![]() Valley Spirit: July 1, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The National Convention
(Column 01)Summary: The Democratic National Convention will meet Tuesday in New York. The paper pledges united support of all Democrats behind its nominees. The editors list the issues they hope will be included in the platform: "A reduction of the National expenses--the total abolition of the Freedmens' Bureau--the destruction of all military governments--the retention of political power in the hands of white men--and, by means of all these, the gradual and sure extinguishment of the national debt."Letter From Senator Sumner
(Column 01)Summary: The paper prints a letter from Charles Sumner that the editors claim proves the Republican Party is in favor of "admitting Negroes to Congress, to State Legislatures, or to the jury box."The Great Battle of the War
(Column 02)Summary: The paper re-fights the battle of Antietam, arguing that McLellan achieved as much there as Meade did at Gettysburg.Negro Suffrage to be Made General by Act of Congress
(Column 04)Summary: Article arguing that the radicals intend to "make negro suffrage the law in every State by Congressional enactment if they succeed in electing Grant."Address by Ex-Governor Seymour
(Column 05)Summary: Summarizes speech by Horatio Seymour attacking the financial waste and excessive taxation by Republicans in Congress.
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Normal Institute
(Column 01)Summary: The Franklin County Normal Institute in Strasburg ended its three month session. 58 male and female pupils attended the session, most of whom hope to teach in the county's common schools. "The Institute is doing a good work in qualifying teachers for their important duties." It was founded by Superintendent of Schools P. M. Shoemaker and assisted by Samuel Gelwix.Railroad Meeting
(Names in announcement: P. M. Shoemaker, Samuel Gelwix)
(Column 01)Summary: Discusses a meeting held to plan the building of a railroad to Chambersburg.
Full Text of Article:The Wheeling of a WheelbarrowAnother Railroad meeting was held on Wednesday evening last, in the Court House, in this borough. It was well attended, and from the spirit evinced by those present, hopes were entertained that a sufficient amount would be subscribed to secure the location of the Railroad to Chambersburg, but it does not appear that much has been done since the meeting. One hundred and three shares (in addition to those previously subscribed for by citizens of the borough) were taken at this meeting.
We hope the committee will make another effort, and, if possible, canvass the whole town. We have at least one hundred men in this borough who are able to take ten shares or more apiece. We have two hundred more who could take from two to five shares each, and two or three hundred more who could take one or two shares each. Out of such abundant material, surely it ought to be possible to get a thousand shares taken.
(Column 02)Summary: Mr. Crooks pushed a wheelbarrow through town with a streamer declaring "Impeachment a Failure." The spectacle was the result of a failed bet with J. A. S. Creamer. Crooks, an ardent Republican, had bet that Johnson would be removed from office. The victorious Creamer and the Citizens' Band followed behind the disgraced Crooks.Hershberger's Panorama
(Names in announcement: Crooks, J. A. S. Creamer)
(Column 03)Summary: Major H. R. Hershberger has spent the last three months adding to his panorama. It now includes scenes of the Battle of Gettysburg and Lee's retreat across South Mountain "sketched with the most striking power." The panorama now contains 40 scenes. He has secured Repository Hall for another exhibition.Candidate for Sheriff
(Names in announcement: Major H. R. Hershberger)
(Column 03)Summary: Letter suggesting Abraham Hafer, Jr., as Democratic candidate for Sheriff.Married
(Names in announcement: Abraham HaferJr.)
(Column 05)Summary: S. S. Shyrock of Chambersburg and Miss Libbie Reynolds, daughter of C. M. Reynolds of Chambersburg were married on June 25th by the Rev. Dr. Harper, assisted by the Rev. Edwin Nevin.Died
(Names in announcement: S. S. Shyrock, Libbie Reynolds, C. M. Reynolds, Rev. Harper, Edwin Nevin)
(Column 05)Summary: Susannah Brough, wife of Peter Brough, died on June 14th. She was 53 years old.
(Names in announcement: Susannah Brough, Peter Brough)
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