![]() Valley Spirit: May 29, 1867Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Southern States
(Column 8)Summary: In his letter, B. F. Perry, ex-governor of South Carolina, criticizes a proprosal to grant blacks the vote in the Palmetto state, which, he alleges, would result in "the establishment of the most atrocious government and horrible state of society that a civil people were subjected to." Southern whites, he contends, appear willing to permit black suffrage because they are under the impression that their land will be seized should they not. Perry insists that whites should continue to oppose black political participation regardless of the consequences.
Origin of Article: Columbia Phoenix
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Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise Again
(Column 1)Summary: The editors assert Radical rule is fast approaching its inevitable end.Greely On The "League"
(Column 1)Summary: Contains a copy of Horace Greely's caustic reply to the New York Loyal League, which censored him for his decision to become a bondman for Jefferson Davis. Greely, a member of the organization, contends his actions are in-line with the pronouncements he made at the close of the war when he advocated "magnamity in triumph" and "universal amnesty."
Origin of Article: New YorkEditorial Comment: "It seems that Horace Greely has incurred the wrath of the New York 'Loyal League,' of which he is a member for his action in becoming one of the bondmen of Jefferson Davis. In the New York Tribune of Thursday last, Mr. Greely published a reply, over his own signature, to a committee of the 'League' who had cited him to appear before them and answer for his conduct. He first vindicates his consistency by republishing editorials written immediately after the close of the Rebellion, advocating 'magnanimity in triumph,' and also, a letter published last fall, in which he advocated 'universal amnesty.' He then assumes the offensive in the following trenchant style:"
Full Text of Article:Gentlemen, I shall not attend your meeting this evening. I have an engagement out of town, and shall keep it. I do not recognize you as capable of judging, or even fully apprehending me. You evidently regard me as a weak sentimentalist, misled by a mandlin philosophy. I arraign you as narrow-minded blockheads who would like to be useful to a great and good cause, but don't know how. Your attempt to base a great enduring party on the hate and wrath necessarily engendered by a bloody civil war, is as though you should plant a colony on an iceberg which had somehow drifted into a tropical ocean. I tell you here, that out of a life earnestly devoted to the good of human kind, your children will select my going to Richmond and signing that bail-bond as the wisest act, and will feel that it did more for freedom and humanity than all of you were competent to do, though you had lived to the age of Methuselah.
I ask nothing of you, then, but that you proceed to your end by a direct, frank, manly way. Don't sidle off into a mild resolution of censure, but move the expulsion you proposed, and which I deserve, if I deserve any reproach whatever. All that I care for is, that you make this a square, stand-up fight, and record your judgement by yeas and nays. I care not how few vote with me, nor how many vote against me; for I know the latter will repent it in dust and ashes before three years have passed. Understand, once and for all, that I dare you, and defy you, and that I propose to fight it out on the line that I have held since Lee's surrender. So long as any man was seeking to overthrow our government he was my enemy; from the hour in which he laid down his arms, he was my formerly erring countryman. So long as any at heart opposed to the national unity, the Federal authority, or to that assertion of the equal rights of all men, which has become practically identified with loyalty and nationality, I shall do my best to deprive him of power; but, whenever he ceases to be thus, I demand his restoration to all the privileges of American citizenship. I give you fair notice that I shall urge the re-enfranchisement of those now proscribed for rebellion so soon as I feel confident that this course is consistent with the freedom of the blacks and the unity of the Republic, and that I shall demand a recall of all now in exile only for participating in the Rebellion, whenever the country shall have been so thoroughly pacified that its safety will not thereby be endangered. And so, gentlemen, hoping that you will hencefore comprehend me somewhat better than you have done, I remain,
New York, May 23, 1867.
Trailer: Horace GreelyNorthern "Missionary" Work In The South--The Mischief It Is Doing
(Column 2)Summary: Noting that "demagogues" are teaching blacks to view whites as their "natural" enemies, the article asserts that, if race relations continue to decline in the South, "it is merely a question of time" until one of the groups will be compelled to leave the region since "nothing is plainer than that two irreconciliably hostile races cannot live together under one local government very long."
