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Valley Spirit: September 2, 1868

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What They Talk About
(Column 01)
Summary: Contrasts the issues addressed by the Democrats versus those addressed by the Republicans. Claims the latter only talk about dead issues like slavery and secession while the former discuss real issues like the economy and reconstruction. Proclaims the Democratic party as alive and well and ready for the election.
Full Text of Article:

It must be amusing to listen to a Radical speak in the present campaign. It has been our privilege to read one or two, and to be informed of the style and matter of a few others. From our information thus gathered, we are led to the conclusion that the Radical speakers are frightened at the issues that have grown out of the war.--They are afraid to discuss them. They are still harping upon the disloyalty of the Democratic party during the rebellion. They are still bandying the words, Copperhead, traitor, rebel sympathizer. They are busily engaged in the Democracy for gross five or six years ago, seemingly oblivious of the fact that the people are calling them to account for their own terrible misrule during the last three years. With great atrocity they go before an audience of American citizens--longing for relief from the burdens under which the nation is staggering--earnestly desirous to ascertain the avenue of escape from the evils into which Radicalism has plunged the country and discuss the Slavery question. They know well that slavery is "dead as Garrick," and that there are no mourners at its tomb. And yet they would persuade the people that it is the purpose of the Democratic party to resurrect that forever buried institution.

With equal seriousness, they talk about the secession question. They occupy their time in attempting to convince the masses that a State has not the right to secede from the Union. They seem to think that the people are too ignorant to know that this question has been finally settled by the bloody arbitrament of the sword, and that the settlement has been accepted, and acquiesced in, by the citizens of the Northern and Southern states alike.

Another favorite hobby, is the old, oft repeated charge of Democratic opposition to the war for the preservation of the Union. They deny that Democrats took part in the struggle in any considerable numbers, and appropriate to themselves the honor of all the victories won by the Union forces. They forget that during the war, more than three million,(3,000,000) of men enlisted in the Union armies, and that the whole number of votes for Mr. Lincoln was one million eight hundred and fifty eight thousand, two hundred and fifty.(1,858,250) Even granting that every man who voted for Lincoln went to the war, where did the excess of men come from? And when the fact is taken into account that a great many of those who voted for Lincoln did not go to the war, it seems to us to be made out very clearly that our armies were nearly equally divided in political sentiment.

Now, what has all this kind of talk to do with the great questions that now divide the political parties of the country? What light will it throw upon the Congressional Reconstruction policy which has been so signally condemned by the people wherever elections have been held? How will it explain the startling extravagance and unprecedented corruption which have marked the Radical administration in a time of profound peace? How will it justify the usurpation by the Legislative Department of the rights granted by the Constitution to the Executive and the Judiciary? What satisfaction does it give the people in relation to the military governments which have been established in the South without any warrant, or shadow of right? How will it excuse the degradation of the native white population of the South and the elevation to political power of ignorant negroes and unprincipled carpet-baggers? What mode of payment does it suggest of the heavy debt which hangs like a horrid nightmare upon the bosom of the nation? What assurance does it give to the laborer that better times are coming? What information does it furnish the bondholder as to the payment of his bonds?

These are the questions in which the people take an interest now. The public mind is agitated upon these issues. The people are tired of the cant which has been drummed into their ears by the Radicals ever since the close of the war. They ask for a fish, and the Radicals give them a serpent. They ask for bread, and the Radicals give them a stone.

The Democratic party addresses itself to the solution of the difficult problems presented by the present condition of the country. It leaves behind it all decided questions, and busies itself only about those which concern the people now. It regards Slavery as dead, Secession as dead, and dead forever, and it leaves the efforts of the patriotic Democracy in behalf of the Union to the judgment of impartial history. Had the Democratic party clung to the dead bodies of exploded doctrines in the past, instead of meeting every issue as it arose, it would indeed have been buried long since beyond the hope of resurrection. The funeral orations pronounced at its grave, and the epitaphs written upon its tombstone, might then have have had something of truth in them. But it is because of its ability to adapt itself to the ever changing wants and circumstances of the people that it is, in truth, the Democratic party, and that it is now, in reality, in full life and in most excellent trim for the contest.

