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Valley Spirit: January 26, 1870

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Carrying Concealed Weapons
(Column 01)
Summary: Calls for the legislature to pass a bill banning concealed weapons. Believes they are instigators of crime and a threat to the safety of the community.
Full Text of Article:

It is the duty of our State Legislature to enact a law against the practice of carrying concealed weapons. There never was a time, in the history of our country, when this practice prevailed to such an alarming extent as it does now. It is one of the most fruitful causes of crime. Men become engaged in conversation, get excited, then angry, a bitter war of words ensues, blows are exchanged, and then, one of the party draws a knife, or pistol, or some other weapon, and inflicts a dangerous, or, perhaps, fatal wound upon the other.

In our own County, we have men who go armed all the time with dangerous weapons. The "billy," the knife, the revolver are constantly carried by such fellows. The negroes of our town carry razors in the legs of their boots, which they do not hesitate to use on a light provocation.

There is no necessity for carrying these weapons for self defence. Prohibit all from carrying them and there will be no danger to anybody. Let the punishment be tolerably severe and this monstrous evil can be checked. All good citizens will unite in the attempt to suppress the practice, for it is fraught with great danger to the peace of every community. Let our Senator, or Representatives not allow the present Session to go by without an effort to pass a bill to punish this dangerous class of ruffians.

Go Up Higher
(Column 01)
Summary: Reports with dismay the number of states which have ratified the 15th amendment and the election of a black man as Senator from Mississippi. Asks Conservative Republicans how they feel about this turn of events.
Full Text of Article:

The Radicals are rapidly pushing the negro business to the farthest extreme. Not only is it announced that twenty-six States have ratified the article known as the fifteenth amendment, leaving only two to be supplied, but what is still more gratifying to Radical hearts, a genuine, full-blooded negro has been elected a United States Senator from the State of Mississippi. There is but one step higher, and that is to the Presidential Chair. No wonder that there is joy in the Radical camp. The name of this free American citizen Senator of African descent, is H. R. Revels. He has been elected for the term ending in 1870, and Governor Alcorn will then succeed him. General Ames has been elected for the term ending in 1875. Thus we have a negro and a military carpet-bagger elected as Senators from Mississippi. How do our Conservative friends of the opposition party relish this dose of "the nigger," after having laughed at our predictions to this effect as being foolish?

Couldn't Stand It
(Column 01)
Summary: Describes how blacks were given a post of honor at Geary's inauguration and how white firemen withdrew in disgust. Predicts that only worse will happen under present "fanaticism".
Full Text of Article:

Governor Geary was inaugurated for his second term last week. A regiment of negroes from Philadelphia was given the post of honor in the procession, and the white firemen of Harrisburg, numbering about five hundred, withdrew in disgust. Considerable discussion has arisen from this action, and the conduct of the managers of the ceremonies is greatly condemned, whilst that of the firemen is applauded. If we must endure the negro in the United States Senate, however, we must learn to endure him in processions and at the polls. This country has certainly been given over by Providence to the reign of a most horrible fanaticism.

