Valley Spirit: June 17, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Valley Spirit For the Campaign
(Column 01)Summary: The Valley Spirit will discount their rates during election season to help in "promoting the conservative cause." Single copies will sell for $.50.The Will of the People
(Column 01)Summary: Expresses the opinion that Grant will only be the tool of Congress, carrying out anything they wish to pass. Says the Democratic party firmly adheres to the rules and powers laid down in the Constitution for each branch of government(especially the Executive). Ends by giving quotes supporting the editor's views from every previous president except Pierce and Lincoln.
Full Text of Article:Chief Justice ChaseIn his letter of acceptance, General Grant says that "a purely administrative officer should always be left free to execute the will of the people. I have always respected that will, and always shall."
As the Radical party interprets this announcement, it means that if General Grant should be elected President, he would be willing to make himself a mere machine to carry out the wishes of a majority of Congress. This announcement by the General, doubtless grown out of the conflict which exists between Congress and the present Chief Executive. Grant evidently regards Congress as the representatives of the people, and as such commissioned to dictate to the President the line of policy which he is in duty bound to pursue. Even if Congress should see fit to pass an act palpably unconstitutional, he would hold himself bound to execute it. He would be willing to surrender all the rights and prerogatives of the Executive office at the bidding of the Legislative Department. If, for instance, Congress should strip the President of the pardoning power, which is expressly vested in him by the Constitution, the humiliating spectacle would be presented to the American people of their Chief Magistrate tamely acquiescing in the outrage, and alleging as the reason for such conduct, that it was the will of the people as expressed through their representatives. In this manner, all the dearly bought rights of the American people, so solemnly guaranteed to them in the written Constitution, would be held only by the audience of the American Congress.
The Democratic party has always been distinguished for its respect for the will of the people. It is the party of the people. But it holds that for the security of all governments, and especially those of the republican form, it is necessary that the rules for its proper administration should be clearly laid down and rigidly enforced. It regards a written Constitution as essential in the safety and security of the Republic. The American people, through delegates elected for that express purpose, embodied their will in relation to the government of this nation in the Constitution of the United States. That Constitution was submitted to the States for ratification, and was by them adopted. It is therefore the supreme law of the land because it is the will of the American people. The Democratic party asks of its candidates that he shall swear "to preserve, protect and defend" that Constitution from all assaults come from what quarter they may. And it will insist upon him standing fire against all infringements or violations of the rights of the American people as guaranteed to them in that instrument. It wants no man in the Presidential chair who will be driven hither and thither by "every wind of doctrine." The constitution is to be the only guide of the President. Acts passed in conformity to it, which admit of different constructions, it is his duty to bring to the test of judicial authority. But acts passed by Congress which are glaringly antagonistic to the letter of the constitution, he must have the independence to refuse to execute. The nation desires no man in the Presidential chair who will submit to infractions of the Constitution upon the ground that they are committed by the representatives of the people. For after all, the representatives of the people are held to strict account by their constituents, and their conduct is judged of by the light of that very Constitution. It is impossible for the Radical party to destroy that love and regard for the Constitution which are so characteristic of the American people. The masses believe that the liberty of the citizen can only be maintained by preserving and defending the Constitution, and they are right in that belief. Let General Grant say that "a purely administrative officer should always be left free to execute the will of the people" as embodied in the Constitution of the United States, and he will thus administer a just and well-merited rebuke to the present fanatical Congress which has been so happily foiled in its efforts to rob the present Chief Executive of his position as defender of the American Constitution because of his steadfast adherence to its letter and spirit. We advise him to study the following words from our Copperhead Fathers:
The constitution, which at any time exists, until changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.--George Washington.
I have repeatedly laid myself under the most serious obligations to support the constitution. I have acquired an habitual attachment to it, and veneration of it.--John Adams.
The preservation of the General Government, in its whole constitutional vigor, is the sheet anchor of peace at home and safety abroad.--Thomas Jefferson.
To hold the Union of the States as the basis of their peace and happiness; to support the constitution which is the cement of the Union, as well in its limitations as in its authorities.--James Madison.
By what means shall we contribute most to cement the Union and give the greatest support to our most excellent constitution?--James Monroe.
In unfolding to my countrymen the principles by which I shall be governed in the fulfillment of those duties, my first resort will be the Constitution which I shall swear to the best of my ability, to preserve, protect and defend.--John Quincy Adams.
The Constitution is a sacred instrument, which should be guarded with sleepless vigilance.--Andrew Jackson.
