachusetts school" advances.
"Ah, Mr. Paymaster, these are sad days! The President, a traitor, Copperheadism defiant and aggressive, God' political elect sad at heart, while soldiers who have received all and more than they were entitled to, clamoring for bounties, chargin us with trickery and deception, it is hard, Mr. Paymaster, shocking, and the Lord only knows where it will all end! My claim, back and extra pay, and mileage, is just $3,846.32, hardly earned Mr. Paymaster, but republics are ungrateful, and we have many sacrifices to make who love our country! Thank you, yes it is quite a right!"
Forget the script!
So I did? Ah, there is a soldier who has lost an arm--give the thirty--two cents to him--we should not forget the white soldiers, although as my friend, General Geary, of Pennsylvania, says, there were so many of them "hospital sneaks" and "bummers!" Ah, Mr. Paymaster, if it had not been for the black soldiers we should never have crushed the infernal rebellion--never! NEVER! Good morning--good morning!
How do you like it, white soldiers?
A fancy sketch!
Yes, but there is more truth than poetry about it. The incidents may not have happened just as we related them, but the facts show that not a single white soldier has or can receive a cent of the bounty voted him--that negro soldiers are now being paid--that Rump Congressmen, with a single honorable exception, have drawn from the Treasury every cent of the money they, by vote, flinched from the strong box of Uncle Samuel!
You, white wearers of blue uniforms, are of no account now! The hosts of dauntless men who bravely and boldly faced you on so many battle fields, are all dispersed, peace reigns, it is no longer dangerous for the Rump to vapor and bluster in the Capitol--you are the sucked orange, whose pulp and juice are all exhausted, thrown carelessly by those who have strengthened and upheld into the nearest kennel or gutter!
But Cuffy! Ah, the Rump programme includes negro suffrage--negroes, that end accomplished, will be props and support of Radical power. Can you not comprehend? That is why you do not get your paltry $50 or $100, and why the negro, whose term of service was shorter and less arduous, receives his $300!
"Not one cent for white soldiers," is the maxim of the Rump--"$300 for each negro mercenary!"
How do you like it, white faced wearers of the blue?--La Crosse Democrat.
(Column 8)Summary: Recounts the story of a Republican who abandoned his party upon discovering that the freedmen, whose welfare he had worked so hard to promote, secretly desire only "to make an easy living without honest labor, and to get what money they can out of the credulous dupes upon whom they can impose."
Origin of Article: New York Herald
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[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: The editorial vilifies the Republican candidate for Director of the Poor, avowing that he is "a treacherous little fellow" who is "utterly unworthy of the confidence of the people."[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Heintzelman, Sheriff McGrath, John Small)
(Column 3)Summary: Reports that Jonas C. Palmer, Republican candidate for Commissioner, has been traveling throughout the county, making promises that he will build bridges next summer in hopes of soliciting votes, a scheme the Spirit maintains will fail to deceive the Democrats he intends to woo.A Wanton Attack
(Names in announcement: Jonas C. McGrath)
(Column 4)Summary: The editorial chastises the Repository for denouncing Matthew P. Welsh, the newly appointed Post Master of the borough, for his willingness to "join his political foes for a price." In his defense, the Spirit argues that Welsh "has always been conservative in his politics, and never approved of the course of the radical leaders."
(Names in announcement: Matthew P. Welsh)Full Text of Article:[No Title]The Repository made a most malicious and wanton attack on Mr. Matthew P. Welsh, the newly appointed Post Master of this borough. The charges against Mr. Welsh are as false as the attack is malicious and mean. It says Mr. Welsh "proved to be the only Republican in Chambersburg who would join his political foes for a price." This is lie No. 1. In fact it is a double lie. First, the assertion that Mr. Welsh was the only Republican in Chambersburg who was willing to take the Post office is untrue, and second the charge that he surrendered his political convictions "for a price," is equally false. In regard to the first we can assure the Repository that the Post office did not go begging, as it would fain make its readers believe. A score of such Post offices could have been filled just as easily as one, by men who have heretofore been considered good, reliable and substantial Republicans. The Repository may not know this fact but we do. In regard to the second allegation we know whereof we speak when we say that the office was given to Mr. Welsh because of his known devotion to the restoration policy of President Johnson long before the Post office was at stake. He has always been conservative in his politics, and never approved of the course of the radical leaders, even during the progress of the war, though usually voting the Republican ticket. When the issue arose between the President and the radicals, entertaining the views he did, he as naturally took the side of the President as did an old-time constitutional Democrat. It was because of his well known honest of conviction on this issue that he received the appointment.
