Valley Spirit: May 19, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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(Column 01)Summary: Reports on the upcoming elections in Virginia, heavily supports the moderate Republican candidate versus the sitting Radical. Quotes liberally from one John Edmunds, who cites the pros of moderates and cons of Radicals (main difference being their treatment of whites in the state). Hopes and prays for the election of moderates in the approaching elections.
Full Text of Article:More RascalityThe Conservative citizens of "the Old Dominion" are about to make one grand rally to save their State from the ignominious rule of carpet-baggers. The most exciting feature of the election will be the contest for the Governorship. The Democrats have no candidate, strictly speaking. But the Conservative people of the State are supporting the candidate of the moderate Republicans. His name is Gilbert C. Walker. To give our readers an idea of what manner of man he is, we quote the following from an exceedingly able speech of Mr. John E. Edmunds, made on the 28th ultimo, before the Conservative State Convention of Virginia. Said Mr. Edmunds:
"Gilbert C. Walker is a gentleman who sought his residence among us after the close of the war and invested his substance in our midst. During his sojourn in Virginia he has won the confidence and esteem of those among whom he has cast his lot. He favors the removal of all political disabilities. He has called with those who urged upon Congress to strike from the Constitution those most iniquitous provisions before it was submitted for ratification or rejection. He accords to each race the rights and privileges now extended by the reconstruction laws; and would extend to the white race all the rights and privileges now secured to the other race. He would give to Huster, Stuart and others the same right to vote and hold office which exists by the reconstruction laws with their old servants. He strives earnestly to bring peace and prosperity once more to our borders, and to cultivate harmony between the races.
This candidate is supported by such men as Franklin Stearns, William L. Owens and others, true to the best interests of Virginia, who may be safely treated in counsel, or to execute the duties of any office. With such men it is no dishonor to co-operate, and no humiliation to affiliate politically or socially. They are united with respectable Republicans, native and Northern born, who have deeply at heart the peace and prosperity of our State, the harmony and welfare of the two races. They would mete out even-handed justice in protecting the political and civil rights of all citizens.
To such a candidate, backed by such supporters as his counsellers and advisers, you may safely trust the veto power and the control of the military power of the State. Rally around him in the full strength of the Conservative vote as a unit. He is bound to have due regard to the party which elects him; and he will have arrayed around him the and trust of all our population, native or adopted. His counsellers, advisers, friends and associates will be Conservative and true, from whatever quarter they may come. The history of all political contests will but repeat itself in this. Many of us here are old enough to have witnessed many such splits in parties and know full well the consequences. Elect Walker by the united vote of the Conservative party, and you may trust him as safely for fair and impartial justice as you can trust any man in this convention."
Such is the man whom the moderate Republicans have chosen as their standard-bearer, and it is earnestly hoped and expected that he will receive the united support of the Democrats.
On the other hand, Mr. Edmunds portrays the character of the present occupant of the Gubernatorial chair, who is the candidate of the Radicals of the State for re-election, in the following words:
In contrast, let us turn to the other candidate. Wells can be elected in no possible contingency, except by the union of nineteen-twentieths of the negro vote with those venal and mercenary carpet-baggers who have been the fomenters of discord and strife between the two races. He, too, must shape the policy of his administration and accord with the views of the party which elects and surrounds him. Those principles and that policy are plainly written in the infamous clauses of the State Constitution, which he has persistently maintained and supported. In public speeches in our State, at all times and under all circumstances, he has denounced the Confederate as disloyal and unworthy of political trust, or equality with the negro. He would exclude him from office, from the polls, from the jury. He would degrade him in political and civil rights far beneath the negro. From the great commander to the humblest private he says you are unfit, and cannot be treated to hold a petty office, vote along side your former slaves, nor sit on the jury with him. Before the Reconstruction Committee of Congress, he is reported as urging the Constitution as a whole, without modification. He has exhibited a spirit of vindictiveness and prescription towards the white race of this State, more befitting the cruelties of a Spanish Inquisition than the impartial conduct of a Governor of Virginia in the Christian civilization of the 19th century. He occupies the office and unworthily wears the robe, once filled by some of Virginia's most illustrious sons, by military appointment--and upon such a platform, and the open avowal of such principles, he appeals to the citizens of Virginia, with vindictiveness in his heart, and proscription on his banner, against the best and purest, to elect him to the Executive office in the civil government. He cannot be safely trusted with the veto power, nor with the command of the military forces of the Commonwealth under a civil government--and on that issue, I appeal to every true-hearted Virginian."
