Valley Spirit: November 4, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Vote to Save Your Country
(Column 05)Summary: Calls on both Democrats and Republicans to correct the errors of the past and vote for Seymour. Lists the issues Democrats championed for the past few months and promises a return to prosperity.
Full Text of Article:No Money for White MenWe hope that every Democrat, and every conservative Republican who believes with us that a change is needed in the administration of national affairs, will turn out on Tuesday next and vote for Seymour and Blair.
Times are hard and getting harder; money is scarce and getting scarcer; taxes are high and getting higher; the government expenses are enormous and growing worse; the public debt is fearful and being augmented every month; the Radical Congress is squandering the people's money and Radical office-holders are stealing half the revenues they collect.
The public welfare demands a change. Honest Republicans who vote with the dishonest crew who are plundering the people will regret the act all the days of their life. Their eyes will ere long be opened to their error. Those who vote for Seymour and Blair--for the immediate restoration of the Union--for the reduction of government expenditures and the consequent reduction of the public debt--for the lightening of taxation--for the more equal distribution of currency and revival of business that would result therefrom--these will have no cause to reproach themselves, let matters go as they will. They can rest in the consciousness that they performed their duty. If evil ensues, the fault will not be theirs.
(Column 06)Summary: Expresses astonishment and anger that Congress appropriated money for the Freedmen's Bureau and not for the damages Chambersburg suffered in the war. Blames Radicals for this, especially John Bingham. Claims Democrats, if elected, would fix the problem.
Full Text of Article:Are Florida Negroes Better Than White Pennsylvanians?The Radical Congress refused to vote one dollar for the relief of the citizens of Chambersburg whose property was carried away or burned by the Rebels. The same Congress has voted twelve million dollars a year to the negroes of the South, which is distributed to them by the Freedmen's Bureau.
Nearly everybody in Chambersburg is pinched for money. Our business men have a terrible struggle to sustain themselves. If the Radical Congress had given to the sufferers here just one million of the twelve millions it has given every year to the Southern Negroes who did not suffer at all, everything would go easy with the people of Chambersburg.
Can any Radical give a good reason why millions should be appropriated every year for the Southern Negroes, while not one dollar is given to the White sufferers of Chambersburg? We would like to know the reason, if one exists. Can the Repository give it? Can any of the Radical orators give it?
A memorial, it will be remembered, was sent from this place to Congress, setting forth the sufferings of our people and praying for relief. Gen. Koontz presented it and endeavored to get a favorable report upon it from the committee to which it was referred. John A. Bingham, of Ohio, and other leading Radical members of Congress, were on that committee. They refused to report in its favor. Bingham was strongly against it. With his big fee in one pocket for prosecuting Mrs. Surratt to the gallows, and his $5,000 for one year's service in Congress in the other, he felt too comfortable to concern himself about the poor White people of Chambersburg. But his bowels of compassion were deeply moved when the appropriation for the Freedmen's Bureau came up, and he voted to invest twelve millions more of the people's money for the benefit of the Southern Negroes, just after he had refused to vote one dollar to us.
Do the people of Chambersburg really want indemnity for their losses? Do the people of the rest of Franklin county want indemnity for theirs? If so, how should they vote in order to get it?
John A. Bingham is regarded by his friends as a great lawyer. If Grant should be elected to the Presidency, Bingham would be urged upon him for Attorney General, and in all probability he would be appointed. What advice would he give the President upon the indemnity question? After going against us in Congress, would he be likely to go for us in the Cabinet? And if the Radicals in Congress care so little about us as to give us nothing when a Presidential election is coming on, notwithstanding all their anxiety to obtain votes, what have we to expect from them after they get another four year lease of power?
