Valley Spirit: June 10, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Grant and the Soldiers
(Column 01)Summary: Tries to blunt the potentially huge soldier vote for the Republicans after the nomination of Grant. Plays on white soldiers' racist feelings, claims Grant is only a tool of the Radicals. Expresses outrage that the Southern states are still unrepresented in Congress because of Republican Reconstruction programs and supposed favoritism towards blacks.
Full Text of Article:Grant's Letter of AcceptanceThe argument pressed upon the Radical party in favor of the nomination of General Grant was, that he would carry with him all the soldiers. Upon this supposition, all the eminent civilians of that organization were thrust aside to give place to a military man who is, confessedly, possessed of no brains. Life-long service in the party, the most exalted talents, and untiring energy counted as nothing against this newly-fledged candidate for popular favor.
The nomination of Grant exposes not only the weakness of the Radical party, but it discloses, also, the fact that the Radical party is sensible of its weakness. Had it been strong and conscious of its strength, it would never have tinkered its platform as it has done, or tendered its nomination to such a nincompoop as General Grant. Go where you will, you will hear sensible Radicals saying, "I would much rather vote for Colfax for President." Why? Because Grant is notoriously unfit for the position. The boy who displayed no preferences for intellectual pursuits, but, according to his doting father's statement, was only delighted with the amusements of the circus and was especially fond of horse-flesh, could not be expected to ripen into a statesman. And nobody has ever pretended that he has yet exhibited any qualifications for the highest office in the gift of the American people. Expediency secured his nomination--nothing else. The cry was, "the soldiers must be propitiated. Hundreds of thousands of voters were in the army. We must throw out a bait for them. That bait is General Grant.--When he is nominated and elected, we can easily manipulate him. Washburne knows him like a book. He can easily manage him. Grant talks about his respect for the will of the people. Washburne will have him under his care. He can easily convince him that our policy is the will of the people.--We would rather have some other able man, but we are in a critical condition and we must endeavor to better it. Our sickness is nigh unto death, and we must cast about for a physician and a remedy. Grant is the highest military officer in the land. In honoring him, we do honor to all our soldiery, living and dead." This was the argument that nominated Grant. Alas for the Radical party, it will not answer their purpose.--The soldiers of the country who love the Constitution will not support Grant.--They know that he has identified himself with the party whose leaders have openly avowed that they are "acting outside of the Constitution." They know that, if elected, he will be only a tool in the hands of unscrupulous Radical politicians. They know that the men who are his masters and trainers, are seeking to elevate the negroes, who worked in the trenches at the bidding of Rebels, into heroes more valiant and loyal than white men who bared their breasts in behalf of the Union in every bloody battle in the late war. They know that the leaders of the Radical party have become fanatics--that they are controlled by one idea, and that is the Equalization of the races.--Hence, the real soldiers of the country are protesting against Grant's election. Not Butler, of course, who voted fifty-seven times in the Charleston Convention in 1860 for Jeff. Davis for President--not Logan who threatened to raise a small army in Egypt to cast in their fortunes with the Rebel army--not Governor Brown of Georgia, who took his State out of the Union and fought with all the fury of the most virulent Rebel for the dissolution of the Union--not one of these is found in opposition to General Grant. They are all loud-mouthed Radicals now, because they imagine that the Radical party will be successful and that they will rise to the surface of political affairs then. But the rank and file of our gallant soldiery entertain no sympathy for this negro-loving clique. They do not admire the dispositions to exalt colored troops above white soldiers. They know that the labor of the great contest devolved upon the whites. That they endured the hardships of the camps and were exposed to the dangers of the battle field--that the bravery of white soldiers invariably rolled back the tide of battle and caused victory to perch upon our banner. They know, too, that out of morbid love for the negro, thousands and thousands of their brave comrades were left to die in the prisons of the South. Under such circumstances, appreciating, as they do, the utter worthlessness of the negroes, and entertaining, as they do, an unconquerable aversion to the idea of placing negroes upon an equality with the whites, the white soldiers of the country, who have a proper appreciation of the dignity of the race to which they belong, will go to the polls and cast their votes against the man who represents the two ideas of negro suffrage and military despotism.