I shall endeavor to preserve, protect and defend it, by anxiously referring to its provisions for direction in every action.--Martin Van Buren.
Our citizens must be content with the exercise of the powers with which the constitution clothes them.--Wm. H. Harrison.
My earnest prayer shall constantly be addressed to the all wise and all powerful Being who made me understandingly to act the principles of that constitution..--John Tyler.
The constitution itself plainly written as it is, the safeguard of our federal compact, the offspring of concession and compromise, binding together in the bonds of peace and union this great and increasing family of free and independent States, will be the chart by which I shall be directed.--James K. Polk.
My guide will be the constitution. For the interpretation of that instrument I shall look to the decision of the judicial tribunal established by its authority.--Zachary Taylor.
The constitution will be my guide. I regard all its provisions as equally binding.--Millard Fillmore.
Which was the President bound to obey?--a political platform, or the Constitution as expounded afterwards by the Supreme Court? the decree of a nominating convention, or the supreme law of the land? He could not hesitate in the choice under his oath faithfully and to the best of his ability "to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sad must be the condition of any country where an appeal can be taken from judicial decisions to excited popular elections!.......................Anarchy and confusion must be the inevitable consequence. Public and private rights are sacrificed to the madness of the hour. The Government itself becomes helpless for their protection, and to avoid such evils history has taught us that the people will at last seek refuge in the arms of despotism.--James Buchanan.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports on gossip that Chief Justice Chase will run for president as a Democrat. The paper applauds Chase for his intelligence, skill, and impartial handling of the impeachment trial, but argues that his views in favor of African American suffrage make it impossible for true Democrats to consider him.The Radicals and the Rebels
(Column 03)Summary: The paper denounces the hypocrisy of Republicans who are willing to welcome original secessionists into their party, while they strip civil rights from some reluctant secessionists who remain Democrats.
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Democratic County Committee Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: Democrats will meet in the Chambersburg office of M'Lellan and Kimmell to plan the Democratic County Convention.A Pictorial Campaign Paper
(Names in announcement: M'Lellan, Kimmell, B. Y. Hamsher, J. L. P. Detrich)
(Column 01)Summary: Bratton and Kennedy of Carlisle will publish a newspaper supporting the Democrats entitled "The Caucasian" during the campaign season.Young Men's Christian Association
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports that the new Young Men's Christian Association is succeeding beyond expectations. "The establishing of a moral power in the community whose influence may save many young men from seeking the haunts of vice, and from treading the paths that go down to 'Death and Hell,' and keep them for society, for their country and for God, certainly cannot fail of the sympathy and aid of every christian heart." The organization also hopes to open a free reading room and library.Festival
(Names in announcement: Rev. Magee, Gaff, Judge Black)
(Column 02)Summary: Reports on a festival to be held for building a war monument for the town's fallen soldiers. Lists the names of people involved in the project and their efforts to gather contributions for the monument.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. I. Brotherton, Mrs. Lyman S. Clarke, William C. Eyster, Mary E. M'Culloh, Eliza Aston, Charlotte Eyster, Sadie Early, Marian Selders, Lottie Stenger, Ellie Lambert, Helen Dechert, Lucretia Kindline, Maggie Eyster, Rosa Senseny, Mrs. George Eyster, Mrs. H. H. Hutz, Mrs. B. F. Nead, Sade M'Coy, Lieut. S. W. Hays, Sergt. John A. Selders, Sergt. Harry Strickler, Capt. George W. Skinner, Thomas Donovan, C. H. Cressler, Joseph R. Davinson, Jacob L. Dechert, Julia Reed, Mary Linn, Hellie Early, Sue Wampler, Emma M'Culloh, Emma Mull, Jennie Miller, Beckie Seibert, Lizzie Culbertson, Maggie Seibert, Lucy Eyster, Beckie Austin, Kate Hazlett, Alice Smith)Full Text of Article:Soldier's ConventionThere will be a festival held in Repository Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week. The proceeds of this Festival are to be devoted to the building of a monument to the memory of every soldier of Franklin county, who fell in the service of his country. This praiseworthy and patriotic duty has been undertaken by our town ladies, and judging from the energy displayed by them during the war, in raising funds for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, we opine the monument will be an entire success.--This is a matter which concerns all parts of our county, and every citizen should respond to the call of those having the affair in charge. Contributions of money, or anything that can be converted into money, will be thankfully received.
