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Valley Spirit: March 25, 1868

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The Border Relief Bill
(Column 01)
Summary: Reports the passage of the Border Relief Bill and its contents. Says it is good but not nearly good enough because it does not pay damages in full. Nevertheless, praises the representative of Franklin county for getting it passed and urges the Senate to act on it quickly.
Full Text of Article:

The House of Representatives has passed the bill, introduced by Col. B.F. Winger of this County, looking to the payment of the losses sustained by the border counties at the hands of Rebels. The first section, appropriating five hundred thousand dollars to be distributed pro rata among the sufferers, was stricken out, and another substituted in its place. The bill as it now stands makes no appropriation, but provides for the adjudication of the claims and requires them to be filed in the office of the Auditor General. It also makes it incumbent upon the proper officers of the State to make an effort to collect the claims from the General Government for the benefit of the suffers.

It is a good bill as far as it goes, but it does not go far enough. There is no substantial reason why the Legislature should not appropriate money to pay the full amount, or at least a good portion of these claims. It is no fault, however, of our energetic representative that this has not been done. He has labored faithfully for the success of this measure, and it is chiefly owing to his indefatigability that the present bill is not now slumbering in Committee. We hope that Mr. McConaughy will strain every nerve to pass the bill in the Senate. It is of the utmost importance that the amount of these losses should be definitely ascertained and placed on record, so that if the National Government refuses to pay them, an effort may be made hereafter to induce the representatives of the people of this Commonwealth to do an act of justice to this plundered section. With the amount officially ascertained, we will know what to ask, and the Legislature will know better what amount to appropriate.

We understand that Governor Geary has expressed his willingness to sign the bill. Let Mr. McConaughy move therefore, and move rapidly.

The Radical Quarrel
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper gloats over the feud within the Republican party between supporters of Andrew Curtin and supporters of A. K. McClure. "The Radical party of this State, which has heretofore been held together by the cohesive power of public plunder, has lately become a very unhappy family."
The Election
(Column 02)
Summary: Reports on past and recent local elections and notes the declining majorities of Republicans. Congratulates Democrats on recent victories in the board of Return Judges.
(Names in announcement: W. S. Everett, D. O. Gehr, Clark, Dr. Senseny)
Full Text of Article:

The Democracy of Chambersburg made a noble fight last Friday, and covered themselves all over with glory. In March 1867, at the election of Borough officers, W.S. Everett, Esq., the Radical candidate received 515, and D.O. Gehr, Independent candidate, supported by the Democrats, received 260 votes, leaving a majority of 255 for Mr. Everett.

But as Mr. Gehr received no Radical votes and failed to poll the full Democratic vote, this calculation may be considered unfair. Take, therefore, the vote cast for the Judges of Election. The aggregate vote cast then, in the two wards, for the Radical candidates for judges of election was 578. The aggregate vote for the Democratic candidates was 317, showing a Radical majority of 201 votes.

Last week the vote for Mr. Clark, Radical, for Burgess was 427, while that for Dr. Senseny, Democrat, was 407, showing a Radical majority of twenty votes only.--Last Spring the whole vote polled in the Borough was 835. This Spring it is 834. Surely Radicalism is waning. Let it wane.

The elections in the County have resulted gloriously for the Democracy. We have a majority of five in the board of Return Judges. Strange to say, the Quincy Democracy were asleep and allowed the enemy to steal a march on them. We have an excellent set-off to this, however, inasmuch as we have taken Mercersburg by storm.

Disgraced by the Radicals
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper argues that if Andrew Johnson is removed from office, the United States will be "disgraced in the eyes of the world." Convicting a Chief Magistrate as a criminal would embarrass the nation. The paper blames the radicals for bringing on the crisis, and points out that they elected Johnson vice president in the first place.