And then, in tones of stirring eloquence that remind one of the earnest appeals made in days of yore by Virginia's great statesmen and orators, he makes this earnest appeal:
"Summon the candidates with their supporters, counsellers and advisers to meet upon the Capitol Square around the monument of Washington, beneath the statue of the Father of His Country, and in the full gaze of the sages and heroes of the first revolution. Place Wells on one pedestal surrounded by his black cohorts and vocal carpet-baggers. Let him announce his platform, breathing vindictiveness and prescription against the young Confederate, the gray haired statesman, and the best and purest of Virginia's sons, in the hearing and sight of all Conservative voters.
Place Walker on the opposite pedestal, surrounded by the Conservatives of all parties, and sustained by this convention; and let him announce in the hearing and sight of all voters his platform.
Mr. President, the hearts of the people of Virginia are mightily stirred up, and they are determined to save the State from the fate foreshadowed by Wells. In such a crisis, and in sight of such a spectacle, the voice of the people will proclaim in the tones of thunder to every voter, "choose ye between them." Woe to the man who falters or hesitates. Let him, like Felix, hear and tremble, but not postpone. If in that hour he fails to discharge his whole duty, or leaves aught undone, he will hear that voice again in tones of fearful wrath pronouncing the doom--"Anathema--Maranatha." In the hour of her severest trial, you have proven yourself a traitor to your State, and a doubly accursed traitor to your race."
Between two such men, it ought not to be difficult for good men to choose. And in addition, when it is considered to what an extreme depth of infamy Wells has since gone, in order to obtain the negro vote, there is little doubt but that the native white men of Virginia will vote against him, and that the more respectable portion of the negroes will have become too much disgusted with him to give him their support. The infamous Underwood released Ceasar Griffin, a negro convicted of the unlawful shooting of a son of Judge Brockenbrough and sentenced to two years imprisonment in the Penitentiary, on the ground that the Judge before whom he had been tried and convicted was not a legally constituted Judge. Chief Justice Chase, in an able opinion, hooted at this idea and remanded Griffin to the custody of the State authorities. And now, this delectable Governor has pardoned the would-be murderer.
The President has fixed the 6th day of July next for the election in Virginia. The Underwood constitution will then be submitted to the people for ratification. Two articles the President has directed the vote to be taken separately upon. These are specially objectionable to old Virginians. If they could be defeated, the constitution would not be so unpalatable and objectionable as it is with these included. If Mr. Walker can be elected, as we have the utmost hope and confidence he will be, the harsher features of the constitution may be modified by his administration of it. If he should be defeated and the present Governor continued in office, the danger is that negroes and a few unprincipled carpet-baggers will control the destinies of the State. All the odious features of the constitution will be made doubly severe by the fiendish disposition of this man who cherishes the most intense hatred towards native Virginians and the people of the South generally.
(Column 02)Summary: Describes the ratification of the 15th amendment in Indiana as an example of how Republicans will use any means to pass it. Calls their actions fraudulent and evil, signalling the end of free government. Praises Democrats who tried to resign to prevent the measure from being voted on.