At the meeting held in the Lutheran Lecture Room, on the 4th inst., an organization of those engaged in this good work was effected by the election of the following officers:
President--Mrs. I. Brotherton.
Vice President--Mrs. Lyman S. Clarke.
Treasurer--William C. Eyster.
Secretary--Miss Mary E. M'Culloh.
Managers--Mrs. Eliza Aston, Mrs. Charlotte Eyster, Miss Sadie Early, Miss Marian Selders, Mrs. Lottie Stenger, Miss Ellie Lambert, Mrs. Helen Dechert, Miss Lucretia Kindline, Mrs. Maggie Eyster, Mrs. Rosa Senseney, Mrs. Geo. Eyster, Mrs. H.H. Hutz, Mrs. B.F. Nead, Mrs. Sade M'Coy, Lieut. S.W. Hays, Sergt. John A. Selders, Sergt. Harry Strickler, Capt. Geo. W. Skinner, Thomas Donovan, C.H. Crossler, Joseph R. Davinson.
The Managers met on the 8th inst., at the house of Mr. Jacob L. Dechert, when the following young ladies were appointed a committee to solicit contributions:
Misses Julia Reed, Mary Linn, Hellie Early, Sue Wampler, Emma M'Culloh, Emma Mull, Jennie Miller, Beckie Selbert, Lizzie Culbertson, Fannie Gehr, Emma Culbertson, Maggie Selbert, Lucy Eyster, Beckie Austin, Kate Haslett, Alice Smith.
These young ladies have been actively at work, and have succeeded so well that the managers are encouraged to hope their undertaking will be entirely successful.
(Column 02)Summary: Reports on the proceedings of local veterans to nominate delegates to the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention in July. Lists the officers chosen and the resolutions passed. The soldiers at the meeting appear to be Democrats for the most part, since the resolutions specifically repudiate the Republican platform. Editor probably trying to show that not all veterans are attached to the Republican party.
(Names in announcement: Capt. George W. Skinner, Lt. Col. B. F. Winger, George Pugh, Capt. A. J. Brand, Capt. J. B. Burk, Private Milton A. Embick, Lieut. M. D. Reymer, Sergt. Frank Donavan, George W. Welsh, J. L. P. Detrich, George T. Cole)Full Text of Article:Temperance LectureThe Convention to select delegates to the Soldiers' and Sailor's National Convention to be held in the City of New York on the 4th day of July next, assembled in the Court House to-day(Tuesday) at 9 o'clock, A.M. The Citizens' Band proceeded to the depot between eight and nine o'clock to meet the delegation from Waynesboro and Greenscastle and escort them to the place of meeting. This delegation was accompanied by the Greencastle Band. Both bands entertained the Convention during its sessions with most excellent music. The attendance at the Convention was large and the proceedings were marked by the utmost enthusiasm and harmony.
Immediately upon assembling, on motion of Capt. Geo. W. Skinner, the following officers were chosen: President; Lt. Col. B.F. Winger; Vice Presidents, Private George Pugh and Capt. A.J. Brand; Secretaries, Capt. J.B. Burk and Private Milton A. Embick. On taking the Chair Col. Winger made a brief address, stating the objects for which the Convention had been called.
The following Committees were then appointed: On Resolutions--Capt. Geo. W. Skinner, Lieut. M.D. Reymer, Sergt. Frank Donavan.
On Permanent Organization--Lieutenant George W. Welsh, Sergt. J.L.P. Detrich, Private Geo. T. Cole. The Convention then took a recess until one o'clock, P.M.
The Convention reassembled at 1 o'clock. The Committee on resolutions reported the following which were adopted:
Resolved: That as soldiers we enlisted to crush rebellion, to maintain the national honor untarnished and to preserve the Union of the States, and these objects having been accomplished, it is our opinion that the war upon the South ought to cease.
Resolved: That the safety of this Government lies in the recognition of the fact that the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land; that the reconstruction policy, inaugurated and sought to be carried out by Radical Congresses, is inimical to the spirit of that Constitution, and that we cannot give our support to any man, however distinguished, who declares his purpose to adopt that policy as his own.
Resolved:That Military governments in time of peace are dangerous to a republic, and that we are unalterably opposed to the despotism established and maintained in the South by military power as being needlessly oppressive to the people of that section and utterly subversive of the rights and liberties of American citizens.
