Valley Spirit: 11 13, 1867Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Overthrow Of Radicalism
(Column 1)Summary: In light of the results from the October elections, the country appears to be heading toward reconciliation, report the editors. As proof they point to the fact that Democrats made substantial gains throughout the North, even in Massachusetts--that "hotbed of Radicalism."
Full Text of Article:Thaddeus StevensEvery patriot heart was thrilled with joy at the result of the October elections. Men who had patiently struggled for seven years to keep our rulers within the limits of the written law--who had seen with deepest chagrin the old landmarks of the government removed--who had stood aghast at the strange and startling innovations introduced into our republican system--who had felt appalled at the dangers which threatened to sweep away the liberties of the citizen and engulf the country in the evils of a military despotism--welcomed the intelligence which was to them a harbinger of happier and more prosperous days for their beloved land. It gave evidence of the fact that the masses were beginning to reject the leadership of blind fanatics and were thinking for themselves. It was a sure indication of a great popular reaction which is to infuse a healthy vigor into the body politic. But there is still further cause for rejoicing now. Radicalism staggers under the crushing blow received at the November elections. A great popular uprising is in progress.--Throughout the length and breadth of our land, Conservatism is taking the place of the ultra doctrines which have had full sway of late. The voice of reason is now being heard above the storm of passion. The vindictive feelings which have so long raged within the breasts of Northern men, are giving way to kindlier emotions. A settled conviction has taken possession of the Northern mind that the Southern States are not to be pinned to the Union with bayonets--that the ligaments of fraternal affection are the only ties that can bind the people of several States together and animate them with a common purpose to preserve the integrity of the Federal Government. There is an idea prevalent too, that whilst Freedmen's Bureaus too, that whilst Freedman's Bureaus may be a delightful institution for the negroes, they are rather an expensive luxury for the white tax-payers.--There is also an old-fashioned hatred springing up to large standing armies in time of peace. The people have a notion, too, that the late war, which cost so much blood as treasure, was waged on the part of the North to keep the Southern States in the Union and not to shut them out; and added to all this, is a fixed determination that the white race will not hand this great, free government over to the control of half-civilized blacks. White men must rule America. Our countrymen do not intend to run counter to the purposes of the Almighty.--Such are some of the causes which have operated to stir up the popular heart to an expression of its will through the ballot-box. And what a significant utterance it is! It is not the voice of one State alone. "Deep calleth into deep." State calleth unto State. For years Radicalism has held the sceptre in every Northern State. It seems impossible for Democracy to break its hold on power and oust it from the high place of public trust. But the dawn of a new era has been ushered in. Connecticut threw off the yoke, and flung the Democratic banner in triumph to the winds. English was elected Governor. Vermont gave evidence that Radicalism was wanting there. From the Pacific shores, California sent the intelligence of the overwhelming triumph of Democracy within her limits. Montana echoed the voice of the Golden State.--Maine, from our extreme eastern boundary shouted back the joyful sound that she had made a gallant charge and broken the Radical ranks. Ohio struck with the strength of Hercules, and felled the monster, negro equality, to the earth. Our own grand old Commonwealth, moving magisterially to the conflict, freed herself from the rue of Radical notions. And now, from every quarter come the glad tidings of the Democratic gains and Radical losses. New York, the Empire State, greatest of all in population and wealth, had administered a scathing rebuke to fanaticism. Gallant New Jersey has redeemed her honor and covered herself all over with glory. In Maryland, the Conservative current has run with such tremendous volume that it has submerged Radicalism in every county. Not a single Radical county officer has been elected in that State. Kansas--the scene of John Brown's infamous exploits--the State which has been most ultra of all the younger States of the Union--recoils from the teachings of her New England settlers and turns her back upon the poor negro. Wisconsin and Minnesota tell the same story, and even Massachusetts--the hot bed of Radicalism--has been visited by a chilling and blighting frost which threatens to utterly destroy the poisonous plants which she has been nurturing with so much care.
From all these indications, we augur the early overthrow of Radicalism in this country. It bids fair to be complete also. "The will of the people is the law of the land," says General Grant. "The voice of the people is the supreme law" says the military contributor to the Repository . Now, the people have spoken; let them be obeyed. Their utterance cannot be mistaken. They have willed that the character of our government shall not be changed, and that the ideas of a few New England fanatics shall not be engrafted into our political system, but that the fundamental principles upon which this government was founded and which it was intended to subserve, shall remain obligatory upon the people, to bind the States to each other and all to the Federal Government.