Full Text of Article:The Union Pacific Railroad FinishedThe Radicals seem to be equal to any degree of measures in order to carry their schemes. The fifteenth amendment is a measure which they have resolved to engraft upon the constitution, by fair means if they can, but by foul means if necessary. The Democrats of Indiana have stood in the way of the ratification of this amendment.--Although a majority of the Legislature of that State are Radicals, it became an impossibility to get a vote on the amendment, for the reason that the Democratic members would not consent to be present on such an occasion, and in their absence, there was not a quorum present for the transaction of business. Indeed, so persistently did the Radicals press this measure last Winter that the Democrats found it necessary to resign their seats in order to defeat their iniquitous purpose. This they did without hesitation when no other course would avail. The Governor ordered a new election to fill the vacancies. Nearly all the men who resigned were renominated, and were re-elected by increased majorities, thus establishing the fact that so far as the people were allowed an expression of opinion on the subject, they were in hearty sympathy with the men who were striving to maintain the dignity of the white race.
But the men thus re-elected were fearful that some trick might be practiced upon them by which a vote would be taken on the amendment. They, therefore, refused to qualify as members. In this strait, with the other business before the Legislature undisposed of, the Radical members pledged themselves not to press the amendment to a vote during this session. Under this pledge, the Democrats consented to qualify as members.
Considerable juggling on this subject was noticed immediately afterwards, and it being feared that the pledge was about to be violated, the Democrats again threatened to resign. Finding them thus determined, the Radicals then agreed not to press for a vote until the 13th day of the present month.--On that day, seeing that no other course was left open to them and the Radical members still persisting in this obnoxious measure the Democrats again resigned. And then came the most rascally proceeding that has ever disgraced the halls of legislation.
An understanding had been previously entered into between the Governor and the presiding officers of the two Houses, by which it was agreed that no note should be taken and no account kept of these resignations until after the amendment had been rushed through. Accordingly, the doors were locked so as to prevent the Democrats from leaving the Chambers, the amendment was called up, and, notwithstanding the fact that the Democrats declared that their resignations had been sent in and that they were no longer members of the Legislature, the vote was taken and the amendment declared ratified.
Thus have the Radicals of Indiana, by the most shameful and undisguised fraud, forced upon the people of that State this accursed doctrine of negro equality. Why have they done it? Why this unseemly haste and resort to such low trickery?--Simply because they believed the people of Indiana to be bitterly opposed to the measure, and feared that if another election were allowed to intervene, the next Legislature would be Democratic and all hope of the adoption of the amendment be forever gone.
Will not the people of the country open their eyes to the enormity of an offence like this? It strikes at the very roots of free government. If measures as important and far-reaching, and involving such a fundamental change as this one, can thus be wickedly forced upon an unwilling people, what safety is there for the people of any State? What security is there against any iniquitous legislation that unprincipled schemers may devise for the furtherance of their own selfish purposes?
And what respect can men entertain for the laws of the land if they are to be enacted by the perpetration of such an high-handed outrage as this? If such conduct continues, Grant's "let us have peace" will not be worth shucks.
(Column 03)Summary: Reports completion of the Union Pacific Railroad.What has been done by the National Life
(Column 04)Summary: The paper extols the benefits of holding a policy with the National Life Insurance Company.Letter From Louisiana
(Column 04)Summary: Another letter from J.B. Matthews denouncing Republicans and blacks in the harshest terms. Goes out of his way to portray blacks as ignorant savages and Republicans as enemies of liberty. Trying to stoke up support among Northerners for the overthrow of Reconstruction.
Full Text of Article:The Will of the People is not John Cessna's LawBASTROP, MOREHOUSE PARISH, LA.,
April 30th, 1869.Editors of the Valley Spirit.
Gentlemen:--Through your paper I wish to address those of my friends and acquaintances who reside in Path Valley, Amberson's Valley, and about Bossart's Mill. Although there is no election pending, yet I feel anxious to impress upon their minds, and the minds of all your readers, the great political outrage that has been perpetrated on the South by giving the right of suffrage to negroes, and withholding it from white men.