For State Senator
(Column 02)
Summary: Editorial endorsing Calvin M. Duncan for State Senate. In the last election, it appeared Duncan had won a close contest with the Republican McConaughy. The Republican party challenged the results, however, and succeeded in having a number of votes thrown out, giving McConaughy the office. Democrats hope to gain revenge this year.
(Names in announcement: Calvin M. Duncan, McConaughy)
[No Title]
(Column For Congress)
Summary: Editorial endorsing Francis M. Kimmell for Congress. Judge Kimmell will challenge the Republican candidate, John Cessna.
(Names in announcement: Francis M. Kimmell, John Cessna)
Action! Action!! Action!!!
(Column 02)
Summary: The editors urge the people of Franklin County to go to work for the Democratic ticket. They instruct supporters to form township clubs to support candidates. The paper argues that the "signs of the times" point to Democratic victory.
Life Insurance and Banking
(Column 03)
Summary: Article explaining the benefits and importance of Life Insurance. Directions on how to purchase it are included.
Address of the Democratic State Committee
(Column 04)
Summary: Accuses the Republicans of dodging the important issues. Addresses problems like debt, reconstruction governments, taxes, etc. Tells Democrats what they can do to get our the vote and bring about a Democratic triumph.
Full Text of Article:

901 Arch street,
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 24, 1868.


The Radicals re-produce the stale slanders of the past, and try to ignore the grave questions of the present.

They prate of their loyalty and make it the excuse for their corruption, their extravagance and their misrule.

They imagine that you have slept during three years of their iniquitous misgovernment, and that you will forget that taxation oppresses you, that your commerce languishes, and that your business is broken up.

They have proven themselves powerful to destroy and powerless to restore.

Their only policy is hate, and upon this they ask a new lease of power, forgetful that a thinking and a practical people require them to answer:

Why is the national debt greater now than when Lee surrendered, and why does it still increase?

What has become of the fifteen hundred millions of dollars they have wrung from the comforts and necessities of the people since June, 1865?

Why are more than one hundred millions of dollars annually wasted on the unreconstructed South, and why is it not made to yield us as much, to relieve us from taxation, and aid in paying our debt?

Why is the white man made the inferior of the negro in every Southern State?

Why is one class of men totally exempt from taxation whilst all others groan beneath the load they should aid in bearing?

Why shall the 5-20 bonds be paid in gold when by express terms of the contract they were made payable in legal tender notes?

Why is the Constitution violated and the Union not restored, and why are our resources wasted, and the people oppressed, the cost of living trebled and our trade destroyed?


Organize a speaking canvass in every locality. Go into the strongholds of Radicalism, and


Direct your arguments to reason and not to the passions. Confine them to the living issues of the present and of the immediate future.


Our grand old State moves steadily into her true place in the Democratic line.

From every section comes the glad news of a defiant and united Democracy, and of a torpid and dispirited foe.

Organization, energy and united effort will bring you a glorious victory.


By order of the Democratic State Committee, WM. A. WALLACE, Chairman.

