Valley Spirit: 10 16, 1867Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Our Own Triumph
(Column 1)Summary: The editors celebrate the Democratic victory in the late election.
Full Text of Article:The Result in PennsylvaniaWe extend our heartiest congratulations to the Democracy of Franklin county. We have achieved a glorious victory. We have substituted a Democratic majority of 189 for last years Radical majority of 19. We have elected our whole county ticket, every man leading the vote for Judge Sharswood. The majorities range from 189 to 337. Our opponents held meetings in every school district in the county. The expended large sums of money. Their orators delivered speeches filled with the foulest abuse of the Democratic party. Some of them coined and circulated the basest slanders. They misrepresented the past record of our grand old organization. They misstated our present position. They attempted to frighten the people as to our future designs. But all would not avail. The masses knew by the jingle of their coin that it was counterfeit. They rejected it as spurious, and refused to assist in circulating it. All glory to the conservative people of this county! You have done nobly. You have assisted in placing "the old Keystone" by the side of Connecticut, Kentucky, Maryland and California, in the battle for the preservation of the Union. The voice of Pennsylvania has mingled in harmony with the voices of these sister States and have swelled the grand diapason [UNCLEAR] of victory which is rolling in sublimity from the St. Lawrence to the far off Pacific shores.
For many years, Franklin county has been under the thralldom of Republicanism. It is refreshing therefore to hear her speak, and speak in such emphatic tones, in favor of conservatism. There are but two Democratic districts in the county which have faltered in the good work to any extent. Letterkenny and Guilford--both townships in which we should have made considerable gains--show reduced majorities as compared with the vote of last year. There may be local causes for this. We do not know. At any rate, we are not inclined to find fault since the result is so gratifying. We hope they will strive to emulate the example of our other Democratic Districts and do better in the future.
As all the others have done so well, it may be unjust to mention any. But we cannot help complimenting the Democracy of Hamilton upon their gallant fight, and rejoicing with them over their signal victory. From 45 they have increased their majority to 81. Quincy too, has done well. Our opponents poured out their money there like water. And yet our returns exhibit an increased majority. In Greenvillage, Waynesboro, Montgomery, Peters, and this Borough--the Radical strongholds--we have made immense gains. In the North Ward of this Borough, the aggregate vote polled is larger by seven than the vote of last year and yet the Radical majority is diminished by 31 votes. This demonstrates the fact conclusively that our triumph was not entirely owing to apathy in the Republican party, but that men who have heretofore acted with that organization broke loose from it, and identified themselves with the great party which is destined to control the government of this country. We extend a thrice hearty welcome to all such. By their prompt action in the hour of need, they have helped to save the liberties and preserve the dignity of the republic, and to assert the superiority of the proud race to which we belong. Franklin county has taken a decided position in favor of Constitutional government. Long may the Democratic flag wave in triumph over the "old Green spot!"
(Column 1)Summary: In the wake of the Republicans' defeat, the article reports that Pennsylvania "has thundered her denunciation of the Radical Congress" and "spurned the doctrine of negro suffrage and negro equality."
Full Text of Article:Victory In OhioWe have already published in our columns and in our extra slips, the gratifying intelligence that victory has crowned the efforts of the Democracy in our State. Pennsylvania has thundered her denunciations of the Radical Congress. She has arrayed herself on the side of the Constitution. She has spoken in favor of the union of the States. She has expressed her condemnation of the doctrine of "taxation without representation/" She has turned her huge battering ram against the military despotisms which have been erected in the South upon the ruins of the civil government. She has scouted the idea that the Southern States are nothing but conquered territories, only entitled to the rights which the victor may see fit to extend to the vanquished. She has declared against the mischievous legislation of Congress, which has thrown a thousand obstacles in the way of the restoration of the rebel States to the Union. She has spurned the doctrine of negro-suffrage and negro equality. Although the issue was not presented directly, and although ingenious arguments were used to deceive the people and persuade them that the Radical leaders meditated no such extension of the right of suffrage, yet the intelligent masses have refused to be hood-winked any longer. They have recognized the importance of taking action in time, and they have acted. They said to the angry passions of the Radicals, "peace, be still." They have spoken to the wild fanaticism which has been sweeping over the land, "thus far shalt thou go, and no farther--here shall thy proud waves be stayed." They have declared that it is time to stifle bitter enmities, to quench the unnatural thirst for vengeance, and to proffer the hand of friendship to submissive and penitent rebels. It is high time that a better feeling should prevail between the North and the South. Private business interests, as well as national prosperity demand it.--The sooner we leave behind us the bloody scenes of the late war, the better for us as a nation. Heart-burnings there will be always Americans of the present generation. We can not expect men to efface entirely from their memories the reconciliation of terrible sufferings which they have endured and grievous wrongs which they have borne. But we can ask them to cease from adding fuel to the flame of passion--to refrain from appeals to the animosity and cupidity of the masses, and to strive to bring back the old days of peace and happiness to our country. We have no doubt but that moderation on the part of Democrats will mark this triumph. Our opponents, have never respected our feelings in the hour of their victory. They have stigmatized us as Copperheads. They have hooted at us upon the streets as traitors. They have chuckled with inordinate glee, over our defeats, wondering "how the infernal traitors relished the news." We trust there is no disposition to retort in this way. Let the Democracy be satisfied with their victories and refrain from indulging in language calculated to insult and enrage their opponents. Of course the Radicals have every sore heads. We are not expected to heal them. An overwhelming sorrow has overtaken them. We can not assuage their grief. We can not administer any comfort. We see no hope for them in the future.--They have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Their days are numbered. Their peans of victory are changed into the wailings of defeat. They are of those "who sorrow without hope." Let them throw their fortunes with the Democratic party hereafter, and in the ranks labor for the country's good.