I see that the people of Franklin county, and especially in the vicinity of Chambersburg, have had a very impressive lesson given them on the unfitness of negroes for civil society and freedom by the exploits of Cain Norris, as detailed in a late number of the Valley Spirit. The radicals of the north admit that negro slaves are an evil to society, but they insist that as a freedman he is capable of being a good member of the body politic.
The outrages of Cain Norris on females in your vicinity should be sufficient to convince the most obtuse mind that the negro is more sensual in his nature than the white race--that he has all the fierceness and brutality of low animal passion. In the South the negro will not as a general rule be confined to one wife, nor the wife to one man. Not one-half of them are faithful to their marriage vows. Many of them have a plurality of wives. They do not provide for a family, nor indeed for themselves individually, as white men do. As a general rule they will gratify their present wants and passions at the expense of any future good. When clothed with authority they are proverbially arbitrary and cruel. During the last Presidential canvass, the Democratic negroes of our town were about to take a Radical negro from the country and hang him for being a Radical, but were prevented by the white people. And on the other hand, the Radical negroes on a certain plantation would have cut a Democratic negro to pieces but for the intervention of some other negroes. Throughout the South, and in some instances in the North, as at Chambersburg, negro men commit the most brutal outrages on unprotected females. Almost every paper gives the horrid details of instances of this kind. In Arkansas, recently, because some of the desperate negro criminals were confined in jail, their accomplices entered into a plot to burn the town and murder all the whites in it. When hired as laborers, as a general rule they don't fulfill their contracts through any sense of its obligation. True, they generally stay on the plantations during the year, but it is when they have no motive to go elsewhere. But if they become dissatisfied with the place for want of company, or because they are separated from companions or relations; or if they think they can get higher wages or easier employment, their contract, as a general rule, does not retain them from pursuing their inclinations, because, phrenologically speaking, their animal preponderates over their intellectual and moral nature. For the same reason the least temptation impels them to steal. When they get some money they have no prudence in the use of it. They will generally linger in town, or about a grocery or a store until it is all gone. They are not adapted to the cultivation of letters. Negro children are generally stolid; the apparent exceptions are cases of the Moorish race or of admixture of white blood. In my family we tried a whole summer to teach a negro boy to read, but it was impossible; he never did learn to distinguish some of the letters from the rest. Negroes, by nature, are even more superstitious than even ignorant white people; and they exhibit it on all occasions. Although they are imitative by nature, (In this respect approximating the monkey), yet a whole life in association with white society will not eradicate this vice of superstition which seems inherent in their nature and which demonstrates their inferior intellectual capacity. In the South, since the restraint of slavery has been removed, they return to their ancient superstitious African rites, whenever there are any native Africans old enough to recollect them. The American born negroes who are members of christian churches are constantly engrafting on their worship some absurd practice or superstition, showing a natural tendency to barbarism.
As voters they are mere tools of white men. Their first vote here was given according to the dictation of carpet bagger statesmen from the North, under the false promise of a gift of a mule and forty acres of land. But at the last election, the white citizens got up clubs, and processions, and music and speeches, by which means the former Radical negro voters all turned Democrats and voted for Seymour and Blair. When a Democratic negro procession would pass a plantation with music and flags, the Radical negroes would drop their work and run and join the procession, and exclaim that the Radicals might go to h--ll; they were going with that crowd, that is the Democrats and the music. And yet these are the people whom the Radicals, in violation of the rights of the people of the South, in violation of the Constitution of their country, and merely for party purposes, invest with the right of suffrage. At the same time they divest the intelligent, capable white man of the right to vote, under the pretenses that the white man is disloyal; which, if true, would justify their acts, but which is false in fact and they know it. Claiming to be the peculiar friends of popular government, they endeavor to engraft negro equality in the Constitution, in opposition and defiance of the known popular votes of the whole country. Professing to be the friends of law and order, they have endeavored to over-awe and suppress the action and independence of the Supreme Court; and while they are loud in their condemnation of disloyalty, they are themselves notoriously disloyal to the principles of free government, as shown in their flagrant violation of the Constitution, which is the best safeguard of American liberty.