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Gone to California
(Column 01)
Summary: Dr. B. Rush Senseny has left Franklin for relocation in California.
(Names in announcement: Dr. B. Rush Senseny)
Camp Meeting
(Column 01)
Summary: The African American congregation of the Wesleyan M. E. church plan to hold a camp meeting on the grounds of Henry Mentzer near Fayetteville.
(Names in announcement: Henry Mentzer)
Seymour and Blair Club
(Column 01)
Summary: A Seymour and Blair Club meeting will be held in the third story of the building occupied by the grocers Gelwicks and Burkhart.
(Names in announcement: Seymour, Blair, Gelwicks, Burkhart)
United Brethren Camp Meeting
(Column 01)
Summary: The United Brethren Church's camp meeting began last week in Yaukey's Woods near Funkstown. A large number of people assembled to hear the Sunday sermon delivered by the Rev. John Dickson who was once pastor of Chambersburg's United Brethren Church.
(Names in announcement: Rev. John Dickson)
The Agricultural Fair
(Column 02)
Summary: The people of Franklin are beginning to take a great interest in the ongoing preparations for the fair. The attractions will include an "immense exhibition of stock and goods. The premium list embraces horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, and everything in the mechanical and industrial line."
Record Your Discharges
(Column 02)
Summary: Register and Recorder Henry Strickler will record the honorable discharges of Franklin's soldiers. The paper urges all veterans to see Mr. Strickler and make their discharge part of the county record, since discharge papers can easily be lost.
(Names in announcement: Henry Strickler)
Extension of the Franklin Railroad
(Column 02)
Summary: The project of extending the Franklin Railroad from Hagerstown to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at Williamsport will soon be under contract. Those wishing to bid for work may see Edward Watts, the chief engineer, at Hagerstown. Grading and masonry are scheduled for completion by May.
(Names in announcement: Edward Watts)
The Meeting at Waynesboro'
(Column 02)
Summary: A Democratic meeting was held at Waynesboro' in which "no personal vituperation was indulged in." The speakers "appealed to the reason, and not to the passions of their hearers. The Conservative citizens of Washington township are wide awake. The Radicals will steal no march on us there."
(Names in announcement: F. M. Kimmell, W. S. Stenger)
Congressional Conference
(Column 02)
Summary: The Conferees from the counties making up the 16th Congressional District, including Franklin, met in Bedford. George W. Brewer of Franklin was elected President of the conference.
(Names in announcement: George W. Brewer, F. M. Kimmell)
A Joint Discussion
(Column 02)
Summary: The Republicans and Democrats of Washington Township, Franklin County, invite Congressional candidates John Cessna and F. M. Kimmell to hold a joint discussion on the political issues of the contest. The following Republican signed the appeal: Alex Hamilton, Joseph Elden, George Besore, E. W. Washabaugh, W. S. Amberson, William Blair, John Philips, W. A. Reed, W. A. Tritle, Samuel P. Stoner, Daniel Mickley, Ezekiel Elden, A. G. Nevin, Volney Rogers, J. C. Long. The following Democrats signed: D. B. Russell, Joseph W. Miller, George Bender, George W. Welsh, J. W. Coon, J. Cooper, Joseph Douglas, J. C. Brackbill, Samuel Lecrone, Jacob J. Miller, John Mullan, Jacob Fitz, Henry Besore, Simon Lecron, T. D. French.
(Names in announcement: Alex Hamilton, Joseph Elden, George Besore, E. W. Washabaugh, W. S. Amberson, William Blair, John Philips, W. A. Reid, W. A. Tritle, Samuel P. Stoner, Daniel Mickley, Ezekiel Elden, A. G. Nevin, Volney Rogers, J. C. Long, D. B. Russell, Joseph W. Miller, George Bender, George W. Welsh, J. W. Coon, J. Cooper, Joseph Douglas, J. C. Brackbill, Samuel Lecrone, Jacob J. Miller, John Mullan, Jacob Fitz, Henry Besore, Simon Lecron, T. D. French)
Senatorial Conference
(Column 02)
Summary: The Conferees of the 17th Senatorial District that includes Franklin met at Graeffenberg Springs. Dr. Maxwell Kennedy of Franklin was chosen president. C. M. Duncan received a majority of votes on the third ballot and was declared the nominee. Resolutions were passed denouncing the unfairness of the last election in which it appeared Duncan had won only to loose his seat after a challenge by the Republican, McConaughy.
(Names in announcement: Maxwell Kennedy, Capt. G. W. Skinner, G. W. Welsh, Calvin M. Duncan)
Fayetteville Democratic Club
(Column 03)
Summary: The Democrats of Green and Guilford met at the hotel of A. N. Holland in Fayetteville to organize a Democratic club. John Lochbaum was chosen president.
(Names in announcement: A. N. Holland, John Lochbaum, William George, Samuel Shearman, William Shively, George Colby)
Waynesboro' Democratic Meeting
(Column 03)
Summary: T. D. French, Secretary of the Waynesboro' Democratic Meeting, writes to the Spirit to describe the recent gathering. French asserts that several hundred citizens, at least four times as many as turned out for the Republican meeting, assembled to hear the Democratic speakers. The Waynesboro' Brass Band provided entertainment. The speakers denounced the "political and financial disorder of the country" occasioned by Republican rule. Officials argued that "if we wished to save the nation from bankruptcy and ruin--if we wished to have a free country--that the Radical element now in power should be routed by the people at the coming elections."
(Names in announcement: John Douglas, J. N. Stiffy, Samuel Nicodemus, C. J. T. McIntyre, W. S. Stenger, F. M. Kimmell, T. D. French)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mrs. Elizabeth L. Fahnestock died in Chambersburg on August 8th. She was 76 years old. "She was one of those who had her full share of earthly trials and crosses, but she bore them as becomes the devoted Christian. She was a worthy member of the German Reformed Church, and died a calm and peaceful death."
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth L. Fahnestock)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mrs. Margaret Shaffer died near Mercersburg on August 15th. She was 54 years old.
(Names in announcement: Margaret Shaffer)

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Description of Page: Advertisements and agricultural information appear on this page.