![]() Valley Spirit: February 9, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Fifteenth Amendment
(Column 01)Summary: Scathingly reports on the inevitable confirmation of the 15th amendment. Attacks it for violating the will of the people and states rights. Only hopes now that some day it will be condemned by like-minded men.
Full Text of Article:The Negro in the United States SenateGeorgia has ratified the Fifteenth Amendment, and it is claimed by the Radicals that this makes up the requisite number of States to establish it as the law of the land. It is doubtful, however, whether the Secretary of State will declare the amendment ratified by twenty-eight States in view of the fact that New York has withdrawn her consent, given by a former Legislature, and the further fact, that the ratification of Indiana was the act of less than a quorum of the members of its Legislature.
The proposition is in itself sufficiently startling, and the manner of its adoption so outrageously regardless of the true sentiment of the people, that he may well hesitate before he declares it ratified according to the forms of law. For instance, there is no sensible man, who has mingled largely with the people of this Commonwealth, who doubts, that, if the amendment had been submitted at any time in the past, or if it were summitted now, to them at the polls, it would have been, and would be now, overwhelmingly defeated. Negro suffrage has always been unpopular with our people and is no less so now. It is an act of fearful injustice to the people, therefore, for a Legislature elected without reference to this question at all to undertake to force this obnoxious doctrine upon a State whose people were up in arms against it and anxious to have an expression of opinion upon it, each one for himself. And so it was in many other States. Designing men have so arranged it that the people, who believe in a White man's government, could express their opinions at the ballot box, but were forced to submit to the action of men of their own party, who claimed to represent them by voting for this amendment, when, in reality, they knew that they would be representing their sentiments truly by voting against it. The amendment, even if ratified by twenty-eight Legislatures is not the work of the people. It is simply a successful piece of political chicanery, having its origin in the minds of wicked aspirants for power, who thought they saw in this measure an opportunity to push their fanaticism, and, at the same time insure the ascendancy of their party for many years to come.
Our State constitution contains the word white as one of the qualifications of a voter within this Commonwealth. That same constitution provided the process of its amendment. It is difficult for a Pennsylvanian to see how the Fifteenth Amendment can operate so as to enfranchise the negro, in this State until our State constitution is altered according to its own provisions. The Radicals do not hesitate to violate the forms of law, however, and the amendment will be declared binding upon all the States whenever the Secretary of State issues his proclamation asserting that the ratification of twenty-eight States has been procured.
Then, too, there is the other objection, that the assent of the Southern States has been procured by force and fraud. It is an outrage that the American people should not tolerate, that the fundamental law of their republic should be thus changed so vitally by compulsory measures applied to certain States of the Union. Perhaps, some day, these questions may be raised before a competent and fearless tribunal and this scandalous proceeding receive the condemnation that it so richly merits. Meanwhile, we presume, the negro will vote, and be elected to office.
(Column 02)Summary: Quotes from a Republican paper on the acceptance of Hiram Revels in the Senate. He received warm introduction from most Republican senators but some bystanders and upper South Senators only looked on with horror. Generally a positive tone.
Full Text of Article:Tax! Tax! Tax!The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of the 2nd instant, gives the following account of the reception extended to the negro Senator from Mississippi when he presented himself in the Senate on that day. We commend it to those who rejoice in the elevation of the black man to such a position of honor and trust:--"Revels, the Mississippi Senator, the first representative of his race and color chosen to fill a seat in the upper branch of the national legislature, made his appearance again to-day on the floor of the Senate. Revels was dressed in a black suit of fine cloth, coat very long and clerical like, and pants and vest of corresponding proportion. He wore dark gloves, also, and carried a mulatto colored stick. The distinguished darkey made quite a sensation. The moment he came into the Senate Chamber and took his seat on one of the luxurious lounges, several Senators hurried over to him, shook him warmly by the hand and welcomed him to his new field of labor. Charles Sumner was among the first to offer, in very hearty style, smiling all over and saying a quantity of very pretty things, which the colored Senator heard with genuine pleasure. It was a spectacle worth looking at to see Sumner and Revels, thus practically illustrating the idea of political and social equality. Thayer, Chandler, Howard, Cameron, Warner, Spencer, Drake, Lewis, Howe and other Senators paid their respects. Cameron had quite a talk with Revels. Spencer, of Alabama, sat down with Revels, and, while making his congratulations, took a full survey of the ladies in the gallery, who were looking down upon the scene, some with pleasure and others with astonishment and horror. Spencer, you must know, is a great favorite with the ladies. An effort was made to get fiery little Garret Davis to allow himself to be led into the presence of Revels for introduction, but the live Kentuckian could not see it; neither could McCreery, colleague of Davis, who clings to the old time prejudices with true ante bellum tenacity."