Our volunteer soldiers are as bitterly opposed to the latter as to the former. When they enlisted in the late war, it was for the avowed purpose of preserving the Union of the States. They believed in a republican form of government. They desired to maintain the honor of the National flag for the reason that it is the banner of the Republic. And now, since the war closed in a complete triumph of the National arms, they can not understand why certain States should be held under military rule until they adopt constitutions framed to suit the purposes of the Radical party. They are sharp enough to see that the negro, and the hope of attaining power through the negro, lie at the bottom of the whole policy.
What a terrible commentary it is upon our free institutions! We fought four years to keep eleven States from going out of the Union, and triumphed, and yet three years after the war closed those States are not represented in the Congress of the United States. Why? Simply because the Radical party has refused to admit them, and thus give peace to the country, until they allow the negroes to frame their State Constitutions, and make their laws. The soldiers of the country see this, and hence has sprung the call for the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Convention which is to meet in New York on the 4th day of July next. Meeting as they do upon the anniversary of that glorious day on which was declared the independence of the American Colonies, let them say to the world, in the spirit of freemen who "know their rights and knowing dare maintain them," that all the States which have hitherto formed this Union, "are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States," and as such, entitled to representation in the National Legislature. The people will respond nobly to this declaration, and the election of a Democratic President will, at last, give peace and quiet to the country.
(Column 02)Summary: Criticizes Grant's acceptance speech as a lead-in to more criticism of the Republican platform. Particularly condemns the Republican reconstruction and black suffrage planks. Insists only states have a right to regulate voting rights, and a Grant victory will mean the end of state liberty.
Full Text of Article:Letter No. 4 From Robert CriswellGrant has not only accepted the Radical nomination, but he has actually been induced to unseal his lips, and to talk something else than horse. He has written a letter accepting the position of standard bearer of the Radical party. The Tribune gives it out as a remarkable indication of genius, that he wrote it in ten minutes. This is thrown out for the purpose of combating the universal idea that he was incapable of writing a letter at all.
There is nothing remarkable in the document itself. Any man of ordinary talent could write such a letter in five minutes.--After speaking of the proceedings of the Convention having been "marked with wisdom, moderation and patriotism", he says, "I endorse their resolutions." Now everybody who has read the resolutions knows, that they are all as evasive as they could possibly be made. With the exception of the two relating to the reconstruction policy and negro suffrage, they are all empty claptrap. When General Grant, therefore, says that he endorses the resolutions, we don't know what he means in regard to anything except that he approves of the military governments established in the South, and favors negro suffrage in the South. At any other time, we might feel inclined to ask him to commit himself further, but we are satisfied that this is enough to damn him or any other man who is looking to political preferment.
Grant would doubtless, have liked to evade these issues also, but the resolutions are composed of too much milk and water to suit the Radicals as they stand, and nothing but an unqualified endorsement of them would at all satisfy them. Thus he was obliged to "face the music" and commit himself just as far as the Radicals thought fit to commit themselves.
Of course, General Grant would approve of the military despotism established in the South. He is military dictator of the ten States which are held under his iron heel.--He can so handle his soldiery in that section as to give the negroes the absolute control of the State Governments. Those negroes, if properly manipulated by the Radical tools, can be made to run the machinery of the State Governments in the interest of General Grant. Why should he not favor such a condition of affairs? But think of it, fellow citizens. Shall one man, in a republic, be permitted, by virtue of the position which he holds as General of our armies, to elect himself President of the United States? The American people entertain a deadly hostility to anything which smacks of despotism. Let them arise in their might, therefore, and arrest this movement which may make one man Dictator of the American Union.