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Bank Officers
(Column 01)
Summary: Officers were selected at the annual meeting of stockholders of the National Bank of Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: William McLellan, Ed Culbertson, B. F. Schneck, Samuel Linn, Bernard Wolf, George Immel, William Chambers)
(Column 01)
Summary: The Rev. Prof. Bowman of Dickinson College will preach at the First Methodist Church. He will also join Prof. Shumaker in addressing the Sunday School.
(Names in announcement: Prof. Shumaker)
A Surprise
(Column 01)
Summary: The congregation of the Lutheran Church surprised their pastor, the Rev. Mr. Gotwald, with a gift of $50 and a large number of provisions and housekeeping supplies.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Gotwald)
Lectures in Chambersburg
(Column 01)
Summary: The Rev. S. J. Niccolis of St. Louis will lecture in Chambersburg on relieving the needs of the poor. The proceeds will be donated to poor relief. John B. Gough will lecture on March 31st on "Peculiar People." Anna F. Dickinson will lecture on April 12th for the benefit of the Franklin County Monumental Society.
(Column 02)
Summary: The Rev. Mr. Burnham delivered a free lecture in the Court House on the doctrines of the Swedenborgians.
Jottings About Fannettsburg
(Column 02)
Summary: The town of Fannetsburg is busy constructing new buildings or improving old ones. John McAllen has added an iron front to his mansion for $1000. A number of large barns have gone up, and William S. McAllen has improved his building. The Fannettsburg Lyceum is drawing large crowds, and a successful revival was held in the M. E. Church that added 30 new members.
(Names in announcement: John McAllen, William S. McAllen)
United Brethren Conference
(Column 02)
Summary: The members of the United Brethren appointed a number of men to circuits in Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Z. A. Colestock, J. M. Bishop, S. A. Mower, J. P. Anthony, A. Tripner, J. C. Weidler, J. X. Quigly, J. S. Wentz, J. Fohl, G. Wagoner, H. E. Fulton, H. Brown, John Dickson)
Court Proceedings
(Column 02)
Summary: Gives very brief summaries of cases before the county court and verdicts handed down. Generally cases concern assault, robbery, or civil matters.
(Names in announcement: Henry Metcalfe, Franklin Kurtz, John Sites, Ferdinand Evans, Samuel Garner, Benjamin Jackson, John Spriggs, George Shough, Martin Ruthrauff, Samuel Gorman, Gilbert V. Valentine, Richard Straum, Jonah Shockey, Alice Gray, Susan Dorsey, Myers, Jeremiah McCreary, Calvin Plowden, Peter Pete, Ann Tarman, Michael Plum, Catharine Bahner, Susannah Mortz, Richard F. Wilson, John Boles, Margaret Ann Taylor, Falas Butler, Keyser, John King, William Keyser, William Trogler, Adela Martin, S. S. Hays, David Harper, John W. Sollenberger, Peter Cook, John B. Cook, Jacob B. Cook, C. W. Rhodes, John Kissecaner, John Wilson, William Malavery, W. S. Fletcher, Peter Brough, Daniel Trostle, C. C. Foltz)
Full Text of Article:

Com. vs. Henry Metcalfe. Adultery. Verdict, Not Guilty.

Com. vs. Franklin Kurtz and John Sites. Malicious mischief. Verdict guilty. Each sentenced to 4 months imprisonment in the county jail.

Com. vs. Franklin Kurtz. Disturbing religious meeting. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to two months in county jail from expiration of former sentence.

Com. vs. John Sites. Disturbing religious meeting. Verdict guilty. Same sentence as Kurtz's.

Com. vs. John Sites. Malicious mischief. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to two months in county jail from expiration of last sentence.

Com. vs. John Sites. Larceny. Verdict, Not Guilty.

Com. vs. Ferdinand Evans. Two bills.--Highway Robbery, and Assault and Battery with intent to kill. Deft. pleaded guilty. This is the case which we laid before our readers some time ago and which happened near Greencastle. Samuel Garner, while going from the latter place to his home (about a mile), was knocked down on the public highway and robbed of $117.--He was hurt between 9 and 10 o'clock at night, and did not reach home until two o'clock in the morning, having laid the most of that time in an insensible condition. The Deft. was arrested next day and over ninety dollars of the money and the pocket book were found in his possession. Sentenced to 9 years and 9 months imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary.

Com. vs. Benjamin Jackson. Assault and Battery on John Spriggs. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to six weeks in county jail.

Com. vs. George Shough, Martin Ruthrauff and Samuel Gorman. Riot and Assault and Battery. Ruthrauff has not been arrested yet. The other Defts. were tried and the verdict was not guilty, they to pay two-thirds of the costs, and the Prosecutor, Gilbert B. Valentine, the remaining one-third.

Com. vs. Richard Straum. Horse stealing. Deft. stole a horse, saddle and bridle from Jonah Shockey near Waynesboro', on the night of Dec. 4, 1869. Mr. S. recovered the horse in Berryville, Va., and arrested the thief there also. Deft. pleaded guilty, and the Court sentenced him to 4 years and 2 months imprisonment in Eastern Penitentiary.

Com. vs. A. E. Gray. Breaking into a house in day time with intent to commit a felony. Susan Dorsey, Prosecutrix. Verdict, not guilty.

Com. vs. Myers. Two bills. One for breaking into the house of Jeremiah McCarary with intent to commit a felony and the other for stealing certain personal property. Verdict guilty.

Com vs. Calvin Prodwell. Aggravated Assault and Battery on "Pigeon" Ferry. Verdict guilty.