(Column 1)Summary: Because he is the leader of the Radical faction in the House of Representatives, the editors avow, Thad Stevens is personally to blame for vast array of problems effected by Republican rule, including the "subversion of civil authority" and the establishment of "negro supremacy" in the South. It is the hope of the editors, however, that Stevens will heed the "warnings from the results of the November election" and abandon "his war against the interests of the white race."The Union Pacific Railroad--All Rail To The Rocky Mountain
(Column 3)Summary: With over one-third of the track laid, the editors herald the approaching completion of the Pacific Railroad as the dawn of a new era for the U. S.
Full Text of Article:The Conservative CurrentNot even this country of great achievements has ever before undertaken any industrial enterprise so important as the building of a railway to the Pacific ocean. Less than twenty years ago, Col. Benton advocated in Congress a railroad, "where practicable," across the country from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast; but his moderate proposal was considered to be far in advance even of this progressive age. And yet to day, more than one-third of the vast work has been finished. The Union Pacific Railroad Company, organized in 1863, began to build in 1864, had only fairly got to work in 1865, and in October, 1867, have completed five hundred miles of road which has been pronounced by Government Commissioners first-class in construction and equipment.--This Company is constructing the eastern end of the line, beginning at Omaha, Nebraska, while the Central Pacific Company is building the western end, beginning at Sacramento, California.
The peculiar and impressive features of the Pacific Railroad are: 1st, Its importance as a national enterprise, 2d, The especial privileges granted to it by the Government; and 3d, The unusual care taken by the Government enactments for the safety of investment in its securities.
The national importance of a railroad to the Pacific can hardly be overestimated. The Government is spending millions of dollars annually in transporting men and material to its frontier posts; with a railroad in operation, this expense will be reduced at least three-fourths. The gold and silver mine of the Western States and Territories yield annually about one hundred million dollars; with the increased facilities for emigration, and for transporting the requisite machinery for the thorough development of the mining region which a railroad will afford, this production will at least be doubled. The public land in Nebraska and the Territories west of that State have been comparatively worthless, because they were inaccessible, and, consequently unproductive; the Union Pacific Railroad opens all the great valley of the River Platte and vast regions beyond to the occupancy of thrifty emigrants, and has already established such a succession of thriving towns as will bring all land in the vicinity of the railroad into active demand. In case of foreign war or domestic revolution, the existence of a railway line, by which troops could be conveyed from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vie versa in a week would be of incalculable value; while under any circumstances of internal trouble, necessitating a repetition in kind of the Utah expedition, the saving to the Government by means of this road would be enough to construct the entire line. Gen. Sherman has said that "The Government could afford to build the whole road rather than be without it," and there are abundant reasons for pronouncing this opinion a sound one.
So great are the manifest national advantages to be derived from a Pacific Railroad, that the two powerful companies authorized to build it received very extraordinary grants from Congress. Donations of land were made to the companies to the amount of 12,800 acres per mile; and then United States bonds, to an average amount of about $30,000 per mile were advanced to the Companies, which have the privilege of paying a large part, if not all, of this indebtedness to the Government by the transportation of mail and war and other national material. No other industrial enterprise ever received so liberal aid from the Government as this.
Having made such special grants as indicated its entire confidence in the full success of the undertaking, the Government took unusual care that those who joined with it in assisting the Union Pacific Railroad Company should be amply secured against any probability of loss or failure. The Company was authorized to issue its own bonds to an amount equal to the advances of the Government, and these bonds constituted the first mortgage upon the road, the claim of the Government being made a second lieu. The Government appoints five Directors, who shall look carefully after the management of the road; and also three commissioners whose duty it is to thoroughly inspect each section of twenty miles, before the bonds can be issued upon that section. Thus the bonds represent, not a projected enterprise, which may be completed, but a finished and equipped railroad, earning very largely in excess of its expenses and with a future which cannot fail of being eminently profitable.
The future business of the only railroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific states must be something marvelous, and we venture the prediction that no single track will long accommodate the endless succession of trains that will crowd its entire line. Western Europe is waiting for it, as the shortest route to eastern Asia; and have many anxious hearts in the old home states are longing for it, to join hands with friends and relatives, without the cost and risk of long, dreary and dangerous voyage in a crowded steamer along two oceans.
But if the business of the complete line is to be something marvelous, the local business on the sections already finished is not less satisfactory. The earnings on three hundred and twenty-five miles for a single quarter this season are officially reported at one million dollars, and as the road goes further towards the great mining regions, this sum must be increased.
Every reader of this paper is interested in the rapid prosecution of this work. Every new agricultural or manufacturing community established by the opening of this road will add to the national wealth and aid in paying the public debt. Every acre of land hitherto unimproved, which shall now be cultivated, increases the store of food for our own population or for export. every additional ton of gold or silver that is mined puts money in the public purse. The road will be the great agent in the development of the American continent, and its completion in 1870 will benefit an entire population. With such a future before it as the finished line is certain to have, and with so many guarantees for the protection of the interests of those who invest in it, we cannot but think that its bonds constitute one of the best investments now before the American people. Their special advantages are set forth elsewhere, and the character of the financial officers of the Company is sufficient guarantee that those advantages are not exaggerate in the slightest degree.