Resolved: That we regard with abhorrence the declaration of the Radical Convention recently assembled in Chicago, that it is the intention of the Radical party to maintain the negro in the exercise of the right of suffrage in the South, knowing well that this is but a preliminary step toward the extension of the same right, by Act of Congress, to the negro of the North; that whilst engaged in the contest for the preservation of the Union, the white soldiers proved their superiority to the negro on many a bloody battlefield, and they are unwilling now to admit him to an equality with them in matters pertaining to the administration of the government.
Resolved: That whilst the delegates elected by this Convention to the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Convention, to be held in the City of New York, on the 4th day of July next, are expected and earnestly instructed to labor for the nomination of some able and distinguished soldier as the Conservative candidate for the office of Chief Magistrate of the nation; yet we have no hesitation in expressing our conviction that the interests of the patriotic soldiers of the country can safely be committed to the National Democratic Convention which is to assemble in the same place on the same day, and we hereby express our hope that, should that Convention deem it expedient to nominate a soldier for that position, the Convention, to which the delegates chosen here are accredited, will ratify the nomination made by that Convention of some civilian, distinguished for his integrity and statesmanship, who can bring back to this nation the peace and prosperity which were ours before the late unhappy war.
At our time of going to press this afternoon, the Convention is still in session and we are obliged to defer the publication of the remainder of the proceedings until our next issue.
(Column 03)Summary: A. E. Bradley of New York will give a free Temperance Lecture in the Court House. He will also lecture in Greencastle and Mercersburg.Democratic and Conservative Soldier's Club
(Column 03)Summary: Reports on a meeting of a soldiers' club which met in the court house. Speeches were given by some local prominent officers extolling Democratic soldiers who fell in the war. Also lists every single one of the veterans who joined the organization thus far, their rank, and their regiment.
Full Text of Article:Radical ConventionIn pursuance of a call, as announced in these columns, there was a large assemblage of our citizens and soldiers in the Court House on Thursday evening last. The Citizen's Band was present and entertained the audience with some well executed national airs--such as many of those present were accustomed to hear on the "tented field," and in the deadly strife and tug of war. Once more the gallant survivors of many a hard fought battle field met side by side, and they who shared the fight mean to share the peace they helped to make.
The meeting was organized by calling Dr. R. Rush Senseny to the chair, and Thomas Donavan as Secretary.
The Dr., to the great delight of all present, in stating the objects of the Meeting, delivered a brief, eloquent, earnest and highly appropriate speech, in very fine style, and was loudly applauded by the audience, showing their high appreciation thereby.
Capt. Geo. W. Skinner, being called upon, delivered in a clear, forcible and earnest style, a speech of some length, in which he hurled back the slander, so oft repeated, that there were no Democratic or conservative soldiers in the the late war.
The speaker then pointed to the honored graves of our dead soldiers, on a hundred battle-fields and in a hundred grave-yards and cemeteries, to prove the fact that there were thousands, aye! hundreds of thousands of democratic soldiers in the late war, who proved their devotion to their country and sealed it with their blood.
The soldiers present this night, he said were living witnesses also to the fact that Franklin county did send out some democratic soldiers; and many obscure mounds, and many a marble monument on Southern soil shows that many never returned. This slander was refuted with some warmth by the Captain, and justly--for, as he says, it is a base and cowardly attempt of the Radicals to rob the honored braves of the blood-bought glory they now so richly merit. The Captain in vindicating the brave defenders of our national honor from this defamation, did it in a scholar-like and soldierly manner.
The issues involved in the present crisis of our country were dwelt upon, and clearly presented by the orator, and he demonstrated that the soldiers who fought for union and peace abroad, from a sense of duty, have the same duty still resting upon them to fight for the same ends at home--then with bayonets, now with ballots. He clearly defined what was the position of the Radical party in the reconstruction policy, by which, in times of peace, they have established a military despotism in violation of the constitution. That to-day, in this land, we have a despotism, more galling and absolute than was ever set up in the old world by the boldest tyrants that ever cursed or oppressed a people. We are, of course, unable in a brief notice to do the speech of the Captain anything like justice.
The Captain during the delivery of his remarks, was frequently, loudly and enthusiastically applauded by the audience, who heard him with much pleasure for the first time in this town.
The organization of the Club was effected, and about sixty-seven names were appended to the list. The list has since swelled to over one hundred. The meeting was more numerously attended by citizens and soldiers than was anticipated by the movers; and the interest manifested by the soldiers present, and the enthusiasm shown, were highly gratifying to all who love their country and their country's good.