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Change of Pastors
(Column 01)
Summary: Rev. S. H. C. Smith preached his last sermon as pastor of Chambersburg's Methodist Church. He will be replaced by Rev. Samuel Barnes of Baltimore.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith, Rev. Samuel Barnes)
Col. McClure's Lecture
(Column 01)
Summary: Col. A. K. McClure spoke to a packed Repository Hall on "Life in the Rocky Mountains." "It was a plain but exceedingly interesting description of the manners and mode of living and laboring of the rough, hard-working inhabitants of that region of country."
(Names in announcement: A. K. McClure)
Additional Law Judge
(Column 01)
Summary: D. Watson Rowe was appointed additional law judge for the 16th Judicial District (including Chambersburg). "Mr. Rowe is a gentleman of fine legal attainments and will make an able and upright judge."
(Names in announcement: D. Watson Rowe)
Young Men's Christian Association
(Column 01)
Summary: The citizens of Chambersburg have founded a Young Men's Christian Association and elected officers, including the Rev. Irving Magee, president. "We are glad to see this movement entered into so rapidly by the ministers and members of our different churches." "The Association does not aim to do the work of the Church, for that is a work the Church alone can do, but is an organized union of Christian philanthropists aiming at the religious, intellectual and social amelioration of young men particularly." "To live for God and Humanity should be the highest ambition of human effort. To better the condition of the race, to lift fallen humanity from their sins and sorrows and point them to Christ and to Heaven, is superlatively the grandest and most glorious work that can engage the talents of men."
(Names in announcement: Rev. Irving Magee, Benjamin Fahnestock, Dr. G. F. Piatt, J. R. Gaff, J. H. Black)
Graeffenburg Springs
(Column 02)
Summary: Hiram L. Jones took charge of Graeffenburg Springs, who had leased it from Samuel Secrist. "He is now prepared to make every body comfortable who wishes to breathe the pure air of that section of the country."
(Names in announcement: Hiram L. Jones, Samuel Secrist)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: Major Hershberger returned to Chambersburg after displaying his panorama on a successful tour through Franklin, Fulton, and Bedford counties. "Large audiences greeted the Major wherever the Panorama was exhibited, and they always retired well pleased with the evening's entertainment." The paper hopes he continues to display throughout southern Pennsylvania.
(Names in announcement: Major Hershberger)
Golden Wedding
(Column 02)
Summary: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hammond celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at age 71 and 65 respectively. The pastor asserted that except for possibly a single case, no couple now living between Concord and Fannettsburg have been married longer. The two have spent their entire married life on the same property. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, married 46 years, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. The Hammonds have 15 children, 56 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.
(Names in announcement: Lawrence Hammond, John Alexander)
Concert by the Cornet Band
(Column 03)
Summary: The Chambersburg Cornet Band will give a concert on Friday consisting of vocal and instrumental music. The show will conclude with a farce entitled "The Persecuted Dutchman."
Examinations in the Schools