Com. vs. Peter Pote. Malicious mischief. Verdict not guilty, Dr. Deli to pay four-fifths, and the Prosecutrix the remainder of the costs.

Cases in which a nolle prosequi was entered with leave of Court: Com. vs. Ann Tarman. Com. vs. Michael Plum. Com. vs. Catharine Bakner. Com vs. Susannah Moatz. Com. vs. Richard F. Wilson. Com. vs. John Bodes. Com. vs. Margaret Ann Taylor. Com. vs. Falas Butler. Com. vs. Reamer Keyser, et al. Com. vs. John King.

Reassigned: Com. vs. William Keyser. Com. vs. William Trogler. Com. vs. Adeila March. Com. vs. . Com. vs. S. S. Hays. Com. vs. David Harper. Com vs. Columbus Green. Com vs. Alice Gray. Com. vs. David Harper.

Proceedings in Civil Cases. The following cases were tried last week: John W. Sollenberger vs. Peter Cook, John B. Cook, Jacob B. Cook. Summons in Assumpsit on a promissory note. Verdict for Plff. for $827.43.

C. W. Rhodes and John Kissecaer, Executors of John Wilson, dec'd vs. William Malavery. Summons in Debt, on sealed bill. Verdict for Plff., $282.45.

The following case has been disposed of this week up to the time of going to press: W. S. Fletcher vs. Peter Brough, Daniel Trostle and C.C. Foltz. Summons in Assumpsit on promissory note. Confession of judgment by Defts. for $632.17.

Franklin County Horticultural Society
(Column 03)
Summary: The Franklin County Horticultural Society met and elected officers and appointed members to attend a meeting in Lancaster. A variety of fruits and vegetables were exhibited. All interested parties, including ladies, are invited to attend future meetings.
(Names in announcement: Alex W. Kyner, W. G. Reed, T. B. Jenkins, J. L. Suesserott, John Stouffer, W. D. Guthrie, E. B. Engle, Edward Culbertson, J. S. Nixon, J. G. Elder, Jacob Heyser, Charles F. Miller, James Linn, Tobias Martin, Joseph G. Cressler, Col. J. G. Elder, E. B. Engle, T. B. Jenkins, W. H. Boyle, W. S. Stenger, John Jeffries, Frank Henderson, J. S. Brand, J. P. Keefer, W. D. Guthrie, William Heyser, Dr. J. Hamilton, Charles Cressler, Dr. S. G. Lane, T. B. Jenkins)
(Column 05)
Summary: D. Smith Fahnestock and Miss Ellia M. Brandt, both of Chambersburg, were married on January 12th.
(Names in announcement: D. Smith Fahnestock, Ellia M. Brandt)
(Column 05)
Summary: Daniel Mentzer of Quincy and Miss Malinda Craft from Scotland, Franklin County, were married by the Rev. J. Fohl on January 2nd.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Mentzer, Malinda Craft, Rev. J. Fohl)
(Column 05)
Summary: George M. Bridges and Miss F. M. Miller, both of Shippensburg, were married at the residence of the bride's parents on January 13th by the Rev. James Harper, assisted by L. F. Kennedy.
(Names in announcement: George M. Bridges, Miss F. M. Miller, Rev. James Harper, L. F. Kennedy)
(Column 05)
Summary: Andrew H. Rice of Franklin and Miss Leah M. Quickel of Cumberland, were married near Newburg on January 11th by the Rev. J. M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: Andrew H. Rice, Leah M. Quickel, Rev. J. M. Bishop)
(Column 05)
Summary: Jane King died in Chambersburg on January 6th. She was 65 years old.
(Names in announcement: Jane King)
(Column 05)
Summary: Abraham Bricker died in Chambersburg on January 17th. He was 15 years old.
(Names in announcement: Abraham Bricker)
(Column 05)
Summary: Mrs. Mary Burns died near Greencastle on January 14th. She was 66 years old.
(Names in announcement: Mary Burns)
(Column 05)
Summary: N. P. Pearce died in Chambersburg on January 22nd. He was 54 years old.
(Names in announcement: N. P. Pearce)
(Column 05)
Summary: Hannah S. Wilhelm died near Fannettsburg on January 17th. She was 26 years old.
(Names in announcement: Hannah S. Wilhelm)

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