There are still more soldiers who desire to join the Club. They are requested to report themselves to one of the officers who will take measures immediately to introduce them into full membership. The soldiers of this "neck of woods" didn't fight to make negroes their equals, or to establish military governments over any portion of the Union. All such are earnestly requested to join.
George Humelsigh, Pri. 210 Pa. Vol.
Robert Smith, Pri. 102 " "
John Hassen, " 16 " Cav.
Daniel Shatzley, Pri. Bat. A, 1st Pa. Art.
Henry Givens, " 103d Pa. Vol.
William Hensberger, Co. D. 11th Pa. Cav.
Jacob Selbert, Pri. 158th Pa. Inft.
Edward Richter Co. C. 2nd Pa. Art.
Daniel Gelwicks.
Julius Coler.
George Yeager, Co. D., 2nd Pa. Art.
Henry Ulerick, Pri. 11th Pa. Cav.
T.D. Doyle, Pri. 21st Pa. Cav.
Capt. A.J. Brand, 107th Pa. Inft.
Peter Cummins, Lietu. Easton's Bat'y.
Philip Loudensiager, Pri. 8th Pa. Cav.
William Clugaton. " 126th Pa. Inft.
Geo. Suters. " 77th " "
John C. Garvic.
George Cole, Pri. 126th Pa. Inft.
Daniel C. Lebernite.
John King, 1st Sergt. Co. L. 21st Pa. Cav.
John Freshcorn, Pri. 210th Pa. Vol.
Charles Smith, Col. D. 210th Pa. Vol.
Simon Shatzley, Co. D. Easton's Bat'y
Menares Humelsign, 2d Sergt. 210th Pa. Vol.
Henry Elliott, Co. D. 11th Pa. Cav.
Peter Danner, 2d Pa. Inft.
Ephraim Finfrock, 2nd Pa. Inft.
Peter Snider. " " "
Ernst Echert, Co. D. 210th Pa. Inft.
John Michaels, Lieut. 107th " "
William Michaels, Co. D. 210th Pa. Inft.
Frederick Householder, Co. D. 210th Pa. Vol.
John Christ, Co. D. 210th Pa. Vol.
Frank McKenney, Co. I. 210 th Pa. Vol.
Wallace Michaels, 77th Pa. Vol.
P.M. Caddle, Pri. Co. L. 21st Pa. Cav.
Christian Michaels, Pri. 21st Pa. Cav.
Henry Bowers, Sergt. 21st Pa. Cav.
Adam Bowers, " 107th " Vol.
Emanuel Leonard.
G.W. Skinner, Capt. Co. A. 77th Pa. Vol.
Edward Harmon, O.S. Co. D. 210th Pa. Vol.
Robert Harmon, Pri. 11th Pa. Cav.
William Butler, " 21st " "
Allison Butler, Pri. Bat. B. 25th Pa. Art.
Samuel Butler, " Co. A. 77th Pa. Vol.
Emmet Kuhn, " 79th Pa. Vol.
David Simmers, Pri. 126th Pa. Vol.
Adam Forney, " Co. H. 79th Pa. Vol.
Wm. Armstrong, Pri. 22d Pa. Cav.
Leander Armstrong, Pri. 12th Pa. Res.
James H. Spehr, Pri. U.S.A.
J.L.P. Detrich, " " " "
P.C. Loudensinger, Pri. 126th Pa. Vol.
Daniel Rapp, Pri 107th Pa. Vol.
Peter Heefner, Serg't. 158th Pa. Inft.
Christian Pisel, Capt. 21st Pa. Cav.
David Hissong, Pri. 21st " "
Thomas Donavon, Serg't. 21st Pa. Cav.
Francis Donavon, " 77th " Inft.
John Dougherty, U.S.A.
Johnson Varner, Pri Co. A, 77th Pa. Vol.
John McCalvey.
Pat McGaffigan, 5th U.S. Cav.
John Pisle, Co. C. 2d Pa. Art.
Leonard Yeager, Co. C. 2d Pa. Art.
Jesse Richter, 2d Pa. Art.
Frank Yeager, 2d Pa. Art.
William Yeager, 2d Pa. Art.
Frederick Ulerick, Pri. 21st Pa. Cav.
Samuel Monath, Co. L. 21st Pa. Cav.
Thomas Clugston, Co. C. 2d Pa. Art.
Charles Jones.
Samuel Rosenberg, Co. C. 2d Pa. Art.
