Valley Spirit: December 8, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Meeting of Congress
(Column 04)Summary: Announces the opening session of Congress and what people can expect from it. Believes they will mainly concentrate on race issues, fiscal problems, reconstruction, etc. Does not have much hope for any favorable outcomes.
Full Text of Article:Letter from "Little Mac"Congress convened on Monday. Our information is of course very limited as to their proceedings at the time we go to press. It can safely be assumed, however, that they have begun this session as they left off the last. We must have still further patching of the work of reconstruction, and it is altogether probable that the session will end and one State at least be left "out in the cold." Texas, by electing a Conservative Governor, has put herself beyond the pale of recognition as a State, and she will be allowed to stay out until she chooses to degrade herself so as to conform to the requirements of the reconstruction measures. Inasmuch as Mississippi seems to have elected a Radical Governor, she will be likely to be allowed representation at once. It is said that Grant intended to recommend the immediate admission of Virginia, and if so, her prolonged anxiety and suspense will be at an end.
We must expect, too, any amount of tinkering at the financial question. Every member will be likely to have some theory of his own as to the best way to make times easy and keep the Radical party afloat. The session will be consumed with long and dry and many of them senseless arguments on this subject.
We shall have still further propositions for the protection of the negro in his newly vested rights, and further demands for the concession of other rights. In fact, if the party in power advances as rapidly during this session as it has done in the past, it may be advisable to get up petitions memoralizing them to turn their attention to the protection of white men from the arrogance of those who are being rapidly changed from Sudras into Brahmins, under the progressive ideas of Radicalism.
We shall have also any quantity of bluster and show of sympathy for the struggling Cubans without any substantial aid or encouragement.
We shall have also frequent repetitions of former disgraceful outrages, in the decision of all contested election cases in favor of the Radical candidates. We expect to see the terrible iniquity consummated of giving the seat in the 21st Pennsylvania district to that next to the prince of humbugs, (the Prince being Geary) John Covode, or Govode, as he says it used to be spelled.
We can only say, at this the beginning of the session, from all contemplated Radical outrages, Good Lord, deliver us.
(Column 05)Summary: "Little Mac" writes and criticizes "Radical freebooters" who are "traveling over the country trying to make people believe there is no difference whatsoever between 'white citizens' and 'American citizens of African descent.'" He also denounces them for supporting the 15th Amendment.
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Central Presbyterian Church
(Column 01)Summary: The Sunday School of the Central Presbyterian Church met in the lecture hall of the new church building on the Diamond. The pastor will give the first sermon in the new church in the morning, and the Rev. E. B. Raffensperger will preach in the evening on the importance of Female Education. All pews are free.Taking Their Places
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. B. Raffensperger)
(Column 02)Summary: George W. Welsh, B. A. Cormany, and Hiram T. Snyder replaced W. H. McDowell, T. M. Mahon, and Harry Strickler as Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts, and Register and Recorder. The new officers will hold a reception for friends and members of the bar at the restaurant of Reuben Miley on Wednesday.Railroad Meeting
(Names in announcement: George W. Welsh, B. A. Cormany, Hiram T. Snyder, W. H. McDowell, T. M. Mahon, Harry Strickler, Reuben Miley)
(Column 02)Summary: The citizens of Path Valley met at Fanettsburg on November 27th to discuss proposals of the Southern Pennsylvania Iron and Railroad Company to build a railroad to Loudon provided the people of the neighborhood raise $75,000. The people of Path Valley agreed to raise $25,000 as long as the road ran to the Mt. Pleasant Iron Works.Attention Housum Zouaves!
(Names in announcement: Richmond L. Jones)
(Column 03)Summary: Henry Elliott, 1st Sergeant, calls the members of the Housum Zouaves to meet on December 13th.Proceedings of the Franklin County Teacher's Institute
(Names in announcement: Henry Elliott)
(Column 03)Summary: The Franklin County Teacher's Institute met, selected officers, heard addresses on teaching, and discussed an essay on "Work and its Wages."Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. D. Townsend, D. Gaff, Lyman S. Clark, J. Henninger, W. C. McClelland, J. D. Gaff, Hockenberry, D. B. Mentzer, G. W. Heiges, D. B. Cline, A. McElwain)
(Column 04)Summary: Miss Ruth Beatty died in Green on December 4th. She was 80 years old and had been a member of Falling Spring Presbyterian Church for 33 years.Died
(Names in announcement: Ruth Beatty)
(Column 04)Summary: Susan Emma Bitner, daughter of Simon Bitner, died in Southampton on November 30th. She was 15 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Susan Emma Bitner, Simon Bitner)
(Column 04)Summary: Mrs. Agnes Kirkpatrick died near Dry Run on November 9th. She was 48 years old.
(Names in announcement: Agnes Kirkpatrick)
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