The intimation that Mr. Welsh had recently applied for a position under the Republicans at Harrisburg is lie No. 2. It is true that more than a year ago Mr. Welsh applied for the position of messenger in the School Department, but that was long before any issue had arisen between the President and Congress. Why, the editor of the Repository himself was at that very time on the stump in this county eulogizing the President is policy and telling the people that the Republican party were the only true friends and supporters of the President. Mr. Welsh was then acting with the Republican party were the only true friends and supporters of the President. Mr. Welsh was then acting with the Republican party in good faith, supposing that Col. McClure and the leaders of the party generally were sincere when they put themselves forward as the special champions and defenders of the President. Mr. Welsh has applied for no position from the Republicans since their hostility to the President has been unveiled, and the attempt to create a false impression on the public mind by reference to this matter is contemptibly mean and beneath the dignity of respectable journalism.
The character of Mr. Welsh needs no vindication at our hands--it will bear comparison with that of the editor of the Repository, or any other man in the community. There is a coolness in the editor of the Repository talking about "corruptionists" and men selling their votes "for a price" that amounts to audacity. There is an old adage that "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones," which the editor of the Repository would do well to remember before he again undertakes to charge corruption against his neighbors and villainously assail their private characters. Col. McClure talking about "the purity of the administration of the government!" Good heavens! This is a world of wonders. After this we may reasonably expect soon to hear of the devil reproving sin!
(Column 4)Summary: Using an article featured in both the County Merchant and the Repository that contends Democrats praised Jeff Davis, Lee, and other prominent Confederates at a rally in Maryland, the piece condemns the Republican press for its efforts to portray Democrats as unrepentant rebel sympathizers.The Deserter Law
(Column 6)Summary: Declaring that Radical Republicans "are trying to subvert the law of the land," the editors reassert their claim that the legislation disfranchising deserters is unconstitutional and caution election officers that they will be punished "TO THE UTMOST EXTENT OF THE LAW" should they employ said legislation to deny the vote to anyone.The Great Mass Meeting
(Column 7)Summary: Contains a report on the Democratic meeting that took place in Chambersburg on Sept. 26th.
(Names in announcement: George Dittmann, Col. Frank Wingert, Col. McAllen, Major J.S. Nimmon, Judge Hepburn, Jacob C. Snider, Judge Hepburn, George Brewer, Rev. Wesley Howe, B. F. Nead, George Ludwig, A. Miller, D. J. Skinner, Samuel Breckenridge, John Snyder, William Bossert, Joe Gilmer, John Gilberte, Jacob Snyder, William Boyd, James B. Oerere, William Stitzell, Peter Adam, Conrad Plasterer, John Coble, Simon Leckrone, John K. Keysor, William Johnton, Daniel Stake, Capt. C. R. Pislee, Capt. B. F. Wingert, Capt. T. B. French)Full Text of Article:The Democratic and Conservative Citizens of Franklin County out in their might.
A Procession Five Miles Long.
Wednesday, the 26th day of September 1866, will be a marked day in the history of Franklin county. The largest political party meeting ever assembled in the county was held on that day in the borough of Chambersburg. The demonstration was a magnificent success, exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its friends and striking terror to the hearts of its enemies.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the Democracy and Conservative men of the county began pouring into town by hundreds and thousands at an early hour. The "star spangled banner" was floating to the breeze from all the principle points of the town, and the residence of many of our citizens, who sympathized with the good cause, were handsomely decorated with flags and wreaths of ever greens. A magnificent arch spanned south Main at the residence of Mr. George Ditmann, and our german citizens residing on Water street had their houses most magnificently and tastefully decorated, giving the most unmistakable evidence that the great heart of our noble and thrifty german population is true as steel to the Union and the Constitution of the land of their adoption. The Montgomery House, the Washington House and the "Union Restaurant" House were also handsomely decorated, as well as others which we have not the space to enumerate.