(Column 06)Summary: Unleashes an attack on Representative Cessna, details his recent action of appointing his own crony for a local postmaster job over someone who was elected by the people of the town. Warns Cessna not to ignore the people too much, or he will never get renominated.
(Names in announcement: Russell, John Cessna, Major Washabaugh)Full Text of Article:Mission of the Republican PartyWe cannot understand how a man can ask the people to be allowed to represent them, and promise to represent them, and then turn around and misrepresent them. It has become too common within the last few years, for our Senators and Representatives after election, to entirely ignore their constituents, and engineer in their own interests, for a renomination. In fact it is becoming unbearable and the only way to put an end to the evil, is, for the organs of the party to denounce such outrages. This matter has been brought home to us in our own district. In the town of BEDFORD, the citizens balloted for the postmastership of that place, and decided in favor of Mr. Russell. We know nothing personally of Mr. Russell, but take it for granted that he is a gentleman well qualified for the position, or the citizens would not have selected him; but what was the result of the peoples' expression. In place of carrying out the will of the citizens of Bedford, our Representative, Hon. John Cessna, had MAJOR WASHABAUGH appointed postmaster, and Mr. Russell set aside. This we deem an outrage that admits of no palliation. Who is Major Washabaugh, that he must be forced upon the citizens of Bedford, to the exclusion of Mr. Russell? Why sir, he is a worn-out politician, who has had an eye open for office ever since he came to majority, and who has never had sufficiently the confidence of the people but once, to secure their support. What was the object of Mr. Cessna, in misrepresenting the people of Bedford, by the appointment of Washabaugh? It is well known that Major Washabaugh heretofore has been the inveterate political enemy of John Cessna. Mr. Washabaugh therefore became Mr. Cessna's supporter last fall because he thought he might be fed from the crumbs that fall from the "rich man's table." Major Washabaugh no doubt was promised Mr. Cessna's support for the State Senate, but not succeeding it became necessary for John Cessna to give him this office to keep him in trim for 1870. If Hon. John Cessna expects to pave the way for his re-nomination and election by putting men in positions against the will of the people,--men who do not retain the confidence of the Republican party, he will find that he has made a great mistake.
Mr. Cessna should remember that he was barely elected after great efforts by those who were his first supporters, and that he was expected to make a faithful representative and would carry out the will of his constituents. Thus far he has entirely failed, and unless his conduct hereafter comports more with the will of the people, those who were his strongest supporters, will entirely ignore him. One of the strongest supporters Mr. Cessna had last fall was Jere. Cook of the Repository, and his strongest foe previous to his nomination was Ed. Scull, of Somerset. Yet the other day, Ed. Scull was supplied with a good, fat office, if he should support him in 1870, we suppose, and Mr. Cook was left out in the "cold." We do not know that Mr. Cook was an applicant, but he should have received the appointment without asking for it.
If Mr. Cessna desires a re-nomination we know of no better way of getting it than carrying out the expressed will of the people, but if he thinks he can do it by any other course he is perfectly welcome to try it.--Fulton Republican.
(Column 06)Summary: The paper argues that the mission of the Republican Party is to "attend to other people's business, repent of other people's sins, and reward itself by drawing indefinitely upon the public crib." They will not stop with the 15th amendment, but will continue with radical reforms.