General Grant says, "I endorse their resolutions." He therefore subscribes to the second resolution which says: "The guarantee by Congress of equal suffrage to all loyal men at the South was demanded by every consideration of the public safety, of gratitude, and of justice, and must be maintained; while the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of these States." In other words, suffrage for the negroes of the South at once--suffrage for the negroes of the Northwhenever it becomes expedient. Let every man who is in favor of the negroes voting in the South vote for General Grant, but let him shut his mouth and not pretend that he is opposed to negroes voting in the North. It is impossible to make the distinction and preserve a reputation for common sense.
It is a noticeable feature that in constructing the Chicago platform, its framers meant to frame it and did frame it so as to conform to the idea expressed by Grant in his letter, that "in times like the present, it is impossible, or at least eminently improper to lay down a policy to be adhered to right or wrong, through an administration of four years," and yet so that a departure from the policy seemingly announced, or the adoption of an antagonistic policy, may be construed to be perfectly consistent with the wording of the resolutions.
Thus the latter part of the resolution given above, says "the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of these States"? "Properly" belongs. Why did the Convention not say constitutionally belongs? Who is to judge of the time when it shall cease to "properly" belong to the people of the loyal States? Undoubtedly this is meant to give Congress an opportunity whenever it deems it expedient, to declare that equal suffrage must be maintained in all the states. The framers thought of this adroit scheme to deceive the masses.
Nothing is more certain than that Congress has no power over this question of suffrage. The right to regulate it belonged to the States before the Constitution was formed. In framing it, the States granted certain rights to the General Government, and all others were reserved. The reader of the Constitution of the United States will search in vain for any grant there of the right to regulate the suffrage. The right, therefore, unmistakably remains vested in the States. But the leaders of this party which acts "outside of the Constitution" would not commit themselves squarely to this doctrine as a constitutional doctrine.--They know well that it is a right which belongs to every state, and that it would have been simply ridiculous to pretend that Congress could constitutionally exercise the right to regulate suffrage in one state, and admit that it had no right to regulate it in another. To this doctrine General Grant stands committed. And should he be elected President, which may Heaven in its kindness prevent, the time will then have come when, in the judgment of Congress the question of suffrage will have ceased to "properly belong to the people of these States" of the North. The negro will then become a voter by Act of Congress, and General Grant will say, "I endorse the law."
(Column 04)Summary: Another opinion article contributed by Robert Criswell, who claims to be a Conservative Republican from New York. Criticises and ridicules men like Butler, Grant, and Stanton as typical Radicals. Predicts the defeat of the Radicals in November and gives many reasons why the current Congress should be voted out of office.
Full Text of Article:Honey Locust Farm, L. I., Near Brooklyn, May 30th, 1868.
Gentlemen:--I closed my last letter to you, of March 11th, thus: "The President will not be found guilty, the Radical party is DEAD; so that they can not elect their candidate in November next." Two of the prophecies are verified; the last will be also. But what desperate efforts the party makes to live a little longer, how it clings to impeachment and how it anathematizes those Senators who would not perjure themselves for party purposes. Those persons who condemn them on this account, of course would not hesitate to commit perjury themselves to gain their ends. They talk a great deal about bribery and corruption; but, such men as Fessenden and Trumbull could not be bribed for a million each. "Chief DEVIL Chase," as they call him, does not escape their foul abuse either; because he would not perjure himself and lower his high office and show partiality for the Radicals. I suppose they put the great concussion, Gen. Butler, foremost on the smelling committee, on the principle that "it takes a thief to catch a thief." As he is so fond of the BAG a great many think he could be bribed to almost any thing for from $500 to $5,000. This is the man, when Governor of New Orleans, Admiral Faragut found, in connexion with his brother, loading vessels to run the blockade. This is the man that voted fifty-seven times to nominate his friend, Jeff. Davis at the Charleston Convention in 1860, for the Presidency; and, when he could not succeed, he afterwards helped to nominate Jeff's right hand man, Breckinridge, at Baltimore. And, yet, this is the man they put on the track of honorable men--men of principle. The memory of these men will live to be held in grateful remembrance; while that of their accusers will be lost, or held in contempt. This is the great hero of Fort Fisher NOT CONCUSSED; but, I must not give him the credit of giving himself this title, for he wants part of the inscription on his monument to read thus: "He saved the lives of his soldiers at Fort Fisher." It would be well if some of the successful Generals of the war could say, "I gained a battle with great economy in killed and wounded, according to the results attained:" (this is what General Scott called the economy of life, by means of head work): instead of which it should read thus: "I gained a battle with little results by recklessly sacrificing thousands of my brave soldiers." A General should be court martialed, instead of honored, for gaining a battle in this way. This applies to some of Grant's battles in the Wilderness and around Richmond.