The regular train from Hagerstown in the morning brought quite a large delegation from that place, and the Greencastle delegation arrived shortly afterwards in a special train provided for their especial accommodation consisting of ten cars packed full to overflowing. This delegation numbered over five hundred. The train from the east brought large delegations from Shippensburg, Newville, Carlisle and other places along the rout. About ten o'clock the county delegations began to arrive in wagons and carriages. The first to arrive at the outskirts of town were the delegations from Mercersburg, Loudon and St. Thomas, in a body, under the leadership of the gallant Col. Frank Wingert. The appearance of Col. Wingert, who was an ardent Republican up to a recent period, at the head of these delegations was a severe blow to our republican friends. They hung their heads in grief, now doubt mentally asking themselves what was to happen to them. The Mercersburg, Loudon, St. Thomas and Hamilton delegations were met at the intersection of the Strasbourg road with the turnpike by the delegations from Letterkenny, Lurgan and the Valley. The combined delegations were then marched in procession into town, marching up Main street to the German Reformed church and then, crossing to Second, down Second until the head rested at the point at the eastern extremity of the borough, where it was halted to await the arrival of the delegations from the other parts of the county. This part of the procession alone was acknowledged by many to have been larger than the whole procession at the Republican Mass Meeting on the 17th. The procession being now joined by immense delegations from Waynesboro', Quincy, Funkstown, Fayetteville, Greenvillage, Orrstown and Shippensburg, it took up its line of march from the Point up Main to Queen, down Queen to Water, up Water to the south end of town, then down to Main to Queen, up Queen to Second, and down Second to the Point, the place of beginning.--Chief Marshal, Col. McAllen, his first and second assistants, Col. Frank Wingert and Major J. S. Nimmon with their numerous aids did everything that lay in human energy and power to manage the immense procession with only partial success. It was an utter impossibility to handle a procession of such prodigious and unwieldy proportions. There was only one way to do it and that was to enlarge the town, and that the marshals hadn't the power to do. The procession was not a whit less than five miles [ITAL five miles] long on a straight line. To give a faint idea of its immense size we need only say that the head of the procession had made the entire circuit of the town as indicated above and returned to the point of starting before the rear was able to move at all.
Our space will not permit us to refer to the numerous banners and transparencies in the procession with their pointed and significant inscriptions. One struck us as peculiarly pointed, carried by the "White Boys in Blue" of Chambersburg, to wit: "We can't go Fred. Douglass nor Fred. Stumbaugh." One of the banners of the Greenvillage delegation had these inscriptions; "Gen. John W. Geary, the hero of Snickersville" and "Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, the hero of Cockeysville." Perhaps the great feature of the procession was the wagon drawn by thirty horses from Guilford township under the management of our friend Jacob C. Snider. Each horse had a rider and the spectacle was truly a novelty and elicited much applause from spectators along the route. Green township also furnished a mammoth team, consisting of twenty horses. On the wagon they had erected a hickory tree with thirty-six streamers flying from its limbs, representing the thirty-six States, and a "dead duck" hanging by the neck in the top of the tree. This was emblematic of the fate of John. W. Geary on the 9th of October, and was hugely enjoyed by the crowds along the line of procession. But the most mirth provoking spectacle of all was the huge wooden cannon attached to the hind carriage of a wagon in Green township delegation labeled, "captured by Geary at Harper's Ferry." This was considered a capital hit on all sides.
The speakers, consisting of Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Judge Hepburn, of Carlisle, and Hamilton Airicks Esq., of Harrisburg, arrived in the 11 o'clock train from the east, and were escorted in carriages to the residence of Hon. George W. Brewer, whose guests they were during their stay in town.