(Column 4)Summary: According to the article, all signs point to the impending demise of the Republicans.
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Local and Personal--In Town
(Column 1)Summary: Relates that Rev. E. V. Gerhart, one of the professors at Franklin and Marshall College, was in town last week, assisting the pastor of the German Reformed Congregation.Local and Personal--Temperance Lecture
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. V. Gerhart)
(Column 1)Summary: Dr. Charles J. Jewett, a thirty-year veteran of the lecture circuit in New England and the West, will be in town to promote the temperance cause at the Court House next Saturday.Local and Personal--Shop Entered
(Column 1)Summary: Last Friday night a burgular entered Jacob Snyder's tailor shop through a window and made off with several articles of clothing.Local and Personal--Teachers' Institute
(Names in announcement: Jacob Snyder)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that the Franklin County Teachers' Institute met on Nov. 11th at the Court House and elected officers for the ensuing year. After a prayer led by A. McElwain, the body named P. M. Shoemaker as President of the organization, Miller Shillito and John W. Coble as Vice-Presidents, and J. Y. Atherton as Secretary.Local and Personal--Larceny
(Names in announcement: A. McElwain, P. M. Shoemaker, Miller Shillito, John W. Coble, J. Y. Atherton)
(Column 1)Summary: During a stop at Grove's Stock Yard, John Wyncoon was robbed of $27 dollars. The money was taken from Wyncoon's hotel room while he was sleeping. Luckily, prior to going to bed, Wyncoon placed most of his money under his pillow for safe-keeping.Local and Personal--A Frightful Run-Off
(Names in announcement: John Wyncoon)
(Column 1)Summary: Reports on two incidents involving runaway horses. In the first, William H. Wanamaker was en route to Gettysburg when his horses took fright near the summit of South Mountain and began running a wild fashion down until they encountered another buggy coming from the opposite direction. Wanamaker was thrown from his wagon, though he suffered no serious injuries. One of the horses (which was owned by Robert Black) was struck in the groin with a pole, however. It is not expected to live. In the second, John Huber's four-horse team ran off from George A. Dietz's warehouse.Local and Personal--Steam Fire Engine
(Names in announcement: Henry Corwell, William H. Wanamaker, Robert Black, William Kean, George A. Dietz, John Huber)
(Column 2)Summary: At a special meeting of the Town Council last Monday, a resolution was approved mandating the purchase of a steam fire engine for the community.Local and Personal--Firm Changed
(Column 2)Summary: Announces that the firm of Frey and Harmony has been dissolved due to the retirement of Frey. J. H. Harmony has joined with Joseph Davison to create a new firm and will continue business from the same location, 22 Front St.Local and Personal--Sabbath School Teachers' Institute
(Names in announcement: Frey, J. H. Harmony, Joseph R. Davison)
(Column 2)Summary: Announces that the Sabbath School Teachers' Institute will meet in the Chapel of the Presbyterian Church in Shippensburg on Nov. 18, 19, and 20 under the direction of Rev. Alfred Taylor, Secretary of the State Sabbath School Association.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Alfred Taylor)
(Column 3)Summary: On Oct. 31st, John S. Funk and Clara S. Morgan were married by Rev. W. E. Krebs.Married
(Names in announcement: John S. Funk, Clara S. Morgan, Rev. W. E. Krebs)
(Column 3)Summary: On Nov. 6th, Washington Crouse, of Fulton Co., and Catharine Yoakle were married by Rev. J. M. Grayhill.Married
(Names in announcement: Washington Crouse, Catharine Yoakle, Rev. J. M. Grayhill)
(Column 3)Summary: On Nov. 7th, Samuel Hoover and Mary Rhorer were married by Rev. M. Hoover.Married
(Names in announcement: Samuel Hoover, Mary Rhorer, Rev. M. Hoover)
(Column 3)Summary: On Oct. 30th, Samuel Harris and Laura Hollar were married by Rev. C. Price.Married
(Names in announcement: Samuel Harris, Laura Hollar, Rev. C. Price)
(Column 3)Summary: On Nov. 7th, John L. Landis and Catharine Lehman were married by Rev. G. Roth.Died
(Names in announcement: John L. Landis, Catharine Lehman, Rev. G. Roth)
(Column 3)Summary: On Nov. 5th, Daniel Powell, son of Franklin and Mary Foltz, died. He was 18 months old.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Powell Foltz, Franklin Foltz, Mary Foltz)
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