(Column 03)
Summary: Examinations of pupils in the Common Schools began on Monday. They should show how well the school system is working and what progress the students have made.
Burglars About
(Column 03)
Summary: Mr. Shafer's grocery store was broken into. The thieves were disturbed in the act, but made off with some hams. "There seem to be a great many suspicious persons in and about town for some time past, trying to effect an entrance into some of our dwellings. It would be well if our citizens would be on their guard and be prepared to give the scoundrels a warm reception."
(Names in announcement: Shafer)
Franklin County Election
(Column 03)
Summary: List of candidates elected in township elections.
(Names in announcement: John De Haven, J. H. Snabe, G. A. Gamber, T. L. Gilbert, J. M. Powell, J. Fickas, Emanuel Beshore, J. L. Rebuck, J. H. Thomas, Henry Shearer, D. R. Long, D. D. Swange, Soloman Shaffer, D. Zullinger, D. E. Stevich, T. B. Rife, John Stewart, Jacob Long, M. S. Miller, J. M. Gelwix, Peter Besore, J. V. B. Leedy, William Forbes, Samuel West, Henry Reily, David Heckman, R. A. Moore, William Bossert, Benjamin Johnston, John Row, Fred Mish, B. Johnston, Samuel S. Reisher, John Reily, Andrew Beard, Jacob Fleming, Emanuel Knode, George H. Davison, Christian Witmer, Isaac Hensberger, Daniel Barnhart, Samuel Gearhart, Samuel Beamisdarfer, Joseph Hade, Jacob Conrad, Samuel Phillipy, H. R. Brendle, Henry Baltzley, Emanuel Detrick, Ferdinand Senseny, Robert Gould, Jacob Haulman, J. H. McGaughey, Eli McCullough, Cyrus Gingrach, John Mastar, John Hawk, Peter Kunkleman, Charles West, J. H. Johnston, E. W. Washabaugh, H. Bear, John Good, William Putter, Simon Leckrone, Daniel Potter, Jacob Carbaugh, Thomas Clingan, H. A. Fisher, James Stewart, W. Flickinger, George Wolf, J. W. Skinner, J. Ryder, S. M. Skinner, G. M. Taylor, Thomas Fegan, Harris Finley, J. M. Rankin, Joseph Reed, J. W. Byers, John Cell, Samuel Defenderfer, David Keller, Daniel Finafrock, George Coble, J. C. Brake, Samuel Coble, George Sellers, Jacob Sackman, Lewis Diehl, David Croft, John Downey, Henry Shaffer, John Shatzer, W. H. Bittinger, Philip Frishburn, Jacob B. Cook, John S. Meyers, Peter Solenberger, W. Wallace, Henry Schlicter, R. Bomberger, John Shafer, Jacob Koser, J. W. Parker, E. Staver, W. A. P. Linn, H. G. Stewart, W. H. Blair, Josiah Etter, Hugh Smith, William Thompson, Joseph Wallace, William Etter, Pharez M'Ferren, William Furgeson, Daniel Palmer, John Snider, Frederick Byers, Finley Peters, Thomas Bovey, Samuel Grossman, Jacob Snider, Henry Disert, Jeremiah Deihl, Thomas Maxwell, Jeremiah W. Deihl, Peter Bowers, Levi Poster, David Spencer, Jacob Bear, D. B. Sevly, H. C. Zimmerman, Isiah Brewer, Abraham M'Clair, Soloman Cook, Jacob Reas, Emanuel Yeakle, H. R. Brewer, Samuel Ferry, Joseph Phenicia, J. C. Cook, Porter Phelips, John C. Martin, E. J. Small, Jacob Mann, John Heller, Henry Good, William Ligue, Jacob Ditch, William Rock, William Hayman, John Heminger, John Funk, D. D. Mann, G. W. Elliott, William Ladens, J. D. Elliot, John Stake, Peter Piper, W. W. Fegan, H. Umversaught, R. Alexander, W. Piles, James M'Nespy, J. W. Donnelley, P. R. Shields, John Harris, J. M'Enespy, R. Alexander, W. Piles, Harris Findly, Thomas Feagen, Isaac Clugston, A. R. Rhea, J. T. M'Cune, C. Louderbaugh, Jacob Young, John Miller, David Smith, Jacob Brewer, J. W. Duffield, John M'Laughlin, J. C. Robinson, A. D. Cauffman, Jacob Sellers, J. S. Eoy, Hugh Auld, William D. Guthrie, Joseph Frey, J. L. Reily, George M'Geehen)
Full Text of Article:

The following are the names of the township officers, and officers of election in the several districts, elected last Friday:

Lurgan.--Judge, John De Haven, Dem. maj. 56; Inspectors, J. H. Snabe, G. A. Gamber; Assessor, T. L. Gilbert; Supervisor, J. M. Powell; School Directors, J. Fickas, Emanuel Beshore; Auditor, J. L. Rebuck; Clerk, J. H. Thomas; Treasurer, Henry Shearer; Justice D. R. Long; Constable, D. D. Swange.

Letterkenny.--Judge, Solomon Shaffer, Dem. maj. 81; Inspectors, D. Zullinger, D. E. Stevich; Assessor, T. B. Rife; Supervisor, John Stewart; School Directors, Jacob Long, M. S. Miller, J. M. Gelwix; Auditor, Peter Besore; Clerk, J. V. B. Leedy; Constable, Wm. Forbes.

Hamilton.--Samuel West, Dem. maj. 38; Inspectors, Henry Reily, David Heckman; Assessor, R. A. Moore; Justices, William Bossert; Benj. Johnston; Supervisor, John Row; Auditor, Fred. Mish; School Directors, B. Johnston, Samuel S. Reisher, Clerk John Reily; Constable, Andrew Beard.

Antrim.--Jacob Fleming, Rad. maj. 10; Inspectors, Emanuel Knode, Geo. H. Davison; School Directors, Christian Witmer, Isaac Hensberger, Daniel Barnhart; Supervisors, Samuel Gearhart, Sam'l Beamisdarfer, Joseph Hade; Assessor, Jacob Conrad; Auditor, Samuel Phillipy; Treasurer, H. R. Brendle; Constable, Henry Baltzley; Clerk, Emanuel Detrick.

Peters, Loudon.--Ferdinand Senseny, Dem. maj. 11; Inspector, Robert Gould; Constable, Jacob Haulman; Assessor, J. H. McGaughey; School Directors, Eli McCullough, Cyrus Gingrach; Supervisor, John Mastar; Auditor, John Hawk; Clerk, Peter Kunkleman.

Washington.--Judge, Charles West. Rep. maj. 1; Inspectors, J. H. Johnston, E. W. Washabaugh; Assessor, H. Bear; School Directors, John Good, William Patter; Supervisors, Simon Leckrone, Daniel Potter; Auditor, Jacob Carbaugh; Justice, Thomas Clingan; Constable, H. A. Fisher.

Dry Run.--Judge, James Stewart, Rad. maj. 9; Inspectors, W. Flickinger, George Wolf; School Directors, J. W. Skinner, J. Ryder; Auditor, S. M. Skinner; Supervisor, G. M. Taylor; Assessor, Thomas Fegan; Constable, Harris Finley; Clerk, J. M. Rankin.

St. Thomas--Judge, Joseph Reed, Dem. maj. 41; Inspectors, J. W. Byers, John Cell; School Directors, Samuel Defenderfer, David Keller, Daniel Finafrock, George Coble; Supervisor, J. C. Brake; Auditors, Samuel Coble, George Sellers; Clerk, Jacob Sackman; Constable, Lewis Diehl; Assessor, David Croft.

Fayetteville.--Judge John Downey, Red. maj. 11; Inspectors, Henry Shaffer, John Shatzer; Constable, W. H. Bittinger; School Director, Philip Frishburn, Jacob B. Cook; Assessor, John S. Meyers; Supervisors, Peter Solenberger; Clerk, W. Wallace; Auditor, Henry Schlicter.

Mount Rock.--Judge, R. Bomberger; Dem maj. 27; Inspectors, John Shafer; Jacob Koser; Assessor, J. W. Parker; Supervisor, E. Staver; Auditor, W. A. P. Linn; Clerk, H. G. Stewart; School Directors, W. H. Blair; Josiah Etter; Constable, Hugh Smith.

Greenvillage.--Judge, Wm. Thompson, Rad. maj. 57, Inspectors, Joseph Wallace; William Etter.

Guilford Township.--Judge, Pharez M'Ferren Dem. maj. 4; Inspectors, William Furgeson; Daniel Palmer; Constable John Snider; School Directors Frederick Byers; Finley Peters; Thomas Bovey; Supervisor, Sam'l Grossman; Treasurer, Jacob Snider; Clerk, Henry Disert; Auditor, Jere. Deihl; Justices, Thomas Maxwell; Jere. W. Deihl.

Orrstown. Judge, Peter Bowers; Dem. maj. 67. Inspectors, Levi Poster; David Spencer.

Warren. Judge, Jacob Bear; maj. 2. Inspectors, D. B. Sevly; H. C. Zimmerman; Assessor, Isiah Brewer; School Directors, Abraham M'Clair; Soloman Cook; Supervisors, Jacob Reas; Emanuel Yeakle; H. R. Brewer; Constable, Sam'l Ferry; Justice, Joseph Phenicia; Clerk, J. C. Cook; Auditor, Porter Phelips.

Quincy. Judge John C. Martin; Rad. maj. 8. Justice, E. J. Small; Constable, Jacob Mann; Inspectors, John Heller; Henry Good; Assessor, William Ligue; Auditor Jacob Ditch, Supervisor, William Rock; School Directors, Wm. Hayman; John Heminger; John Funk; Clerk, D. D. Mann.