Origin of Article: Cincinnati CommercialEditorial Comment: "'Mack,' a well known correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial (Radical) is on a tour through 'Dixie.' His comments upon the condition of affairs in the South, and especially in his development in regard to the Northern 'Missionaries,' are worthy of consideration. He writes under the date of the 7th. in regard to the doings of a Bureau agent in Georgia, as follows:"Stevens and Kelley
(Column 2)Summary: The article likens William Kelley, the alleged instigator of the Mobile Riot, to Thad Stevens, both of whom it sarcastically labels as "heroes."
Origin of Article: Lancaster IntelligencerFull Text of Article:A Deserved ComplimentThat history repeats itself says the Lancaster Intelligencer , has time and again been illustrated, but nowhere more strikingly than in the recent affair at Mobile, where Kelly, according to the New York Tribune , "laid down flat on his face" at the first fire of the mob. Centuries, however, generally intervene between these repetitions, and it must be a fast age and a fast people that can boast of two similar historic events within a little more than a quarter of a century, with two such redoubtable heroes as Stevens and Kelley for their leading actors.
Stevens at Harrisburg, cracking his lash over his subservient partisans, advising them to throw "conscience to the devil" and trample upon the will of the people; Kelley at Mobile with the 15th United States Infantry at his back and the whole army besides, insulting his white fellow citizens and inciting a motley crowd of negroes to deeds of violence and plunder. Stevens driven from the halls of the Capitol through a back window by an indignant and outraged people; Kelly falling "flat on his face" at the very first fire of a mob of his own creating, provoked beyond endurance by his insolent and boastful harangue. Ye Gods! What heroes! What a theme for some loyal poet and for Harper's pictorial. Can not the Poet Laureate of the Union League invoke the muse to aid him in recording the deeds of these valorous men in rhythm? Can not Harper find an artist who can give the proper expression of the "Great Commoner" when leaping out of the back window of the State Capitol, and who can portray the beautiful physique of Kelley "lying flat on his face" with an imaginary crowd of excited negroes rushing to his rescue. Certainly these similar historic events, in which so great bravery was displayed, ought to inspire the most melodious strains of the Poet, and call forth the finest penciling of the Artist. By all means let us have these redoubtable heroes and their heroic actions done up in poetry and painting. Perhaps too, some Sculptor's chisel might be brought into requisition and the cold marble be made to speak of the courage of the hero of the "Buckshot War," and of the intrepidity of the chivalrous Knight of Mobile!
(Column 2)Summary: The brief piece lauds the achievements of Senator Wallace, who, it claims, is "one of the purest men that ever sat in the Senate of Pennsylvania."
Origin of Article: Easton Argus; Lancaster IntelligencerEditorial Comment: "A late number of the Easton Argus contains the following paragraph:"[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: In an attempt to garner opposition to the Radicals' Reconstruction policies, the editors assert the recent racial strife in the South caused $50 million worth of damage to the region's "productive interests." White northerners will be taxed to make up the deficit to the Treasury, the editors maintain. According to their analysis, in fact, "the present Radical policy of governing the South directly increases the expenses of the government one hundred millions per annum."
Full Text of Article:An Honest PatriotIt is estimated that the tour of Wilson Kelly and other Radicals through the South, by the false ideas they have infused into the minds of the negroes, and the distrust occasioned among the whites, has already damaged the productive interest of that section to the amount of fifty millions of dollars for this season. Do the workingmen of the North comprehend the fact that they are taxed to make up this deficit?-The people of the South, if left to themselves, would soon become prosperous, and able to bear a share of the burden of National taxes; and every dollar of taxes paid by the South, relieve the laboring men of the North from the payment of that sum. Besides this, the present Radical policy of governing the South directly increases the expenses of the government one hundred millions per annum. Think of these things tax ridden people of the North, when you are obliged to pay two prices for a pound of sugar, a gallon of molasses, a yard of muslin, calico, or cloth, a barrel of flour, a roast of beef, and when the tax-gather and internal revenue collector call to demand a large share of you hard earnings-for in all these ways, and a thousand others, are you robbed to maintain and continue the rule of the Radical party. Remember, also, that the only way to obtain relief from these taxes is by the defeat of Radicalism through the ballot box.
(Column 4)Summary: Links Sen. Forney to a corruption scheme involving the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, which, if true, "is nothing less than a disgraceful public scandal."