(Column 2)Summary: Relates the "thrilling news" that the Democrats were victorious in the recent election in Ohio. According to the editors, the Radicals' recent string of poor results can be attributed to a single issue: their stand on black suffrageRadical Sensitiveness.
(Column 3)Summary: The editors dismiss the criticism lodged by local Radicals that they focused an inordinate amount of coverage to the issue of black suffrage. According to the editors' rationale, the Democrats' resounding victory justified their emphasis on the highly controversial topic and proves that they have nothing to be apologize for.
Full Text of Article:In TroubleSome of our Radical orators were terribly exercised at the SPIRIT for harping upon the negro question so persistently during the canvass. They thought it was very undignified--that we ought to elevate our standard, of taste. We feel sorry that we have hurt their feelings. We would not, for the world, violate their sense of propriety. But we submit that it is the "galled jade that winces." And we are inclined to think that they were sensitive on this subject for the reason that the negro was their weak point. Now, our aim is to discuss the topics which are most interesting to the public--to endeavor to throw light upon the questions which the masses are agitating among themselves. In this campaign, the negro question was predominant. In dwelling upon it particularly, we dwelt upon the absorbing topic of the day. The people have endorsed us. They have declared their sympathy with our sentiments on this subject, as shown by the result in our own county.--Our Radical friends will, therefore, please remember that while we would not intentionally give them pain. we will, nevertheless, take the liberty of discussing such subjects as we prefer to discuss, and of treating them in whatever manner we choose, whether it is in accordance with their ideas of propriety or not. This being an independent journal, we intend to be the sole judges as to how its columns shall be filled. But, if it will be any comfort to those whose sense of propriety is shocked by the discussion of the negro's qualifications for equality of political and social rights with the with man, we promise to quit writing about him just as soon as they take him out of politics.--We bear no ill-will to the black man. We are ready to do him a favor, or to extend the hand of charity to him whenever he needs it. we claim for him the same protection as to his rights of life, liberty and property as is given to the white man. The negro is not to be treated as a brute. The recent verdict of the people is not to be so interpreted. But there is an earnest determination on the part of the whites of the North, that the exclusive franchise is not to be extended to the negro--that the right of suffrage remain the exclusive privilege of the white man. This is the verdict which the freemen of Pennsylvania and Ohio have rendered at the ballot box.
(Column 3)Summary: The editors "revel in supreme felicity" that the tables have been turned and it is now the Radicals who have come up short at election time. Throughout the country, they note, Republicans are now scrambling to account for their string of defeats in the recent elections.Bridges
(Column 5)Summary: "Justice" agrees with an editorial in last week's edition of the Spirit, decrying the initiative to bridge the spring at King St. as sheer "folly." Justice does, however, offer an alternative proposal: he advocates constructing an iron brigde over the Conococheague Creek at Queen St. This project would "be an ornament to the town, a convenience to its citizens, and add advancement and prosperity of the place."
Full Text of Article:For the Valley Spirit.