Welsh Run--Judge, G. W. Elliott, Dem. maj. 1; Inspectors, Wm. Ladens, J. D. Elliot.

Sulpher Spring--Judge, John Stake Dem. maj. 9; Inspectors, Peter Piper, W. W. Fegan; Constable, H. Umversaught; School Directors, R. Alexander, W. Piles; Supervisor, James M'Nespy.

Concord--Judge, J. W. Donnelley, Dem. maj. 64; Inspectors, P. R. Shields, John Harris; Supervisor, J. M'Eneapy; School Directors, R. Alexander, W. Piles; Constable, Harris Findly; Assessor, Thom. Feagen; Auditor, Isaac Clugston.

Mercersburg--Judge, A. R. Rhea, Dem. maj. 3; Inspectors, J. T. M'Cune, C. Louderbaugh; Assessor, Jacob Young; School Directors, John Miller, David Smith; Supervisor, Jacob Brewer; Auditor, J. W. Duffield; Constable, John M'Laughlin; Clerk, J. C. Robinson.

North Ward--Judge, A. D. Cauffman, Rad. maj. 87; Inspectors, Jacob Sellers, J. S. Eoy; Constable, Hugh Auld.

South Ward--Judge, Wm. D. Guthrie, Dem. maj. 31; Inspectors Joseph Frey, J. L. Reily; Constable, Geo. M'Geehen.

(Column 05)
Summary: Lt. S. A. Weldy, formerly of the 11th PA Cavalry, and Miss Mattie M. Brown, of Fayetteville, were married on March 23rd by the Rev. J. Keller Miller. The ceremonies were held in Miller's residence.
(Names in announcement: Lt. S. A. Weldy, Mattie M. Brown, Rev. J. Keller Miller)
(Column 05)
Summary: Samuel Johnson and Miss Annabell Wills, both of Franklin, were married in Greencastle on March 10th by the Rev. Mr. Eyster.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Johnson, Annabell Wills, Rev. Eyster)
(Column 05)
Summary: John E. Hahn of Waynesboro and Miss Catharine Mayhugh of Maryland were married on March 4th by the Rev. W. S. Eyster.
(Names in announcement: John E. Hahn, Catharine Mayhugh, Rev. W. S. Eyster)
(Column 05)
Summary: Col. Joseph W. Tate, of Bedford, and Miss Rebecca I. Brown, daughter of Dr. Mercer Brown of Dauphin County, were married on March 19th by the Rev. Henry L. Rex.
(Names in announcement: Col. Joseph W. Tate, Rebecca I. Brown, Dr. Mercer Brown, Rev. Henry L. Rex)
(Column 05)
Summary: Richard S. Culbertson, child of John P. and Mary Bird Culbertson, died in Chambersburg on March 10th. He was 1 month old.
(Names in announcement: Richard S. Culbertson, John P. Culbertson, Mary Bird Culbertson)
(Column 05)
Summary: John M. Lowey died in Quincy on March 16th. He was 37 years old.
(Names in announcement: John M. Lowey)
(Column 05)
Summary: Sarah McCush died in Quincy on March 12th. She was 52 years old.
(Names in announcement: Sarah McCush)
(Column 05)
Summary: Franklin Clippinger, 9 month old infant son of Samuel and Mary Ann McVitty died in Amberson's Valley on March 13th.
(Names in announcement: Franklin Clippinger, Samuel McVitty, Mary Ann McVitty)
(Column 05)
Summary: Catherine Smith, wife of Hugh Smith, died of consumption in Orrstown on March 13th. She was 57 years old. "Mrs. S. in her early years made her peace with God. She was one of the few who lived and died without an enemy. When the time of her departure was at hand, she admonished her sorrowing husband and children to meet her in heaven."
(Names in announcement: Catherine Smith, Hugh Smith)
(Column 05)
Summary: Andrew B. Kline died in his Franklin County residence on March 15th. He was 61 years old. "He was a sincere friend, a kind neighbor and a true christian gentleman; a man of intelligence, sobriety and honor."
(Names in announcement: Andrew B. Kline)

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