There are many widows and mourners, many empty sleeves, and many crutches in use in the land, on account of some of these battles. Soldiers were forced to meet certain death with as little feeling as if they were cattle or dogs, (of course he would have more feeling for his own horse or dog). We don't hear of his visiting the hospitals; or, of his being very careful for the comfort of his soldiers, either sick or well; however, his battles will be all ably criticised by military men before next November. Grant gained most of his reputation at Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, &c. The reason he did not add to his reputation in his last battles was on account of the terrible straits of the rebels, and the half-starved condition they were in, and because his army was three times as large as theirs: and yet he kept telegraphing almost constantly to his great friend Stanton for more men for the front--more men for the slaughter. Like Oliver Twist he called for "more, more." As he lost five men in these battles to the rebels one, the North would have become depopulated of its able-bodied men if the war had continued much longer.
Stanton got the credit of doing good service during the war; but, he has now the credit of being the meanest Cabinet officer since the Government was founded; any high-toned, honorable man would have resigned when there was a coolness between himself and the President; but he would not, even when asked by the President to do so, and when turned out he forced himself in again by means of the Radicals.--Suppose a man visits your family, and by your coolness you tell him his presence is not agreeable, but he will not take the hint, but, comes again; you then tell him his company is not wanted, but, he still persists in coming; what is then left for you to do, but to set him up in the boot business. And yet, the Pennsylvania Legislature stultifies itself by recommending Stanton for the Treasury in Wade's Cabinet, thus endorsing his meanness. O, wise Legislators, did you not like thousands of others, "count your chickens before they were hatched" that time?
In hunting up evidence to impeach the President they forgot, or overlooked, one thing on which they could have found him guilty without much trouble, viz: his getting drunk. This was the greatest high crime and misdemeanor he committed; but, I believe the reason they did not have another article relating to this conduct, was because so many of the impeachers and members of the high court were guilty of the same thing, and they did not want to condemn themselves.
If your party thinks of having A.J. for your candidate you must get him to sign the pledge before you nominate him; and it would be well for the Radicals to get Grant to do the same also, for if he is so very temperate, as Senator Wilson says he is, he will make no sacrifice in doing so.--Wilson should get him to join his society. President Johnson says, "Grant is small in mind as well as body." I have seen the General in New York several times. His looks are not much in his favor, they kindle no enthusiasm, he has a kind of a dull, foxy look. If the Radicals would take him around through the country, and get him to make speeches, the other party would gain thousands of votes by it. If he is elected, I supposed he will be called the dummy President, for he could not even make a respectable speech on receiving a Foreign Minister. Some will say that he can make a speech if he wishes to do so. I am afraid not, I think he is like an old empty bottle corked up.
I hope your party will nominate Chase, and it would be unnecessary to ask him to sign the pledge. He is a Saul among the Philistines, as he stands head and shoulders above any other man you can find in statesmanship, &c., &c. We Conservatives would join you in electing him by a large majority over Grant. A man looking for office, even if it is only a one-horse office, is afraid to leave his party, but, as I do not want any office from that of road-master up to the Presidency; and lest my friends should, peradventure, at some time in the future, pester me half to death to accept a nomination for the latter, like the illustrious Horatio Seymour, I decline in advance. I will vote for the best man, and the one which I think will do the best for the country; as I think it is high time we had a change from the present radical policy. It is now costing us about $100,000,000 a year for a standing army in the South, and $30,000,000 more for the Freedmen's Bureau.--These millions should be going to pay off the national debt instead; and, if they had been going in this way since the war closed, as they should, the debt would have been reduced at least $500,000,000 more than it has been. John Q. Adams carried on the Government for about $15,000,000 per annum; but, now under Radical rule in time of peace, it costs about $500,000,000.