Messrs. Editors:--Under the above caption an article appeared in your issue of last week. It is a hopeful sign when any subject, either moral, political, or municipal, is of sufficient importance to elicit agitation or discussion. It is gratifying to any true son of Chambersburg that you introduced into your columns a subject so interesting to many citizens. And we agree in the main that it would be rashness and folly needlessly to increase the burden of taxes upon our suffering people for useless purposes. Our Town Fathers have displayed a commendable zeal in building brid es and opening avenues for wealthy corporation, and the tax-payers have not complained, trusting to their discretion although we can not see the wisdom of some of these measures. They may, however, ultimately prove a benefit. And while we thus accept their action in developing almost untenantable districts. we urge upon the notice of the council a beautiful, necessary and permanent improvement to Chambersburg--the construction of an iron bridge over the Couocoelleague creek at Queen street, and the opening of the street to its terminus. This improvement will be an ornament to the town, a convenience to its citizens, and add to the advancement and prosperity of the place. I agree with the writer that it would be follies; yea, madness to bridge the Spring and increase of burdens for no practical purpose nor benefit. The crossing of the Spring at King street is narrow, solid and very shallow, with no impediment except a few logs therein, to divide the water. This obstacle might easily be obviated by filling, with fine stone, on each side of the legs, at small expense, which would make the crossing easy and durable. Besides such a bridge independent of its usefulness, would be a serious obstacle to the use of the Spring for other purposes. But the proposed improvement at Queen street will not materially increase our taxes. The increase of valuation, and of taxable property will soon pay the cost of construction.
I conceive that R is it is not wisdom do circumscribe the limits of the town, and drive its laboring population to more thrifty and prosperous localities. True, our community has debt; but it is wisdom to give our population labor to help pay that debt. Make Chambersburg by labor and skill what she is by nature--one of the most beautiful towns in the state, watered by noble streams, skirted by majestic mountains, surrounded by highly cultivated land--the Queen of the Cumberland Valley. Make her the the home and delight of her sons, the workshop of her laborers, the residence of the citizen, and the desire of the stranger. We cannot retain our families in a cheerless town when cities are growing at magic rate in western wilds with not a tithe of our advantages. We cannot retain the poor and deny them bread; we can not invite the man of taste and culture hither, and manifest no spirit for the useful and beautiful.
Trailer: Justice
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Local and Personal--Numbering The Streets
(Column 1)Summary: The Town Council has completed the "very sensible" work of numbering the doors on Front St. To obtain correct numbers, readers are advised to contact John A. Seiders, Secretary of the Council.Local and Personal--Negro Celebration
(Names in announcement: John A. Seiders)
(Column 1)Summary: The piece sarcastically notes the appearance last Friday of a company of black troops on the streets of Chambersburg. Apparently, the soldiers had returned from a celebration in Harrisburg.Local and Personal--School For The Poor
(Column 1)Summary: Announces that a free school for poor white girls and women will open on Oct. 21st. in Jennie McKeehan's school room. Classes will be held three evenings a week during the winter.Local and Personal--Rejoicing In Waynesboro
(Names in announcement: Jennie McKeehan)
(Column 1)Summary: In Waynesboro on Oct. 14th, the Democrats and Conservatives of Washington township held a rally in honor of the recent election victories. Included in the festivities were a torch-lit procession and addresses given by F. M. Kimmell and George W. Brewer, both of Chambersburg.Local and Personal--Escape Of A Prisoner
(Names in announcement: F. M. Kimmell, George W. Brewer)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that Joseph Worthington, alias Joseph Wise, escaped from Chambersburg's jail last Thursday night. In March, Worthington was convicted of larceny in Washington county, Maryland. Upon his release from the penitentiary last September, he was charged in connection with the theft of a carpet from the German Reformed Church in Franklin county. The case was pending when he took flight. His whereabouts are unknown.Official Returns
(Column 2)Summary: Lists the official election results for Franklin county, including the individual tallies for each district.Local and Personal--Political Proscription
(Names in announcement: Snively, Winger, McGowan, Frank, Armstrong, Paxton, Mower, Witherow, Boyd, Imbris, Gillan, Maclay, Shenafield, Etter, Skinner, Greenawalt)
(Column 2)Summary: Several workmen employed at the Mont Alton Iron Works were reportedly fired because they voted for the Democratic ticket in the recent election.Married
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 10th, Amos C. Hampsher and Mary E. Seiders were married by Rev. J. Hassler.Married
(Names in announcement: Amos C. Hampsher, Mary E. Seiders, Rev. J. Hassler)
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 10th, John C. Snider and Hannah Shoup were married Rev. P. S. Davis.Married
(Names in announcement: John C. Snider, Hannah Shoup, Rev. P. S. Davis)
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 8th, Michael Keiner and Amanda C. Sponsler were married by Rev. W. E. Krebs.Married
(Names in announcement: Michael Keiner, Amanda C. Sponsler, Rev. W. E. Krebs)
(Column 4)Summary: On Oct. 13th, John Smith and Emma L. Feldman were married by Rev. G. Roth.
(Names in announcement: Rev. G. Roth, Emma L. Feldman, John Smith)
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