It is very probable that what we are saying on this subject will be disregarded by every Radical voter in Chambersburg and throughout the county. It is to be feared that party prejudice and party drill will blind them to their own vital interests. We perform our duty, however, in warning them against voting for the candidates of the party which, through its representatives in Congress, has refused them indemnity for their losses, whilst it has squandered millions upon Negroes who had no claim to one cent from the National treasury. If they would rather vote for Grant and give twelve millions a year to the Negroes, than vote for Seymour and secure a million or two for themselves, there is no help for it. But what a sight it is to see intelligent white men voting so directly against their own interests.
(Column 07)Summary: Attacks Republican Reconstruction policy by pointing out how it gives political equality to blacks. Gives an example of blacks in Florida having more representation in the Senate than white Pennsylvanians. Charges that anyone who votes Republican is voting for racial equality.
Full Text of Article:Times Hard and Money ScarceThe negro has not yet been admitted to the ballot box in Pennsylvania. Fully one-half of the Republicans in the State, if interrogated to-day, would say that they would never consent to his admission to it. Yet these same Republicans will vote for Grant, and so vote to sustain the Radical reconstruction policy, whereby the negroes in the Southern States have been admitted to the ballot box. The negroes in those States have not merely been put upon an equality with the white people and given the power to contend with them at the polls upon equal terms. They have been given the entire control of the ballot box and it expresses their will alone.
Do the Republicans of Pennsylvania flatter themselves that because the negro does not vote in this State he does not stand upon terms of equality with them? True, he does not elbow them at their voting places. He does not spread his perfume around their polls. His ivories do not shine like a polished steel trap through the window where their ballots are taken in. But in those places where the destinies of the nation are decided, he meets them on terms of equality and speaks in a voice as potential as theirs.
There will be Senators in the United States Senate on the fourth of March next, who were elected by negro members of the Legislatures of Southern States. There will be members of the House who were elected by direct votes of negroes at the ballot box. Each Senator thus elected by negroes in the Legislature, and each member thus elected by negroes at the polls, will have a voice and vote equal to each Senator and each member elected by the white people of Pennsylvania.
To this position of political equality with the intelligent white men of the North have the ignorant negroes of the South been elevated by the reconstruction policy of the Radicals. Every Northern man who votes for Grant votes to weigh a Southern negro in the scale against himself. And what is worse, he gives the negro a chance to outweigh him. In one of the Southern States, the negro population does not equal the population of a single county in Pennsylvania. And yet those few thousand negroes will have two Senators of the United States, the same as the three million whites of Pennsylvania or the four million whites of New York. One Florida negro will balance the power of forty or fifty white Pennsylvanians in the United States Senate under Radical reconstruction.
Many Republicans look upon this elevation of the Southern negroes merely as a deserved degradation of the Rebels. They overlook the fact that it is also a degradation of the white people of the North. We confess our fear that they will continue to look at it in a wrong light, and only awake to a true view of it when they find Negro Equality fastened upon the country beyond their power to shake it off. Negro Equality did we say? Let us say Negro Superiority, for that is what it amounts to when a few thousand Florida negroes can stifle the voice of three million white Pennsylvanians in the United States Senate.
All who are in favor of Negro Superiority will vote for Grant; and let no one who votes for Grant forget what he is voting for.
(Column 08)Summary: The paper laments the difficult financial situation in the country.
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The Duty of Democrats
(Column 01)Summary: Urges all Democrats to go to the polls to vote for Seymour. Tells them they can still end the corrupt government of the Radicals by getting out the vote. Pleads with them not to be discouraged by the October election results.
Full Text of Article:Fraudulent Assessments in Green TownshipThe time for vigorous action is at hand. Lethargy and inactivity must give place to vigilance and work. It is no time to sleep when the foe is advancing. He who would fight well must prepare himself for the fight. The party that would win a triumph must "organize victory." There must be no shirking of duty. There must be no skulking from the ranks. Let cowards, frightened at the first charge of the enemy, go to the rear, or join the ranks of the foe, if they choose. But let brave men gird on their armor for the final battle, and struggle valiantly for the right. Victory rightfully belongs to those who labor to achieve it.