If the Radicals are continued in power, we may soon expect universal suffrage and equality of races, in the North as well as in the South, and the time no doubt will soon come when we would have to take our places in the jury box surrounded by perhaps half a dozen culled pussens; to be thus situated in a hot August court would not be very agreeable. But, perhaps the Radicals intend to put a very high tax on perfumes, and by thus creating an extraordinary demand for them, to pay off the national debt in this way: who knows?
It seems to be the will of Providence that there should be always, in this republic, two parties, in order for one to watch and be a check on the other; one to be in power awhile and then the other. But since the beginning of the Government neither party has been in power longer than two terms, eight years at a time, and there have only been four Presidents elected for two terms, viz: Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln. So that the Radicals' time is out on the 4th of March next. The hand-writing on the wall is against them, and they will be weighed in the balance next November and found wanting. For if they succeed in remaining in power another term, making twelve years for them, good bye Republic! They would form a consolidated despotism. But if the people are alive to their dangers and interests, they will not succeed. As a lawyer once said to the judge, may it please the court I have nineteen reasons for the non-appearance of my client this morning; the first is, that he is dead, the second--"hold," shouted the judge, "one such reason as that is sufficient." So there are a great many reasons why Ulysses will not be elected; the first is, "it can't be did" because why? he can't get votes enough. Peradventure, I may give you the other reasons at another time. In the mean time, I remain yours, as usual.
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Democratic County Committee Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: The Democratic County Executive Committee will meet in the offices of M'Lellan and Kimmell to plan the County Convention.Soldiers' Meeting
(Names in announcement: M'Lellan, Kimmell)
(Column 01)Summary: An appeal for conservative soldiers to meet with the intention of forming a Soldiers' Club. "Come and join us in an effort to put men in power who will honestly carry out the object for which we took the field, and maintain the government of the United States as it was made by the patriots of the Revolution, a White Man's Government."Attention Soldiers and Sailors of Franklin County!
(Names in announcement: Christian PlaleCapt. 21st Pa. Cav., A. J. BrandCapt. Co. K, 107th P. V. V., George W. Skinner77th P. V. V., B. Rush SensenyA. A. Surg., USA, John F. PeifferSergt. 11th Pa. Cav., D. H. HyssongSergt. 21st Pa. Cav., V. MichaelsLieut. Co. K, 107th Pa. Vol., Thomas Dunovan, J. L. P. DetrichPrivate, USA, Johnson Varner77th Pa. Vol., William EakerLieut. 77th Pa. Vol., Frank DunavonSergt. 77th Pa. Vol., James H. SpeerPrivate USA, Fred Householder, Robert Harmon11th Pa. Cav., Edward HarmonO. Sergt. 201st Pa. Vol., John Hasson, Manaris HumelaineSergt. 108th Pa. Vol., William Henneberger11th Pa. Cav., Emmet Kuhn79th Pa. Vol., James Widely, P. CumminsLieut. Bat. A. Pa. Res., David Morehead11th Pa. Cav., Henry GivensCorp. 103d Pa. Vol., Henry Bowers107th Pa. Vol., E. D. Washabaugh16th Pa. Cav., Peter Danner2nd Pa. Vol.)
