Valley Spirit: July 14, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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"The Colored Troops Fought Bravely"
(Column 01)Summary: Rejoices at the Radical defeat in the recent Virginia elections. Especially glad that many blacks voted for the Democrats in that election, thus turning the tables on Radicals. However, still comes out against black suffrage, and hopes to see it defeated in the North.
Full Text of Article:The Registry LawOur Radical friends do not believe it. They shake their heads and say, "there must be some mistake about it. If they fought bravely, they would know how to vote. The Virginia election shows that they don't know how to vote. They must have been cowards during the war."
The Radical idea has always been that no man could be a brave and gallant soldier and vote against the Radical party. But it seems that "the wards of the nation," their own pet black lambs, have actually done it. Nurtured under the fostering care of African-loving leaders, educated to despise and hate the men who were their former masters, the negroes have "gone back" on their saviors and teachers, and allied themselves with the odious Democracy. They have returned evil for good. They have rejected the hand that struck off their chains and fed them. They have refused to acknowledge the leadership of their Freedmen's Bureau protectors. And what "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" there is in the Radical camp on this account. Ingratitude! Who can realize the sharpness of thy thorn but the Radical whose soul was set on the negro vote? And yet, "the colored troops fought bravely."
We rejoice at the result of the election in Virginia first, because the Radicals have been very justly punished for the infliction of negro suffrage upon the South. They are now "hoist with their own petard." They introduced this element into politics, not from any love for the negro, but for the sole purpose of strengthening their own hands and procuring a new lease of power. It "serves them right" to be disappointed, and hence, "the colored troops fought bravely."
Second, We rejoice because the reign of the carpet-bagger is now at an end. This result is a "ticket-of-leave" for all vermin of that species. Wells has played the role of a Governor long enough. He can pack his one dirty shirt into his carpet-bag and "make tracks." And so with all carpet-baggers South. The Virginia election is but the beginning of the end. The negroes will learn a lesson from their brethren in Virginia and, recognizing the true motives and purposes which actuated Radical adventurers from the North, will discard them as leaders and put their trust in men whose integrity and honor have been known to them all their lives. To effect his end, "the colored troops fought bravely."
Third, We rejoice because this result has given a deadly blow to the disfranchisement project of the Radicals. That clause has been rejected by an overwhelming vote and the Constitution, while it grants negro suffrage, holds out universal amnesty and extends the ballot to thousands of whites hitherto disfranchised. In consequence of this wise action, old Virginia will speedily take an honored position among the States of the Union, governed as she will be, before many years, by men who have been "to the manor born." Feeling this, "the colored troops fought bravely."
Fourth, We rejoice because the people have spoken against the infamous Radical policy and practice of exacting iron-clad test oaths. The test-oath clause has been defeated and thank God for it! The oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States, is all that the Democracy ask, and anything more than this they consider degrading. It was for Radicalism to devise and frame this horrid system of oaths which have been administered since the close of the war. Being averse to swearing, "the colored troops fought bravely."
We regard the Virginia election as a triumph of Conservative principles. Radicalism has received its most effective stab on the soil of the State which was the chief theatre of the late war. The noble old "Mother of Presidents" has uttered her condemnation of the party which made partition of her own soil against her will, and which has since sought to hold her people in a state of subjection more degrading and dishonorable than the slavery in which the negro was held before the rebellion. "The colored troops fought bravely."
This result, however, has not changed our opinion of negro suffrage and negro equality. We are not pleased because the negro voted in Virginia, but because, having been clothed with the right to vote by Radicals, he has voted against them. The investiture of the negro with this right can not add any intelligence and, certainly, not any permanency to this government. He will be influenced always by the stronger intellects of the whites. He can not think for himself. He will not act for himself. Hence, we are opposed to him voting and trust that our Democratic friends will remit none of their vigilance to keep the ballot box in the hands of the whites exclusively in the North.
(Column 02)Summary: Judge Sharswood's decision declaring the Registry Law unconstitutional was overturned on appeal to the full bench. "The Registry act, odious, unjust and unequal as it is, is now the law of the State and must be observed as such until repealed. As soon as a Democratic Legislature is elected it will undoubtedly be wiped out of existence. The simple qualifications of an elector prescribed by our State constitution are all that should be required. But this decision has been rendered in the interest of the Radical party."
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A Fatal Accident
(Column 02)Summary: Abraham Ely died after falling off a ladder and landing on an iron hook while picking cherries. He was 80 years old.Progressing Finely
(Names in announcement: Abraham Ely)
(Column 02)Summary: The construction of the Central Presbyterian Church is progressing nicely.Borough Finances
(Names in announcement: Reside, Col. Lull)
(Column 02)Summary: List of Chambersburg's finances.
Full Text of Article:Medical SocietyThe Borough Auditors make the following statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Borough of Chambersburg from May 1st, 1868, to June 5th, 1869:
DR. To bal. in hands of Treas. at last settlement $1,762.53 Cash received from sundry persons, damages 166.00 Cash received for Licenses 31.00 Cash borrowed 5,006.00 Collections on Implicates of 1866-67 1,072.00 Collections on Implicates of 1868 4,021.00 Total $12,098.53 CR. By Cash paid Outstanding Drafts 11.66 By Cash Paid Burgess, Att'ys. and Office Rents 90.00 By Cash Paid Council 200.00 By Cash Paid Treasurer 100.00 By Cash Paid Secretary 150.00 By Cash Paid Miscellaneous 120.39 By Cash Paid for Repairing Streets 4,257.63 By Cash Paid High Constable, 13 mos. 520.00 By Cash Paid for Gas, Lighting and Rep'g Posts 1,215.15 By Cash Paid for Repairing Bridges 208.03 By Cash Paid on Bonds and Interest 1,064.15 By Cash Paid for Printing 32.00 By Cash Paid Fire Department 228.55 By Cash Paid Election Expenses 26.00 By Cash Paid Extra Police 106.75 By Cash Paid Damages for Opening Alleys 244.00 Total $8,677.31 By balance in hands of Treasurer 3,421.22 Total $12,098.53
(Column 02)Summary: The Franklin County Medical Society met in Chambersburg. Resolutions of sorrow were passed regarding the deaths of Dr. E. D. Rankin of Greencastle and Dr. J. S. King of Mercersburg. Dr. Samuel Lane was requested to present an essay at the next meeting.Married
(Names in announcement: Dr. E. D. Rankin, Dr. J. S. King, Dr. Samuel Lane)
(Column 06)Summary: Amos S. Haefner of Quincy and Miss Katie Miller, daughter of the Rev. J. C. Miller, were married at the residence of the bride's parents in Iowa on July 4th by the Rev. Snyder.Died
(Names in announcement: Amos S. Haefner, Katie Miller, Rev. J. C. Miller, Rev. Snyder)
(Column 06)Summary: Catharine Elizabeth Austin, wife of Richard Austin, died at Austin's Tannery on July 9th. She was 43 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Catharine Elizabeth Austin)
(Column 06)Summary: George Clippinger died in Greencastle on June 22nd. He was 77 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: George Clippinger)
(Column 06)Summary: Miss Laura Weagley, daughter of Isaac Weagley, died near Upton. She was 23.
(Names in announcement: Laura Weagley)
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