Democrats, you have a great duty to perform. It is a duty which you owe to yourselves. A duty to yourselves, so as to maintain the integrity and reputation of your time honored organization. A duty to yourselves so as to guard your most sacred rights and preserve your blood-bought liberties.
It is a duty which you owe to your country. This fair land, dedicated by our forefathers to freedom, is overshadowed by a huge solitary despotism. The General of the armies, who holds under his iron heel ten States of the Union, asks you to sanction his purpose to govern the other States in the same way. It is your duty to prevent the consummation of that purpose.
Corruption holds high carnival in every department of the Federal Government.--Extravagances unprecedented in our history are indulged in by the Radical Congress.--Honesty is no longer considered necessary. It has even lost its respectability. The public money is squandered, instead of being applied to the payment of the public debt. The money wrung from the people by taxation is expended upon the negro, and for the support of innumerable officials who grow fat upon the Freedmen's Bureau and by the collection of the Internal Revenue taxes. Large sums of the people's money are used to buy votes for General Grant.--Bribery upon an enormous scale is practiced in order that Radicalism may bloat itself still more with the spoils of office. You must make a clean sweep of these corrupt officials, and break the power of this extravagant, reckless party, or your farms and little lots of ground will soon be mortgaged to the last farthing of their value. Your national debt will be a huge load under which you will stagger to your graves and from the burden of which generation after generation of American citizens will struggle in vain to be relieved. Stagnation will continue to pervade every department of business. Trade will remain paralyzed. Your commerce will be swept entirely from the seas. It will no longer be your pride to be called an American citizen. The National credit will be forever impaired.
Democrats, keep these facts in mind, and perform your duty earnestly and fearlessly. That duty is to vote. Let no alight excuse keep you from the polls. Stir yourselves and " you like men." Be not discouraged because you were not successful in October. You can carry this County if you do but go to the polls and cast the same number of votes that you cast at the last election. Let every man who voted then vote next Tuesday.
You know, too, the men who stayed away from the last election. Visit them. Induce to go to the polls. Get them to vote. Let us make "a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together," and we will carry Franklin County by a handsome majority for Seymour and Blair.
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that three names of individuals in Fayetteville have been illegally added to the voter registry for Green Township. The paper has the names, and will ask Democratic supporters to object to their votes and prosecute the assessor.The National Seesaw
(Column 02)Summary: The paper mocks John Cessna as the "National Seesaw." If Grant is known as the "National Cigar" for his smoking habits, Cessna should be called "seesaw" for his wavering on temperance issues.The Freedman's Bureau
(Column 02)Summary: The paper argues that the Freedmen's Bureau is in no danger of being disbanded. In fact, rumors of its demise existed only as a political ploy used by the Republicans. The editors lament that the "wards of the nation" will continue to receive "charity."Cessna's "Ten Strike"
(Column 02)Summary: The paper mocks John Cessna for receiving 10 fewer votes than the Republican candidate for Bedford County Surveyor.The Treasury Bled Again
(Column 03)Summary: Criticizes Grant and the government for meeting Massachusetts's war claims with money while doing nothing to aid southern Pennsylvania.Seymour to the Rescue
(Column 04)Summary: Reprints Seymour's telegram to Curtin promising more troops to defend Pennsylvania in 1863. Praises Seymour's actions, urges Franklin county voters to vote for the man who rescued them in a time of need. Insults Pennsylvania veterans in the process, ironically.
Full Text of Article:Bad Effects of the Radical Financial PolicyThe following was Gov. Seymour's telegram to Gov. Curtin, in answer to the latter's call for assistance when Lee was marching into Pennsylvania in 1863:
ALBANY, June 16, 1863.
Governor Curtin, Harrisburg:
I am pushing forward troops as fast as possible; regiments will leave New York tonight. All will be ordered to report to General Couch. HORATIO SEYMOUR.