There were about one thousand returned soldiers--"White Boys in Blue"--in the procession. These, after the procession had dispersed for dinner, were marched to the warehouse of Messrs. Wunderlich and Nead under the command of Col. Frank Wingert, and there partook of a magnificent free dinner which had been prepared for them by the citizens of Chambersburg. After they had been served--about one thousand in number--the outside crowd were invited in and fed as long as the bountiful supply of good things lasted. There were about twenty five hundred persons dined at the warehouse. This is the estimate of the ladies in attendance. There were three immense tables, running the entire length of the building. These accommodated about four hundred persons at a time, and by counting the number of times the tables were filled, the estimate was easy to be made, and made correctly. Add to those that ate in the warehouse the crowds that dined at the various hotels, and at private houses, and the reader can form some idea of the immense multitude of people which were assembled in town on that day. The number could not have been much less than ten thousand. It certainly outnumbered the Geary demonstration of the 17th as two to one. Candid Republicans admit this.
Owing to the rain which came down in torrents in the afternoon, it was found impossible to go to the woods where stands had been erected for the occasion. But almost two o'clock a portion of the crowd repaired to the extensive car house in the rear of the Railroad depot, where the meeting was organized by the selection of the following named gentlemen as officers:
President--Rev. Wesly Howe, of Green.
Vice President--B. F. Nead, of Chambersburg, Gen. Ludwig, Albertus Miller, of Antrim, D. J. Skinner, of Dry Run, Samuel Breckenridge, of Fayetteville, John Snyder of Guilford, Wm. Bossert, of Hamilton, Jos. Gilmer, of Letterkenny, John Gilbert, of Lurgan, Jacob Snyder, of Loudon, Major John S. Nimmon, of Metal, Wm. Boyd of Montgomery, James B. Orr, of Orrstown, Wm. Sitzell of Peters, Adam Essick, of Quincy, Conrad Plasterer, of Southampton, John Coble, of St. Thomas, Simon Leckrone, of Washington, Denton Brewer, of Warren, John K. Keyser, of Welsh Run, Wm. Johnston, of Concord and Daniel Stake, of Sulphur Spring.
Secretaries--Capt C. R. Pialee, of Chambersburg, Col. B. F. Wingert, of Welsh Run, and Capt. T. B. French, of Waynesboro'.
After the organization was effected the Hon James R. Doolittle of Wisconsin was introduced to the vast audience, and was greeted with loud and long continued cheering. After silence was secured the distinguished Senator proceeded to deliver one of the most eloquent, able and logical addresses we have ever had the pleasure of hearing.--For one hour and a half he held the immense multitude before him as it were spell bound, eager to catch the full meaning of every sentence that fill from the lips of the eloquent speaker. He stated his points so clearly and concisely that the most illiterate could comprehend them, and enforced them with a logical power and eloquence rarely equaled. His arguments were unanswerable, and we cannot help believing that they carried conviction to the minds of all honest Republicans who were present to hear. We may refer more at length to this able address in another column.
Mr. Doolittle was followed by Mr. Alricks, of Harrisburg, who, in a stirring and spirited speech wound up the meeting in the afternoon. The meeting was continued in the evening in the Court House, and addressed by Judge Hepburn, of Carlisle followed by Mr. Brewer. The Judge is a fine speaker, and the able manner in which he discussed the issues of the day made a deep impression upon the audience. Mr. Brewer's speech was delivered in his happiest vein eliciting round upon round of applause from the delighted audiences.
While the meeting in the Court House was going on the "White Boys in Blue" had a grand torch-light procession, marching through all our principal streets and making a most magnificent display.
Thus ended the Proceedings of the day, every one feeling that a good day's work had been done in the cause of the country. Nothing occurred during the entire day to mar the pleasure of the occasion except the incessant rain, over which the managers of the meeting had no control. There was no rioting and little or no fighting that we heard of, and less drunkenness than might reasonably have been expected under the circumstances, the day being exceedingly wet and disagreeable. The country delegations generally left town before night set in, and about ten o'clock, those who remained, with our own citizens who had participated in the meeting, quietly dispersed to their homes and lodging places. There were no houses stoned or others riotous proceedings in imitation of the conduct of the radicals on the 17th. This shows the difference between the two parties. The one is order-loving and law-abiding--The other is lawless and revolutionary in all its instincts. This fact alone should have great weight with all good citizens, of whatever party when they go to cast their ballots on the 9th day of October.