(Column 02)Summary: Prints an article which shows how Republicans are apt to continue high taxes because Grant is thinking about making Internal Revenue a cabinet position. Recognizes Republicans have the power to do this but predicts it won't last long. Promises that Democrats will sweep out all trace of internal revenue taxes once elected.
Origin of Article: Pomeroy's DemocratFull Text of Article:The Chinese ImmigrantsThe Republicans evidently calculate on an eternity of taxation. Mr. Grant's administration is determined to push the scheme of converting the Commissioner of Internal Revenue into a cabinet officer, with a proportionate increase of salary and dignity. This means that there are to be more taxes, and more officials. At the very time when people look for, and have a right to expect a reduction of taxation, and the discharge of at least a portion of the officials who are fattening at their expense, they are met by a plan that involves a perpetuation of taxes and an increase of tax-gatherers.
The Radicals have the majority in Congress just now. They have the power, and they will probably exercise it, to push this measure through. But we predict that the new Secretary of Internal Revenue will be the shortest-lived Cabinet official that has ever been known. His official existence may continue until the inauguration of the next President, although it may terminate with the first session of the new Congress that is to be elected next fall. The signs are unmistakable that the people are heartily sick of Grant and all his consequences--brothers-in-law included.
When the Democracy comes into power it will make a clean sweep of the whole brood of tax collectors, and effect a thorough reform of our tax system. Even the skeleton of the new Cabinet Minister will not be left to mark the vanity of Republican hopes of everlasting taxes.
In the meantime Grant and the Republicans may go on crowding tax-gatherers into the Cabinet, Custom-house, and every other place where a cent can be wrung out of the people.
But it will be pleasant work for Democrats to bowl them all over some of these days.
In the meantime, however, we must all grin and bear it.---Pomeroy's Democrat.
(Column 03)Summary: This article calls attention to the increasing number of Chinese immigrants coming to the United States. The "influx" of "heathen idolaters" is a problem that must be addressed. While European immigrants are always welcome, America should not "open wide the floodgates by tapping this endless horde of Chinese Pagans."
Origin of Article: Annapolis Republican
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(Column 01)Summary: The Rev. S. J. Nicolls, former pastor of Chambersburg's Presbyterian Church, will give a lecture in Repository Hall on February 14th to raise money to benefit the poor.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. J. Nicolls)
(Column 01)Summary: The Rev. J. G. Schaff will deliver an address at the Court House on Friday. "It will be mainly devoted to the question of the destiny of the wicked, particularly to an examination of those Texts of Scripture which are supposed to contradict his position in relation thereto."Director of the Poor
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. G. Schaff)
(Column 01)Summary: Frederick Long was sworn in as Director of the Poor in place of the retiring Mr. Heintzelman. The following officers will be installed: Samuel Brandt, steward; Dr. William H. Boyle, physician; John R. Orr, attorney and clerk.Knights of Pythias
(Names in announcement: Frederick Long, Heintzelman, Samuel Brandt, Dr. William H. Boyle, John R. Orr)
(Column 01)Summary: A group of Fayetteville citizens have secured a charter to establish a lodge of the Knights of Pythias. "This Order is making rapid strides in advancement, and if a rigid examination is made as to the character and standing of all applicants for membership, it is destined to become the first benevolent institution in the United States."Lecture
(Column 02)Summary: The Rev. John Lloyd of Orrstown delivered an amusing lecture on the "Irish Character" in the Greenvillage Lyceum on Friday.Religious Meetings
(Names in announcement: Rev. John Lloyd)
(Column 02)Summary: J. G. Schaff announces a full schedule of speaking engagements throughout Augusta County. He plans to "preach Jesus and the Resurrection."United American Mechanics
(Names in announcement: J. G. Schaff)
(Column 02)Summary: A council of the United American Mechanics will be formed in Chambersburg. About 28 members have already joined. They state that their object is "to assist each other in obtaining employment; to encourage each other in business in preference to others; to establish a sick and funeral fund; to assist in establishing a general fund for the relief of widows and orphans of deceased members, and to aid members who, through Providence, may become incapacitated from following their usual avocations, in obtaining situations suitable to their afflictions." Interested persons can call on George Wood.