Origin of Article: ExaminerEditorial Comment: "The Loyal Leaguers of Lancaster must have had their patriotic feelings terribly lacerated on Saturday last, when they read the following pungent comments upon the conduct of John W. Forney in the Examiner:"The Reason Why
(Column 4)Summary: Sumner and his Radical cohorts, the article maintains, have included black suffrage in their party's platform not out of "love" or "justice" for the freedmen; rather, they have done it solely "to save the Republican party."
Origin of Article: St. Louis TimesThe End Draweth Nigh
(Column 5)Summary: "Beaten in war" and "reduced to the extremity of want," Southerners, avows the article, "earnestly desire to redeem the past by adhering in good faith to the Constitution and the Union." Yet, their efforts have been stymied by the Radicals, whose objective is "to prevent" the country's "restoration as long as possible." The article predicts that the situation will soon change, however, because "the masses want Restoration and will not brook continued Disunion."
Origin of Article: Bedford GazetteGreeley's Trial
(Column 7)Summary: Contains a synopsis of a special meeting of the Union League Club's Executive Committee, which discussed the appropriate "action the club should take in reference to the conduct" of Horace Greeley, who provided bail for Jefferson Davis.
Origin of Article: New YorkFull Text of Article:The Galveston RiotMeeting of the New your "Loyal" League --The Verdict of Davis Ball Case.
A special meeting of the Union League Club was held at its house, No 29 Union Square, last evening, John Jay, Esq., in the chair.
The meeting having been called by the Executive Committee at the request of more than twenty-five members, for the purpose of considering what action the club should take in reference to the conduct of Hon. Horace Greeley in becoming a bondsmand for Jefferson Davis, there was a large attendance of members.
Mr. George W. Blunt offered the following preamble and resolutions:
Whereas , It is declared in the articles of association of the Union League Club, that "the primary object of the association shall be to discountenance and rebuke, by moral and social influences, all disloyalty to the Federal government," and that "to that end the members will use every proper means in public and private; and
Whereas , Jefferson Davis has been known by all loyal men as the ruling spirit of that band of conspirators who urged the Southern States into rebellion; as the chief enemy of the Republic, not more from the position which he occupied in the Southern Confederacy, than from the vindictive character of his official acts and utterances during four years of desolating war, and as one who knew of, if he did not instigate, a treatment of prisoners of war unwarranted by any possible circumstances, unparalleled in the annals of civilized nations, and which, there is abundant evidence to prove, was devised for the purpose of destroying them; and
Whereas , Horace Greeley, a member of this club, has seen fit to become a bondsman for this man whose efforts were for many years directed to the overthrow of our government; therefore
Resolved , That this club would do injustice to its past record, and to the high principle embodied in its articles of association should it fail to express regret that one of its members had consented to perform an act of this nature.
Resolved , That this club, while ready and anxious to vindicate the law of the lond, cannot forget that there is also a sense of public decency to which it must defer; and that no one of its members, however eminent in his service may have been in the cause of liberty and loyalty, can give aid and comfort to Jefferson Davis without offering a cruel insult to the memory of the thousands of our countrymen who perished, the victims of his ambition.
Resolved , That these resolutions be published in the newspapers of the city, and that a copy of them be sent to Mr. Greeley.
Resolved , That the Union League Club diapprove of the act of Horace Greely in becoming the bondsmen of Jefferson Davis.
On these resolutions Mr. Blunt made a few remarks, and followed by Judge Coles, who contended that the resolutions were objectionable so far as they referred specifically to any member of the club. He believed, that while agreeing with the general sentiment of the resolutions, that the act of Mr. Greely did not come properly within the notice of the organization. He concluded by a motion to adjourn, which was seconded, but lost by a decided majority.
A motion was then made to lay the subject on the table, which was lost by a vote of 86 yeas to 103 nays.
Colonel Van Buren next addressed the meeting, indulging in a much invective against aid to rebels generally, but discoursed at considerable length on the treason and political crimes of Jefferson Davis.
Several amendments were offered to the preamble and the resolutions, which were lost, and on their discussion a stormy and violent debate ensued, and many questions of parliamentary rules were noisily contested.