(Column 01)Summary: Call for conservative soldiers to meet at the Court House to select delegates to attend the National Convention of Conservative Soldiers and Sailors.Proceedings of Court
(Names in announcement: Lt. Col. B. F. Winger, Major J. S. Nimmon, Captain J. B. Burk, Captain A. R. Rhea, Captain George W. Miller, Captain G. W. Skinner, Captain Noah M. Kuhn, Captain T. D. French, Lieut. M. D. Reymer, Serg. R. M. Barkley, Serg. J. H. Montgomery, Serg. Alfred Kent, Cor. Matthew Sharpe, Cor. A. D. Long, Private J. P. Kegerris, Private Milton Embich, Private W. Mort, Private J. Crouse, Private G. Dunkle, Private George Wineman, Private J. Owings, Private T. Woods, Private A. G. Mort)
(Column 01)Summary: Summary of Court proceedings.
(Names in announcement: Rowe, David Kuhn, Samuel Stumbaugh, Clarke, Sharpe, John Middleton, Brewer, Amos Slighter, McGowan, Kimmell, Orr, Elizabeth Mellinger, Dr. Henry Langheine, Stenger, William A. Fulmer, Stewart, James F. Byers, Peter Cook, Stumbaugh, Gehr, Jacob Nusbaum, Everett, John E. Jones, William Everett, Obed Gsell, John Ealey, Solomon Ealey, S. M. Armstrong)Full Text of Article:Ex-President BuchananA special session of the Court of Common Pleas for the trial of civil causes began on Monday, the 1st inst., and continued until Thursday evening, His Honor Judge Rowe being on the bench. The following cases were disposed of:
David Kuhn vs. Samuel Stumbaugh and Wife. Summons to recover a tract of land lying in Antrim Township, containing two acres. Verdict for the Plff. for the land and $58.50 damages for the detention. Clarke for Plff; Sharpe for Defts.
Hazelett, Middleton & Co., vs. The Chambersburg Woolen Manufacturing Company owner, and John Middleton contractor. Sci. Fa. Sur Mechanic's Lien. Verdict for Plff, for $665.65. Stenger for Plff; Sharpe and Brewer for Defts.
Amos Slighter vs. School Directors of Southampton Township. Summons case to recover $100 local bounty. Verdict for Defts. Sharpe and McGowan for Plff; Kimmell and Orr for Defts.
Elizabeth Mellinger vs. Dr. Henry Langheine. Summons case on promissory note. Deft. confessed judgement for $134.90 and costs. McGowan for Plff; Stenger for Deft.
The Chambersburg Manufacturing and Building Association vs. William A. Fulmer, owner. Sci. Fa. Sur Mechanic's Lien. Verdict for Plff. for $313.21. Stewart for Plff; Sharpe and Brewer for Deft.
James F. Byers, by his next friend, vs. Peter Cook. Summons in Debt. Deft. confessed judgement for $565. Stumbaugh & Gehr for Plff; Everett & Cook for Deft.
Jacob Nusbaum vs. John E. Jones Administrator of William Everett. Amicable action. Verdict for Plff for $120. Kimmell for Plff; Everett for Deft.
Argument list Obed Gsell & wife, Plffs in Error vs. John Ealey and Solomon Ealey partners. Dets. in Error. Certiorari to S. M. Armstrong Esq. Judgement reversed at the costs of Deft. in Error for want of jurisdiction in Justice. Stumbaugh & Gehr for Plffs; Reilly for Defts.
(Column 02)Summary: The bells in Chambersburg's Court House, Market House, and churches tolled during the hours of Buchanan's funeral in Lancaster.The Young Men's Christian Association
(Column 02)Summary: Records a meeting of Church figures working to get the local YMCA a reading room and reading materials. Endorses the move and says such an endeavor will get youth out of idleness. Urges the YMCA to obtain a lot more newspapers and periodicals.
(Names in announcement: J. M. McClure, Rev. Wills, Rev. Barnes, Rev. Magee)Full Text of Article:The Grant Ratification MeetingOn Saturday night last, a union meeting of all the religious denominations of this Borough, was held in the Lutheran Church in behalf of the Young Men's Christian Association. All the ministers of the town were present and took part in the exercises. Very interesting and instructive addresses were delivered by J.M. McClure, Esq., Rev. Mr. Wills of Macon, Georgia, Rev. Mr. Barnes of the Methodist Church and Rev. Mr. Magee of the Lutheran Church, of this place. We are informed that subscriptions to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars were procured.