(Names in announcement: George Wood)Origin of Article: OpinionFranklin Co. Horticultural Society
(Column 02)Summary: A meeting of the Franklin County Horticultural Society was held on February 1st. Eighteen members were present, including three ladies. A number of fruits and vegetables were exhibited.Court Proceedings
(Names in announcement: President Suesserott, Rev. P. S. Davis, Jenkins, Maj. Crawford, Jeremiah George, E. B. Engle)
(Column 02)Summary: Gives brief summaries of cases before a special session of county court and the verdicts reached. Mostly small claims cases.
(Names in announcement: Judge Rowe, Jacob B. Cook, Jesse Kean, Charles W. Lego, Levi Sanders, David Miller, David MillerJr., John Miley, John Wade, Jacob Kyler, Jacob Heisy, David Guyer, William Forbes, Alexander E. McDowell, Peter Brough, Samuel F. Greenawalt, John A. Brough, M. G. Huff, F. C. Weidlich, S. M. Armstrong, Jacob Lantz, Jacob Lemaster, William Gelwicks, W. C. McNulty, Samuel Lesher)Full Text of Article:MarriedThe Special Term of Court which began on the 31st ult. continued all last week until Saturday evening, His Honor, Judge Rowe, presiding.
Jacob B. Cook vs. Jesse Kean, Sr. Appeal by Deft. from the judgment of Charles W. Lego, Esq., for $28.78. Verdict for Plff. for $44.52.
Levi Sanders vs. David Miller and David Miller, Jr. Summons in Debt on a Promissory Note. Verdict for $27.
John Miley vs. John Wade. Ejectment for a tract of land in Quincy township containing three acres, with a two-story dwelling house and other buildings thereon erected. Jury discharged, having failed to agree.
Jacob Kyler vs. Jacob Heisy and wife. Sci. Fa. sur Mechanics' Lien. Settled by a confession of judgment by Defts. for $62 and one-half the costs.
David Guyer vs. William Forbes. Summons in Assumpsit for lumber furnished to Deft. as builder of a School House in Letterkenny township. Jury dischared, having failed to agree.
Alexander E. McDowell vs. Peter Brough, Samuel F. Greenawalt and John A. Brough. Summons in Assumpsit founded on a promissory note. Verdict for Plff. for $5442.38.
M. G. Huff vs. F. C. Weidlich. Appeal by Deft. from the judgment of S. M. Armstrong, Esq. for $55.81. Verdict for Plff. for $50.81
Jacob Laniz and wife vs. Jacob Lemaster. Summons case sur Slander. Verdict for Plff. for $200.
Wm. Gelwicks, Assignee of W. C. McNulty in Bankruptcy vs. Samuel Lesher.--Summons in Assumpsit on a promissory note. Verdict for defendant.
(Column 04)Summary: George E. Flora and Sophia C. Lethers, both of Maryland, were married in Waynesboro at Bowden House on January 27th by the Rev. A. Burhman.Married
(Names in announcement: George E. Flora, Sophia C. Lethers, Rev. A. Burhman)
(Column 04)Summary: Edward Moats and Miss Teannah Burger, both of Tomstown, Franklin County, were married on January 27th by the Rev. H. H. B. Hibshman.Married
(Names in announcement: Edward Moats, Teannah Burger, H. H. B. Hibshman)
(Column 04)Summary: John Kane and Miss Jennie C. Reisaner, both from near Fayetteville, were married by the Rev. J. Fohl on February 1st.Married
(Names in announcement: John Kane, Jennie C. Reisaner, Rev. J. Fohl)
(Column 04)Summary: Abraham R. Kohler and Miss Lydia A. Kohler, both of Maryland, were married at Hay's Hotel in Greencastle by the Rev. J. M. Bishop on February 1st.Married
(Names in announcement: Abraham R. Kohler, Lydia A. Kohler, Rev. J. M. Bishop)
(Column 04)Summary: William H. Bushnell of Illinois and Miss M. Alice McNair, formerly of Chambersburg, were married in Illinois on December 23rd by the Rev. Robert Proctor.Died
(Names in announcement: William H. Bushnell, M. Alice McNair, Rev. Robert Proctor)
(Column 04)Summary: Mrs. Leah A. Valentine died near Greencastle on January 30th.Died
(Names in announcement: Leah A. Valentine)
(Column 04)Summary: Miss Mary E. Fisher died in Chambersburg on February 1st. She was 35 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Mary E. Fisher)
(Column 04)Summary: Miss Kate Kindline died in Chambersburg on February 4th.Died
(Names in announcement: Kate Kindline)
(Column 04)Summary: Frank Miller died in Chambersburg on February 4th. He was 22 years old.
(Names in announcement: Frank Miller)
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