William Stover, Co. I. 158th Pa. Inft.
John Ready, Co. E. 67th Pa. Inft.
David Morehead, Co. D. 11th Pa. Cav.
Elijah Embich, 110th Pa. Inft.
Joseph Armstrong, 21st Pa. Cav.
Mathias Bittinger, Lieut. Co. C. 2d Pa. Art.
Wilson Reilly, "Sea" Capt. 12th Pa. Res.
James Whitely, 1st Lieut. Co. E. 6th Connecticut.
John Bench, Pri. 21st Pa. Cav.
John Myers, 107th Pa. Inft.
George Goetman, Co. D. 210th Pa. Inft.
John Peiffer, Sergt. 11th Pa. Cav.
John Barger, Co. G. 8th Pa. Cav.
Peter Rouseman, Pri. 8th Pa. Cav.
Pierce Zigler, Pri. 12th Pa. Res.
H.L. Brooks, Corp. Co. H. 197th Pa. Inft.
Henry Rapp, Pri. N.Y. Regt.
Adam Dingler, Pri. Co. D. 210th Pa. Vol.
B.R. Senseny, Surg. U.S.A.
B.F. Gilmore, U.S. Military Corps.
Jacob Lightner, U.S.A.
Clay McIntire, U.S.A.
James Wood, Pri. Co. D. 9th R.I. Vol.
William Powers, Pri. 1st Conn. Art.
George Whiteman, Pri. 210th Pa. Inft.
William Hartline, Pri. Co. D. 130th Pa. Inft.
John Elser, Pri. Co. D. 11th Pa. Cav.
Edgar Washatangh, Serg't 16th Pa. Cav.
George Minich, Co. D. 21st Cav.
Philip Sheets, Bat. D. 1st Md. Art.
Richard Woods, 12th Res.
(Column 04)Summary: The Republicans of Bedford named Franklin's D. W. Rowe candidate for Associate Law Judge and John Cessna for Congress.Grant and Colfax Meeting
(Names in announcement: D. W. Rowe, John Cessna)
(Column 04)Summary: Gloats that a recent meeting of Republicans to form a Grant/Colfax club was sparsely attended. Didn't say why, but speculates that Radical policies of black voting and reconstruction governments had something to do with it. Also claims Democratic rallies are much better attended in town.
Full Text of Article:MarriedFor several days prior to Saturday last, bills were posted upon our street corners and at all public places about town, announcing the fact that a meeting would be held in the Court House on that (Saturday) evening for the purpose of organizing a Grant and Colfax Club. It was confidently expected that the soldiers, sailors and citizens who sympathize with the Radical party would easily fill the Court-room. But the whole crowd that could be assembled, under the pressure of a vigorous and frequent ringing of the Court-House bell, numbered thirty-six persons, and they were a seedy and motley assemblage. And, cut of all the Attorneys at the Bar who vote the Radical ticket, not one was on hand to address this small and lifeless audience. Out of six hundred Radical voters in the Borough of Chambersburg, thirty-six were willing to join a Grant and Colfax club. There is something "rotten in Denmark." Conservative men are shrinking back from the precipice over which they are invited to plunge. Negro-equality and military power have no charms for them. They see in these doctrines the seeds of death to the Republic. This accounts for the lack of interest and want of enthusiasm in the Radical ranks. Meanwhile, the Democracy are hanging their banner on the outer walls and the cry is still, "they come."
(Column 05)Summary: Dr. R. S. Brownson, of Mercersburg, and Miss Mary Coyle, daughter of A. L. Coyle of Chambersburg, were married at the Presbyterian Church on June 9th by the Rev. J. A. Crawford.Married
(Names in announcement: Dr. R. S. Brownson, Mary Coyle, A. L. Coyle, Rev. J. A. Crawford)
(Column 05)Summary: John W. Everett of Illinois and Miss Sadie Stark, daughter of James Stark of Dry Run, were married on June 9th by the Rev. William A. West.Married
(Names in announcement: John W. Everett, Sadie Stark, James Stark, Rev. William A. West)
(Column 05)Summary: James E. Bowen of Southampton and Miss Amanda J. Stach of Roxbury were married at the Montgomery House on June 11th by the Rev. Irving Magee.Died
(Names in announcement: James E. Bowen, Amanda J. Stach, Rev. Irving Magee)
(Column 05)Summary: Sarah Barclay died near Dry Run on June 8th. She was 74 years old.
(Names in announcement: Sarah Barclay)
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