Origin of Article: Baltimore Statesman
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(Column 01)Summary: Robert Lindsay, "an old and respected citizen of Montgomery township," died suddenly on May 11th. He was 70 years old.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Robert Lindsay)
(Column 01)Summary: The Young Men's Christian Association will hold a special business meeting in their office on Thursday evening. They will discuss whether to continue or disband.Internal Revenue
(Column 01)Summary: George J. Balsley, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for Franklin, will be collecting annual income taxes during the first week of June.Too Hasty
(Names in announcement: George J. Balsley)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper defends Chief of Police Michael W. Houser against accusations that his negligence led to the escape from prison of Andrew J. Baker, alias Horst.Nunnery Meeting
(Names in announcement: Michael W. Houser, Andrew J. Baker)
(Column 02)Summary: The Snow Hill Society held their annual meeting one mile south of Quincy. Large crowds attended the meeting, especially residents of the area.Decoration Day
(Column 02)Summary: Reports on a meeting of veterans who set up a time and place to honor their fallen comrades. Lists the committeemen and officers selected and motions passed.
(Names in announcement: Col. Theodore McGowan, Lt. S. W. Hays, Col. Rider, Thaddeus M. Mahon, Lt. George Platt, Lt. James Aughinbaugh, Sgt. John A. Selders, Sgt. Thomas J. Grimsson, Maj. John Doebler, Sgt. H. Strickler, Sgt. Thomas Donavan, Sgt. David Lesher)Full Text of Article:New AppointmentsOn Monday evening last, a number of the honorably discharged soldiers of Chambersburg met in the Court House, for the purpose of arranging some plans for the decoration of the graves of soldiers who are buried in the Cemetery, and different grave-yards of our town.
The meeting was organized by electing Col. Theodore McGowan, President, and Lieut. S. W. Hays, Secretary. After considerable discussion, it was resolved that Saturday the 29th day of May be observed as the occasion for strewing flowers on the graves of our dead heroes.
Col. Rider was unanimously elected Marshal for the occasion, with authority to appoint his assistants.
On motion, the "Housum Zouaves" were invited to assist in the duties of the day.
On motion, the citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity were invited to join in the procession.
On motion, a Committee of Arrangements was appointment to solicit bouquets and flowers from the ladies, see to the marking of soldiers' graves, and assist the Marshal in carrying out his programme. The Committee consists of the following soldiers:--Col. Theo. McGowan, Sergt. Thaddeus M. Mahon, Lieut. Geo. Platt, Lieut. Jas. Aughinbaugh, Sergt. John A. Selders, Sergt. Thos. J. Grimeson, Maj. John Deebler, Sergt. J. Strickler, Sergt. Thos. Donavan, Sergt. David Leshur.
Repository Hall was offered as a place in which to deposit boquets of flowers. A vote of acceptance and thanks, was tendered Messrs Cook & Hays for their offer. It was further resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Franklin Repository and Valley Spirit. The meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the President.
We are informed that 3 o'clock P.M., on the 29th of May, will be the hour for forming the procession.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper criticizes John Cessna's appointments to county office. Jeremiah Cook, Thomas J. Grimeson, Daniel Keefer, and Henry X. Stoner have replaced J. L. P. Detrich, Robert Moore, William H. Blair, and A. H. Gordon.Married
(Names in announcement: Scull, J. L. P. Detrich, Robert Moore, William H. Blair, A. H. Gordon, Jeremiah Cook, Thomas J. Grimeson, Daniel Keefer, Henry X. Stoner)
(Column 06)Summary: Robert C. Moore of Pittsburgh and Miss Ellie M. Carlisle of Chambersburg were married on May 13th by the Rev. William Carlile.Died
(Names in announcement: Robert C. Moore, Ellie M. Carlisle, Rev. William Carlisle)
(Column 06)Summary: Mrs. Rachel Fisher, wife of Major Samuel Fisher, died in Shady Grove on May 2nd. She was 68 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Rachel Fisher, Samuel Fisher)
(Column 06)Summary: Mary Elmira Auld, infant daughter of William W. and Susan J. Auld, died at Camp Hill, Franklin County, on May 10th.
(Names in announcement: Mary Elmira Auld, William W. Auld, Susan J. Auld)
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