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Local and Personal--A Good Man Has Departed
(Column 1)Summary: Announces that Capt. Patrick McGarvey, a well-respected local resident who served as the Justice of the Peace, died at age 56.Local and Personal--Communication from a Republican
(Names in announcement: Capt. Patrick McGarvey)
(Column 1)Summary: Contains the third installment in a series of letters written by a Republican who has grown disillusioned with the course his party has taken since the Radicals usurped control of the party's leadership.
Full Text of Article:To the Republicans of Franklin County:
How beautifully expressive of the American Union are the memorable words "I Pluribus Unum," engraved upon the Flag of our country overshadowing thirty six stars each star a state. Our Fathers in adopting that motto in connection with the stars and inscribing it upon the Banner of our country, Red White and Blue, arraigned in parallel stripes, [UNCLEAR fiannting?] it aloft to the world disclosed their invincible determination to maintain its unity by purity, virtue and blood, and threatened the infliction of those Stripes upon the Parricide that would erase one of those stars; and well did they keep their purpose during seven years of suffering and blood untill [UNCLEAR] acknowledged its Nationality.
How much like the works of God. Look and behold your solar system. Her works are perfect. Her motion is harmony and maintains the law of Physical life. The coherent law that binds them one in gravitation. No Star can change position; no discordant motion, no independent action except in harmony with all. One star secedes she flies through trackless space causing "wreck of matter and crush of world."
Our country is one center sun. Thirty six stars revolve around that sun. The Constitution is its binding force. Blot out one star destroy that force and you destroy the whole. Thus is our country consolidated, bound by written constitution to give it perpetuity, coherence and life.
It is only necessary to refer to the constitution to ascertain the rights of the states. The instrument says "all powers not delegated by the states to the General Government are reserved to the states and it is my purpose to show that that the states in Rebellion, against the lawfull authority of the general government have not changed their status as states, and expose the tyrannical and revolutionary attitude of a congress of twenty six states seeking to change the organic law of our country, without the participation in congress of the Representatives of all the states.
It is most evident our Fathers intended one perpetual Union with such powers delegated to the general Government as to established one Nationality for public welfare, suppress insurrection and Rebellion &c and the President commander in chief of its military force, as such he has used the military power of the Government to put down rebellion in the Southern States against its lawful authority. Those states now having submitted and acknowledged the lawful authority of the government, and under obedience to their constitutional requirements are States in the Union as before the war, excepting such condition and loss as were imposed upon them during hostilities for the suppression of rebellion, by the commander-in-chief of our armies. After lawful authority was restored, President Johnson, as conservator of the public peace required those States to embody in their State Constitution the abolition of slavery forever, which they had lost by the emancipation proclamation as a necessary war measure, thus gaining their assent to it. And the Congress of the United States, in order to prevent the future revival of slavery, introduced an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, prohibiting slavery forever and submitted that amendment to those States for their ratification, thus recognizing them as lawful states in the Union. I shall submit a few reasons why they have not changed their status. 1st. Because secession is void, per se. They have no right to violate a contract declared to be perpetual. Neither have they the right of self-destruction, nor to destroy the peace, happiness and prosperity of the other States of the Union, and jeopardize the life of the nation itself.
To illustrate, a man has no legal or moral right to commit suicide. Neither has he right to burn his property to endanger that of another, nor has he right to demolish a structure in which he has but one fourth interest, nor the right to repudiate a contract entered into by his predecessors.