The original resolutions were finally rejected, but a substitute by Colonel Van Buren, condemning the act of bailing Jefferson Davis, and one by Dorman P. Eaton, to the effect that the club had no legitimate authority in condemning the act of Horace Greeley, were both passed.
These read as follows:
The Verdict.
Resolved , That the Union League Club of new York decidedly disapproves and condemns the bailing of Jefferson Davis, the head of the late bloody rebellion, believing that he has been guilty of unparalleled crimes against his country and humanity; and a decent regard for the patriotism of the people, for the sacrifices of the war, and for the sacredness of justice, required that he should be detained in prison until tried for his crimes.
Resolved , That there is nothing in the action of the Hon. Horace Greeley relative to the bailing of Jefferson Davis which calls for any proceeding on the part of this club.
The meeting, at a very late hour, adjourned, after the adoption of the above resolutions.-New York papers of Friday.
(Column 7)Summary: Reports on a scuffle that occurred at an interracial political rally in Galveston, Texas, after a black speaker allegedly remarked that the "colored man is the smartest man on the globe."
Origin of Article: The Galveston NewsEditorial Comment: "The Galveston News of the 16th instant gives the following account of the riot in that city at a negro meeting the night before. It says:"
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Local and Personal--Suit For Damages
(Column 1)Summary: The proprietors of the Hagerstown Mail have brought a suit to recover the damages they suffered when their office was sacked by a mob in May 1862.Local and Personal--An Accident
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that a man named Bowman suffered a serious accident at the Machine Shop of Geisser, Price, and Co. in Waynesboro on May 21st after the spoke machine broke, sending a piece of casting into his face and "wounding him very severely, but not fatally."Local and Personal--In The Supreme Court
(Names in announcement: Bowman, Geisser, Price)
(Column 1)Summary: Announces that five cases from Franklin County, Dixon vs. Gillan, Gillan vs. Gillan, Secrist vs. Zimmerman, Best vs. Hammond, and Zumbro vs. Guilford Township School District, were submitted to the state supreme court.Local and Personal--Counterfeit Currency
(Names in announcement: Gillan, Secrist, Zimmerman, Best, Hammond, Dixon, Zumbro)
(Column 1)Summary: Relates that "well executed" conterfeit bills have appeared "simultaneously in several sections of the State."Local and Personal--Important To Tavern-Keepers
(Column 2)Summary: Provides a copy of the amended law requiring all businesses selling liquor to close at twelve o'clock each evening and allday Sundays. The same act prohibits the sale of alcohol to minors or to "habitual drunkards." The penalty for violating the laws is a fine of "not more than twenty dollars, and, in default of payment, imprisonment of not more than five days."Local and Personal--Tribute Of Respect
(Column 1)Summary: Contains a transcript of the preamble and resolution passed by the Hope and Friendship Fire Company in memory of Jacob Householder, a fellow fireman who recently passed away.County Treasurer
(Names in announcement: Jacob Householder, N. P. Grove, J. F. Snider)
(Column 2)Summary: Nominates D. S. Barnhart for County Treasurer. Barnhart, the letter states, is "a gentleman of sound Democracy, has fine business qualifications, is popular with all who know him, and would fill the position with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the public."Married
(Column 5)Summary: On May 23rd, John P. Culbertson and M. Burd Sturgeon were married by Rev. James Harper.Married
(Names in announcement: John P. Culbertson, M. Burd Sturgeon, Rev. James Harper)
(Column 5)Summary: On May 21st, John W. R. Reid and Eveline J. Helm were married by Rev. S. H. C. Smith.Died
(Names in announcement: John W. R. Reid, Rev. S. H. C. Smith, Eveline J. Helm)
(Column 5)Summary: On May 10th, near Mt. Hope, Sarah, wife of Samuel Barr, died at age 70.Died
(Names in announcement: Sarah Barr, Samuel Barr)
(Column 5)Summary: On May 8th, Jacob Stover, 57, died in Mercersburg.Died
(Names in announcement: Jacob Stover)
(Column 5)Summary: On May 19th, Catherine Shuman, 68, died at the residence of her son-in-law.Died
(Names in announcement: Catherine Shuman)
(Column 5)Summary: On May 17th, John Hoover's wife, formerly a resident of Franklin county, died in Mt. Carroll, Illinois, at age 58.
(Names in announcement: John Hoover)
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