It was through Franklin county that the legions of Gen. Lee poured into Pennsylvania, and it was to defend the homes of the people of Franklin county that Gov. Seymour was "pushing forward troops as fast as possible" at the date of the above telegram. Seymour's troops were posted in the fortifications on this side of the Susquehanna, while the "shoddy" officers who responded to our own Governor's call were quarreling in Camp Curtin about their pay!
If a man of Seymour's sagacity, energy and promptness of action had been Governor of Pennsylvania, Gen. Couch would not have been left here without a single company, nor would Chambersburg have been burned and Franklin county plundered. Our people ought to remember the man who came to their rescue when their homes were in danger.
(Column 04)Summary: The paper criticizes Republican financial policy for encouraging speculation and causing concentration of money in large eastern cities.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: A Democratic meeting will be held in the Chambersburg Court House. Speeches will be made.The Female College
(Column 01)Summary: Col. McClure's mansion and grounds have been purchased for the Female College.Teacher's Institute
(Column 01)Summary: The annual meeting of the Franklin County Teacher's Institute will be held in the Court House in Chambersburg. Many notable teachers will be present to lecture on a variety of topics. Area teachers are invited to attend.Court Proceedings
(Names in announcement: Allen, Boyd, Wickersham)
(Column 02)Summary: Proceedings of Franklin County Court.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Evey, Jacob S. Funk, Stenger, Stumbaugh, Gehr, Edward Lewis, Charles Lewis, Brewer, Columbus Green, Martin Heintzleman, McGowan, John Wolff, Simon Bitner, Kimmell, Sharpe, Elijah W. Wallace, Jacob Shafer, Peter Plowden, Martin Hoover, Frederick Myers, Margaret Kyle, McCauley, Orr, Mary Myers, Hannah Holland, Charles Jones, Peter Dorte, Douglas, Jacob Hite, Adam Vanderan, William Hance, Isaac Kuhn, Jacob Golden, David Overcash, Daniel Harmon, Harrison Newman, John H. Adams, E. P. Acker, Daniel Miller, Thomas Morgan, Eveline Howard, John W. Miller, Solomon Sentman, Frederick Hoffman, John Bergner, William Butler, George A. Cole, Skinner, Devor, McNaspey, Willis Weaver, Jacob Sallhimer, J. M. McPherson, David Neff, Luther Fisher, George W. Corwell, Samuel Campbell, S. D. Jones, W. Hockenberry, William McKain, Elizabeth Williams, Isadore Stumbaugh, Robert Lane, George Kyle, Susan Bricker, Peter Dorte, Margaret Johnston, Rebecca Barnes, Edward Harmon, Martin Hoover)Full Text of Article:MarriedThe Courts continued in session until Friday afternoon. The following cases were disposed of:
Com. vs. Samuel Evey. Surety of the Peace. Jacob S. Funk, Prosecutor. Deft. sentenced to pay costs. Stenger for Com; Stumbaugh and Gehr for Deft.
Com. vs. Edward Lewis. Larceny of a watch belonging to Charles Lewis, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to Eastern Penitentiary for one year. Stenger for Com; Brewer for Deft.
Com. vs. Columbus Green, Larceny of Wheat and Rye. Martin Heintzelman, Prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty. Stenger for Com; McGowan for Deft.
Com. vs. John Wolff. Malicious trespass. Simon Bitner, Prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty, but Deft to pay costs. Kimmell and Stenger for Com; Sharpe and Stumbaugh for Deft.
Com. vs. Elijah W. Wallace. Larceny. Jacob Shafer, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in County jail. Stenger for Com.; Kimmell and Sharpe for Deft.
Com. vs. Peter Plowden. Assault and Battery. Martin Hoover, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay costs. Sharpe and Stenger for Com.; McGowan for Deft.
Com. vs. Frederick Myers. Surety of the Peace. Margaret Kyle, Prosecutrix. Complaint dismissed. Deft. to pay costs. Stenger and Kimmell for Com.; McCauley and Orr for Deft.
