Valley Spirit: June 2, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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A Word About Candidates
(Column 01)Summary: Urges Democratic leaders in the upcoming convention to select men who can garner the most support among the people. Is willing to set aside ability for the moment in favor of availability, which has worked for the Republicans in the past. Claims Democrats will stand united this time while Republicans will be torn by factionalism.
Full Text of Article:Our County TicketThe time is rapidly approaching for the nomination of candidates of the Democratic party for Governor and Judge of the Supreme Court. The persons thus far named for Governor are, as far as we have noticed, Hon. Isaac E. Hiester, General W. S. Hancock, George W. Cass, Hon. Asa Packer and John H. Brinton.
All our exchanges seem to have their favorites for Supreme Judge just as we have ours.
One thing is noticeable, however, and highly encouraging. The best of feeling prevails and there is a universal disposition to go into the fight on the principle that "in union there is strength." There is no dissension in the Democratic camp. The nominees of the convention, whoever they may be, can rely upon the earnest and enthusiastic support of the entire party. There will be no stragglers. The Democracy are more than ever determined to make a strong fight, for the reason that the oft-repeated prophecies as to the intentions of their opponents have been literally fulfilled and all the dangers that they foretold are now upon us.--They feel that, to save the white race from the degradation to which the Radicals are laboring to bring it, all who are proud of their Anglo-Saxon blood must join hands and make one overwhelming effort to drive Radical office-holders from power.
The Radical party, on the other hand, is threatened with disintegration. Geary will be renominated. He is exceedingly obnoxious to a large portion of the Radical organization. Their hatred of him is so intense that it will be with great difficulty they can be induced to support him. In the City of Philadelphia, he will run behind his ticket to an amazing extent. The leading papers of the Radical party in Philadelphia are now engaged in a bitter wrangle which grows out of animosity to Geary. It is not at all likely that the difficulties can be adjusted so as to insure unity of action. The brethren do not dwell together in harmony.
Let our Convention, therefore, when it meets, act with deliberation. Let it take up the different gentlemen named and select the most available among them. We use the word available advisedly. Our purpose is to win. It may be that the man who has the most brains will be the most available candidate. We have been giving our nominations recently on the score of merit. But we have seen the ablest men in the State on the Democratic ticket defeated by narrow-minded blockheads and gores (we quote from the Repository) on the Radical ticket, so that we have come to the conclusion that availability must be our watchword, even if it does oblige some of our best men to wait until a Democratic victory becomes a certainty. There is one consolation to us in this thought, namely, that, inasmuch as Geary is to be renominated by the Radicals, it will be utterly impossible for us to find a man of less brains than the Radical nominee. No matter who is nominated the people will be safe in voting the Democratic ticket.
We go for the most available man, therefore, whoever he may be, without regard to the question of brains. If he has a superfinity of brains, well and good. If not, he can't be below Geary, for his cranium comes as near a perfect vacuum as anything can be. Let the aim of the Convention be to find the man who can command the largest number of votes.
(Column 01)Summary: Proclaims confidence in a Democratic victory in Franklin county as long as Democrats stand united and select the strongest candidates. Calls for burying personal prejudices in order to secure election.
Full Text of Article:There is every reason for encouragement as to the prospects of the Democracy in Franklin county this fall. The nomination of a good, strong ticket will be followed by its triumphant election. An excellent ticket can be formed out of the material already before the people and we do not doubt that, before the time for holding the Convention, there will be other candidates announced for some of the offices. There will be no excuse for the formation of a bad ticket. The Democracy have any number of good and competent men in the County. Those who have been named are all worthy and should the choice be limited to them, the Convention will be able to select a ticket that will command success.
We are no man's man. We have no personal wishes to gratify and no personal interests to serve. We intend to do all in our power to elect the men whom the Convention shall nominate.
We only ask that the delegates to the Convention shall come here determined to form the strongest possible ticket. Let personal preferences be sunk and personal prejudices be overcome so as to nominate men who can obtain the greatest number of votes. It is of the utmost importance that we should carry the county, and if Democrats display their usual earnestness and energy, the result will be favorable.
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Orphan's Court
(Column 01)Summary: A session of orphans' court met, Judge Rowe presiding with Judges Armstrong and Ferguson on the bench.The Fair Grounds
(Names in announcement: Judge Rowe, Judge Armstrong, Judge Ferguson)
(Column 01)Summary: The county is improving the stock stalls at the fairgrounds.Decoration Day
(Column 01)Summary: Gives details of the Decoration Day ceremony held a few days earlier.
(Names in announcement: Col. James G. Elder, Rev. Samuel Barnes, Lt. George Miles, Capt. Skinner)Full Text of Article:Internal RevenueOn Saturday last, according to previous announcement, the ceremony of decorating the graves of Union soldiers was performed. The procession was formed on the Court House pavement at 3 1/2 o'clock, P.M., by Col. James G. Elder. The Silver Cornet Band took the lead. Then came the Ministers of the town, among whom was Rev. Samuel Barnes, the Orator of the day. Immediately behind them, were the "Boys in Blue," then the members of the Friendship Fire Company, and following them came the "Housum Zouaves" under the command of Lieut. Geo. Miles, Capt. Skinner being in Path Valley attending to his duties as Treasurer. A large number of citizens joined in the procession. Nearly all carried boquets of beautiful flowers. The procession followed strictly the route announced in our last issue.
Rev. Mr. Barnes delivered a very beautiful and appropriate address at the Cedar Grove Cemetery, about fifteen minutes in length. About six o'clock, the procession returned to the Court House pavement and dispersed.
(Column 02)Summary: George J. Balaley, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for Franklin, will be collecting income taxes, business taxes, and license fees at the Washington House in Chambersburg during the first week of June.Border Counties' Convention
(Names in announcement: George J. Balaley)
(Column 02)Summary: Chairman William C. McKnight announces that a meeting of the war damage claimants from Pennsylvania Border Counties will be held in Chambersburg on June 7th.A May Party
(Names in announcement: William C. McKnight)
(Column 02)Summary: Anna B. Hayman's school held a May party in the woods of Benjamin Chambers. Miss Jennie Washington was chosen May Queen.Improvements at the Poor House
(Names in announcement: Anna B. Hayman, Benjamin Chambers, Jennie Washington, Daisy Richards, Nannie M'Lellan, Beckie Kimmell, Jennie Crawford)
(Column 02)Summary: The poor house received a new roof and coat of paint in compliance with recommendations from the Grand Jury. Steward Sam Brandt is displaying great energy in improving the grounds. "The poor of Franklin county who have become a charge upon the public are well provided for."Drunkards and Vagrants
(Names in announcement: Sam Brandt)
(Column 04)Summary: "Justice" writes the editors of the Spirit to criticize the Chambersburg police for failing to arrest a drunken vagrant loitering on the diamond and to attack the Repository for defending them.Married
(Column 07)Summary: D. C. M. Arpleby and Miss M. Alice Montague, daughter of Thomas Montague, all of Shade Gap, were married on May 25th by the Rev. James H. Baird.
(Names in announcement: D. C. M. Arpleby, M. Alice Montague, Thomas Montague, Rev. James H. Baird)
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