This association was organized in this place some months ago and now numbers sixty-one members. It has procured a room and has it partly furnished on credit. It aims to fit up this room more comfortably, and also to procure religious newspapers and religious, political, scientific, and literary periodicals, for the entertainment and instruction of its members. It also contemplates buying books for the same purpose.
This is certainly a most laudable undertaking. No better way could be devised for giving opportunities to the young men of our town to improve their leisure hours. Some of them are sadly deficient in the knowledge which is requisite to make them useful members of society. Others never look into a monthly journal, and some are never even known to read a weekly newspaper. They have given themselves up to idleness, smoking, gaming and drinking. To all such, this association throws out an earnest invitation. It asks them to leave these pleasures which will prove injurious to them in every way, and give their leisure time to reading and study. Life will have greater and purer attractions for them then. They will feel that they are living for higher and nobler purposes.
It seems to us that the association would do better for the present by contining its efforts to the procurement of newspapers and periodicals only. They can thus give reading every week to a large number of persons for a small amount of money. After the association gets a firm foothold, it can obtain books. We trust that our citizens will all look with favor upon the efforts of these young men to establish this association. Parents ought to feel the warmest solicitude for their children. They should naturally be gratified to know that their sons are innocently and profitably engaged during their absence from their homes, and in no way can they be better assured of this than by bringing them within the pale of this organization. Let it be furnished with all the means necessary to its successful operation.
(Column 02)Summary: Reports on a Republican rally at the Courthouse. Notes with glee the lack of enthusiasm among the crowd, seeing it as a sign of waning Radical influence. Also expresses dismay that one of the speakers, Colonel Stumbaugh, was ignored by Grant even though the former praised him immensely.
(Names in announcement: McCauley, Stewart, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh)Full Text of Article:Damage CommissionersOur Radical friends held a pow-wow in the Court House on Tuesday evening of last week to get up a little enthusiasm over the nomination of Grant and Colfax. The Court-room was about two thirds filled, at least one third of the assemblage being composed of small boys and about one-sixth being Democrats. As we cast our eyes over the small audience, the pleasing fact occurred to us that Radicalism is waning, fast waning in this old Radical borough. It was the poorest Radical meeting we have ever seen here. And not only the numbers.--There was no enthusiasm. The best strains of Radical eloquence--the wildest flights of Stewart's imagination--the most incetious questions in McCanley's catechism, and the boldest feats of Stumbaugh's valor, all failed to excite the patriotic feelings of the audience. The meeting was dull, flat, stale and unprofitable. It was uninteresting in itself and it failed to create any interest in the candidates of the Radical party. Its speakers rehashed the old charges against the Democratic party. It is evident that they intend to carry on this campaign upon the same material that they have been using for the last eight years, with the exception that they are coming out flat-footed for the negro. Mr. McCauley, in the course of his speech, stated that there was no use in attempting to disguise the fact that the Radical party is fighting to give the ballot to the negro everywhere. He said that the issue may as well be made now as at any other time. This is right.--It is but just that the people should know what they are to vote for. Mr. McCauley removed the screen behind which the Radical party has been hiding. He tore off the mask which has concealed its real features. We admire his candor, and with the issue thus made, we expect to beat his party this fall, in this county, at least three hundred votes.
Mr. Stewart, usually so extreme, distinguished in this County as the most Radical of Radicals, seems to have surrendered his position to Mr. McCauley. He twisted and wriggled so as to keep himself, if possible, upon the Chicago platform. He tried to persuade the people that there is no nigger in the Northern wood-pile, whilst everybody knows that he is in favor of negro suffrage in the North as well as the South. We are for the utmost latitude of speech.--We are opposed to the gag and the muzzle. Let the Radical speakers be permitted to talk their sentiments.