Com. vs. Mary Myers. Surety of the Peace. Margaret Kyle, Prosecutrix. Same action as above and same counsel.
Com. vs. Hannah Holland. Surety of the Peace. Margaret Kyle. Prosecutrix. Same action as above and same counsel.
Com. vs. Charles Jones. Assault and Battery on Peter Dorte, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay costs. Stenger and Kimmell for Com.; Douglas for Deft.
Com. vs. Jacob Hite. Surety of Peace. Adam Vanderan, Prosecutor. Dismissed--each party to pay his own costs. Stenger and Kimmell for Com.; Brewer for Deft.
Com. vs. William Hance. Larceny of a watch. Isaac Kuhn, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary. Brewer and Stewart and Stenger for Com.; McGowan for Deft.
Com. vs. Jacob Golden. Obstructing a public road by running a fence out upon it. Supervisors of Southampton township were the Prosecutors. Verdict, not guilty, and the County to pay the costs. Sharpe and Stenger for Com.; Kimmell and Orr for Deft.
Com. vs. David Overcash. Assault and Battery. Daniel Harmon, Prosecutor.--Verdict, not guilty, and the costs equally divided between Prosecutor and Defendant. Stumbaugh and Stenger for Com.; Kimmell and Brewer for Deft.
Com. vs. Harrison Newman, Surety of the Peace, John H. Adams, Prosecutor.--Deft. sentenced to pay the costs and give security to keep the peace in bond of $100. Stenger for Com.; Brewer for Deft.
Com. vs. E. P. Acker. Larceny. Daniel Miller, Prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty,--Stenger and Gehr for Com; McCauley for Deft.
Com. vs. Thomas Morgan. Assault and Battery. Eveline Howard, Prosecutrix.--Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay costs,--Stenger for Com.; Kimmell for Deft.
Com. vs. John W. Miller. Forgery.--Solomon Sentman, Prosecutor. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay costs and be imprisoned in County jail 6 months. McCauley and Stenger for Com; Sharpe and Orr for Deft.
Cases in which a nolle prosequi was entered:
Com. vs. Frederick Hoffman--Desertion.
Com. vs. John Bergner--Fornication and Bastardy.
Com. vs. Wm. Butler--Fornication and Bastardy.
Com. vs. Geo. A. Cole--Larceny.
Com. vs. Skinner, Devor and McNaspey, Supervisors of Fannett township. Refusing to lay out a public road.
Com. vs. Willis Weaver--Malicious trespass.
Com. vs. Jacob Salhimer--Fornication and Bastardy.
Com. vs. J. M. McPherson--Larceny.
Com. vs. David Neff--Surety of the peace.
Com. vs. Luther Fisher--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. George W. Corwell--Assault and Battery.
Bills Ignored.
Com. vs. Samuel Campbell--Larceny.
Com. vs. S. D. Jones and W. Hockenberry--Receiving stolen property.
Com. vs. Wm. McKain--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Bishop Meade--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Wm. McKain--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Eliz. Williams--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Isadore Stumbaugh--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Robert Lane--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. George Kyle--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Susan Bricker--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Peter Dorte--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Margaret Johnston--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Rebecca Barnes--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Edward Harmon--Assault and Battery.
Com. vs. Martin Hoover--Assault and Battery.
A considerable number of cases in which true bills were found, were continued to the next term of Court. No civil causes were tried.
(Column 04)Summary: J. W. Dansberg of Jackson Hall and Susan Zaboke of Stoufferstown, Franklin County, were married in Shippensburg on October 22nd by the Rev. W. A. Houck.Married
(Names in announcement: J. W. Dansberg, Susan Zaboke, Rev. W. A. Houck)
(Column 04)Summary: David A. Heckman and Miss Eliza A. Flack, daughter of George Flack of Hamilton, were married on October 28th by the Rev. J. Keller Miller.
(Names in announcement: David A. Heckman, Eliza A. Flack, George Flack, Rev. J. Keller Miller)
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