The theory of Thaddeus Stevens that they are conquered provinces subject to the will and legislation of the conquerors, are sophistry and deception, because they is not analogous to his illustration in his Bedford speech. The illustration he there used was Prussia and Austria. These are tow acknowledged independent sovereignties, in that case the defeated power is subject to the conditions of the conquerors. The Southern States are part of this union bound by an irrevocable and an indissoluble contract, and having tried rebellion and failed are as "Ante Bello." Nor will his theory apply because of belligerent rights accorded them by other governments, that fact only encouraged them in their rebellion for separation, only admitted their right of revolution and would mitigate their punishment if unsuccessful, but did not in any wise alter their relation to the parent government.
Mr. Stevens' doctrine is a great heresy. He practically acknowledges that secession did affect a separation, and that belligerent rights begin acknowledged them by foreign powers made them public alien enemies, and therefore we can hold them as conquered provinces. Admit that doctrine and the American Union only exists by the will of foreign powers, and they may break up this government at any moment by admitting belligerents rights to any part or parts that ask it. Away with such doctrine.
Whoever heard of belligerent rights accorded to a foreign independent sovereignty. Why they have the right in themselves. I imagine the fact of belligerent rights being accorded, presupposes those States part and parcel of the American Union until they achieve their separation and independence. The South has signally failed of separation and are as States in the Union, Ante Bello. I am particular in ascertaining the status of the States, for with it holds or falls Mr. Stevens whole theory of reconstruction, confiscation, &c. If as I have shown the States to be in the Union. Then arraign Congress as usurping a power over them unwarranted by the Constitution and despotic and tyrannical in its acts and revolutionary in passing amendments to the Constitution affecting the rights of those States without their participation, and threatening to enforce it upon them unless they ratify it by their Legislatures, by the sword the torch and dispossess of their land and parcel it out to an emigrating army of radicals.
Republicans, Conservative Democrats are you prepared for this? will you surrender the birth-right of American citizens--representation with taxation and the equal rights of the States, and impose an amendment whose provisions are odious and repugnant upon an unwilling people? Remember, do to others as you wish to be done by is a scripture injunction, and its warning is: take heed the measure you mete for it shall be measured to you again. In thus opposing the tyranny of Congress and defending the rights of the States and the Constitution we are only but asserting our own rights and defending ourselves. Who can tell that Congress now usurping legislative power, not warranted by the Constitution, centralizing power in itself, and striking down the rights of the States, and threatening the enforcement of its laws by fire, and blood and confiscation may not demand the same of Pennsylvania when it suits the caprice and political purpose of a party? Republicans, think you such a change in our republican democratic form of government can be made so abruptly without a tremendous shock. Well may Mr. Stevens tremble in his place while the coming artillery of an offended heaven--the artillery of his outraged country, and the bellowings of remorseless earth are begging to be heard in the distance. There are some that pant for war. Listen to the voice of New England that breathes fire and blood and smoke, she wants war, how contemptible to put chestnuts in the fire and get other people to pull them out.--Why she cannot live without the radicalism and agitation. Her history from the days of witchcraft and Blue Lights; from the days of the persecution of Roger Williams and penal laws against mothers kissing their infants on Sunday has been radicalism in politics as well as theology; out of the theatre of war and fattening by shoddy contracts and cotton speculations she urges her sister States on to the conflict while she remains at home, hires a few negroes to do her share of fighting and rolls up her eyes in holy horror at the carnage, but pockets the cash. Sanctimonious as the Pharisee they always see the mote in their brother's eye but cannot see the beam in their own eye. Republicans we have enough, endured enough, lost enough, let the angel of peace spread over the land blessings of a reconstructed Union and the cordiality of all the States, then shall we have peace, happiness, prosperity, wealth and strength at home and respect abroad. In our form of government we are responsible ourselves for the weal or woe of the States and shall receive the plaudits or execrations of mankind for the care we take of our liberty in a representative and democratic form of government. Under this form of government we have lived four score years. We have grown to manhood, we have increased to thirty millions of people with unexampled prosperity, intelligence, purity, power at home and respect abroad that has never been accorded to any nation.