The last speaker was Col. F. S. Stumbaugh. Being a military man himself, he was of course expected to "do" the military part of the entertainment. And he did it with a vengeance. We admire the Colonel's devotion to his party. He certainly exhibits an uncommon degree of unselfishness in his admiration of General Grant. The General has unquestionably failed "to do the clean thing" towards the Colonel, for although, according to the speaker's account, the Colonel performed an extraordinary feat of valor at Shiloh and that, too, under the express command of the General, yet the General has failed, up to the present moment, to issue any public order, or even to write a private letter, in recognition of the Colonel's distinguished services. And, what is still more ungrateful, the pages of history are entirely silent as to his exploits. The Colonel is, therefore, to be excused for "blowing his own trumpet," especially when the narration of his gallant deeds was intended to incite his political friends to action in behalf of his ungrateful chief. For the purpose of placing the Colonel right upon the record, and showing our readers what an Ajax we have among us, we give the Colonel's peroration.
Said he, "Fellow citizens, when General Grant said to me at Shiloh, 'Colonel, take that battery,' I went and tuck it, and so when he says to you, forward along the whole line, move forward in obedience to his command." Had our quondam magisterial friend been present, we fear he would have exclaimed in accents denoting overpowering astonishment and awe, O Shi-Shi-Shi-loh!
(Column 03)Summary: The Governor appointed T. Wood, W. J. Ely, and W. S. Woods commissioners to investigate the war damage claims of border county residents.Books
(Names in announcement: T. Wood, W. J. Ely, W. S. Woods)
(Column 03)Summary: Mr. Leonard Alleman, a citizen of Antrim, is selling subscriptions to Alexander Stephen's book on the "Causes, Conduct, and Results of the Late War." He also has a book entitled "The Blue Coats" available.The Scotland and Mont Alto Railroad
(Names in announcement: Leonard Alleman)
(Column 03)Summary: Citizens will meet at the Mount Alto works to discuss construction of a railroad from Scotland to Waynesboro. The paper criticizes Chambersburg residents for not taking a lively enough interest in funding railroad ventures. The editors endorse making Chambersburg the junction with the Cumberland Valley road.Married
(Column 04)Summary: John D. T. McGrath and Miss Nettie M. Flack, both of Chambersburg, were married on April 29th by the Rev. Irving Magee.Married
(Names in announcement: John D. T. McGrath, Nettie M. Flack, Rev. Irving Magee)
(Column 04)Summary: Edward Sierer and Miss Annie M. Fortney, both of Shippensburg, were married at the home of the bride's parents on Railroad Street, Shippensburg on June 4th. Rev. W. A. Houck presided.Married
(Names in announcement: Edward Sierer, Annie M. Fortney, Rev. W. A. Houck)
(Column 04)Summary: Cyrus Fenstamacher and Rebecca E. Shilleto, both of Shippensburg, were married on June 4th at the residence of the bride's mother. The Rev. W. A. Houck presided.Married
(Names in announcement: Cyrus Fenstamacher, Rebecca E. Shilleto, Rev. W. A. Houck)
(Column 04)Summary: Samuel K. Lehman and Miss Anna M. Creamer, both from near Strasburg, were married in Shippensburg on June 2nd by the Rev. J. Hassler.Married
(Names in announcement: Samuel K. Lehman, Anna M. Creamer, Rev. J. Hassler)
(Column 04)Summary: Charles McCardell of Williamsport, Md., and Miss Eleanor A. Skinner, of St. Thomas, were married on June 1st by the Rev. J. Keller Miller in his residence.Died
(Names in announcement: Charles McCardell, Eleanor A. Skinner, Rev. J. Keller Miller)
(Column 04)Summary: John Gift died on June 3rd in Guilford. He was 76 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: John Gift)
(Column 04)Summary: John Ortt died on June 1st in Marion. He was 70 years old.
(Names in announcement: John Ortt)
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