Republicans will you stop the career of your country's glory; shall your Constitution be torn to fragments. Shall a party of political agitators and tyrants settling like an incubus upon the heart of the nation bind you with cords of despotism while they cry equality, enfranchisement for the negro, whom they care nothing about and will certainly send the whole race to the grave or impel their vagrancy and vagabondism by their absurd policy got up for political purposes. The leaders of the Radical party seem to have lost natural affection for the human race for love of power and spoils; as "cruel as death, insatiable as the grave, like the horse leech that crieth for more."
I implore my Republican brethren as they value civil and religious liberty, as they love their country and its institutions, as they revere their household gods and families, not to invite anarchy and civil war that will ridge the hills and valleys with the graves of our sons and brothers, and sweep over this whole land like a fiery comet, leaving in its rail the smoke of the burning embers of our dwellings, total destruction and horror that will set like the angel of death.
Arouse then friends of liberty. The citadel of liberty is being invaded; the ruthless head of the Patricide is lifted to tear our glorious Constitution--the Palladium of our rights, to fragments. The fanatical leaders of Congress are preparing to place upon this people the collar of tyranny and the heel of the despot.
Thou whose eye wept over the devoted city in beholding the impending calamity that befel it, guard well the star of American Liberty raised high in the political firmament to guide the homeless, impoverished, weary and oppressed of earth to this last asylum on earth for man. Like Thine own star that led the wise men of the east to Bethlehem to do Thee homage, so may this western star give light to guide the homeless wanderer of earth to this western shore--the land of the brave, the home of the free--sweet land of liberty.
Trailer: Conservative National RepublicanA Scene on the Cars
(Column 3)Summary: The brief piece reports on an exchange between a "colored lady" who tried to enter the lady's car on one of the passenger trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and the conductor.
Origin of Article: Lancaster IntelligencerFull Text of Article:MarriedA colored lady, well known to the readers of the Intelligencer, attempted recently to foist herself into the ladies' car of one of the passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad, whereupon the following colloquy ensued between the conductor and herself:
Conductor.--You cannot obtain admission into this car. There is room and a place for you in front.
Lady of Color.--I have as much right in there as that lady with a dog in her lap,--I am good as they are!
C.--You cannot get in here. My instructions are positive on that point.
L. of C. (highly indignant).--Don't you know that the Civil Rights' Bill has passed?
C.--Yes, I know all about it; but the Civil Rights' Bill don't go on this road!
Exit tan-colored lady in high dudgeon.--The conductor is a Republican, but conservative in his feelings, and "can't go the nigger!"--Lancaster Intelligencer.
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 24th, George Cole and Kate Byers, of Newville, Pa., were married by Rev. John W. Gerdeman.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. John W. Gerdeman, Kate Byers, George Cole)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 27th, Edgar Warbaugh and Catherine Irabold were married by Rev. John W. Gerdeman.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. John W. Gerdeman, Edgar Warbaugh, Catherine Irabold)
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 2nd, A. Cole and Ann Harvey were married by Rev. John W. Gerdeman.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. John W. Gerdeman, A. Cole, Ann Harvey)
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 2nd, Michael Kuss and Elizabeth Hartman were married by Rev. John W. Gerdeman.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. John W. Gerdeman, Michael Kuss, Elizabeth Hartman)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 29th, A. Rennecker and Martha Rossman were married by Rev. J. Dickson.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Dickson, A. Rennecker, Martha Rossman)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept 30th, Daniel George, son of Curtis Lowry, died at age 6 months.Died
(Names in announcement: Curtis Lowry, Daniel George Lowry)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept 9th, Elizabeth Senseny, 64, died in Chambersburg.Died
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Senseny)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 14th, Christiana Miller, wife of the late Henry Miller, died at the residence of John Miller near Waynesboro. Christiana was 91 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: John Miller, Christiana Miller, Henry Miller)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 29th, Elizabeth Gillan, daughter of Sarah and William Gillan, died of cancer.Died
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Gillan, Sarah Gillan, William Gillan)
(Column 4)Summary: On Sept. 28th, John Jacob, son of Johnathan and Susannah Jacoby, died at age 1.
(Names in announcement: John Jacob Jacoby, Johnathan Jacoby, Susannah Jacoby)
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